
Apologies for taking a second-bite at the apple, but Jeff Bezos just gave Kamala Harris a gift that cannot be ignored. The Bezos-owned Washington Post just issued an Editorial by the Editorial Board that was titled, "Opinion The times demand serious economic ideas. Harris supplies gimmicks."

Oh, thank you, Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon Fresh, Whole Foods, and one of the largest home delivery grocery services on the planet, thank you!

Here is what Kamala Harris should do at the convention: Put up that headline on big screen, and give a speech that contains these elements:

The Washington Post Editorial Board, which works for billionaire Jeff Bezos, thinks it's a "gimmick" to give families with newborns a tax credit in the first year of the newborn's life.

Billionaire Jeff Bezos thinks it's a "gimmick" to expand the child-tax credit, the single most effective measure for lifting children out of poverty in three generations.

Billionaire Bezos, who has a super-yacht to ferry passengers to his mega-yacht, thinks it's a "gimmick" to give low-income working Americans a $1,500 tax credit.

Billionaire Bezos, whose company, Amazon, is trying to take over the pharmacy business in America, thinks it's a gimmick to limit out of cost prescription drug prices to $2,000 for ALL Americans, not just seniors.

Billionaire Bezos, who just bought his THIRD mansion on an island in Florida, thinks it's a gimmick to give first time home buyers a $25,000 subsidy for a starter home.

Billionaire Bezos says that we shouldn't prohibit "price gouging" because grocery stores are aggressively reducing prices. Let me hear from you: Is your grocery bill going down now that inflation is under control?

Billionaire Bezos is free to have his personal newspaper criticize my plan all he wants. This is America and billionaires are entitled to free speech, even if they get to buy an Editorial Board to promote their opinions.

But fair is fair. Donald Trump held a press conference last week to reiterate his plan for the economy, which has only two elements: Extending tax cuts that favor billionaires and imposing an economy killing 10% tariff on all imports.

Here is what Jeff Bezos's editorial board had to say about Donald Trump's insane plan that just happens to be good for billionaires like Jeff Bezos: Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero.

That's right, in the face of an economic plan that favors Jeff Bezos but would destroy the economy for hundreds of millions of Americans, the Washington Post Editorial Board was silent--but roused itself to say that my plan aimed at helping the working poor and middle class is--according to Bezos--a bunch of gimmicks.

Now, Jeff Bezos and his employees on the Editorial Board will tell you that Bezos doesn't weigh in the editorial stance of the Washington Post. If you believe that the panicked voice of Jeff Bezos wasn't in the ear of every editor who did his bidding by writing that editorial--while ignoring Trump's plan--I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.

I have promised a new way forward for all Americans, one that does not involve a handful of billionaires telling us what is good for the working poor and middle class in America. I suggest that Jeff Bezos leave his private island in Florida, sell his super-yacht AND mega yacht, and spend some time with people like you--the people who built America before Amazon arrived on the scene and who will sustain it long after Amazon is gone. You are America. You are the new way forward. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I just copied the above comment, saying it was yours, and sent it to the WaPo editorial board -thanks, Robert!

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I just emailed a letter to the editor doing the same. Thanks for the great idea!

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Everybody should.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I despise Jeff Bezos and all he stands for - greed, manipulation, avarice, control. Years ago, we made the decision to never shop at Amazon for any reason after this monster's control of the book marketplace forced a beloved metaphysical bookstore of 22 years out of business. Everyone I know shops at Amazon because they can save a few $$ and get immediate delivery, even after admitting they know that they are hurting the small business in their neighborhood; even after they admit that Bezos is a symbol of American materialism. I will not be renewing my WaPo subscription and am going to email them today, copying Laine's idea of sending your excellent comment to them, Robert.

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Rebel408, I totally disagree that most of us shop Amazon to save a buck. Years age Walmart came to town and destroyed our mall and small shops, I've gotten too old to drive to multiple big box stores searching for what I might need. I hate the Bezos model, I detest these BILLIONARES. I wish I had a choice. I'd love nothing more then to NEVER use Amazon again.

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You misread my comment, Val. I said "Everyone I know shops at Amazon" because all my friends do shop there to save money. And, for the record, they choose to shop there...they don't have to do so. I'd never say most people shop there - just the ones I do know. Sorry for the confusion. I wish you had more options.

