Judge Cannon has some injudicious notions,
Uninformed by law or federal motions,
That justify her egregious decision
And again prompt law experts’ derision.
A former president’s a special case?
A breach of equal justice on its face.
The docs marked “Classified” may not be so?…
Thanks, Robert. I appreciate your newletter. I put these out almost every day but some are too long for the comments sections. I’d welcome your subscription.
From Denialad at donbialostosky@substack.com
Cannon Fodder
Judge Cannon has some injudicious notions,
Uninformed by law or federal motions,
That justify her egregious decision
And again prompt law experts’ derision.
A former president’s a special case?
A breach of equal justice on its face.
The docs marked “Classified” may not be so?
No evidence has been produced to show
What on its face and by FBI’s word
Is indisputable; this is absurd.
No urgent national security
At stake? She calls this prematurity!
The agents who may have been compromised
Will surely be unpleasantly surprised.
The DOJ must file a quick appeal
To get the docs that she’s put under seal.
Don Bialostosky
Thanks, Robert. I appreciate your newletter. I put these out almost every day but some are too long for the comments sections. I’d welcome your subscription.