Concluding thoughts-so incredibly well said!! Biden is the surrogate for Democracy. And by the way, those who are looking for permission to vote against the long term interests of democracy will leave us and the rest of the planet in that same world on November 5th.

Someone told me yesterday that politics made them nervous and all they could do is just vote. They asked whether I thought that was enough in 2024. I told them their vote is very important, but that this moment calls for more. I told him that we are fighting for democracy in this country and for others around the world. This is our moment and Trump and the Republicans mean it. I pointed out that many are already suffering in this country-women without healthcare, LGBTQ and so many others and that this will become nationwide.

I told him not to put this in terms of “politics” which is dismissive and easy to walk away from. Instead, he should put this fight in terms of democracy and autocracy because that is what it is.

He is ready to go to work.

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Theressa, all good points, but especially this: I told them their vote is very important, but that this moment calls for more.

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Theressa, you have been just as eloquent as Robert has in this newsletter. Well said!

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I agree! Brava, Theresa!!!

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I've responded similarly to people who try to evade participation in politics by demeaning it. And, I add that politics is fortunately or unfortunately, our national language -- as it is everywhere there are human beings in community -- and if we stay out of the conversation, we're not involved enough in that community. (Or, something like that). Your approach was really better ...

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This comment of yours made me smile, Theresa. Thank you!

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Thank you. Nice to start the day out that way! One person at a time! I think that I learned that maybe I need to wait to be asked that question instead of putting it on someone. So far, I have gotten my husband on board to do work and my son who is super shy but he is signing on to do what he does best for grassroots - web development. Pretty proud of him!

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I respectfully disagree. Today's concluding thoughts imply taking the admin to task over the Middle East war is nitpicking, and if Biden is going to win no words of serious criticism should be spoken. Don't rock the boat! Then just what kind of democracy are we aiming for? One that believes that if a democrat says the moon is made of cheese we should all try to eat it? In my comments I expressed concern over the war's impact on Black and young voter turnout in November; the next day the NYT ran a front page story on growing opposition within Black churches against the admin's continuing embrace of Netanyahu's Nabka against Palestinians. (no mention of that here). I believe we can and must speak out against what is happening in Gaza in order to secure a Biden victory and removal of Israel's Trump from office. It's not too late for the admin to change its course and months remain before the election, but Americans must raise their voices against the carnage of innocent human beings to put pressure for such a change. And yes, that applies to Congressional leaders.

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John, please. I said no such things in the newsletter. I didn't say we can't fight for policy objectives. Don't look to pick fights where there are none to be found. I said we shouldn't personalize it to Joe Biden in a way that encourages or gives people permission to vote against him. Go back and read what I wrote and you will see I acknowledge that people have the right to disagree with the administration.

If all you are doing is "expressing concern" about the war's impact on Black and young voters", you are part of the problem. It is not enough to express concern. You must help elect Joe Biden despite your concerns. Otherwise, your criticism will help Trump's victory, which will suppress and oppress Black and young voters, women and children, LGBTQ people, Muslims, immigrants, and more. Clearly, that is not the result you want.

Try to change administration policy all you want in any way you want. But don't limit your activism to criticism. Do something.

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If people want a policy change and don’t support Biden (despite disagreements), they will get policy change from chump/putnik, on day one. No war, just capitulation, chump style.

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I did not say anything about not voting for Biden. In fact I defend him vigorously against friends who complain about his age or trash him over the border. So take a deep breath and relax please.

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Back at you.

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Theresa, You done good! I am planning to send out a two page piece to my friends that provides them with links and information on a number of sources to get involved. Simply making it available to them, not telling them what to do while trying to set an example. You have done just that by speaking to your friend. We must find and use our voice throughout 2024. Thank you.

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John, you do really well also! I have done that as well - sending out emails with that info. I often send out Jess Craven's Sunday rundown of good things that happened that week with highlights with a reminder of that many of those happened because of the hard work many put in. Trying to put it gently. I try to end it with something really sweet like babies hearing for the first time due to new tech so the push isn't too hard.

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Excellent newsletter today, Robert! As usual, I was most moved by your Concluding Thoughts. Too many people are blinded by their reaction to a few missteps or a few misalignments with their personal views and lose sight of the big picture. Many become so exercised about one thing that they become single issue voters. They fail to realize the biggest single issue - that the Republican Party is no longer interested in or capable of protecting or advancing our interests.