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As a 95% Covid hermit since March of 2020, I am forced to continue buying groceries online and picking them up in the local stores’ parking lots, and for mostly everything else that I need to buy I must use Amazon. It is a compromise that I make grudgingly, but it has kept me from getting Covid and thus, I believe, has saved my life.

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I only shop on Amazon when all else fails, which is five or fewer times a year.

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💯!!! I hope Harris and her speechwriters read your Substack, Robert!

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Thank you, Robert, for making this so easy for us. I hate that you had to use your anniversary weekend for this but grateful you did. Off to WaPo it goes! Happy Anniversary to you and Jill.

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Bezos is becoming "Hearstified". Like WR Hearst, he supports progressive causes when it serves him, then turns on progressives when his interests could be threatened.

When physicians present papers, they must divulge corporate pharmaceutical sponsors to expose possible undue biases. Newspaper publishers overseeing editorial boards should also offer personal disclaimers.

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No, my grocery bill has gone UP over the last several years. Whole Foods has a 365 line of products that seem less expensive, and there are sales at the deli and other areas regularly. But I'm sure it hasn't lowered his profits any since other items are expensive.

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Interestingly comments on that editorial seem to have an “internal server error” whatever that means.

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That is well said and exactly right. Bezos is a creep.

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I'm gonna take a somewhat contrary view. While I don't like the tone of the editorial, and certainly not the headline, there is some validity (ulp!) to some of the claims. But as you suggest, not comparing them against the Republican nominee's bribes, gimmicks, and outright lies is unfair to say the least.

Perhaps the sad irony here is that I believe the Harris campaign was responding to criticism that in the mere month it had been in existence, it hadn't offered anything concrete on the economy. In so doing, it may have fallen into a trap.

Many of the things VP Harris outlined are worthy of consideration, which should occur in Congress as legislation is prepared. As I've said many times before, instead of talking about the cost or $ size of programs, the focus should be on the BENEFITs.

In one part of the editorial, it makes a fair point in a fair way. While encouraging new home construction to drive the cost of homes down (which it acknowledges as a good thing), the $25,000 first time buyer assistance idea (again, pitched as $$, not benefits), will increase demand and drive prices up. Maybe the follow-up to that would be an acknowledgment of the challenge, and a need to address it (e.g., implementing a first time buyer assistance program, paid for by xxxx, that doesn't increase the cost of the homes).

This is not to suggest that Bezos's gluttony should be rewarded or WaPo should be given a pass, but the Harris campaign would do well to resist the urge to blow off the commentary (which, by the way, is now out there), and adjust its approach.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I live in NC and watched VP Harris' speech in full. Plenty of details (here's to you NYT) and very impressive! NC has been getting a lot of attention lately as a serious battleground state. Josh Stein for governor in particular. We are in play and will go Blue!

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I wish you all the luck in the world in turning NC purple/blue. It would be a great day in America. Let's send the Strom Thurmond wannabes back to their cabins.

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Send the wanabe Jesse Helms back as well.

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There is, unfortunately, no shortage of bad guys out there. For example: DeSantis or Reeves or Abbot

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NC is one of the states with candidates we are supporting from CA via postcarding. Josh Stein is an. incredible person. I cannot imagine the "other" candidate getting much traction from the women he constantly insults and demeans. Here's to NC flipping to Blue!!! 🤞

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LOVE Josh Stein!!

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Me too!

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18

I'n in NC and am writing postcards for Josh Stein as well as the ones from Postcards from Swing States.

For those of you who want to get in on the fun:

Postcards to Swing States (and Swing Districts) - https://turnoutpac.org/postcards/ - they still have state postcards for AZ, FL, GA, MI, NC, and TX with more for OH soon. They have also added a LOT more House Districts since the last time I checked. The postcards are free (you pay postage), but the minimum quantity they will mail is 200, so find a few friends o help you write them! the mailing dates are in October - NC postcards get mailed Oct 15

For Josh Stein postcards, email womenforstein@joshstein.org with the subject line "Josh Stein postcards" and indicate how many names and addresses you want. They have a template for printable postcards which work on 4-up postcards from Avery (or equivalent). There can also provide an alternate script if you want to use. normal GOTV postcards that you already have on hand. Josh Stein postcards are hold and mail Oct 10.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

To me Trump giving

Gym Jordan the Presidential Medal was the depths of disgracing the "honor"

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I also thought of Rush Limbaugh, but, you are right, Michal, Gym Jordan certainly takes the cake. Just imagine the future list of recipients, should the felon win in November. Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon and Elon Musk come to mind. And Aileen Cannon, of course, to sweeten her waiting time until ascending to the Supreme Court.

