Mar 13·edited Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Barr Hur is a terrible movie we have been forced to watch -- first AG Barr lied about the contents of the Mueller report, and now Hur has lied about the content of his report. What a despicable cast. May Biden's second term produce a blockbuster film with a better cast -- including a new AG -- that actually works for equal justice under the law.

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Valid state bar complaints. Hit 'em where it hurts!

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The irony here is rich: if Garland had any pelotas, he would have gotten out in front of things--and helped shape public opinion-- by summarizing Hur's report himself in advance of its release. The difference is that Garland could have HONESTLY stated that Biden was exonerated , whereas, Barr DISHONESTLY covered up numerous instances of tRump Campaign/Kremlin connections and TEN instances of Obstruction of Justice on the part of tRump!

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Merrick Garland was and is Joe Biden's worst cabinet pick. He mouthed words about prosecuting everyone responsible for the horrors of January 6 and delayed appointing a special prosecutor for over 2 years, which leaves Jack Smith apparently unable to go to trial in the D.C. case before the election. Yes, appeasement appears to be his game, and his legacy will be justice delayed and delayed, and the appointment of Robert Hitman Hur. Someone please tell me that he will not be AG in the next Biden term.

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But if Garland did that the MSM (except perhaps MSNBC) would have started each report with "Just like AG Barr did with the Mueller report...". The truthfulness distinction would get lost.

Maybe it's because I'm a UM Terrapin, but at this point I'm relying on the Tortoise and the Hare fable. If you believe in Biden and the Dems, you have to be willing to give them some credit for not just stumbling through all of this blindly. I'm convinced that we out here never know all of what's going on behind closed doors.

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Please don't conflate the former guy with a secondary sex characteristic that is often attractive on both genders.

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Totally agree. Garland should submit his resignation to Biden when Biden wins his second term and it should be accepted or he is fired. No one is more punctilious except for Mueller.

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Exactly; Biden needs a new AG.

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

As always, thank you Robert for cogent analysis, as well as your admonition to wean one's self away from the bombardment of the cable news cycle. For myself, I catch a couple of hours of MSNBC during dinner and doing the dishes. Lawrence O' Donnel is about finished as I wipe the counters and table. I rely primarily on Heather for her compilation of what is important. By midnight is a timely enough manner for me. You usually give me the optimism to sleep well. I'll catch you tomorrow, as usual.

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I confess that I consume a lot of political commentary, and really appreciate Jeff Jackson's observation. I do, however, rely on Robert's daily perspectives, Jessica Craven's pep talks, Joyce Vance's legal analyses, and Heather Cox Richardson's historical contextualizations to make sense of it all. There's too much at stake to tune out the torrent of nonsensical news completely, but I take a sanity pause occasionally. It's good to believe in sanity pause.

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Ditto, Bob. My retired self allows me to tune in/tune out at my leisure. Postcarding keeps me sane while I work to elevate a candidate in the eyes of his/her/their prospective constituents, hopefully causing them to get out and vote.

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Me, too, Lynell. Postcarding is my jam!

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That's great, Lynell! I have to channel my efforts as you do. But for now, my wife and I are in the process of buying/fixing/moving to a new home, and selling the condo we downsized into several years ago. My anger at the political morass gives me energy I need!

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Nothing wrong with what you and your wife are doing, IMO. Good luck with it!

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I watch one MSNBC program - Nicolle Wallace. She is running a series on Autocracy which is quite good. But this newsletter is my main source of news. I occasionally get anxious, but it only lasts til I read the next newsletter!

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Ditto. Plus Jay Kuo’s The Status Kuo. Then there’s Judd and ProPublica……

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Bob, perfect summary of a route we can travel to preserve our sanity and be informed of the rot in the system while not lingering over the poor journalism.

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I will catch some MSNBC segments myself - besides Lawrence, I like to watch Chris's segments as well - and I track what Beau of the Fifth Column publishes on his main and secondary YT channels. HCR and Robert's substacks have been core commentary resources for me for years now. I am ever so grateful for all of them and the arduous slog they go through every day to produce their content.

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Ahhh, thanks for the reminder of Beau! I've now subscribed to his channels

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CNN just spent 1/2 hour telling people that Biden is still old and probably won’t get through the campaign. They also said his polling is a a new low, citing no poll. No mention that I saw about Trump’s 200 deficiencies or crimes. I guess they want to keep the race going.

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False equivalencies: One candidate is (allegedly) too old, which is worse than having a rapist, insurrectionists, extortionist traitor as our next president. CNN has gone to the dark side. Shame on Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer and everyone else at CNN who once had a conscience.

