I cannot improve on this posting by Joyce Vance. Adding my own expletives might make it original but this surgical dissection and assessment is perfect as is. Please click on this link..


In response to Robert's suggestion that we trade our anger for action, I have created 3 ActBlue accounts to support voter turnout which is the lifeline to our success in November and beyond.

This link supports organizations whose focus is adding voters to the polls namely Power the Vote, Inc., Democrats Abroad, Fair Fight, Rock the Vote Action Fund, America Votes Action Fund, NextGen America, The PAC for America's Future, and Field Team 6


The second link supports the state parties in 10 swing states who use that money to knock on doors to get the vote out!!


And finally, this link is dedicated to 501 c3 entities that focus on election fairness like the Brennan Center for Justice and as such is tax deductible. They are The Brennan Center for Justice, The Heartland Fund, New Georgia Project Action Fund, Voto Latino, The New Pennsylvania Project, VoteRiders, Western Native Voice Education Project, and Imagine NC First


Please let's all do our part and once again, thank you Robert for inspiring all of us to involvement and action.

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I, too, read it, and I encourage Mr Hubbell's readers to give Ms Vance's post due consideration.

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Vance's essay today is 100% correct in everything she says. The feelings of anger and rage expressed below are understandable and appropriate. But if the only thing that happens is that Trump and the ignorant truck driver succeed in enraging us, they will have achieved their goal. Convert your rage and anger into activism. Better yet, vow to donate something ($10, $5, $1) to Joe Biden every time Trump posts such garbage on Truth Social. I just did. Tomorrow is the first quarter FEC fundraising reporting deadline. Help send a message that ordinary Americans have Joe Biden's back. To donate, give here: https://joebiden.com/

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I love Robert’s idea of turning rage into action…. I donate when and as I can - just made a $100 donation to the great Sherrod Brown of OH - and send dozens upon dozens of postcards each month…. It’s a good thing that my blood pressure is normally quite low because the MAGA-sponsored evils and Merrick Garland’s passivity can regularly spike my anger to boiling levels. I’m so grateful to Robert, Joyce , Heather and Lucian, among others, for their wise and thoughtful

Substack commentaries!

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Thank you Robert and Bob and David. I committed to my tiny monthly donation to the Biden campaign.

In my effort to encourage respectful conversation on X, I got involved in a chat about that truck. It came up in a chat about "threats and gag orders." I'm cautious about BOT's but I think these were real folks, and their position was, Trump didn't threaten and he can't help when someone decides to act. I tried posting a very long Reuter's article about the effect of Trump's rhetoric on increasing threats, but it was dismissed as "garbage opinion." https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-election-judges-threats/

Also, It was quite something to learn that the truck images are called tailgate wraps,. Apparently there are many versions, and someone showed one with Trump all tied up. It's a whole other culture of what's ok. So I decided it was time to leave the chat. But I did have on moment where someone apologized for being snarky and deleted their comment.

Happy Easter/Resurrection! Resurgere - to rise again...no matter how many times we fall. And we can help one another!

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Yes, for sure. I read it a bit ago and am still enraged. Lucien and Robert's posts calmed me down a bit. I forwarded it to the LA Times.

