As an Army veteran (enlisted and commissioned officer), I've been watching to see not whether Trump would try to demolish the military, but how aggressively he would try to do it. Given his contempt for those who serve or have served, the speed of his demolition effort doesn't surprise me. Now I'm waiting to see what the remaining flag-rank and other senior commissioned officers do in response. If (when?) things get totally out of hand, there may come a point at which we see the American analog of the German officers' July 20 plot <> <> and Operation Valkyrie <>.
In the meantime, I think more mockery could help destabilize Trump and Musk, neither of whom has any capacity for withstanding mocking jabs. For example, I think it's time to rename DOGE to DOOFUS (Department of Outrageous Flimflammery - United States), which I think well describes both the institution and the man who runs it, and indirectly mocks Trump as well.
Meidas Touch is doing a good job at the mocking….and it’s working. They are now #1 podcast ahead of Joe Rogan and Trumpers and Faux News are not happy!
Yes! Ben is about the best Trump troller I have ever seen! He knows what he’s doing, (along with channeling our outrage and disgust), and he does it to perfection. He is unique in what he does and I think it’s one reason that they have surpassed Rogan with over 4 million subscribers.
I think local Democratic clubs should encourage pickets of tesla showrooms with signs that say DOOFUS. We would need media to pick up on it, which is a big maybe.
There is a great poster that a group is selling, done by an artist in DC which is red, has the face of musk, and says “Elon is stealing from you.” I’d love to see that made into cardboard signs for these protests.
No, we can't stop town halls. We must change the message we are sending to the GOP congress people. They are terrified of being challenged in their next elections by Musk financing and Drump's orders. We must say firmly and constantly, represent us or WE WILL VOTE YOU OUT!! It is "We the people," not a king.
Too analytical, DKBRooklyn. "They" can't stop our town halls. If "they" stop holding them, we have to figure out a way to hold them. We have to complain; demonstrate; unionize; write letters to the editor and postcards to the cowards in Congress; call; email; organize; sabotage; boycott. The analysis is complete; it's really bad. Move on to step 2: do something
I have seen some video of one of these Republican town halls, lost the link, where one of them was relentlessly getting pummeled by constituents despite him trying hard to weasel himself out of it. Meanwhile my Republican Congressman Mike Kelly of PA is in hiding. He will not even put on a live town hall on line, let alone in public. He is hosting supposed tax time streaming events where multiple hosts drag on and on introducing themselves and questions are filtered for them to answer.
Over on Joyce Vance’s substack, a reader reported how a couple of regular people just set up a town hall in Kansas, with an empty chair for their elusive congressman, and people asked questions and hundreds of people attended via YouTube. Then they sent it to their absent congressman and got some press in the process. Nice idea!
Love the idea--setting up a town hall with a missing chair for the congress-weasel. We can all do that all over the country. We can advertise them as Town Hall with Rep. So-and-so. Then when the weasel doesn't show up we do as Janet describes above--people ask questions and hundreds attend via You Tube, send the video to the congress-weasel, and GET PRESS!
Hold a town hall and put a rubber chicken in the empty seat where Mike Kelly should be. Invite community members to testify about how the DOGE rampage is hurting them and their families. Let the chicken squawk when the Congressman should be responding. Get that up on social media. It’s fun and effective.
I follow many Never Trumpers, and many Bulwark folks as well as other former Republicans see this moment as a time for another true populist movement to arise. Let us work to assure that our Coalition of the Decent can foment the rise of a strong new commitment to our democracy.
Thanks for the Bulwark article -- such a clear and articulate warning. Reshaping the military along political ideologic lines, or perceived personal loyalty = security disaster.
But I disagree that Trump and Must are making enemies "without a clue they are doing so."
I believe they know they are doing so, and don't care a bit. One has bottomless wealth; the other has built an army of insurrectionists to do his bidding; and neither has any capacity for human relationships.Their cups runneth over with hate, and making enemies means there are targets where all that hate can go.
"I believe they know they are doing so, and don't care a bit. One has bottomless wealth; the other has built an army of insurrectionists to do his bidding; and neither has any capacity for human relationships. Their cups runneth over with hate, and making enemies means there are targets where all that hate can go." Very insightful.
They are beginning to make enemies of their own constituents. So if they know that and don't care they are beyond stupid. We need as many Republicans to come on over to the other side as we can get.
I agree with Jill Stoner’s analysis, but would add another point: Trump and Musk are classic bullies; their M.O. is to try and overwhelm and intimidate, hoping to silence opposition. They seek narrow “results”, not widespread approval.