The fact that President Biden occasionally makes mistakes or takes positions that may not be popular with those who otherwise support him should not be cause for concern. Mistakes are often made when taking necessary risks. Progress demands risk, and serving the greater good requires compromise, and President Biden understands that.

As I've written in several comments here and on other Substacks recently, one thing that distinguishes President Biden from the other guy is respect. President Biden has earned it while his opponent demands it. We should respect Joe Biden's commitment to doing what he believes is best for the majority of Americans, regardless of their political affiliation, and condemn the man who is committed only to what he perceives to be in his own self-interest. We need to show our respect not by blindly following President Biden, but by supporting him positively. Something as simple as using "President" as often as practical with Biden's name, and never using it and seldom using the name of the other guy is one way we can all show the difference.

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Everyday President Biden demonstrates empathy, compassion and honesty along with a deep understanding of how government works and foreign policy. He also demonstrates he is human and makes mistakes.

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Nice distillation, Stephen! A bit much for a bumper sticker though. Maybe something like this: "Joe Biden - for Goodness Sake!"

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How about Joe Biden -He is not a joke

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Love it!

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Love it. Tee shirts also

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Great blurb

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Another thought to add: He's worked hard every day for the last three years doing the job we asked him to do. Now it's appropriate for him to shift gears and focus more on his reelection so he can finish the job. It's our job to support that effort. His opponent never stopped running for election, and never started doing the job he got himself elected to.

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One of the challenges of being president is that people praise or (mostly) blame you for solving problems. But the president often faces challenges that aren’t currently solvable. President Biden must do his best with the cards he was dealt. With immigration, he faces unyielding resistance from the MAGAfied GOP. Without the votes, he can’t put his signature to new policies or fund them. Today a NY Times “analysis” blamed President Biden for failing at the border -- they used the word “failed” twice. And they did they after listing an accurate array of insurmountable obstacles. I penned an LTE because there was no comments section offered to the “analysis.” I’m sure my submission was one among many, so let’s keep letting MSM know when they fail us.

People may not like his attempts to negotiate a border policy, yet what President Biden chooses is his best attempt to find something enough people will vote for to get something done. It’s not close the the program he would advocate without opposition. Then Twitler stepped into the picture and froze the GOP senators in place. President Biden has failed? Not exactly.

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Yes, Robert's newsletter is inspiring and a great reminder of the work ahead.

I especially enjoyed comments about Taylor Swift. The possibility of her endorsement of President Biden puts a ray of sunshine on the weeks ahead ... and for me, a smile on my face.

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More celebs should be calling out young people to vote. Taylor Swift should not be left on stage alone.

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A lot of them will get there, but it's early going yet. The general attention span is limited and we have 8 months of infrastructure building before the get out the vote push starts. When Taylor says "go vote" her fans will be looking for a ballot to mark, not a space to note on the calendar.

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I was going to comment about Taylor Swift, but I'd gone on long enough. I hope she endorses him, but I hope she stays in her lane. Several celebs try to use their fame to make a statement, and wind up hurting themselves and their cause (think Aaron Rogers). I was thrilled when she used her influence to get young voting age fans to register.

Endorsing President Biden by talking about what a good man he is and how he works every day for all of us would be great. I think her fans would respond to that. And I hope she continues to encourage kids to register when they're eligible.

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Taylor is smart, creative and guided by two parents who don’t tell her what to do but listen, weigh in, show confidence in her. If you get the opportunity to watch Miss Americana, assuming you may not have, definitely do so.

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Me too! I also loved that David Letterman is being supportive of her & her beau, telling people that she is a shining light of goodness (or words to that effect) in a rather ugly world, and people should be happy for them. We all need those smiles. I really hope she does endorse President Biden!

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“ President Biden has earned it [respect] while his opponent demands it.” –

Not exactly: Biden’s opponent demands *blind, unquestioning loyalty*, not respect.

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True, I took a little poetic license. I wouldn't even call it, "loyalty." I'd call it, "fealty." As humans, we're endowed with the incomparable ability to think for ourselves. It's incomprehensible how many people refuse to do so.

