It is a heavy load you carry, Robert. But get us through these next two weeks and your previous theme of how this nightmare will not be over even with a Harris win. We need to see the picture of our actions no matter what the outcome. HCR piece today on Nazi Germany reminded me of how long the road is.

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Good evening Robert. I have been geting very strident emails from Hold The Line PAC. Never heard of them. If you hold he cursor over the sender's name in your in box, it expands, as they all do and Markus Flowers' name is shown. Looks like a solid one to believe a contribution is warrented. After a few weeks, I went to Open Secrets and their description of Hold the Lines, below, makes it look like they are fraudulently using Flowers' ame to hoodwink people into sending them money. Their Federal spending history is zero, as of a month ago. Any thoughts on following up on this I could call the Georgia Dem Party and see what they know. Keep those nebulas coming. I'll try to catch you and Jay.


Location: MARLTON , NJ 08053

Industry: Republican/Conservative; Republican/Conservative

Treasurer: DENN, STELLA

FEC Committee ID: C00736140

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Ugh. I will look for where to send notice.

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I just dug myself out of the "Dark Ages" and got my Substack app so I could join you, Robert! See you, Jay, and Team Democracy tonight!

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Our DEC meeting starts at 7. Our early voting started here in Baghdad By the Sea yesterday, Voting was heavy, I am cautiously optimistic, but we need help with GOTV.


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Some of us don't have the technology to access the program you describe in tonight's newsletter. I'm a paying subscriber to your newsletter, not the programs you advertise.

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Send an email to me at rhubbell@outlook.com. I will email you a link to the recorded video.

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i want to listen to you and Jay Kuo tonight. I never use my cell phone for anything (except phone calls) because it's too small and awkward for me. I use my lap top for everything. (am old enough to have trouble with new routines). Apparently it's not available on my laptop? I have to use my cell phone? Hoping there's another way! Will there be a recording i can view and listen to on my computer later?

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I will send you a link when it is done.

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Fantabulous! Thank you Jay & Robert for a great fireside Substack!

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I would love to join you and Jay Kuo in an Election Dialogue, if only you'd share a way to get a zoom link on my computer. While I have a cell phone, I rarely use it and do not have a QC recognition code on it, plus I cannot imagine enjoying a zoom on my phone's tiny little screen. Please help me out here or at least send me a link to the Election Dialogue recording after you're done.

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I am unable to attend tonight due to a previous commitment. Is there anyway I can watch this after the fact?

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Yes. I have you covered. Sit tight and don’t worry!

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I've been searching for a source of addresses to write to in order to help get out the vote with no success. The last time I did this was in support of Jon Ossif's and Raphael Warnock's US Senate campaigns in Georgia, both of which were successful. Now I can't find the source of the addresses. Is it too late? I would think not. If anyone has a website where these addresses can be had, I'd appreciate the info.

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Try Activate America. You have to provide your own postcards and stamps, they send the addresses and the requested message. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can get postcards quickly. Your local Democratic Party office may also have postcards, names, and addresses for your area. For letters, try Vote Forward. You print out the letters and supply the #10 envelopes and stamps, they supply the names and addresses. These are all GOTV efforts, but targeted to Democratic-leaning voters in specific states and Congressional districts.

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Thank you Leslie. I tried to sign up. Hopefully I'll receive a reply.


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I wasn’t able to get on last night, is there a link to the call between you and Jay from last night?

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Was this recorded? Any way to see it after the fact?

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Hi! Is this video recorded? I couldn’t make it live and want to watch.

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Hey there Robert,

Good talk tonight. To both your points vis-à-vis how the press covers Trump’s public remarks, this landed in my in box during your discussion tonight. I think it’s a perspective that has merit. Take a look:


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When I download the Substack app on my iPad all I can get when I click on it is a list of topics to select from. I have tried doing this from both your post and Jay Kuo’s post with same result. Any suggestions?

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If you have signed in you will receive a notice when we go live. Just open the app at the time of the live streaming and we will be in your Substack app.

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Will this be captioned?

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I dont know. I will find out.

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