To end on a positive note: Dolly Parton twice declined the medal during the trump years. Alone for that she deserves one now.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

One more reason to love Dolly!

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How about Miriam Adelson, gambling casino queen and his biggest donor? . https://danielsolomon.substack.com/p/smart-money

Not suckers or losers?

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Trump's talent for cheapening anything he's associated with is extraordinary. Gym Jordan, ugh. With Miriam Adelson, he proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he and his office were for sale to the highest bidder. Cash is king. So Mr. Vance --- just shut up about GOP and "Values".

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It was terrible that Jordan received that award. However giving the award to right-wing hate radio star Rush Limbaugh was an even bigger disgrace. Limbaugh was one of the most cancerous media influencers this country has ever known, thanks in large part to the Reagan era FCC's cancelling of the Fairness Doctrine.

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He gave the medal of honor to that pig? Just goes to show that no matter how low he goes, Trump always finds a way to go lower.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Of course, it is your political commentary and abundant research that I so highly value (and which is why I decided to become a subscriber). BUT I do want to tell you that I also very highly appreciate your astronomical -- nebula/galaxy -- photos each day. They are gorgeous and your explanations are quite elucidating as well. I loved astronomy when I was a kid, knew alot of the stars and constellations by heart and had a fine little telescope mounted on a stand, but I am afraid I dropped it over time. Hence, I can only but marvel at your professionalism in and care for what is clearly a beloved hobby for you. Please do keep it up and continue sharing it with all of us.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I agree Howard. Me thinks Professor Hubble used up his allotment of blue pigment in his post this morning, thus, his 'fail' on the Bubble Nebula. Vice President Harris will continue to supply the blue pigment needed to keep democracy alive in America, and beyond.

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The astronomical photos spark joy. I will be using some as background for my computer. I would love permission to use them as cover photos on my social media; I could figure out how to credit you, Robert.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I feel like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will do their best to look out for the middle class. Robert, you were right when you said Kamala was getting stronger and more at ease. don-old can’t put two sentences together. I am gratified how the divide between Harris and don is an ever growing chasm. We all know what to do. VOTE BLUE up and down the ballot and help in any way we can. I find your nebula photo to still be amazing without the blue. It looks like an eye to mean.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I agree with you. Even if they did not, Trump and Vance have no group in their sights other than the White, male overlords of Tech, and the White Christian Nationalists. Fortunately the country is so diverse that they are organizing in issues or demographic groups around Harris-Walz, who I agree are wise to go to the people. I get the AP and the Guardian and this morning skimming the election coverage I felt compelled to write to the AP and tell them the tone of their coverage is slanted towards Trump and away from Harris, and it comes across as sexist, racist and classist. I did not throw in Homophobic but probably should have. That being said, we are not a democratic country for all, but have been striving to be, according to Prof. Thomas Zimmer, it is this closeness that has the MAGAs running scared. They do not want to be dethroned and will do anything in their power to hold onto the White male supremacist society that the US has. Here he is discussing the history of the MAGAs and Project 2025 to Democrats Abroad with a moderator.


If these White Supremacist US males can topple our most expansive experiment in multiethnic, religious, and culture, it will give other White Supremacist right wing and right leaning countries more credibility too.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The presidential Medal of Freedom to Miriam Adelson proves that, with Trump, everything is for sale. I'd like our many red state voters to ponder that. Who is the richest guy out there? Vladimir Putin.

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Thanks, Linda, for providing the link to the most instructive webinar with Thomas Zimmer. He is a German professor teaching at Georgetown University and IMHO beautifully combines the clear-eyed view of an academic from abroad with a deep knowledge of US history and politics, a commitment to democratic values and an admiration (warts and all) for the people and the country he currently calls his home.

I can recommend to all readers this webinar as well as his substack Democracy Americana. Lengthy but worth your while.