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People who make such extreme statements as you listed (accusing you of being a “particularly rabid arm of the DNC” for defending Joe Biden’s handling of the immigration crisis, and of being “complicit” in genocide for not condemning Biden for not being more forceful in his criticisms of Netanyahu’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war)" have lost sight of the ultimate goal in our efforts to save democracy and prevent a dictatorship. If their blinders are firmly welded onto their heads and they are unable to accept the current reality, there is not much more we can say to change their thinking. If they have been reading you all along and still at this late date cannot come to grips with reality, better to let them retreat into their echo chamber, and continue as you have been doing with the rest of us.

I appreciate your steady and consistent encouragement balanced with your appraisal and insights about current events, and also appreciate the community you've built here with almost all of us rowing in the same direction towards saving democracy. (Assuming that like everywhere else, there may be a few trolls among us.)

You summed it up here: "We are in a struggle for the hearts and minds of persuadable independents and disenchanted Republicans looking for a reason to vote against Trump."

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Like Janice, I too appreciate the community of readers that Robert has brought together by writing this newsletter. In fact, I look forward every day to reading what Robert and others have to say. I didn't expect this, but I truly love it!

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JustJanice: “If their blinders are firmly welded onto their heads and they are unable to accept the current reality, there is not much more we can say to change their thinking.” Isn’t it fascinating that this is precisely what is said about far right Christofascists?! That both are unreachable. I don’t have a solution (certainly not for reaching the devout MAGA crowd), but that this group of left-leaners can’t see what must be done (giving Pres. Biden their vote)--that’s hard to hold. I hate the devastation in Gaza too. If we want to help it in any way, we must still be a democracy in January 2025.

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Before I get too upset and wanna blow off steam at Joe, I ask myself, "What Would Trump Do?" To this day I can't think of anything Trump would do that would be better than what Joe does. It always calms me down as Trump will always do the wrong thing....always.

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So much was covered in today's newsletter. I love your rebuttal to the reader, and I take it to heart myself. Thanks for the reminder! I am completely pro-Biden! I'm so desperate for him to win that I was wishing the messaging was better. However, I truly love the Biden we are seeing right now! And I think he is on the right path. It's even becoming apparent to many people, again, myself included, that the lives of regular people are improving day by day. That was a major concern of mine, not because I thought he wasn't doing enough, but because the "better economy" hadn't reached most of the middle class. I had faith that it would, in time.

But you remind us all to be POSITIVE about Joe Biden. We need to feel that to express it to others!!!

Thank you, once again, for an incredibly insightful newsletter!. And Jane Austen would have loved the way you ended your comment, by calling him "Dear Reader!"

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I was heartened after reading the NYT article Robert referenced today !⬇️

“To rally the growing number of voters who do not consume news through traditional media, the campaign is trying to reach them on social media, with videos from influencers and even those with smaller followings.

During a stop in North Carolina this month, Mr. Biden made an hourlong visit to the home of a supporter who had his student loans canceled through a federal program. The man’s son later posted a video of Mr. Biden’s visit on TikTok, which drew millions of views — a template for how the campaign hopes to reach voters in new ways.

The campaign has begun discussions with celebrities and social media stars about promoting Mr. Biden on Instagram and TikTok. “

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This is true in a big way: To rally the growing number of voters who do not consume news through traditional media, the campaign is trying to reach them on social media, with videos from influencers and even those with smaller followings.

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Remember the race is a marathon not a sprint.

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Exactly right. Social media is going to be critical for President Biden to reach younger citizens. He (his office) has already hosted several gatherings of social media news people/thought leaders. So clever. One of these folks, V from “Under the Desk News” (on Instagram and TikTok) urges their following to “diversify their news sources”. Good advice (for newsprint and MSM online readers to check out social media news sources too!), and amen!!

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It's going to be awesome!

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One of my favorite quotes: “I think of voting as a chess move, not a valentine” -Rebecca Solnit

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That's my favorite, as well, and I use it often when writing posts to friends who are "on the fence".

