Ukraine already did a deal with the USA. It gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for the American guarantee of its sovereignty. If the USA won't honor its commitment, it should return the nuclear weapons.

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This point is seldom made. It is so true. What a horrendous, shameful performance by this country.

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The Democrats need a spokesperson who will, on a daily basis, speak to the press and bring home the impact of Trump/Musk's actions. That person needs to be razor-sharp and fact-based , with a sense of humor. They need to be entertaining. They should not be a potential presidential candidate. They should be adroit and quick enough to go on Fox and other right-wing outlets. Speaking of which, they should welcome right-wing outlets to their news conferences--and take them on. Find that person and let them be our point-person in the court of public opinion.

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I agree -- Could Pete Buttigieg be that point person?

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And maybe Tim Walz?

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And what about Adam Kinzinger? Maybe Pete and Adam?

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Timothy Snyder’s proposal for creation of a “Shadow Cabinet” incorporates your excellent suggestion, which should be shouted from the rooftops.

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Pete Buttigieg

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Yes, the Democrats have several spokespeople but not one leader. Trump is a demented fool, but he is keeping his sycophants together by establishing himself as the true leader.

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Thanks, everyone, for the likes and the worthy suggestions. I think that Pete Buttigieg is brilliant--clear and quick on his feet. However, because he's a potential presidential candidate, I think it would be best not to hand this coveted position over to him. Adam Kinzinger is a courageous anti-Trumper, but alas, he's a Republican, which makes him a less-than-ideal spokesperson for the Democratic Party. Tim Walz is busy being governor, I think, and much as I love him, his association with a losing campaign in the recent past also makes him suboptimal, in my opinion. Sorry if all that feels negative--I think they're all good suggestions.

I don't have anyone particular in mind--a fresh face would be ideal. I'm thinking someone smart, verbally crisp, entertaining, and with a bit of an edge and the capacity for a quick retort--some combination of Jen Psaki and Jimmy Kimmel. I wish the DNC would hold auditions.

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We should be rising up all around the country in protest. It just doesn't feel as if our democratic leaders are taking this seriously. When do we say enough is enough

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I taught two puppy classes today, and not many people in class even knew about the Oval Office extortion and attack. Sad...

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Robert! You are inspirational! While you were talking from England today, I was writing a blistering note to Senator Collins (of Maine). To wit: "Senator Collins,

All due respect to your position but, what are you waiting for?

The most obvious example of a Constitutional Crisis is occurring in Washington!

The Senate's place as an equal branch of government to the executive is being squandered

and 'lessoned' by those two psychopaths !

Get moving!

Impeach the yellow haired weird one!!!!


John R. Buckley

61 Linnell Road

Windham, Maine


Colonel (Ret) USA

4 years Active, 26 in the Reserves

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John, I wrote similar notes to the 3 members of Congress who represent me in SC. 👍🏻

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Trump has shamed and disgraced our country with this pig-behavior of bullying and destruction of our “shining city on the hill” with his slime. He and Vance have no shame

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Thank you! Acknowledging the total outrage is so important, and yes, it is up to us! Let's do whatever we can for as long as we can. I visited the Churchill War Room years ago, and your reading that quote was spot on! Bless you for continuing to comfort us while you vacation! Enjoy the rest of your trip, and safe travels.

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I have an "irrational fear" of angry white men, and Trump and the MAGA movement provoke my PTSD symptoms greatly! You are correct, Robert. Thank you, Robert, for keeping us updated.

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I had an 8th Grade English teacher, Mr. O'Neal, who said that the most beautiful woman he ever saw was the Statue of Liberty. From a troop ship returning from Europe at the end of WW2 he was overwhelmed by emotion when he saw her on the horizon in New York Harbor. He teared up everytime he told the story to one of his classes.

I wonder what he would think today given that the Statue of Liberty sends mixed messages. One is, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free. And I will cage them, separate them from their families, and ship them to the border."