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Yes. And I have shared Professor Vance's column today with Democrats Abroad Germany in my branch, since there is a discussion on how our democracy is at stake in this election. I would also like to know to whom we should write or call to get a response from the government to do their job and put the brakes on Treacherous-treasonous-traitorous-tantruming-Trump. It is like watching Orbán in Hungary, Putin in Russia and Jinping in China taking over and getting away with their lies and rewriting reality in true Orwellian fashion. If there is no response the behavior will escalate. That is why I always ran a tight ship in my classroom. If a child or children tried to bully their classmates or me I would not let it go unnoticed. There would be a talk in the hall with great clarity of the situation from me and questioning of them. The amoral can never see their fault in a situation, but telling them how it looks from the outside can help. In the beginning of the year it is followed up with them needing to make amends and perhaps discussion with the counselor, later in the year it goes to the dean of students, and punishment is distributed. I also learned to build the fun thing in school into the beginning of the year, so everyone knew what they were missing when we reached a point where these things might be taken away, or earned. Treacherous-treasonous-traitorous-tantruming-Trump has had his fun, now it needs to be removed for each infringement. People who do not have any moral compass whatsoever need to have applied behavioral analysis used on them. That is determine what precedes the action, and what they want to accomplish with the action, and then remove either the circumstances that precede it, or follow it, and in his case it is not possible to remove the triggers, other than to throw him in an isolation tank, so it is best to remove the desired outcome and replace it with an undesired one. This is what I recommend and if I had the power to set up the circumstances for this to happen I would, but I do not! So, hopefully those who do will start implementing them, since I do not see the Justice department, or the Judiciary, or the police or the secret service or the FBI, or the CIA doing this, I hope that either it is happening in the background unseen. However, the proof is in the pudding. If his behaviors continue, and those of the people around him, we will know that those with the powers to stop him are not. Are they too cowed, too supportive of him, or too stupid to understand what needs to be done. Remember Hitler! He did time, but it was too short. It was not a deterrent. The people entrusted with the power to stop Treacherous-treasonous-traitorous-tantruming-Trump must do so!

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Great rant, Linda!

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I see you've improved upon your multi-word appellation for tffg.

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Thank you for stepping up to contribute. Please feel free to circulate the links and the posts. Bob

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I too read it a while ago. And on Good Friday! Whoever posted that, whoever did the mock up, May you rest well in your beds tonight, and be gone from this earth before the sun rises.

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Thank you Bob. I am so glad someone brought this up. I just finished reading Joyce's post and I'm outraged.

From House.Gov:

"§871. Threats against President and successors to the Presidency

(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."


I'll be following here and hopeful for some ideas of what to do about this.

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I've wondered why NO ACTION is taken agains trump --- the lates (in HuffPo) - a picture of Biden hogtied in the back of a pick-up truck. Seems that your comment should require immediate consequences for this vile menace.

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Is there a way to contact the Secret Service? Ask them to do their duty of "having a talk" with Trump and the creators of this atrocity?

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Because we all know that the Federalist Society Supreme Court would uphold these outrageous and dangerous threats as Free Speech.

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The First Amendment means that we can’t stop Trump’s outrages on his site, Lies Psychopathic, but we can tell the truth. Over and over. And loudly. The truth always catches up with the lie, and there are many signs that it is catching up with Trump and his disloyalists. But we need to keep speaking the truth until he and his kind are banished once and for all.

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Yes, this post by Joyce Vance is chilling and also telling. I encourage all to read it. Something must be done to stop these threats and dog whistles by this most vile presidential candidate who apparently has more rights than most of us do.

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Yes. What is our action plan next week to counter Trump’s illegal (Secret Service/FBI level) behavior? Thank you.

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Yes- we are all aware of the Great Danger that Trump brings. But how do we get a judge to respond to these terrible taunting and images? I’ve never seen anything like this in our political history (I’m 72). Very distressing. Someone is going to get hurt or killed by these tactics. Must be stopped - but HOW????

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Remember in Texas how tRumpers in big pickup trucks tried to run a Biden campaign bus off the road? If the system is rigged, it's benefiting the orange putrescence at this point. It's time for some negative consequences. tRump is acting like a mob boss.

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My question exactly, Linda!

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Just imagine how Eric holder would respond!!!!

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Good question!

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Shortened part I heard loudly….”Make sure your friends, especially those who are undecided or intend to vote for Trump, know about this. Would it be okay to do this with a picture of a child’s teacher? Of a kid at school they don’t like? Then it shouldn’t be acceptable for a political candidate to do it to the President.

*It’s not a question of politics, it’s a question of basic decency*.

This is a powerful story about why Donald Trump is unfit to be president…”

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.I read it first thing this morning, and was appalled, of course. I agree with all the outrage. But do we KNOW the secret service hasn't done anything? I mean, they are the "secret" service, right? Also, is there a way that this can be directly, proveably pinned on tffg? I don't know, because Ms Vance's posting was the 1st I've heard about it, but somehow I doubt that it can be. Please tell me I'm wrong!