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I appreciate the strong statement in the concluding remarks. I also would like to point out that the "youth vote," or the "Latinx/a/o vote," or the "Black vote," or the "Muslim vote," or the "Jewish vote" are not real things! There are people who identify with each group, and they vote differently given their circumstances. This is even true of "college educated voters." So, we all need to understand that Biden is an experienced statesman who is bringing his full skills and craft to running our country, and under his leadership our country is thriving. The border situation has a bill, which probably only Biden can get passed, which is more than the last presidents have done. Once a bill exists it can be modified as the situation calls for. This appears to be a time in the world when many wealthy countries feel overwhelmed by all of the people who are clamoring to enter their countries. However, we have to acknowledge that so many are coming because of policies our country, (particularly those in Red states) has supported which has led to climate disasters that upset people's way of living, even if they themselves are barely contributing to the things that are distressing our planet. This then leads to other problems. We also create a huge wealthy market for drugs, so they will end up here. Money into drug education is not overflowing and money for the social problems that lead people to self medicate is blocked by Red States for the most part too. We could have a bigger budget that addresses more of these causes if we could collect more money from our wealthiest citizens, which means funding the IRS. There are so many working parts to each situation, and Biden seems to have it in his grasp. We know that Trump is not capable of completing a coherent sentence, let alone grasp the probably short and long term impacts of decisions taken. Trump behaves in a very ADHD and OCD manner. he is extremely impulsive and perseverates on themes when he should let go. Untreated, these are both hinderances to his ability to function well. In contrast, Biden has managed to support Ukraine, until tantruming Republican sheep have blocked funding, and I am sure he is working on a workaround. I know he is meeting with German Chancellor Scholz this week, who is influential in the EU, whose countries are trying to figure out how they can support Ukraine on their own, especially given that they have large blocks of right wing voters who are against this. Biden has also skillfully managed the border crisis at every turn and I believe he will continue to do so. He is also continuing to manage an explosive situation in the Middle East, where 3 US soldiers have gotten killed in an unfortunate situation where our intelligence was befuddled by both our friendly returning drone, and the hostile drone sent by Houthis. I assume this will be adjusted for in military decision making. An appropriate response is going to be a lessor of bad actions, a best action possible in this case. I do not have to agree with everything that Biden has done, or does, or the order in which he does things to know that he is the best president in my lifetime. I also know that I do not know all of the moving parts behind decisions, and accept that the best one is being made as it is seen by our decision makers in charge. I cannot believe this with Trump in charge for anything that happens. I was pleasantly surprised during the beginning of the pandemic though when Trump and Republicans supported monies for families, businesses and children. I felt, "oh we are looking like the rest of the wealthy nations." This though was soon dashed by his get back to business, the stock market runs the country. By that thinking Trump should be endorsing Biden too. He needs his stocks to soar to make up for all of the money he is losing in his legal battles.

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Hi, Linda. I agree with your observation that we should not reduce voters to demographic categories. I was responding to readers--like John Marksbury above--who criticize Biden by saying, "You are going to lose the youth vote, Black vote, etc." It is used as a threat against those of who understand that for this moment in time, we need to rally around Joe Biden.

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Hi Robert, I was responding to them too when I said that, since you mentioned that you get those sorts of comments.

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Trump's holdings are a house of cards ready to collapse.

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I agree! And, I think everyone that has ever been owed anything by Donald Trump should file a class action suit to get paid. Adding to his stress will push him over the edge that much faster. Of course he has his offspring to manage things when he finally totally melts down. But there is always the little guy who would probably be willing to fund a go-fund-me from Trump, but it will have to be more than a dollar apiece, because last time I checked, he did not have that many voters in the last two times around. Of course, we will see how many billionaires want to back his shit! Biden is handling so many complex crises all at once that Trump could not stay alert long enough to grasp. Biden gets to be the candidate that claims 12 years of experience in the White House and experience is what it takes.

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Great ideas. Another class action waiting to happen (since 2016 or before) is one by people who have received death threats and threats to their families after incitement by that man and his mouthpieces. So many of those targeted quietly left the public scene, some having to move out of their homes, many hiring protection.

Death threats are not free speech, are they? They may constitute the crime of assault, right?

Members of this particular class could pool information in order to trace the sources of the threats and uncover those who direct, encourage and facilitate the making of threats. The fact that such counter-threat activities were on-going might also act as a deterrent.

