Jun 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert you should call your newsletter "The News Behind the News." Well done as always.

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Robert, Thank you for mentioning Lawrwnce O'Donnell's interview of Biden's negotiation team. I too was definitely going to recommend everyone watch it! The team was brilliant and President Biden superbly guided the negotiators. President Biden more than deserves another term as President. The American People deserve and need such brilliant person so dedicated to the needs of We, the People! Vote For Biden and vow not to vote for anyone with an R by their name. The entire Republican Party much be held accountable!!!

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It was a pleasure to listen to Lawrence O'Donnell's interview with the negotiators of the debt ceiling deal. It made me smile when Mr. Richetti referred to President Biden's "legislative sagacity!"

Be sure to tune in to the next phase of the interview which adds 5 minutes to the first 13 minutes. It sort of presents the "human" side of each of these incredible people:


You always seem to get us to the heart of the matter, Robert. Thank you!

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

As you wrote today: “Don’t let anyone tell you that we should only invest in or contest “winnable” elections. Lightning strikes, upsets happen, and candidates surprise us. A handful of such surprises could have reduced the number of states with anti-transgender legislation from sixteen to less than a dozen. That outcome is worth the effort of contesting every seat.”

I want to let readers know that activists in TN and beyond are raising money to launch Blue Tennessee, an Every State Blue expansion PAC (like Blue Ohio), to fund every Democratic candidate for every state office in our deep red state from the bottom up. Data shows that having Democrats on the ballot for every office at every level challenges Republican lies and disinformation, increases turnout, invigorates and activates local Democrats, and significantly helps the top of the ticket. Watch our Blue Tennessee Launch video (with Jessica Craven and David Pepper) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPoyU5wahwI.

Pledge a donation to our Launch Fund here https://contribute.itstarts.today/blue_tennessee/contribute

Jenny Altshuler


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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thanks for ending on a high note, with the reassuring story of President Biden's team. I've felt (and written, in "Age of Reason") that he surrounds himself with people who are capable and qualified, and that he's restored functionality and survivability to the Presidency. In the past, I've referred to his predecessor's team as the "Tool" Cabinet. We need to change the narrative about President Biden's age to one about his wisdom and his strong support team.

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Jack Smith, DOJ.. Georgia, Manhattan.. Fighting election clock. DJT to be charged, convicted, sentenced, jailed. High crimes & misdemeanors. Possible treason.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thanks for including Jessica’s YouTube and especially the Lawrence O’Donnell interview with the 3 negotiators. Incredible and reassuring insight as to how government should work. I felt like I was watching an episode of The West Wing and started to smile. Kudos to this team for an excellent job! Now, I sit and wait for “breaking news” to announce the issuance of indictments. And another huge smile.

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I hit my wall a few weeks ago. Am so sick of this man, his family, the one in FL, all the swamp creatures that slithered to the surface when this man infested and infected OUR HOUSE, and the millions of Tweedles who slobber over him. There has been corruption in the U.S. from the moment the Pilgrims landed. There is corruption in governments world wide. But. By not becoming invested in the daily toll it takes to my soul, for the first time since 2016, I am enjoying waking up in the morning. F him. F them. I recently discovered Dr. Alan Mandell on YouTube. Such great advice on health. This was what I saw this morning as the first thing I read, and I share because, for me, staying involved in the drama of these blackguards is not good for mind, body, and soul. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OfKaxYwh_o4

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He will go down, down, down!

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Thanks Robert and the MSNBC interview with the Presidents negotiating team is outstanding. Nobody used the word “woke”, just real concern for real people.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, just finished watching the Lawrence O’Donnell interview with Biden Negotiation Team Steve Ricchetti, Shalanda Young, and Louisa Terrell. Thank you so much for pointing this up and urging us to watch. It demonstrated why Biden is such a successful president. I was deeply moved, not just by what these three people accomplished with Biden's guidance, but by the strong sense of not only of purpose, but of dedication and yes, affection, that flowed between them as they talked. Plus their respect in dealing with the people they were negotiating with. It was not about "winning", but about finding out how to work together with them in a way that resulted in a positive outcome. That outcome appears to include the ability to move forward on other issues. I am deeply impressed. This is negotiation at it's best- moving past negativity to create a space in which no one has to grovel or feel humiliated. No, not perfect, but you know what they say about perfection being the enemy of the possible. Thank you.

With the other things going on right now that seem to be pointing in a positive direction, I am more optimistic that we can, with perseverence and trust, move toward the kind of nation we want to be,

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Just wow. So heartened by this news and holding my breath... we have had so many misses. Let’s hope these charges stick. 🤞🏻

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

In regard to the charter school and separation of church and state segment, the MAGA white nationalists are not by any stretch Christian and should not be given the respect that accrues to that descriptor. They are fascists, racists, and in many cases, traitors and we should recognize them as such.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

That’s a chock-full newsletter with choice links! Jessica Craven is a force of nature, wow. We are so lucky to have her. As well, the negotiating team under Joe Biden, with Biden at the helm of this country in a dangerous time. As you point out, he surrounds himself with the best and the brightest while the other guy picks criminals and unqualified “yes” men and women, as autocrats do. It inevitably ends in their demise. As for DeSantis, I say go all out, Governor Newsom. What a great tweet!

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I watched the 13 minute segment on Lawrence O'Donnell's program last night. I was so impressed as you were, Robert. Such intelligence, teamwork, and knowledge!

It gave me hope when so many other events do not.

Thanks for bringing it to you wonderful newsletter.

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I keep saying, Biden’s the best president of my lifetime, which began under Eisenhower, or under Truman if you count in utero.

Those negotiators he chose are impressive. I loved hearing Shalanda Young talk about her interactions with her GOP counterpart, the bonding over their toddlers, etc. She seems wise beyond her apparent years. Ricchetti has a stellar reputation. Part of being a good leader is choosing good people. (That’s part of what enabled Shackleton and his 27 men all to make it back to civilization after Antarctic ice chewed up their boat and spat it out, leaving them with naught but the three lifeboats to sail the worst waters on the planet.)

If I had any propensity to believe in a deity, I might say that said deity gave us Biden just when we needed him, and just when Biden was at his best. Of course, one of the amazing things about Biden is that he seems to have learned so well from experience. I don’t think he’d be able to do the job he’s done had he been elected around the time he helped put Clarence Thomas on the Court.

I also don’t think he’s going to die in office after being re-elected. How often do politicians die in office, even when it might be better for the country or the world if they did? Mitch McConnell is 81. Feinstein is 89. Trump is 77, and it would be a big relief if he kicked the bucket, as his followers are so fervent, and there remains a risk he might end up in office again.

And by all rights, he should kick the bucket. He is overweight, has a terrible diet, terrible sleep habits, and gets little exercise to my knowledge although I don’t know how often he plays golf.

Watching the State of the Union, Biden seemed downright youthful. I think for those who love being in office, and believe strongly in what they are doing, it may actually prolong their lives.

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