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Even the New Yorker, which I have been reading since 1970 (well, at that age it was only the cartoons!) has a very long piece in the current issue that starts with multiple false premises, including "[With Biden] trailing in the polls..." No context, and contrary to how people have been voting (polls this far from November; polls have become unreliable since 2015; "approval ratings" do not predict how people will vote, and have been voting, with the fear and rejection of MAGA driving unprecedented Democratic victories since 2018; no reality of actual election results of Democrats winning elections across the country). No recognition that "Dobbs Keeps Delivering." Very disappointing. So I keep going and read HCR and Joyce and Simon and Robert. Staples of a Hopium-rich information diet!

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I think they are trying to appeal to the mid-point between Fox and MSNBC. That middle hardly exists except on ESPN--even there Stephen A. Smith is telling it like it is about Trump.

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Despicable. I guess they'll be surprised when we resoundingly elect a "to old to govern" president rather than a criminal who has no idea what governing is.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 14Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Do you realize what is wrong with the polls? For me, it is that we might recognize that we were all willing to rely on the polls the weekend before November 8, 2016 only to find that our votes did not give us the Electoral College win. Let’s move on to voters who will make the difference, up and down the ballot.

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I can't watch CNN any more but this is horrendous! What do the CNN CEOs want? A Putin/Orban "president/ dictator? And why? Would that redound to their financial benefit? How? And is losing our democracy worth it?

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Add some Simon Rosenberg optimistic data, and Jessica Craven exercises(actions) in the AM and we have a great plan to win back Democracy while not losing our minds!!! Oh, and of course, Grassroots participation whenever possible!

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Doesn’t it give you indigestion? ;-)

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I use Ghost peppers for throat lozenges and Tobasco for mouthwash. My innards is fine.

Alex Wagner and Lawtence O'donnel are straight forward and have very credible guests. They fill in the blanks and leave sensationalism to Faux Snooze.

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So when oh when will Substack introduce a few more reactions like the lol one? So anyhoo... LOL!

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“we will likely spend a couple thousand hours watching cable news during the coming eight months.”

Not I! When I saw the statement that the next eight months will represent the longest campaign season ever, I just thought to myself, I guess it’s time to turn off the news stream faucet.

I will content myself with following the court cases, reading the occasional summary of election events, and organizing postcard writing get-togethers.

Never has “keep calm and carry on“ been more important

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Good approach, DW.

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Ohio (4th) voters could really help our nation if they'd send Gym Jordan packing. He's supposed to be a legislator, isn't he? Has he done any legislating? Why are we paying him?

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Indeed. Why are we paying any of those bozos?

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The disatrous shock that would follow a return of Trump as POTUS is immeasurable but certainly terrifying. It is not important at all to try to understand why the small cult of MAGA loyalists fail to see what we all can see. It does not advance the ball. It is our job...our duty..to rescue ourselves as well as them. When we do, we shouldn't expect or demand thanks. We should rejoice in our accomplishment. I'm looking ahead to the upcoming celebration of civility, decency and critical thought. November can't come soon enough!

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The gift this week is: Donald Trump will cut Social Security if elected!

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☝️This !

My Freedom Caucus Rep claims to be all about preserving SS for CURRENT retirees.

So what about the next generation(s) !! There are 176 members(listed in link below) on the RSC. Call them out !📣

“The House Republican Study Committee (RSC), a caucus of 176 House Republican members, has proposed multiple harsh changes to Social Security in its fiscal year 2024 budget. Although the budget is vague on details, a press conference held by the RSC Spending and Budget Task Force and reporting from Roll Call indicate that the budget proposes to raise the retirement age at which Americans can receive full Social Security benefits to 69. This would cut the benefits of future beneficiaries by about 13 percent. The budget also recommends two harmful benefit cuts for future beneficiaries of the Social Security retirement program, and it would make harsh changes to the Social Security Disability Insurance program. Together, these proposals would cut $718 billion over 10 years from the Social Security program and mean further spending reductions in later years. Congress and the president should reject these proposed changes.”


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the predicted shortfall in Social Security can be fixed by raising the payroll tax cap: https://www.cbpp.org/research/increasing-payroll-taxes-would-strengthen-social-security.

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And so fixing Social Security would be straightforward.

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You should never trust your Freedom Caucus Rep or any other Republican these days. Even when they may appear willing to work across the aisle they are all too often prepared to succumb to the threats and bullying of the Trump mob and Trump family syndicate.

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Thanks for this article! I had not previously seen any details about GQP plans

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Well said! To the point!