Agree, Jill. Trump and Musk know what they are doing. I am watching their worst moves because they telegraph Musk's priorities. For example: the weekend gutting of the high echelon of the military signals to me they are intending soon to deploy the military in violent, illegal, and hate-filled ways. The refurbishing of 30,000 "beds" at Guantanamo telegraphs that they are going to fill them soon. They give us advance warning of where we will need to act as individual citizens because there is no organized resistance yet.
Yes, their wealth and egos are insulating them notice Trump's arrogance when he was corrected by President Macron. He looked away from this leader of an ancient and sovereign nation, with the same smihk that a high school bully would wear after he knocked his books out of a scrawny freshman and caught the eye of a teacher hall monitor who he knew wouldn't do anything about it anyway.
rump's arrogance has always protected him. But his arrogance is backed up and supported by the electoral calculation. He knows that MAGA will follow him no matter what. And he doesn't care about any constituent who is not MAGA. Even in a red congressional district there are a lot of Democrats and others who are outraged who are willing to call out their congress person in a Town Hall meeting, but until Republicans start speaking out and mega MAGA donors get nervous, Trump will not change his tune and the Republican politicians will stick with him.
Thank you Mr. Hubbell for keeping me sane. Self reporting with shame: we travel 330 days a year and we are in Bhuran now. For the last 3 days I have turned numerous prayer wheels (my husband and I are totally atheists) and said, "Save our democracy." Finally our guide started doing the same saying, "Save US democracy."
Yes, I agree about Trump and the polls. His distorted psyche craves approval, not just loyalty. Polls (even if they’re cooked) and the stock market mirror back an image of dominance and success for Trump. At the same time, that psyche is also defiant, drugged and probably also debilitated (senility, etc.) So he does not consistently act to satisfy his cravings. That’s a great insight that T losing favorability allows leeway for more independent GOP reps to vote for issues, and defy Trump’s diktat.
On the other hand, Musk doesn’t really have the same polling or financial needs as Trump, nor is Musk bound by the same officially elected obligations. But as he becomes increasingly unhinged and destructive, Musk is displaying abrasive incompetence and disregard for governmental operations. Musk is now despised and I foresee trouble for him down the road, if not a total split with Trump. I also think his tweets and public appearances betray severe addiction issues that are at complete odds with his technocratic, govt efficiency goals. I think he’s spinning out of control.
I’ve got mixed feelings on the fealty of the military in 2025. I am hoping numerous departments, and especially the enormous military, will uphold their oaths to the constitution. The righteous defiance of the FBI the other week was encouraging in this regard. But I think recruiting and some areas of the military, particularly lower ranks, may unfortunately be breeding grounds for the white nationalist ethos that Hegseth represents (some of the comments on Heather Cox Richardson’s ominous post from the 22nd are revealing). I do hold out hope that some of the flagrantly incompetent Trump appointees will not be able to completely undermine these huge departments they are tasked to lead. Also, Biden made an effort before he left to have long-term military help clarify their loyalty oaths. I am not in a position to judge, but I can say with confidence the composition of the U.S. military does not now resemble the military my father served in, circa mid-20th century.
This is a question out of ignorance not disagreement. Musk is ridiculous and Trump has been a laughing stock for almost a decade.....but dose his being in a dissociative state diminish his power and effectiveness at destroying lives and challenging the Constitution. With enablers who are willing to go along with the Mad King and his crazy court jester, does our disdain or Elon's drug use have a real effect? I hope it does. Thanks.
This is more a question of legitimacy and authority. Currently, Musk still has it. Once the public, the courts and shareholders cut these for Musk, he will likely lose some real power. The drug use plays a role in eroding his claim to legitimacy and authority. It’s worth noting he already didn’t gain high level security clearances precisely due to his public drug use.
I think the law is more complex than that. He is likely a naturalized citizen now. I have read he lied about his work / educational status early on. I do not know about reported drug use then. In any case, those issues may be beyond the statute of limitations. And more concretely, a naturalized citizen would likely need to have their citizenship revoked by a federal court. I think he has a good defense to remain a naturalized citizen at this point.
But the violations he's likely committing now, including conflicts of interest and constitutional / statutory, are a whole other kettle of fish. We should focus on those.
You are correct in thinking this will be a Trump’s white nationalist militia. The goal is to diminish black and brown people as well as women from high and lower ranks. Retired and disabled veterans already see that and are forming their own coalition. Alex Vindman,who testified against Trump, along with his twin and others, have an organization called VoteVets. He holds a doctorate and has honors up the kazoo!
Hegseth is setting up the Aryan Army. Bastards and traitors!
I read a comment on Bluesky (don’t remember whose) which aptly described our situation. We have two individuals, one sundowning into dementia and the other a drug addict, who are running our country. That hit me between the eyes.
