Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Were Democrats to adopt the slogan “If Republicans win, you lose,” I would suggest their follow-up talking points be formatted to amplify a working family agenda that has received zero Republican support. Here’s a sample:

“Who do you want here—somebody who doesn’t want to extend the child tax credit or those who do?” “Somebody who doesn’t want to provide paid family and medical leave or those who do?” “Doesn’t want to preserve Social Security and Medicare or those who do?” “Doesn’t want to establish a $15 hourly minimum wage or those who do?” “Doesn’t want to deliver affordable, quality childcare or those who do?” “Doesn’t want to invest in universal healthcare, in housing, in eldercare, in climate, or those who do?” And so forth.

As stated previously, while I don’t expect going on the offensive and taking the fight to the Republican Party will have much, if any, impact on far right MAGA extremists, I do imagine there are sufficient numbers of “persuadables,” who could help Dems hold the House, pick up some Senate seats, and also win contests in battleground state and local elections.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you Robert! Great panel discussion - appreciated your insights as always.

Spent Monday poll watching at Univ of NV Reno and learned a few things. Here’s how WE all can help turn out #GenZ Voters:

🗳 Remind them that if they did not get their mail in ballot, they may be able to same day register & vote at the polls. (22 states and Washington, D.C. do this - see comments for state list.) Need proof of res/ID. (Ck www.iwillvote.com for state reqs/reg.)

🍩 Seriously, get some donuts or candy & go to your nearest student union of a community college, or university. Walk around and ask them if they’ve voted. If they haven’t, find out why and help them. Most kids I’ve talked to who haven’t voted WANT to vote but feel overwhelmed. (Last night, I spoke with a 19 year old hotel reception clerk - he said he wanted to vote, but he wasn't sure how to do it and that his family are Trumpers so he didn't want to ask them. I gave him www.iwillvote.com and my number for any questions about voting.)

📲 Make sure your kids (and their friends) have their ballots and will vote! And even if they are in a blue state, it's so important for young people to vote so they have political power and don't have 70+ yr old white conservative voters deciding their futures.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Rachel B is the best. Here is another short and sweet voting point that I saw on Twitter - Voting is like driving. If you want to go backwards, you choose R. To go forward, you choose D.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Falsehoods, disinformation, mistruths all dilute the truth. Trump is a blatant, pathological liar over and over. But the Peolosi attack lies hit a new personal-attack low. Abominable. Deplorable. Horrific.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you Robert. How can we work together to get something like The Fairness Doctrine created? Not just for airwaves but for those who speak or write misinformation that misleads and is harmful to the wellbeing, life, and safety of others? This free for all spewing of hatred, lies, spin must end. Those holding office must be held accountable. Those who attempted to overthrow the government must be punished. Those who knowingly create chaos and endanger our democracy and our rights must be shut down.

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"If Republicans win, you lose" has been true in every election since 1932. I guess better late than never to use it as an organizing tool,

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Long time commentators have observed that "if you're explaining, you're losing". Since the GOP's agenda is tax cuts to the rich and hand-guns in every hand, the Dems need attack ads calling out lies, mis-information, and danger. It's dangerous to sunset laws like Medicare and SS, unless you're rich like Scott and Johnson.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I'm an old (90) new subscriber, Great piece. So true about the lies and distortions, and complete lack of compassion. They are a mean spirited bunch it seems. Don't want anything good for for the people but bend over backwards to please their corporate pom nsers. The 2 trillion tax cut Trump gave them caused a deficit every tear he was in office, Biden cut the deficit, even with the big social programs that create jobs, provides income for people who get these jobs which result in more buying power which then creates more jobs or at least keeps people employed. It's not rocket science. Oh but do you see any Republican legislators who voted 100% against Biden's programs turn down any of the money for their states for repairing and building infrastructure? On the contrary they bragged about what they had gotten for their constituents. If I were president I would have told the governors of those states your man voted against this bill so I guess that means your state doesn't want the money. So bottom line the Grand? Old Party gives the corporations 2 trillion dollars but wants to eliminate social Security and medicare for senior citizens, many of whom have no other income. So would become homeless. Nice guys huh? They want to rob the rich to give to the poor. The other thing the RNC should s ask themselves is, what is it about our party that attracts so many crazies and fanatics? And then when these guys do something bad like the Pelosi incident or Jan 6 attack on the Capitol, they are so ashamed that they pretend it wasn't that bad or as so well explained by our friend in the Pelosi case , leave out pertinent facts or change the story completely into something else. Again, no compassion or sympathy whatsoever. Frankly I'd be ashamed to belong to a party like that. The fact that the members are not ashamed says it all.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Listened to the podcast and while Robert had to struggle (successfully I might add) to “get a word in edgewise” he definitely added a great perspective to the conversation. The thing that jumped out to me was the fact that Kurt Bardella, a former Republican strategist, now a Democrat trying to advise the DNC and DCCC, said that the Dems wouldn’t take his advice on messaging and strategy. We are in this mess because Dems haven’t paid attention for so long and even now the messaging stinks. If we end up winning the Senate and/or the House, it will be because of us….all the grass roots efforts. If that happens I intend to write a letter to Jaime Harrison who, I think is guilty of malpractice, and tell him he needs to get out of the way and let someone more assertive take over.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Yes, performative cruelty is what we get if the other team wins. No way!

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Just for a moment imagine how the court would have ruled in AZ if the armed men at the ballot drop off box were Black Panthers.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

My son-in-law is the lead writer on the Pelosi attack for the LA Times. He told me last night that he left out any mention of Trump's lies in today's follow-up article so not to give them any more air than they already have received. I haven't read it yet, so can't confirm that an editor didn't slip something in (that happens). Very proud of his journalism.

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I agree that the slogan “ if Republicans win you lose” is perfect. I have posted that slogan on Facebook and plan to post it everywhere. Imagine if all of us reading Today’s Edition each individually posted this slogan everywhere and sent notes to friends and family and started a ground swell what that could do. It might make the difference in someone voting or not and who they actually vote for. Join me today and let’s make everyone aware that “ If Republicans win you lose “. We have everything to gain and a lot to lose. Thanks

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The Panel Discussion Tuesday with two former (ugh) Republicans was brilliant, super on Democrats needing more direct, forceful messaging, and how Democrats must go in person in this final week to groups like Black communities and Hispanic communities neglected and overlooked by Democrats.

Dr. Bitcoffer -- brilliant. Fingers crossed for Democrat candidates and Biden to have heard, are listening, and hurry up to visit neglected voter populations in person. Now.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"Rachel Bitecofer said, “If Republicans win, you lose . . . .” In the moment, the slogan seemed brilliant. With the benefit of reflection, it seems even better than I originally thought. It is compact, aggressive, flexible, and true!"

Five words that says it all! KISS

Too bad Democrats (each and every one of them) haven't hammered home this slogan repeatedly for the past few months. When challenged, let the irrefutable facts and evidence speak for themselves. If the fact and evidence are challenged, then call out their lies. KISS

If Republicans win, You Lose!!!

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