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Thank you Stefan. Yes, I accidentally conflated his name with Prof. Timothy Snyder. I have now fixed it. I also think Zimmer has a very clear-eyed view of American historical political machinations that Germans would not have felt comfortable pointing out just a few decades ago. Americans have grown to be more self aware under Trump. We are not the nation of democracy, we are a striving democracy, but in our strivings we want to be pluralistic. I agree that it is lengthy, but the best part is at the end. He points out the American possibility, and that is a beautiful thing and worth fighting for in this election.

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thanks for the link. I will check it out!

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Don-old is Terrific... hope it goes viral soon. ( I think calling don and jd DOOM AND GLOOM is pretty good too.

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doom and gloom is very good. 👍

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I’m sorry, but had to laugh out loud seeing “Don-old”!! How apropos! And the fact that he can’t put two sentences together. Come on America, it’s so obvious Don-old is not fit to run for any office. Surely the repugnicans can find someone else amongst them to run for the presidency.

As for Robert Hubble’s hauntingly beautiful nebula photos, I picture them with a background of music from Max Richter’s album, “Sleep”. They truly go hand in hand. I find the photos reassuring, a soothing antidote to the seemingly unending stream of chaotic news.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I was lucky enough to watch Kamala's "opportunity economy" budget presentation "in person" on TV. The details were clear. Her command of the issues was obvious. She was forceful, professional, and a national-caliber leader. We are blessed to have her as our candidate, along with Tim Walz. Traditional media, especially the Washington Post, are doing us, and our candidates, a grave disservice with shallow analysis and opinion hit-pieces about Kamala's strong economic plan. I find their intentional negativity and disinformation so disheartening!

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Oh Sheila. How did you get so lucky?Among my well-connected Democratic friends in Durham none of them got an invitation. We decided it was not a rally but what was it? It wasn’t a press conference though the press seemed to be there in force. I watched it on TV but I assumed it would start later than announced because these appearances always do. But no. It started on time so I missed the first minutes. 🥺 Anyway, I love her proposals—all of them, which thanks to Bob Hubbell I now have more clarity about.

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That’s interesting. I had received an invitation to the first one, and signed up. Then it was cancelled. I thought I’d get another invitation but I didn’t. Not sure why.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I just see no advantage to Kamala giving press interviews to naysaying journalists instead of speaking directly to the people. I listened to her presentation in N Caroline and that's the platform she needs.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Maybe that's what we need. I advocated President Biden doing a modern-day version of a fireside chat. His grandfatherly empathetic persona would have worked well. VP Harris doesn't have that kind of gravitas, and is still establishing her credibility, but a chat, maybe with Gov Walz, might be a good thing to do once in a while.

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I think you are on to something, Bob, and they are already thinking along these lines.

"This is a pretty remarkable example of the new communications thinking that's on the rise."

Yes, it is.


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Thanks, Stefan! This is excellent! Not much political content, shows their values and chemistry. I'd love to see more of this. How about "Kitchen Table Talks With Kamala and Tim?"

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Excellent idea. Kitchen Table Talks. FDR would have been a genius at Social Media. He had Fireside Chats. He put Frank Capra in charge of communicating the Why We Fight message to citizens during WWII. Harris is using the efficacy of his methods in 21st century terms. That's what I missed in Joe Biden's work: no communications. Effective results, but nobody knew about them except the 10% of us (5%?) who read, analyze, and draw conclusions. Viva Harris' communications genius! May it continue and escalate.

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Thanks for sharing that. People need to know about this approach to sharing who they are with the American people. They can invite people like Shawn Fain and David Hogg to join them at the table. Give their supporters something to post on their social media platforms. Not just for campaigning, but maybe once monthly fireside chats.

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I like it!

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I think Harris is learning very quickly! It appears to me that the gravitas that President Biden has in spades did not move younger voters. Harris's youth (?? she's 60, but not 82) is visible and her enthusiasm is contagious! As much as I love President Biden, perhaps this has ended up being the best thing for the country.

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I disagree that Harris is learning. I think she's bringing to the table skills, talent, experience, and knowledge she's had and used for decades. We're treating her like a neophyte who just stumbled on the candidacy for president of the United States. Not so. She's sharing with us her broad, deep expertise. We are lucky to have it. She knows what she's doing, and has done for a very long time.

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Great idea!