Robert, please let the folks you meet on your trip overseas know that there is a whole bunch of us here in the States that are as alarmed as they are. Let them know that thousands of us are fighting back!
About halfway down, Joyce Vance writes about the country-wide protesting.
The glee with which muskrat and chump destroy a competent federal civil service work force is proof enough that their goal is evil. As muskrat parades his Hitleresque bull Schitt for all to see, chump just basks in the glory of revenge on innocents. How much more Nazi can they get.
Thanks, ZB, Individual scientists and their organizations need to share their individual and communal alarm; and emeriti professors are in a safer place to do so publicly. With the freezing of NIH and other funds we risk losing not only important life changing research, but also a generation of researchers -- scientists who will lose their jobs, not get tenure, and have to abandon thousands of graduate students who cannot finish their degrees because there research support is taken away. As you know Dr. Burton, modern science is not inexpensive and the investment the American people have already made, though a tiny fraction of the Federal budget, is powering scientific, economic, and educational growth across the nation and world. National Institutes of Health funding still remains frozen. Though a humble English professor, I add my name to your letter on behalf of the scientists, physicians, and health professionals in my family and friends and among my former students. Patrick E. White, President Emeritus, Millikin University.
Thank you, Jane! I really appreciate your concrete anti-Musk action so much! I have good friends who have a year-old Tesla. I am urging them to get rid of it. But so far they cling to it...
Elon Musk is clearly unhinged. I just worry that as events start to turn against him, his insanity will escalate, and the harm he could do is unimaginable.
The more he falls into disrepute, the less people will come to his defense or allow the mania to flow. There's a permission structure for him in upper echelons that will start to fail. I think we are beginning to see signs of it.
"By overstepping in such a mean and petty way, Musk may have sparked a backlash that overturning the Constitution could not achieve." Let us pray that it be so.
The message below came from one of my fellow postcarders. Please spread the word.
Do you have friends or family in CA? Please share this action.
#CallToAction #PC2A CalPERS Divest From Tesla
Did you know that CA Public Employees Retirement Services (CalPERS) is one of the biggest investors in Tesla? Yes! A large chunk of our retirement money is supporting M*sk and DOGE criminal hackers.
Governor Janet Mills is someone who has been "the first" woman in a number of jobs here in Maine. And you've gotta love her for wearing her over the ankle LL Bean boots to give the State of the State Address last year.
Meanwhile, from the 'other side of the aisle' in the Maine state house. Republican Rep. Laurel Libby doxed a teenage girl - posting her photo on Facebook.
"In response to Libby’s post, [Speaker of the House Ryan] Fecteau, a Biddeford Democrat, said most leaders in the state Legislature support LGBTQ+ Mainers. “Politicians have long abided by the standard of not using children to score political points,” he said in a statement. “All kids, including transgender students, deserve better than to be used as political fodder for internet bullies.” House Democrats are consulting with the victim and her family about next steps.
Bre Danvers-Kidman is co-executive director of Maine Transgender Network. "I think the conversation we're having today is less about female transgender athletes and more about adults bullying children," they said.
Call Speaker Ryan Fecteau and request a formal investigation into "Conduct Not Becoming a Member" and a full Censure vote in the House (207) 287-1300 •
Contact the Auburn City Council and ask them to pass a resolution censuring Rep. Libby for doxxing a teenage high school student. City clerk Emily Carrington,
Contact the Minot town selectboard and ask them to pass a resolution censuring Rep. Libby for doxxing a teenage high school student.
Contact the Senator covering Minot, Rick Bennett, who is a Republican but often on our side on many issues. Ask him to support legislation preventing all future doxxing of high school students. (Model legislation is being collected from other states.)
As an Army veteran (enlisted and commissioned officer), I've been watching to see not whether Trump would try to demolish the military, but how aggressively he would try to do it. Given his contempt for those who serve or have served, the speed of his demolition effort doesn't surprise me. Now I'm waiting to see what the remaining flag-rank and other senior commissioned officers do in response. If (when?) things get totally out of hand, there may come a point at which we see the American analog of the German officers' July 20 plot <> <> and Operation Valkyrie <>.
In the meantime, I think more mockery could help destabilize Trump and Musk, neither of whom has any capacity for withstanding mocking jabs. For example, I think it's time to rename DOGE to DOOFUS (Department of Outrageous Flimflammery - United States), which I think well describes both the institution and the man who runs it, and indirectly mocks Trump as well.
Meidas Touch is doing a good job at the mocking….and it’s working. They are now #1 podcast ahead of Joe Rogan and Trumpers and Faux News are not happy!
