Thanks, as always, for your wise perspective.

I would also like to let this community know about Force Multiplier's

Wednesday night ( 7 P.M.) zoom conversation with Mandela Barnes

and our special guest, Elizabeth Warren. https://www.forcemultiplierus.org/events

Steven Krugman

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“My point is not to trash Judge Cannon’s integrity, intelligence, or fairness. She has already done so beyond my meager ability to add to the opprobrium already heaped upon her. Rather, the point is that Judge Cannon now understands she is universally regarded as the most incompetent, biased, and clueless federal district judge in the nation—and that is saying something!”

Perfectly penned!

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I'm really glad I have subscribed to your work, sir.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Oh my goodness, wiping away a tear from your cute Cora grandparenting pictures--thank you for sharing!

Robert, in case you didn't know, a subscription plus compliment from TCinLA is indeed high praise from one of the more acerbically witted commenters on HCR's "Letters from an American" Substack. Tom also provides fascinating history with inside stories of WW 2, Korean War, and Vietnam War.

Shout out to Christina (FL) who sang your praises in a comment on the LFAA of 9/05/22, sparking a number of people to discover your sage optimism, TCinLA included!

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

As I mentioned in comments on HCR’s column….when will we find out what is happening with investigations as to what went wrong with the people and systems designed to track, and keep safe classified materials? Something or someone(s) went very wrong. I am surprised not to have heard anything yet. There should be, and I suspect, will be serious consequences and changes.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell


How precious Cora is! How sweet and young and vivacious. I have six - and i remember those days of holding them in my arms, of walking their first steps with them, of little league, high school graduation and now seeing them off to college.

Who knew Robert, you would be fighting to preserve the greatest country in the world for Cora. Who knew an autocratic sick individual could be standing in Cora’s way to build on our cherished freedom, of Cora’s right to choose, of Cora’s right to learn of our history and to understand that all men are created equal really means what it says.

This fight is for all of us lucky enough to have Cora’s in our lives.

Cora deserves to be proud of her country. We need to insure that democracy still stands strong. This fight is truly for Cora!

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“Bloviate” is such an appropriate verb!

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"Opprobrium." I didn't know that word, had to look it up. You and your editor selected a perfect word.

Aileen Cannon is now a joke and the perfect example of a Trump puppet. She is now roundly referred to as a member of Trump's defense team. Her name will sustain years of ridicule: "Judge Cannon's new moniker will be "My name is Aileen , as in Aileen whichever way Trump wants me to lean." And the "The Loose Cannon Rule" is like the arrow in FedEx, "once you've seen it (heard it), you never can forget it." It is unlikely she will ever be asked to address a Michigan Law School graduation ceremony, unless they graduate on April 1. [Sadly, Loose Cannon is also an example of the power that Mitch and the Federalists have wielded to savage our justice system. Mitch is probably proud of Aileen, but wishes she weren't so brazen about serving Trump.] And how many of you think Loose Cannon unilaterally decided to write such a decision? How long will it be before some resourceful reporter reveals the person(s) who got to Judge Cannon and pressured her to help Trump?

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Great letter! I'm guessing Cannon sticks by her work, like the My Pillow Guy and Guiliani. They are nuts.

Who would get to pick the Special Master anyway?

LOVED seeing Cora!! So cute!!

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you - your summary is a daily dose of sanity!

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Robert, I don’t think anything has given as much joy lately as Jill’s video of you both with Cora! What a beautiful way to keep all of this in perspective. My god! Even slime ball Barr weighing in! Let’s appoint him Special Master!

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

As usual, your managing editor knows best! Thank you for elucidating what Judge Cannon has hoisted upon herself with her decision, and also for sharing time you spent with your precious Cora. With grandparents such as you and Jill, I have remained here thinking about the woman Cora will grow up to be, and her contributions to our world. An extremely positive and wonderful way to begin my day, indeed.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Awfulness has never been a disqualifier for Trump. What matters above all else is overt and obvious displays of loyalty. Recall that she was nominated and jammed through by Trump/McConnell AFTER HE LOST the election. She has performed exactly as she was paid to (Oops, I didn't say paid, did I?)

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

One hopeful note about the Trudge Cannon's ruling is since she touches the Presidential Records Act this is now out of her jurisdiction. The PRA can only be adjudicated in the Washington DC District Court.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“Trump stole classified documents, concealed them, lied about it, and refused to return them after being served with a grand jury subpoena.”

This single sentence describes Trump’s illegal activity as succinctly and accurately as possible. Judge Cannon’s flawed opinion is indescribably flawed and should not excuse this clearly criminal behavior nor interfere with it's swift prosecution.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, the short film was precious adorable and wonderful! Thank you for sharing! I have stepped up my efforts as Senior Advisor for Women for Charlie Crist/Karla Hernandez (LT Gov). I have formed a Kitchen Cabinet of women's organizations across the state representing thousands of women. We will begin shortly phonebanking and texting to Democratic FL women voters who vote ONLY in presidential elections. We can do this! FYI, Charlie and Karla have begun a Florida Tour, THE CHOICE IS CHOICE! As Charlie and Karla say, Let's WIN this! Si Se Puede! Hugs, your loyal reader in Orlando, Susan Windmiller

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