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Trump keeps mentioning he will scut Social Security but voters don’t know or feel what that really means especially young voters.

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Stephen,in my multiple trips to the grocery store wearing the appropriate Biden/ Harris ensemble👕, younger voters are talking to me. Some do understand and are concerned. True, others really don’t know what it means. One voter at a time !

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I woudn't dismiss young voters so quickly!

I attended a Markers for Democracy postcarding Zoom on Monday morning - the speaker was a college student who talked in great detail about the ins and outs of flippabe US House races in NY. This kid could give Simon Rosenberg a run for his money if the topic were NY voting stats!

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Positive and great newsletter tonight, Robert! I watched the Hur hearing. I especially loved Rep.Lieu’s questions that pertained to everything Trump did but what Biden didn’t do. Madeleine Dean was on her game also when she had Hur read his own comments about how when Biden responded correctly to the question about the date Beau died. He basically lied. Then between Schiff, Swalwell, and Cori Bush, it was game on! I mention Cori Bush because she did not necessarily have questions for Hur but she made a statement. I believe she said something to the nature that the R’s were only holding this hearing to question Biden’s mishandling of classified documents and so she blasted “ former President Trump is a white supremacist-in-chief” and admonished the R’s for basically licking his boots. I burst out laughing and was very happy she said it. Criminal Gaetz tried to get Hur to admit that Biden was senile. Hur rejected that but it was Stephen Cohen who lashed out at Gaetz for even suggesting to saying that. All in all, it was kind of a win for our side, but not really. Have to agree with you Robert, that Garland could’ve asked Hur to retract some of his statements about Joe. He didn’t, which leads me to believe that he may not have carefully read his report. Also, I heard that Hur was not his first choice but in fact, that he was the third one asked. Lordy!

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Garland was hired to restore creditably to the DOJ which I am not sure he has done.

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I'm 98.9999 percent sure he hasn't restored credibility to DOJ.

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At the very least, Garland has demonstrated that he is naive in these times.

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I watched it on MSNBC, who maddeningly cut for commercials as an important Dem was given time consistantly. No cut off Repugnants. Cori Bush was fantastic and White Supremacist-in-Chief was loud and clear. I gave up and went back to putting new drains on clogged sinks. I caught Cori a bit later.

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After reading your comment, I am pleased with myself for not watching the maga sh!t show! Thank you

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I stopped watching MSNBC entirely the day after the 2022 elections. Last August, I decided to watch thirty minutes daily in the afternoon as I started supper. I quickly realized that was too much and cut it down to spending those thirty minutes a couple of days a week. Some weeks, I don't watch at all, and sometimes, I go a few weeks without watching at all. I do, occasionally, watch a segment from Lawrence O’Donnell the next day (he comes on after I've gone to bed), usually when people here are talking about his show. Otherwise, my news comes from reading. We all have to decide for ourselves how much is too much and set healthy limits.

Off-topic, I've been amazed by how few people have read, or are even aware of, Project 2025 from the ultra-conservative and increasingly MAGA Heritage Foundation. In it, they spell out the authoritarian regime that Trump will implement if he wins. It’s all there in writing. If someone accuses you of being hyperbolic, tell them to read it. We need people to understand the stakes, and even among like-minded folks, I don't think they do. Also, when idiots like Senator Mike Lee talk about eliminating the TSA and letting the airlines handle airport security themselves, we need people to see that, too. The FAA has let Boeing handle their own safety inspections, and look how well that’s working 🙄. It is not hyperbole to say that this election is the most important in our lives. We need to help people understand that. I know we can win this fight. People like Robert, Simon Rosenberg, Jay Kuo, and others are showing us how, but it does have to be all of us.

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

📣“A public education and mobilization campaign to counter Project 2025, the conservative movement’s blueprint attack on our democracy.”


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Thanks for the link. I am reviewing the website and may promote. I can't find anything about who is on the board of StopTheCoup2025. Do you know?

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I don’t know who is on the board. I did listen to a podcast with Deepak/Dem Labs with a leader of STC2025. She is a respected investigative journalist and human rights activist.I noticed her surname was not used.I’m assuming for a reason…


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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

You are full of good info this morning! Thanks!

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I've read portions of it but have had some trouble finding good summaries other than those put forth by external individuals/institutions. I agree with you that it is extremely important to get this out in front more often and to more people and have no idea how to do that.

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I said to a friend this morning that I was watching the Hur hearing and "Why do I do this to myself?" She said "That sounds like it would be very bad for brain inflammation" (a topic we discuss because I have migraine disease and her daughter has an autoimmune brain inflammatory condition). That's the truth. I got out my postcards and started writing for Ruben Gallaga. Action rather than anxiety.