Bullies don't stop until they're stood up to, scary as that may seem to an individual. But one hopes that there's safety in numbers. And publicity. And gathering information that could be used in civil and criminal actions.

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That would definitely be another group that should be filing a class action lawsuit.

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Great idea. Trump kids are not so public recently.

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Frankdom, After you said, "Trump's holdings are a house of cards ready to collapse." I looked up how Trump could afford to own all of those hotels this is what a Business Insider article suggested that Trump has all of these hotels as a money laundering operation. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-do-trump-golf-resorts-lose-millions-dollars-every-year-2021-5

I remember having that understanding a while ago, and then because he has been so noxious, it left my mind. Now that he is having to put up collateral I would like to follow the money. We know so much of it comes from getting foreign despots to pay big sums to stay in his hotels in exchange for favors.

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Linda Weide. You are on the right track with a few caveats.

My take is all Trump properties have huge loans against the asset. So if whatever provides cash flow slows he is in trouble. Trumps cashflow is based on favors he can pass around. Like being on a tightrope if he slips the fall is painful and all the while it is nerve-racking. This worked for him for decades and now the world is catching up. The unknown is how much Jared Kushner will enable him with the two billion he received from the Saudi bone sawer.

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Frankdom, I understood Trump to be funding his life with his campaign coffers. However, my reason in looking up his funding is that I wanted to find who is backing these investments with collateral. Is it Putin? The article implies that his investments are money laundering for Russian assets. I would really like someone to follow that money. I also have said that if he is counting on his MAGA faithful to fund him with a go-fund-me he had better hope they can afford to give more than a dollar, because he does not have enough voters who support him to cover his debt with a buck-a-piece.

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Linda, well written! Especially this: “ I also know that I do not know all of the moving parts behind decisions, and accept that the best one is being made as it is seen by our decision makers in charge.” Although some days I interchange a period, an exclamation mark, and a question mark as the final punctuation. I alternate between wishing there was much more transparency in government, and relief that there isn’t.

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And I realize that, despite the punctuation change, agree with 100% of Pres. Biden’s moves or not, if the choice is Go/ No Go on Joe Biden, as many of us as possible must be “Go”.

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I think Nikki Haley is staying in the race because she believes at some point Trump may be forced off the ballot due to a felony conviction, too many huge civil judgments or a serious medical event. At that point, Nikki is the only other Republican candidate left standing to run against Biden.

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I hope you are right. Defeating Trump is our primary objective. If we need to pivot that defeating Haley, we can do so.

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If Nikki turns out to be the Republican nominee, all we will have to do is replay the Trump attack ads about her. It could turn out to be a fairly low-cost ad campaign for President Biden.

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MAGAs won't want her, but they won't vote for Biden. My money is them shifting to Kennedy who my mom's anti-vaccing, German Die Linke (the Left) party friend told me she found interesting. I quickly shut that down. I try to stay out of contentious politics with her, but I had to tell her what a racist, sexist piece of S--T! he is. I read today that he is considering running as a Libertarian. You should read what Thom Hartmann has to say about the history of Libertarianism today in his Substack. https://hartmannreport.com/p/will-the-us-and-argentine-flirtation-656/comments

So, that does not make me think people will vote for Haley, and if Kennedy runs as a libertarian the other third party candidate who might take from Biden is Cornell West. I assume he will get the really left vote who would not have voted for Biden anyway. The less Left will probably vote for Biden, because they will get a more left agenda with him than with Trump!

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The z generation will have none of Haley or Kennedy. If we get out the vote with young folk we are clear sailing.

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Jan 30
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On a limb here. Maga don't like women.

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I agree. And she's pretty darn effective in taking Trump down! I don't like her otherwise because she has revealed her true self with statements like ,"America has never been racist," and she would vote for Trump if he were the nominee. She seems to say what she thinks will help her at any moment!

