Here is a note from Blue Wave Coalition / Miami Dade:

Can you help us here at Blue Wave Coalition Miami Dade. It's crunch time now and WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP! Here is the situation:

We want to mail out 85,000 "slates" to 85,000 Democratic households in 8 swing race areas in Miami Dade. We mailed out all 30,000 slates to Vote by Mail (VBM) households on October 3 so VBM voters have them while filling out their ballots.

On October 19, we want to mail out an additional 55,000 slates to all non-VBM voters in the same swing districts but still need another $12,000.

Can you help us with a contribution? Any amount helps. $500 will pay for 1000 slates, $5,000 will pay for 10,000. We need enough money for 24,000 slates to complete our mailing.

Here’s the link: https://bluewavecoalitionmiamidade.com/elections/

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Done! Happy to support Dem candidates, especially where it makes a difference in swing races!

And kept on rolling to support Tim Ryan for OH Senator


and Cheri Beasley for NC Senator


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I am working on an event for Cheri Beasley with Jessica Craven. Stand by for details!

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Done!! What Ellie said!

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Done! And have just prepared 40 letters to Nevada. Young Latinos need our encouragement everywhere

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Will do this. I’m relatively new to political activism—I really appreciate groups that focus on achievable outcomes and are good stewards of limited resources. Thank you!

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Done! Florida thanks you, Robert.

The other day I picked up some signs from a local organizer’s home and commented on her neighbor’s huge @#$& Biden and Trump 2024 signs/banners .She said interestingly they were’t even registered to vote.I like that “sign”!

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Chairman Thompson's role in guiding the hearings has received insufficient attention due to the media spotlights directed at Representative Cheney. He's managed to wrangle a pile of cats unraveling a knotted ball of yarn with effectiveness and gravitas. Bravo, Mr. Thompson.

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Richard, Thank you for recognizing this discrepancy. I sometimes think our news media are incapable of concentrating on more than one thing at a time. In this case, it's a particular shame.

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Too many of them chase the same rabbit. Amusing for the foxes, but frustrating for the rest of us.

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Thank you for giving President Biden the time and credit he deserves. I think he might go down in history as one of the best US presidents: for his role in restoring democracy at home and bringing us back to engagement with overseas partners. He is also restoring the idea that government is here to help, and yet all we hear is criticism.

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Dear Mr. H, Thank you for the delicious link to President Biden's interview. I've not seen it and am saving it, with great anticipation, for later in my morning. Your introduction makes it a must-see.

It does, however, raise the old question as to how in the "bloody blue blazes" (my grandmother) it is even possible that the president of the United States can grant a public interview to a well-known television news-personality, during a time of national crisis, and there isn't major news coverage. This has happened at least twice now and it seems to me just another version of the very public disrespect aimed at Obama. What do you think is up with this? The effort feels like a barage of heavy criticism--political and personal--and a simultaneous effort to just erase him.

However, and all that aside, you have once again provided my Phrase of the Day.


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Oooooh, yes, the interview is a must-see! Don't know if it's later in your morning by now, but it's a great watch at 6:30amPDT. Agreed, how in any color blazes, the fact that there is no major coverage is ridiculous/outrageous/short-sighted/plain old dumb.

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Now I've watched it.You all are 100% correct. It is a lovely conversation between two men who are confident about themselves. The President responses were not free of gaffes, moments of failed memory, and the occasional Biden-ish mistakes. But I sensed a kind of serenity even at those moments and, yes, he answered questions directly and clearly, no politician's evasions and smoke screens. A man of gentle intentions and many flaws. As the late Mr. Cohen told us "There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."

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I just watched the interview. I just love Joe Biden. I had to end a discussion with a friend the other day because she was insisting the he has dementia. I did not observe anything that I myself do not go thru periodically and I am 66 years old. They just pick apart any little thing they can find. And don't you know that today I received a call from the same person and she was telling me that she has had brain fog for the past 6 months. Doesn't that just beat all?

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Hi, Beth, I haven't watched it yet but I think I'll take a break from writing myself around in a circle on my next post about Uppity Bible Women, and watch it right now. I think this behavior is a passive version, and an extension of, a member of the Legislature standing up in the middle of President Obama's State of the Union speech and calling him a liar. It's an absolute shift that started, maybe, with the Tea Party movement. With our elected officials showing us how it's done, we are no longer treating the Office of the Presidency with any respect. Everything has been reduced to the personal with no recognition of larger realities and agreed-upon communal values. It has been creeping up for a long time, but with the election of Donald Trump, it has picked up speed.

Sorry to go on so long and thank you for your reply

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Have you seen Biden’s wonderful fireside chat with HCR?



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Although the New York state governor was found to be wanting, his leadership during the first year of Covid invaluable. I watched his daily news briefs and mostly took his advice. He encouraged New Yorkers not to lose hope. Unlike the Florida governor, he saved lives.