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The pickup truck in the video has a license plate that is clearly visible. I'm betting the Secret Service is visiting the owner right now, and the conversation won't be pleasant! My husband is a retired police chief and he would be outraged if one of his officers had that on his truck. That officer would be fired bright and early Monday morning!

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Yes, Bob! Joyce offered an amazing take on the failure or inability of our times to stop the criminal minded former president from running through our country like a huge wrecking ball.

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I's unbelievable what he gets away with! Why is that? He no longer deserves any consideration! But since there have really been no consequences for his behavior, he is like a child, testing the limits and feeling pretty confident that nothing will happen to him. Why is he allowed to defame a judge's daughter? I hope there is a consequence for that and for the image of Biden tied up. Otherwise, what are we about in this country?

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Thank you, Bob. I've shared this on Facebook (without attribution, just "from a Robert Hubbell commenter").

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Hopefully it will hit home with many..

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I hope so too, Bob.

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In response to Robert's suggestion that we trade our anger for action, I have created 3 ActBlue accounts to support voter turnout which is the lifeline to our success in November and beyond.

This link supports organizations whose focus is adding voters to the polls namely Power the Vote, Inc., Democrats Abroad, Fair Fight, Rock the Vote Action Fund, America Votes Action Fund, NextGen America, The PAC for America's Future, and Field Team 6


The second link supports the state parties in 10 swing states who use that money to knock on doors to get the vote out!!


And finally, this link is dedicated to 501 c3 entities that focus on election fairness like the Brennan Center for Justice and as such is tax deductible. They are The Brennan Center for Justice, The Heartland Fund, New Georgia Project Action Fund, Voto Latino, The New Pennsylvania Project, VoteRiders, Western Native Voice Education Project, and Imagine NC First


Please let's all do our part and once again, thank you Robert for inspiring all of us to involvement and action.

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Beautiful tribute to our public workforce and reminder that the myriad services they provide explains why I am happy to pay my share of taxes.

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My late father was a civil engineer whose area of expertise was water. He spent the latter half of his career as a "bureaucrat" working for the D.C. government and rising through the ranks of the water department. (We liked to joke that he had the power to cut off the water to the White House).

Therefore, I can really relate to Robert's comment about

"Honest, hardworking citizens doing their best to keep the streets clean, the roads clear, the water running, and the electricity flowing."

Thank you for this timely column! People do not appreciate what goes into keeping a city running smoothly - they only complain when things go wrong!

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Sometimes we need to be reminded of the value of a municipal employee who clears the roadway of fallen branches, don’t we?

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Let’s also hear from the public service workers among us who do the work and support their families and their communities as other workers do. I include the postal workers, teachers, school crossing guards, bus drivers, train operators, cleaners, park department, sanitation, and many more. We appreciate you and I know you appreciate having the jobs and that they are union jobs.

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Speaking of postal workers, since Louis DeJoy became Postmaster General, the postal service in my neighborhood has become pretty erratic. He worked really hard to beat down and break the US Postal Service, which makes crucial deliveries, like medicines, to people across the country.

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I have peeves against DeJoy. Cannot understand why he has not been ousted.

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Good morning from Italy. I just want to remind everyone that there are 6.5 million US citizens living abroad and we can vote! Please let family and friends abroad know that they can go to https://votefromabroad.org to request an overseas ballot. Our overseas votes can be the margin of victory in tight races!! PS this includes students heading abroad to study this fall!

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Greetings. I am a member of Democrats Abroad Germany. Currently in Portugal, where friends of ours have moved. Will be encouraging them to join when we see them for dinner tonight. Both my daughter and I are members of our respective branches of Democrats Abroad Germany. https://www.democratsabroad.org/

It is my understanding that Democrats Abroad brought in the vote for Biden in Georgia in 2020. Let us hope that we do it again this time. My daughter participated in the Global Presidential Primary via emailed ballot, and I participated in person and worked the polling place.

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DA Italy here :-)

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Thanks for the reminder- I have a son and nephew living overseas and have resent them the link.

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Please vote BLUE.