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In grad school I was taught that there are 2 kinds of stress. Distress, which is the bad stress, and Eustress which makes you more achieve more. Nikki Haley is helping to keep Trump's distress level up, and I am glad, whereas the Maggots that follow him elevate his Eustress. I have been saying that all along that Haley is betting on being the last candidate standing in the Republican lineup. Clearly the Koch family foundation is betting on that too, and they want access. Since Haley has the inside track on Republican goings on, I can imagine that she is hearing a lot more stuff about Trump's problems than we are with our piddling press! I say we should be piling it on, because with all of his lawsuits Trump is getting distressed. All of the competition is distressing him too. It would be a great time to get together a class action lawsuit from all of the people who are owed money by Trump. I read a piece today in Business Insider on his assets after wondering how he could afford to fund so many hotels. Here it is. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-do-trump-golf-resorts-lose-millions-dollars-every-year-2021-5

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Part of her courage (audacity) comes from a strong "salting" of money from right wing wealthy donors. That's not to say I don't appreciate her invectives, which are so true, but without the help of the puppet masters she too, would not endure. Someone, at least, made the decision that Nikki is the most sane of the top candidates, all who have seen their approval (donor dollars) diminish. Trump's usefulness to the party is waning.

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I agree completely with your evaluation of the need to support Biden and defeat Trump. And, truthfully, as you and many others have pointed out, supporting Biden isn't necessary only to defeat Trump because Biden has actually been a very good president. Which no one, including myself, ever expected. The facts are clear that he's done pretty amazing things in a very very complex and often hostile environment. Do I agree with everything he's done? No. Do I wish he'd do more on climate and racism? Absolutely. That doesn't change the bottom line. People who continue to pick away at the scabs and delight in the subsequent bleeding are, in my opinion and from my 75 (feeling very long this morning) years as a human being -- are being unrealistic and are asking literally the impossible from Biden. They would, I suspect, do the same for any presidential candidate and be disappointed in anyone. That's too bad since none of us is perfect and many of us do the best we can. Biden is herding a gigantic chaotic cloud of angry/stupid/bewildered/frightened cats and doing a pretty damn good job of it. IMO.

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Robert, As you know there are many arms that know they must be rabid about saving our Democracy and that volunteer led Grassroots groups are probably the most undervalued among them. You have been an incredibly strong advocate for the power we bring to the effort. When you appeared on Sundays For Suozzi I know you picked up on the enormous energy generated when campaigns work closely with the grassroots coalition. So, if anyone in the Democratic Party structure would like to actively engage directly with this group of rabid patriots, please reach out to me susandwagner3@gmail.com. The Grassroots Collaboration Project represents a coalition of grassroots groups that have the muscle and wherewithal to be significant players in our fight to save democracy. Robert can vouch for us.

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Susan, I was at the Grassroots Zoom and signed up for the next event. I will be reaching out to you directly about an idea I have which was germinated from a Lucid Zoom with Ruth Ben-Ghiat.

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My husband, a Vietnam veteran, and I were talking last night about how glad we were that President Biden, not Trump, is in charge after this horrific attack on our military. We also discussed that mistakes happen in war; our service members err and death may result. War is awful, but we are thankful to have a wise, measured, commander-in-chief and competent men and women making these difficult decisions.

Again, for my Texas colleagues, I am finding this postcard enthusiastically welcomed by free libraries and have been encouraged to ask retail establishments to post as well, which I will! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-mFdh8jyH9S4vf-zSASdNIbjMk85SDo-U0Q2okt7yJA/edit.

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Hi, Cathy. Any chance you could write two short paragraphs about the postcard at the link so I can share tonight? Write to me at rhubbell@outlook.com

Also, the image at the link is not "editable." Is there a way to make it shareable / downloadable. (Apologies if I am missing something.)

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Cathy, that Register To Vote postcard would also be great as a bumper sticker !

I have one on my car in Fl.🚙

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This is fabulous! Did you purchase/receive from a particular organization?

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I received it from a Florida non-profit voting rights org, after a donation, so it’s designed for Florida voters. Several years ago I ordered bumper stickers online ( trying to get my neighbors to clean up dog🐾 poo in their own neighborhood… aargh)

I belong to an activist group and one of the members mentioned she was going to make her own. You could probably get the bumper sticker paper on Amazon.

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Very helpful. Thanks.

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That is such a terrific idea, Cathy!