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Absolutely. FDR went to the people to undercut the same Republican influence favoring the wealthy. He won.

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An apt comparison, Terry!

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Yes. I agree.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Keep in mind that the mainstream news media is a tool of the corporate class, because it is owned and controlled by the corporate class. If Trump is elected, his tax breaks for the corporate class will continue, as will lax regulation of media monopolies. The corporate class wants more trickle down economics, not the kind of bottom up-middle out economics that most Americans support.

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Harris articulated Donald's economic policy. It has two steps. 1) tax cuts for billionaires; 2) a 10% national sales tax on everything for everybody, based on his ignorant idea of a 10% tariff on imported goods.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

It’s refreshing to see the Democrats on the offense and the speech in Raleigh begs one to ask “ what are the Republicans offering” The vibe that Harris and Walz have is the appear to be everyday people and as she said she is middle class and has worked hard to be successful and it was not handed to her. She knows what grocery costs because she has been in a grocery store which is more than we can say for Trump. Everyday he appears to be more out of sync with the American people

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Totally agree! Your comments are spot-on, Stephen. Thank you!

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

As you suggested, I read the Harris-Walz economic proposal. It is detailed enough for me. The only proposal the Republicans have produced that is in greater detail is Project 2025 -- the Republican plan to steal the country.

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Robert, in the wake of your personal disappointment with this current photograph, it is still a strikingly exceptional example of Astrophotography. Simply stunning! 😎

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Two thoughts I'd like to see get more air time in the press: The last time there were price controls in the US was in the early 1970s under Republican Richard Nixon. REPUBLICAN. So - shut up Mr. Vance. It is beyond any arguments that Tariffs cause the prices of the goods subject to tariff to go up to cover the tariff. Ergo: Trumps tariff proposals will cause inflation. So--- shut up Mr.Vance.

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Bob Reich had the best come-back so far on Vance's silly idea that Harris wants price controls. Bob said, "We already have price controls--corporate monopolies are controlling prices because they have no competition and are super-greedy. What Harris is proposing is the OPPOSITE of price controls. She's proposing to re-instate competition, which will drive prices down naturally." (I'm paraphrasing.)

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Vance, who I think knows better, is nonetheless in the uncomfortable position of supporting whatever crazy new idea pops into tfg's head. The result is that Vance is sounding crazier and meaner step by step. I regret the state of GOP/MAGA dogma in this day and age. They used to be just "conservative".

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Oh how I wish Vance would shut up, Swbv!

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I’m confident the Bubble Nebula will go blue in November.

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Aug 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Here is a discussion by Charlotte Clymer on what the Medal of Honor means. https://charlotteclymer.substack.com/p/how-we-revere-the-medal-of-honor

I also read in the AP that Vance is defending Trump's denigration of it. Too bad. He does not do the military proud. He also claims that the military is behind Trump. That might be the White Supremacists in the military, which a study found 1/3 of the people in the military to know someone who fits that bill. These two candidates only represent White, Christian, Conservative, Cis-gender, males. That is who they want to place on a financial and social pedestal with everyone else basically needing to accept their inferiority or else. I do not know how anyone who is not a member of all of these group can vote for them. They might just find themselves on a slow boat to China. Here what Georgetown History Prof. Thomas Zimmer had to say about the goals of Project 2025 in context of US history as he spoke to Democrats Abroad through a moderator. It is long, but he says a lot of worthwhile things. I like his ending the best. https://youtu.be/IqpWMH5nkPw?si=MYJlfJ3dfAB8gT6z

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Is there a way to calculate how much taxpayers are paying for the tax cuts that billionaires get? So, for example, how much does a taxpayer pay for every million dollars a billionaire gets. Also, was the last tax cut that was granted still being paid out or was it disbursed in a lump sum.

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Team Harris:⬇️

Increase the child tax credit.

Increase the earned income tax credit for wage earners without children.

Prohibit price gouging in food supplies.

Subsidize down payments for first-time buyers.

Decrease the cost of prescription drugs.

Team Is He Ok? Trump/Project 2025:⬇️

Decrease taxes on the wealthy.

Ban abortion to reduce wage earners without children.

Increase cuts to SNAP/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

Increase Mortgage Insurance Premiums on mortgages greater than 20 years.

Increase cost of prescription drugs by repealing Inflation Reduction Act.

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