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The Baltimore bridge disaster is a horrible and tragic happening. Six brave people are dead and my thoughts are with them and with their families. It is awesome the way people and systems are working together to remedy what seems like an impossible feat.

I feel it is difficult to divert to a very repugnant topic but I need to vent!

Joyce Vance showed a video from Trump’s Truth Social (totally misnamed!😳) of trucks with lots of Trump flags on them. They were driving in NY most likely at the fallen police officer’s wake. The last truck in the video, showed a life sized picture of Biden tied up and kidnapped on the end of the truck!!!!!! Trump has got to be stopped !!!! This is another dog whistle for violence!!!! The GOP is not going to speak up!!! Will the courts do anything about stopping this monstrous and dangerous bully? We can only work hard to defeat him in Nov but meanwhile he is making a mockery of the judicial system, intimidating innocent people most likely to influence witnesses through fear,

and is dog whistling for violence against judges, judges families, election workers, and even Biden!!!

Who has the back bone to stop this monstrous, sick bully? We can only hope that we, the people can

defeat him soundly at the polls in Nov.

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I saw that horrible graphic on that pickup truck. That graphic is not criticism of the President; it is advocating violence against the President. That guy needs a visit by the FBI. How dishonoring of the deceased police officer.

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I totally agree! There is no bottom to Trump’s disgusting, dangerous, evil soul and behavior!!

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Thank you for all you do. Your encouraging words and optimism are very much appreciated! I read Today’s Edition, Heather Cox Richardson, and Jay Kuo daily and occasionally Joyce Vance, Jessica Craven, and Timothy Snyder. Your work, and that of these other talented people, is important!

Lately, my concern grows because the most progressive people in my life (my daughter, her wife, my son’s partner, a close friends of mine and his wife), all express such strong dislike and lack of confidence in President Biden at a time when I’m so grateful for his work. My daughter and her wife will likely still vote for Biden as they felt very unsafe during 2016-2020. My son’s girlfriend said she “can’t” vote for Biden as she feels it would compromise her morals (Gaza is her primary concern) despite my trying to explain that alternative is so much worse. My friend said he felt it extremely difficult to contemplate voting for Biden. He later said, when it comes down to it he’ll have to vote for him put he is furious with the Dems for not putting forward a “better candidate.” Meanwhile, a very young co-worker of mine, a child of immigrants, told me she was “not political,” and doesn’t plan to vote. Her sibling is a “Dreamer.” My young colleague is also trying to get her parents legal status in the US. I asked her her views on reproductive choice (she is personally opposed but pro-choice) and discussed briefly the implications of immigration policies between the candidates. She said, “we need immigrants because Americans workers won’t do the kind of work my dad and people like him do every day.” I agreed and asked her to please consider how important her vote is to helping border policies for immigrants, women, Dreamers, and to protect worker safety. My point is, your work, and that of your Substack cohort, helps me keep hopeful and speak knowledgeably on the issues when I need to have the info at hand! I’m sorry I can only financially support one Substack author at a time, but I’m very grateful for your work Thank you!!

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As Rebecca Solnit of The Guardian wrote, "A vote is a chess move, not a Valentine."

Here' a thought: For your son's girlfriend who "can't" vote for Biden, ask her to help elect other Democrats who will protect her reproductive freedom, protect the environment, protect the vote of Black citizens, protect the rights of LGBTQ people, protect her medical insurance, forgive student debt, and protect Social Security and Medicare. If she helps elect Democrats who will do those things, she will be acting to protect her liberties and freedoms under the Constitution--which are under threat and which she should not take for granted. If she feels compelled not to vote for Biden, that is not an excuse for not voting at all. So much more is at stake in this election.

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KC, thanks for this reality check. I don't agree with everything Biden has done over his lifetime. But I can honestly say, with a long life perspective, Joe Biden is the finest president we have had since FDR.

On the other side, I can see and understand the frustration of younger potential voters who don't have the historical perspective we might have - how they could be fixated on an important issue like Gaza. If I were Biden, I would have handled it differently.