The second message is shorter. "Give me your tyrants yearning to oppress, your plutocrats yearning to make a deal. We can huddle at the White House."

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Robert, in Tribe, Sebastian Jungar writes about how powerful people become when they band together to deal with a crisis of any sort. You have brought us together in light of our Administration's abandonment of the 80 years of alliances. (I highly recommend this book for better understanding the position we're in and using our very real power. It's a quick 2-2.5 hour read, and you'll be sorry when you finish because it's so interesting.) And if you want an encore, read Alfred Lansing's Endurance, where 28 men who lost their boat when Antarctic ice chewed it up and spat it out ALL made it back to civilization, enduring antarctic cold for over a year, and sailing through the world's worst waters in three lifeboats.

We have plenty of power. We just need to use it!

Thank you again Robert, for bringing us together.

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Btw - one of the keys to Shackleton’s success was that he wouldn’t tolerate discouragement. He kept them active and preparing for the next step. When he hired his crew, he was less interested in their exploring credentials than what they could bring to the mix of personalities so as to keep things as upbeat as possible. A good lesson for us to focus on what we can do and keeping a hopeful attitude - taking the wins however small.

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I remember how Shackleton picked his men. But "wouldn't tolerate discouragement" sounds to me like punishing the discouraged rather than helping them muster themselves, as well as picking a mix of personalities that is more likely to create a good synergy. And I may simply be quibbling with words, but I really think--having read Tribe--that crises engender hard work to better bad situations.

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Thank you, Robert! As always, you articulate just how serious this is. But your Calls to Action are also so, so valuable. We will do this together.

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I agree this is one the most shameful day of infamy in the history of the U.S. That said, I believe the resistance has to do more to mock, diminish, humiliate, and shrink Trump- I would love to see ads, cartoons, posters of PINO the poodle- i.e. President in name only, Putin's orange poodle. Will the RINOS beat the PINO?

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Take a look at Adam Kinzinger's substack post today.


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Donate $$ to Ukraine!!

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Impeachment is the right thing to do

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Robert, I just listened to your whole video/lecture on "What we can do now!" And I am so pleased that the rest of the world saw what I saw on the two minutes that showed the meeting between President Zelenskyy and Trump's very large contingent of vocal supporters who surrounded the sole representative from Ukraine in the Oval Office. "Z" was such a gentleman, and took the offensive onslaught of insults like a man! He knew that since that whole meeting was on National TV (I think it was, I don't get expanded cable), people in Europe and Asia would see exactly what kind of person the US president is, and it ain't pretty!

In fact, it is the ugliest one-sided conversation I have ever heard from a president of our country!

I felt, watching those two minutes, that trump was once again thinking he was being televised by cameramen recording an episode of The Apprentice, where he delighted in saying "You're fired!" And recalling the sadness on the faces of those who were the recipients of those words (Yes, I know it was all a TV show script), but I swear he was acting as though he was the employer who could fire anyone he chose without any reason whatsoever but simply because he said so! And that's scary!)

We are seeing this happen on steroids now,with the mass firings of trusted and necessary federal employees in every department, including the termination of USAID, the EPA, NPS, NOAA, and cancer research in the universities, the 55% reduction in staff for the Social Security department, when they were severely short-staffed before this illegitimate reduction. We are already seeing sad long-time loyal employees being told they have only an hour or two to fill a box with their own items (e.g. family photographs, little flower pots, etc.) and tears flowing down their faces in disbelief and anguish. And on top of that, they were told that their job performance was questionable!

The only thing that sustains me in these trying times is: "THIS, TOO, SHALL PASS" So... KEEP THE FAITH, FOLKS!

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Dear Mr. Hubble, can you please use your connections to advise the Democrats to dress in yellow and blue to make their entire seating section a giant Ukrainian flag. This State of the Union (crisis!!!) idea just came to me.

We know that tRump is going to lie and bloviate, and that the complicit, disgraced GOP toadies will applaud every lie. All the Dems have to do is sit silently and show the world another side of our country's values.

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