Thank you, Ken Buck, for complicating Lauren Boebert's decision tree. I don't live in Colorado 4th (I'm in the 5th), but from what I read and hear, she is far from a shoe-in who didn't perform well at debate. Perhaps a quick race would be the best gift we could hope for. Even if she ran, she'd have to do it again immediately, right?

I'd like to hope Hur has no future as a prosecutor. Even in private practice the interview is not ideal.

Mr Hur, tell us why you left your last job as a prosecutor. It seems like it was rather abrupt. ... I see, so it was a hasty decision under the advice of counsel. Perhaps we'll circle back to that one.

Mr. Hur, were you able to bring successful charges in your last case? I understand it was rather high profile. ... Oh of course. You did write all about it, and we are always interested in nationally published members of our team, but this is an interview and we're getting to know each other, so I'd like to hear you explain it.

Mr Hur, what did you do immediately after you left your last job as a prosecutor? Oh, Congress, the very next day? That's impressive. A special election? ... An oversight committee, you say? Is it common for someone quite that new to receive such an appointment? ... Oh, yes, I see. Keeping your skills sharp. Of course.

Mr Hur, if we were to take you on, how would you feel about being the face of the team from time to time with the press? We are going to need some MAGA Meat to feed to MSNBC occasionally.

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Without Robert Hubbell, Heather Cox Richardson, Joyce Vance and Lawrence O’Donnell, I would be a basket case! I read Heather for a few years before picking up on her readers’ comments about Robert and Substack. They cut out the noise and clutter.

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Field Team 6 Summit tomorrow.

Register Democrats SAVE DEMOCRACY!

Second annual tentpole event – the Register Democrats Summit 2024! Find the full schedule here: https://www.fieldteam6.org/summit-2024

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Not coincidentally, I've been reading and re-reading a lot of Buddhist philosophy lately as I've needed reminders and help in exactly what you (Robert) are suggesting we need to do: as Buddhist philosophy might express that; we would be living out right intention and right action best by doing the next task in front of us as well as we could and with all our attention. I also read today that "attention is the greatest expression of love" (can't remember the author of the quote, but thank you to them for the reminder), and Robert's analysis and suggestion is that we do just that. Show that we love democracy, flawed as it and as we all are, and are going to laser-focus our attention on doing what we can do to make it better ... And a P.S. I love love love how the Dems are [finally] getting up on their hind legs and pushing back at the MAGA lies and cruelty. We've got such great people to stand up for us and I've been really appreciative of that lately with how well they've been smacking down the GOP clowns. Jamie Raskin, Jasmine Crockett, Eric Swalwell et al. Thank you, all!!!

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I couldn’t agree more—especially your inclusion of Raskin, the best of the best in my estimation.

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I have to say that he's exactly the kind of boy I got a crush on when I was young: attractive in a craggy sort of way, sense of humor, whip-smart, kind. I'm sure you know that he was at the Capitol Jan. 6 -- with his daughter -- when his son had just died by suicide either the day before or certainly very recently; I can't imagine the strength it must have taken to do so, to show up ... Anyway. I'm glad you like him, too.

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Re Judicial conference. Good news about Kacsmaryk. Hope there are complaints about Ailene Cannon. https://www.ca11.uscourts.gov/judicial-conduct-disability

She should have voluntarily recused herself. https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/znvnbeggmvl/trump-ca11-2022-12-01.pdf

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Thanks for the links!!

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Mar 13Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I have supported and I am a fan of Jeff Jackson for years and he is an example of both a great legislator who communicates well with constituents and was a victim of gerrymandering. This country needs more legislators like Jackson. It feels like to me in every way the Republicans are trying to game the system whether it’s bogus hearings and false charges or looking for legal loopholes to get favorable rulings or blocking legislation and holding the country hostage over funding for the government or Ukraine. It is a constant never ending assault day after day. My question is when are the American voters going to stand up and say “ we have had it and won’t accept this behavior”? Obviously Republicans don’t think anyone will hold them accountable and that’s exactly what we need to do.

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I agree with every word.

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I don't get how it is legal for Viktor Orban to create a campaign ad for TFG. Something's not right here.

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It’s not.

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After Hur admitted that the “photographic memory” quote about Biden in the transcript did not appear in his report, I wonder why the next question wasn’t “why did you leave it out”? Pretty shocking how Hur shaded his report to give all the media Maga talking points. And more shocking how the media ate it up without any research to see how true or relevant it was.

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Yes, but what’s truly sad is that it is no longer shocking.