Here is my response for your doubting family members and friends. If you don't vote for Biden, you will be endorsing the genocide in Ukraine. If you don't vote for Biden, you will be supporting government control over a woman's reproductive rights - in other words, if you don't vote blue, you are anti-woman.

If none of that is convincing, then please send them a copy of and some discussion articles about Project 2025. If after reading that piece of future Hell on Earth, they are not convinced, I would question their sanity or at least their ability to process the greatest threat to humanity since WWII. Project 2025 is a blueprint for totalitarian dominance by the morbidly rich.

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To piggyback on your comment regarding Project 2025:

Check out these links to two PoliticsGirl episodes with the same guest, Ahmed Baba. The first talks about the Heritage Foundation's blueprint, Project 2025, and is a couple of months old. The second is from her show last week about Trump's personal fever dream (aka "Agenda 47"):



It is important that people hear about this stuff, because most of the mainstream media is ignoring what is right under their noses. Trump and the GOP have told us who they are and what they will do if elected to power - BELIEVE THEM!!

Please help educate your friends and family about what is at stake.

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Thanks for pointing out PoliticsGirl to readers of today's comments. She is a treasure! Her podcasts and clips on X are priceless.

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The republican disinformation drum beating against Joe Biden for the last three years has been working with millennials and younger. Gaza is just a handy reason. We have a lot of talking to do over the next seven months!

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Your son's girlfriend needs to admit that she cares nothing about the freedoms of women in this country. We need to expand the court to reestablish and or insure the rights of all our citizens. If she does not vote for Biden, she is voting to have this country become a place where she will not even be able to get information regarding the Gazans that she is prioritizing over many, many others. At that point, when her liberties are completely obstructed, she will have no ability to help them at all. She needs to own that.

Obama put it well during the Biden fundraiser Thursday:

"When Obama was interrupted while speaking about Gaza, he quipped back, 'No, listen – you can't just talk and not listen. I think people understandably, oftentimes, want to feel a certain purity in terms of how those decisions are made. But the president doesn't have that luxury.'"


People need to start engaging with critical thinking and learn how to prioritize- just like when the flight attendant tells us to put the mask on ourselves first, before helping others.

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It seems that some people want Biden to be perfect and in alignment with all of THEIR issues, without looking at the disaster staring them In the face with a trump win in Nov! I feel hopeful that Biden will be re-elected but am NOT looking forward to the months ahead of us.

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Thank you for engaging with all these family members and friends with respect to issues important to them as well as to all the rest of us too!

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Mar 30Edited

An eloquent condensation of the "glue" that binds our society, and a fine Edition that helps us place the chaos and discord in perspective. Likewise, thank you, Robert, for your weekly public service to us in kind. Both bridges and global shipping have long fascinated me -- occasionally I document and write on these industrial wonders myself. To now see both acute devastation, and then the urgent dedication and engagement of our better public sphere mobilize into positive action, has been staggering to behold. I hope the Biden administration will continue to offer vigorous support, as Baltimore must. And that somehow this communal effort may be leveraged into successful campaigning later in the season.

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I love my state’s response to the loss of those gentlemen and it is painfully sad.

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Thank you as always Robert. Absent of breaking news to raise our collective blood pressure, your thoughts and information on the situation in Baltimore is most appreciated and needed. I did read Lucien an hour or so ago and he, as you, gave praise where it is due, and over due. His warm and personal record of his walk with his dog revealed so much that is there for us if we just look. Watch. See. Lucien is a warm, caring and genuine human being, as you have shown yourself to be also. I needed his reminder of what we have and what we must all recognise in it's importance for our collective survival. That is what we are fighting for. What we live for. Your words help us stay calm and focused.

On a deeper and more angrily urgent note, though, is Joyce Vance's letter tonight of the Truth Social post of the Orange Monster. Please, all read it and demand your news sources show it widely. I forwarded it to the LA Times Letters,asking them to at least read it and share it among themselves to come up with an invitation to Joyce to write an editorial with her letter of tonight. If I have energy and a clear head in the mornng, I might parephrase her letter and send a zinger to the editor in chief demnding a follow up to the Truth Social post that should be investigated by the Secret Service.