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Many many years ago there was a TV program called “ The Naked City’ which took place in New York and the opening line was “ there are a million stories in the naked city and this is one of them” The opening of today’s Edition reminded me of this program. There are it seems like a million stories flooding the airwaves and the news which I’m afraid have overwhelmed and numbed many Americans. I’m frankly tired of the Mar-a-Lago story and everyday there seems to be more proof of the crime and more ridiculous lies from Trump. He’s guilty and the question is will he be indicted ? Unfortunately this will not change how some people will people will vote in the mid terms. Every voter should evaluate candidates with one simple question. Will they uphold their oath of office which is “ I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. It’s just that simple

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Hey there. Your entry about the Ohio race inspired me to give to Ryan’s campaign. I went directly to my Act Blue account; sorry I didn’t use your link. Another important race to support is Will Rollins in CA40. His opponent is a Trumpster grifter in congress for 30 years. A new redrawn district gives Dems hope.

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Thanks for supporting Ryan! No need to use my link. it's about Tim, not me!

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Will Rollins, cool dude. I've sent a stack of postcards to his new district.

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Well done managing the highlights in the news that would otherwise be in low light, and that includes all of the above. If I were to mention one, it would be the plunge into the non-science behind Florida's science. Covid lives yet to kill if we are unaware of criminal nonsense such as this.

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Thank you once again for highlighting some of the insanity that is Florida. The old phrase “you can’t make this stuff up” certainly applies here.

I also want to say I am so proud of what the J6 committee has done. One of my regrets, however, and this applies to the Justice Department too, is that we are still lacking information on the members of congress (house and senate) who aided and abetted the insurrection. Stories abound about the secret tours, the inciting emails, etc. if this information had been made public perhaps some of these election deniers wouldn’t be in a position to get re-elected.

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The extreme right wing used Trump to stack the courts, to appoint justices of the Supreme Court and federal judges who will do their bidding. Trump thought he could get away with corruption, criminal behavior, and election fraud, that his appointees would protect him.

He thought he could use the DOJ to prosecute his political opponents, and certainly tried. “Lock her Up.”

But those justices were actually appointed by the extreme right, who used Trump, deceit and stealth to get their people on the bench. They ignored senatorial “democratic norms” to gain control of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Now those so-called Trump appointed judges are going to throw Trump under the bus; Trump will be in court forever fighting credible charges of obstruction of justice and espionage, with a reasonable prospect of conviction. Ironically, “Lock Him Up.”

The judges he appointed will not rule in his favor on these charges, making it appear that they uphold the rule of law over partisan interests. But they do not. They will fail to protect Trump while at the same time, they will undermine our constitutional protections.

They are dismantling the ability of federal and state agencies to regulate business and industry. Government will be unable to protect consumers, employees, or our environment; these justices will rule that it is unconstitutional for government to regulate capitalism. Right now, they are removing our environmental protections, along with reproductive health care and voting rights.

Courts are weakening our rights and protections following decades of well-funded extreme right-wing propaganda, who have incessantly labeled regulation of capitalism as the same thing as socialism. As a consequence, many Americans believe that laws protecting consumers, employees, and the environment is socialism. Too many Americans now believe that legislatures should repeal those laws, that courts should weaken regulatory agencies.

Ironically, the same 33 percent of American voters who idolize Trump, will see him prosecuted by the same judicial branch of government that is removing their basic constitutional rights and economic protections.

The remaining 17 percent of Republican voters will vote against their own interests; they think they are voting for “freedom” from socialism.

They will vote for legislative candidates who purport to support Trump and appeal to his voters, but who hope that he will not be able to run for president, so that they can. The danger is that these candidates are smart enough not to engage in personal corruption or violate criminal laws, but smart enough to manipulate laws and the electorate to further erode our rights and legal protections.

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https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/10/covid-deadlier-republicans-study.html Killing your voters seems to be a strange strategy.

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I'm watching the hearings - I've got chills. The committee voted on the resolution that the committee issue subpoena to Donald Trump - 9 ayes, 0 no's. Liz Cheney included clips of 30 witnesses who invoked the fifth when asked about communication with Trump. Accountability - yes.

Just heard some commentator who said earlier "They should have done this sooner; now they can be accused of being political," and is now saying "what do they hope to accomplish?" What is wrong with these people?? Is there no time when they can just say, this is the right thing to do?

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"I used to have a full head of blond hair and a mustache, but I don’t anymore. Hope that description helps!" Oh, that was YOU I saw at Whole Foods yesterday. 🤗

"Finding the right balance between “important” and “urgent” is challenging." Seriously, though, I greatly appreciate how you find the right balance to keep me, and probably a host of other folks, on balance. My donating budget is stretching thin, but I still have a couple of rolls of stamps (that I bought with my stipend from poll-working in June) to plop on a bunch of letters and postcards.

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Robert, your newsletter is a daily pep me up. I particularly enjoyed that last paragraph cheering everyone on. Yesterday someone on Twitter posted a question about whether to take the time to reply to a MAGA stranger badmouthing the poster’s candidate-endorsing t-shirt . My thought? The that reply time would be better spent on one more postcard or door knock. Go, team!

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I wonder if Joseph Ladapo (Florida’s surgeon general) can be sued for malpractice. Would love comments from some of you lawyers. Thanks!

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Trump is an authoritarian, a demagogue, and an existential threat to our democracy. The January 6 Commission has done a nice job of highlighting his hub and spoke conspiracy in which the attack on the Capitol was just one spoke of a grander scheme to cling to power. Fellow Hubbell readers, this opinion piece summarizes the most important information from these hearings:


The last hearing is today (October 13). If you find this article useful or informative please pass it on to your friends or others who might be persuaded by facts and would vote to protect our democracy.

Justin F. Thulin, M.D.

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