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Thank you Robert for your closing paragraphs. Readers expressing displeasure with Joe Biden have every right to do so. But, come November, if you don't vote for Biden, you're voting for Trump. If you vote for RFK Jr. or Cornel West, you're voting for Trump. If you dwell on Biden's shortcomings and don't vote at all, you're voting for Trump. Think about it. Just ponder: Trump will lie, cheat, support Putin, continue to support laws that will funnel our nation's resources further upwards to the 1%, and install more judges who want to restrict the rights of women and your fellow Americans. If Trump wins, we'll be living in Gilead by 2027.

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Not only that but Trump lives Netenyahu in case anyone is concerned about the fate of the Palestinians. He’s a lover of strong men everywhere.

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The last part of today's newsletter: Yes, Yes, Yes. I am steeped in ways to get Democrats to the polls in November, as recent surprise victories here in Florida have me more optimistic than earlier. When I speak with certain voters, or when the social media posts articulate the same thing that your former reader does, it does bring me down, as it appears useless to engage. The one light that I see is that if I were the person I was in my 20s, now, I could be saying those things!!!!

The way that you framed your response to the former reader is perfect. I am going to print it out and put it where I can refer when I need it.

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I am going to print that section as well and make copies so I can share when appropriate. I already have a few people in mind. I will also be sharing on social media.

Mr. Hubbell really hit it out of the park today with his Concluding Thoughts.

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Iran is constantly heightening tensions in the already red-hot situation in the Near and Middle East and will continue to do so. President Biden, as you rightly point out, Robert, faces a difficult decision.

Made even more complicated as he is facing a coordinated attack on two fronts – external and internal. After a sober assessment of the situation in the region the President will hopefully refrain from overreacting and Iran is banking on that. But this will invite a barrage of attacks on the home front, in fact it has already done so as if on cue. Just one example is Sen. Tom Cotton's (yes, the guy who ran from is followers after riling them up on Jan 6) statement: "The only answer to these attacks must be devastating military retaliation against Iran’s terrorist forces, both in Iran and across the Middle East. Anything less will confirm Joe Biden as a coward unworthy of being commander-in-chief."

The President is already under attack for his (under the circumstances IMHO excellent) handling of the Gaza/Israel mess and whatever he does will invite harsh criticism and/or weaken his support on the home front.

Why would this consideration enter into the Mullah's calculations and why would they risk helping the candidate who is perceived as a hardliner in his dealings with Iran. Well, they got a nice taste of influencing the US elections in 1980 when helping Ronald Reagan against President Carter in the hostage crisis. And in the current situation they are in for the long haul, just like Hamas, who gladly sacrifices one or two generations of Palestinians for the end goal – a free Palestine from the river to the sea.

True, in the short run, things might turn out to be rough for a while with trump back in the White House, though some of his decisions have actually benefitted Iran. His withdrawal from the Iran deal (JCPOA) in 2018 allowed Iran to intensify its efforts to become a nuclear power.

The dream of the Mullahs in Teheran is to destroy the "devil USA" and all the values the US stand for – what's better then to help install trump and his handlers.

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Hi, Stefan. Thanks for sharing your analysis, which included background I had not considered.

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I cannot believe Tom Cotton called Joe Biden a coward. He makes me ill! What a waste of space he is!

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I have no use whatsoever for Tom Cotton, but the Running Man was Missouri's own Josh Hawley. Josh is also author of a great big important book on Masculinity.

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How did Josh Hawley face his constituents after the January 6 video of his cowardly awkward running.

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Oops, sorry, of course you are right. Too easy to mix them up.

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All this crazy talk by the right emboldened me to volunteer as a pole worker for the November election. I had been thinking about doing this for some time and then read an article somewhere about people being intimidated and afraid to do this valuable service in their communities. I'm a former service member and will not be intimidated. Now this Swiftie BS from the right is out there? The right has lost its mind, but we already knew that.

Go Chiefs, Travis, Taylor and let's rig this win and reelect Joe.

Signed as a dedicated KC Chiefs fan and a lifetime resident of KC.

Have a great day everyone and volunteer for something.

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THIS is why MAGA bullies and NFL Bro-Brothers fear Taylor Swift. She has millions of voting age fans, both women and men, who admire her values and her acumen

From 2018. Feel free to share


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Thanks for the link. I should have included it. Powerful--and illustrates a thoughtful side of Taylor Swift that doesn't come through in her music performances.

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I saw that yesterday. It's very good.

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