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Rather than amplify trump’s threat by going to the media, shouldn’t we be calling our legislators and the secret service and the FBI? Who else?

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Well? What's to stop you? It was bed time out here on the Leftist Coast and after Robert's calming note, I was headed to bed. Is that OK?

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Will be calling my 3 MI legislators on Monday. Will think more about SS and FBI. Also calling my MI Sec. of State re: McDaniel not being charged yet. ☎️🔥

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Thank you Sheila. Following here for an answer to your question.

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Yes, we need to do something, this is an absolute outrage. Thank you for forwarding to the LA Times.

From House.gov:

"§871. Threats against President and successors to the Presidency

(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."


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That's it. Clear as a bell.

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I have good friends and family members who support Trump. I very seldom cross the line with them and talk politics because I love them and don't want to lose our relationship ( or perhaps realize who they really are inside. ) In any case, I will be doing what Vance recommended and have conversations with them. Wish me luck!

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Good luck 👍💙

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Do your friends have pets? Trump hates dogs!

IMHO find out what benefits they have to lose. Don't need to mention Trump. Republicans want to cut SSA retirement, Medicare, VA, Black Lung, etc. Would kill SSI.

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When I was in college, one of my (many) jobs was working 6 PM to 10PM M-F at the IRS processing center in my university town. A 20 hour work week (plus commute) plus 12 credit hours of classes certainly kept me busy and pretty much left no time for anything else except studying, sleeping, and the occasional meal. I worked there for 3 spring semesters (ie tax seasons). I had ample opportunity to interact with “the lifers”, those for whom working for the Federal Government was a career. Without exception, they were competent, dedicated, responsible, and genuinely nice people. They were always willing to help out us “short timers” and never once made me feel stupid for asking a question. I love paying taxes, says no one ever! Yet I came to see how important our work was because all the things that make our country function relies on the money collected through taxes. And we were taught to always be polite and respectful of the taxpayer. Though I had no direct interaction with the public, I did have to “correspond with the taxpayer” if there was an issue with a return. This is a long winded way of saying that I have great appreciation for our public servants, as they are called. Bless them all. And if you read Project 2025 (blueprint for converting our democracy to a christofascist autocracy, google it), you will understand that the majority of these good people will lose their jobs if trump is elected, to be replaced by trump loyalists.

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Beautiful tribute Robert. My father was in the army Core of Engineers during WW2. Thank you.

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I was a "destructive" combat engineer, 1966-1967, MAC-V, 168th Engr. Btn. Vietnam.

As I said yesterday, I heard Longshore and Harborworkers' Act cases for the Port of Baltimore for several years. Although not mentioned, my alma mater, the Department of Labor, and OSHA are also involved.

My wife who is originally from "Balmer" is also a retired federal employee.

Not only have we frequently been berated by impatient or frustrated members of the public who ascribe decisions and consequences over which we had no control. "Some seek to demean you by calling you “bureaucrats” or members of the “deep state” when you are American citizens coming together to promote the common good."

Some of us have been threatened with physical harm and some killed. Okie City. E.G. Joyce Vance's father in law was murdered by a Ku Kluxer who had never been arrested or had any business before his court, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. When my wife worked at the US Atty office they had a mugger inside the building. Employees were accosted on the street. I had a stalker.

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Daniel, I was a child welfare worker for many years in different CA counties and threats seem to escalate through the years. When I moved from a big city agency with a security guard at the front door,to a more rural,, small town in 1987 I thought it was quaint….one small building, just a receptionist in the lobby, unlocked doors leading to social workers’ officer….until an unhinged father threatened to bring an AR57 to the office and find the foster home where his kids were. We all woke up at that point and then came locked doors, plexiglass, employee badges etc.. Of course child protective services does not affect the same number of people as city employees picking up garbage and tree limbs or fixing potholes, but we are all lumped together and NONE of us should be threatened just for doing our jobs.

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Child welfare workers are grossly overworked and underpaid. I commend you for trying to protect the most vulnerable amongs us.

