May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you, Robert, for your powerful piece tonight. The mass shooting in El Paso in 2019 deeply affected Beto and made him a stronger, more resolute person especially around the issue of gun control. He is ready to speak up and confront those who are doing nothing. Yes, I will donate more to Beto and also to non-Republican candidates seeking to replace Republican state senators and representatives so that Beto can have an effective governorship. Minority rule in Texas has got to stop. This afternoon I had wine and conversation with three women friends. They are all quite a bit more conservative than I am. We did discuss the shooting and politics quite freely because we are such good friends. I was a bit surprised that they thought the former guy was basically out of the picture now. Didn't sound like any of them would ever vote for him again. I told them of my vow to not vote for any Republican at any level of government because they are taking away women's rights and doing nothing about gun safety. We also discussed President Biden and I believe I left them with a more positive picture of President Biden especially around foreign policy and bringing NATO back together. I also attributed the fiasco of the withdrawal from Afghanistan as a failure of intelligence weakened by the former guy's administration. We had a long discussion on abortion and whether constitutionally the federal government had any role in what the states decide - the states rights argument which I countered with the Guarantee Clause, Article IV Section 4. It guarantees that states must have a republican (i.e. of the people) form of government and Congress had a duty to bring rogue states into line. It was a respectful, animated conversation which I enjoyed very much. We all agreed and were thankful hat we were able to discuss all this so openly. We finished on an optimistic note when l shared with them my dream of government measured by a Well-Being Index rather than GNP. Well-being for all the people. We, the People, all of us this time -- working together for the well-being of all.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Yes, on us. I wish I had the clout to be able to energize somewhere between one and ten million people to sit down peacefully in front of Congress and STOP PAYING TAXES until there is gun legislation requiring universal background checks and banning assault rifles. We would encourage companies like Apple, Starbucks, and others to stop giving their employees' payroll taxes to the government and pay any of their employees who would like to join those millions for as long as it takes. I'm 79 years old and I'd be willing to sit there until I die.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. If we fail to vote. than we deserve what we get! It is all too easy to blame others for our own failures. I couldn't vote for any Republican any more because they all vote in lock step and take no responsibility for anything except reducing taxes for the haves and demonizing Biden [unfortunately too many dems do the same thing by finding fault with Biden] I will vote for any dem, altho in at least some cases reluctantly because they are a party of cowards, because the alternative is too scary to contemplate. I am 80 and haven't many years left, but I worry for our children, grandchildren and more. WE need to think about and plan for tomorrow and at the same time remember the lessons of yesterday to avoid repeating oo many of them.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Yesterday, my posting made reference to Republican Associate Justice John Paul Stevens’ rebuke of the 2008 DC v. Heller ruling. Here I wish to highlight conservative Chief Justice Warren Burger (a Nixon appointee), who, shortly after his 17-year tenure on the High Court, confidently asserted that a particular reading of the 2nd Amendment was a “fraud on the American public.”

For some context, this “particular” reading is one that embraces the fraudulent interpretation of the 2nd Amendment to mean that our Founders had intended for everyone 18 years or older to be able to buy, say, a semi-automatic firearm and nothing could be done to restrain that right in any way.

Because I am writing from an iPhone, I can’t post a link. Nonetheless, a few keywords will lead to provocative reading that includes, in my view, a highly credible word-for-word analysis of the 2nd Amendment.

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Great idea. Donation made to Beto. A voice of sanity in what could be the Great State of Texas

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

This has been my mantra to others for weeks now, "This is on us" , and I add, "especially those of us that do not vote". On a brighter note, last evening it was announced that New York will become the first state to begin holding gun manufacturers and companies accountable for their roles in mass shootings and gun violence. https://www.everytown.org/press/breaking-federal-court-dismisses-challenge-to-new-yorks-landmark-gun-industry-accountability-law/

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Endless thank yous, Rob and Jill, and donation just made to Beto.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

It is a lie that there are no solutions to gun violence. Here are reasonable, common sense solutions we could implement without banning guns. We don’t lack answers only the will to do what is necessary.

I continue to emphasize the goal is to reduce gun violence it is not about banning guns or taking any guns away from responsible gun owners.

Here is a list of common-sense reforms that would not eliminate gun violence but would have a significant impact and reduce gun violence deaths of all kinds including accidents and suicides:

1. Universal and enforced expanded background checks for all gun purchases

2. Passage and rigorous enforcement of Extreme Risk Protection Order legislation (red flag laws). 56% of all mass shootings (4 or more deaths related to a single incident) are carried out by individuals with a direct relationship to domestic violence. The removal of a gun from anyone’s possession requires due process and is a temporary order until they are deemed by a court no longer to be a threat to themselves or anyone else (due process). This measure alone shows it dramatically reduces gun violence deaths from all cause including suicides.

3. Licensure and registration of all guns with a requirement that to have a license for concealed or open carry you must take and pass a course on gun safety and responsible gun and ammunition storage and safe use of a weapon

4. Higher barriers to ownership of certain more dangerous and deadly weapons, including safe storage and training requirements. This does not ban those weapons but may impose specific age limitations, and training requirements, or other readonable hurdles.

I understand these would not eliminate all gun violence but they would make a difference. I also understand that we are unlikely to be able to do all that but a start on them would be a good place to begin.

Understand this is not banning guns but it is about common sense gun safety.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I just made my first donation to Beto O’Rourke’s campaign. Late to the party, I know. Courage needs to be rewarded. He, Mallory McMorrow, Stacy Abrams and other Dems are our future. Thank you, Robert.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

It's the money. Greg Abbott and Ted Cruz will demonstrate whether they care about the kids with their decisions to speak or or not to speak at the NRA confab in Houston. Does anyone think that the NRA has anything but the accumulation of more and more money on their minds? They have successfully pursued their current for profit model since Wayne LaPierre took over. Back in the day - the NRA didn't mind teaching about gun safety, having shooting competitions, and a focus on sporting guns. How in Heaven's name could they have evolved into protecting the right to carry AR-15's around town by unlicensed + uninsured idiots?

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You missed nothing. You said everything that needs to be said. Greg Abbott is right in only ONE respect, with regard to 18-year-olds and firearms, since 1960: They can join the Armed Forces, and wield firearms IN THAT CAPACITY. In every other aspect of his argument, he is muddled, opaque, deluded.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Jill sets us a good example. Just donated.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I am behind Beto as long as he keeps screaming. The time for reasoned response is over. It is time to call the powers that be out for what they are: murderers. I am tired of Schumer staying in his lane. He should stop trying to win Republican senators over and start a moral crusade. The R’s will win against reason every time. This has got to be Mano-a-Mano from now on. Schemer’s priority should not be convincing his “colleagues,” but convincing us, the People, with loud, heartfelt opposition to what is happening to us.

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May 26, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The top 20 recipients of gun lobbying donations are all Republicans. They trade $ for children's lives. Obscene

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I agree, today is not the time to pinpoint the response of at least 4 police agencies, the school district, the "Sheriff" , the Texas state police ( DPSOA ) & the Feds. Yes,Texas called the U.S. Border Patrol. Up to 80 police officers were present for 40-60 minutes or more sarting with a 911 call at 11:30 a.m. Robb Elementary School time. Around 11:32 am the Shooter "crashed his truck" & entered the "south" entrance after the 18 year old was first engaged with shots fired per ABC NEWS. Need to catalog all police elecronic communications. Update: more than 90 minutes "until after 1 pm" per NYT`s Natasha Frost on 5/26. Never forget Uvalde.

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