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Worse than “shocking.” I sincerely hope Hur will go down in history as similar to Benedict Arnold.

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Merrick Garland should be ousted from the DOJ. It took him forever to appoint a special counsel for the January 6 debacle, and the fact that he would put a political hack to question President Biden, and to gratuitously put in false information one has to say enough is enough. We all thought that he would be wonderful but I guess we've learned our lesson. Bigly!!!!

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Early on in the Biden presidency, I listened to the Gaslit Nation podcast for awhile and one of their returning themes was that Merrick Garland was not only ineffective -- dangerously so -- but compromised and corrupt. The 2 authors of the podcast have credentials as scholars of authoritarianism and have lived in European countries under those regimes, but I didn't want to hear that and wanted to believe that Garland would be a measured but sturdy support. Wrong! My unnecessary apologies to Gaslit Nation; they were perspicacious and I was ... deluded.

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I don't think Garland is corrupt; I guess, like so many others in the DOJ, he believes in a genteel idea of the law separated from politics that doesn't exist in this post-2016 climate. When he was appointed, I think Biden believed in the same ideal. I don't see a lot of reason to bash the man; he's made many mistakes and will be gone in a second term.

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I didn't say that I agreed with all of Gaslit Nation's conclusions but many of their predictions and analyses have come to pass. I personally don't care whether Garland is/is not 'corrupt' but I absolutely do care that his leisurely approach to the Jan. 6 insurrection has heavily contributed to the unlikelihood that Trump will be held accountable or even tried before the election. There are many voters who have stated that they would not vote for Trump if he was convicted, but it too, what, a year and a half? before Garland hired a special counsel and started things moving. He bears significant responsibility to putting his desire to appear non-partisan above ensuring that our form of government remains somewhat intact after what was clearly to anyone watching, an attempt to destroy it...

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Again Dean I agree with your analysis of Garland. In another time he may have been fine and many people wouldn’t even remember the name of the DOJ. I also believe if there is a second Biden term he will be nudged out the door.

On another note I don’t know who or what is Gaslit Nation but there is zero evidence that Garland is corrupt. Just because someone is performing in a manner that is disliked does not equal corruption.

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Well Meredith, I think we could stop at “compromised” without adding corrupt. Naive maybe. Yet even on that fact, I think we can look back and see that many, many underestimated DJT as the pugilist he has shown himself to be. Surely, very few of us expected he would still be out front spewing vitriol, racial dog whistles and slandering anyone who -Republican, Democrat or Independent- who dares to speak out against his actions. Just recall that fact that the majority of people who have given witness or testified to show his lies and leading the insurrection have been Republicans and worked in his administration.

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As I said elsewhere, I don't feel/didn't state that I believe Garland was compromised; but, I do believe that his (IMO) over-emphasis on 'correct' non-partisan-appearing behaviors -- and that's by far a generous description -- has resulted as anyone could have suspected in enough delay to almost ensure that Trump et al. will not be tried for insurrection before the election. Sort of like sins of omission vs. sins of commission in the Catholic Church and I'd label Garland's the former; both of which can lead to grievous results. I disagree that only a few people believed that Trump was no longer a threat when he left the presidency; the sources I follow always assumed that the movement he led was very entrenched and far bigger than just the one man ...

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A. I’m not Catholic. B. I agree that after 4 years many were on to Trump and what he has continued to do. C. I cannot do anything about Garland. He has fallen short, for sure. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings.

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And, thank you for replying to my post and being sincere with your thoughts. I enjoy hearing what other people have to say for the most part. I'd have to put a few people in the DNRead pile if they responded but very very few and they'd be of the DonaldJTrump caliber... :)

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In your Concluding Thoughts, you provide the very reasons why I read your Newsletter and those of Heather Cox Richardson, Jennifer Rubin (WAPO) and the terrific investigative journalist , Judd Legum, also on Substack. I don't need to watch any Cable News, and I don't. Then I have time for my garden but also to work to elect Democrats in Kentucky. Yes, there are many of us here fighting the good fight and building platforms based on diversity, equality and justice here in this Deep Red State, expressly because we do not have a "choir" to "preach" to. We also donate time and money to elections in other states as well.

Thank you, Robert, for taking time to encourage us blue folks in red states. We appreciate that!

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I'm with you, Margaret. I recently got together with some women I hadn't seen for quite a while. I was surprised that none of them knew about substacks! Boy was I happy to share HCR, Robert Hubbell, Joyce Vance, and Simon Rosenberg with them. I'm sure all of them would vote against Trump no matter what, but they also know lots of people who need the news that we learn from substacks.

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