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At least part of the problem is that many of our elected officials have forgotten that they too are meant to be public servants and instead appear to think that their election has conferred some special status on them. Periodically disabusing them of that notion by voting them out of office before their heads and tails get too big for the door will improve life for all of us, including the people who do the invaluable work you and Mr. Truscott so appropriately recognize.

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Dave, I agree 💯percent, but boy that is a tough nut to crack in red states as well as heavily gerrymandered purple states like mine (NC). The first step is not to leave any races unapposed.

Our new NCDP chair Anderson Clayton has done a superb job at recruiting candidates and while I will likely be represented by 3 GOP members in the US House and Senate, I am determined to do everything I can to elect enough Dems to the state legislature to break the super majority, elect the Democratic candidates to the "Council of State" (I.e., Governor, Lt. Governor, AG, etc.) and that effort will hopefully flip NC for Biden. We have so truly awfull candidates on the GQP side of the ballot, so it is a matter of survival!

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Tougher than a Missouri walnut Cheryl, no doubt about it. It would be nice to think that at least Mr. Robinson is so obnoxious that he'll lose, in much the same way that Sen. Hawley has been such an embarrassment that he may have a tough time getting past what looks like a good quality opponent. Unification/solidarity among Democrats will be the key.

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One thing we have in our favor is that Mecklenburg County has a lot of untapped registered Democratic voters (the positive take on low turnout in prior elections) and the ballot is full of names with Meck County connections:

* Rachel Hunt is currently a state senator in Meck Co. and is running for Lt. Gov.

* Jeff Jackson (who was a prior state Senator and is currently in US House representing part of Meck Co. ) is running for AG

* Wesley Harris, my current state senator, is running for Treasurer

*Natasha Marcus currently represents the northern part of Meck County and is running for Insurance Commissioner

*Mo Green was a superintendent of schools in Meck Co. and is running for Superintendent of public education

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That's a pretty impressive lineup, and if there's enough turnout in Charlotte and the Triangle, there could be a shot. Jackson was impressive in Congress and seems like a strong candidate. Here's hoping.

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I agree!

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Your writing is very easy to read and forget that I am actually reading! Amazing, but I always feel I’m having the experience you are having! Thanks for sharing your beautifully written pieces!

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I always have a stack of voter registration or GOTV postcards to write. So I have made it a daily habit to pull up Robert's newsletter and hit the button to listen while I write or address a few cards. It is a great way to start the day and I find Robert's voice very calming even when the news he is discussing is not.

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Thank you, for the wisdom of the civilised..

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With much gratitude for all our civil servants ! My family has/had four serving this country and our community.💙

Joyce Vance’s post was chilling but also a call to action to have “civil discourse” with those who are undecided.” I’ll continue to wear my Biden/Harris t 👕 to stimulate discussions which, so far, have only been positive ! On the other hand, our (lonely😔) Biden/ Harris yard sign lasted only a couple weeks in my neighborhood.More on order and will reconsider placement In the mean time, hand-made sign 🪧adorned with 2 small flags🇺🇸 will suffice: “Only COWARDS and LOSERS steal signs.Thanks for NOT respecting my 1st Amendment rights”. (credit hubby for wording)

Hopefully we won’t need you🤞….but thanks in advance to all the civil servants who will come to our aid this hurricane season.🌀

Not.Giving.Up.In.Florida !😎

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Thanks for "not giving up in Florida!"

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I was talking to my Democratic Precinct chair recently about yard signs and how they frequently get stolen. She says that she coats the edges of her signs where people would grab them with a mixture of Vaseline and hot sauce. This is for the ones she puts out at polling places and EV sites, but it should work around your house provided you remembered to wear gloves when you move them.

Have you considered a motion detector flood light - if you think this is happening at night?

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Kathy, as a fellow Floridian, I admire your attitude and what you are doing!

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Thanks, Pamsy ! We’re in this together. Florida Strong!


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Perfectly expressed gratitude to our public workers in your concluding statement!

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Watching the fall of the Key Bridge struck me as a perfect metaphor of the collapse of our judicial system as the courts make every imaginable excuse to delay the prosecution of the insurrectionists who sought to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.

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