Yes! Ben is about the best Trump troller I have ever seen! He knows what he’s doing, (along with channeling our outrage and disgust), and he does it to perfection. He is unique in what he does and I think it’s one reason that they have surpassed Rogan with over 4 million subscribers.
Andy Borowitz Report came up with these early today:
Musk forms “Dept. of Underage Clowns Harming Everything” (DOUCHE) and
“Although Musk will be known as King DOUCHE, his official title will be ‘Completely Repulsive Individual Never Genuinely Elected (CRINGE)’”
I also loved his “trump threatens to deport chickens if they don’t lower the price of eggs”
Andy’s the BEST!
DOOFUS=excellent name of Flim Flammery!
I think local Democratic clubs should encourage pickets of tesla showrooms with signs that say DOOFUS. We would need media to pick up on it, which is a big maybe.
There is a great poster that a group is selling, done by an artist in DC which is red, has the face of musk, and says “Elon is stealing from you.” I’d love to see that made into cardboard signs for these protests.
I love the spray-painted Teslas with swastikas graffiti'ed onto them. Also the ones with the graffitti "F***Felon.
NO ONE likes you, Elon. You have to pay womrn to accept your sperm. You are a nasty and pathetic jerk.
Crowned Heads
- Steve Brodner
The Greater Quiet
The Greater Quiet | Steve Brodner | Substack
From Brodner:
All my work is free for reuse on the web. If it helps you amplify your voice please use all you like.
Good one, CGW. Check out Andy Borowitz's suggestion for a renaming of DOGE to DOUCHE.
We’ve been calling it dodge. Or dodgy.
LOVE Doofus.
Gift link:
Thank you for the link, Bill!
The answer will be to stop holding town halls.
There are enough dictators for ours to learn from.
The purge of the military based on AntiDEI , get rid of DEI hires, will likely spread to corporate America and schools and local governments.
DOGE isn’t to save money, it is to replace the workforce with loyalists.
Do not underestimate these people. Be ready for attacks on the press and on local governments.
No, we can't stop town halls. We must change the message we are sending to the GOP congress people. They are terrified of being challenged in their next elections by Musk financing and Drump's orders. We must say firmly and constantly, represent us or WE WILL VOTE YOU OUT!! It is "We the people," not a king.
I wasn’t clear. They will not have town halls for us to go to.
Too analytical, DKBRooklyn. "They" can't stop our town halls. If "they" stop holding them, we have to figure out a way to hold them. We have to complain; demonstrate; unionize; write letters to the editor and postcards to the cowards in Congress; call; email; organize; sabotage; boycott. The analysis is complete; it's really bad. Move on to step 2: do something
I have seen some video of one of these Republican town halls, lost the link, where one of them was relentlessly getting pummeled by constituents despite him trying hard to weasel himself out of it. Meanwhile my Republican Congressman Mike Kelly of PA is in hiding. He will not even put on a live town hall on line, let alone in public. He is hosting supposed tax time streaming events where multiple hosts drag on and on introducing themselves and questions are filtered for them to answer.
Over on Joyce Vance’s substack, a reader reported how a couple of regular people just set up a town hall in Kansas, with an empty chair for their elusive congressman, and people asked questions and hundreds of people attended via YouTube. Then they sent it to their absent congressman and got some press in the process. Nice idea!
Actually it was for Senator Jerry Moran but everything else is correct
Love the idea--setting up a town hall with a missing chair for the congress-weasel. We can all do that all over the country. We can advertise them as Town Hall with Rep. So-and-so. Then when the weasel doesn't show up we do as Janet describes above--people ask questions and hundreds attend via You Tube, send the video to the congress-weasel, and GET PRESS!
Yes, that was so dang clever, wasn’t it? Embarrass these suckers to no end and then vote them out!
Hold a town hall and put a rubber chicken in the empty seat where Mike Kelly should be. Invite community members to testify about how the DOGE rampage is hurting them and their families. Let the chicken squawk when the Congressman should be responding. Get that up on social media. It’s fun and effective.
Drown his local and Washington offices with a postcard barrage. Short and sweet. Represent us or get voted out!!
He has been in Congress since 2011 and every time he runs again, he wins, despite many questionable dealings and filing a lawsuit in 2020 to try to toss out my mail-in vote in PA. In my opinion the district map is nuts too.
You beat me to it. Thanks, Bill.
The Georgia town hall was in my city. I'm so proud of the people who confronted that smug man who was gerrymandered into my district.
I am sharing a couple of editorials regarding the events of the weekend. I hope these links work!
1. Gen. Mark Hertling in The Bulwark:
2. Tom Nichols in The Atlantic:
I follow many Never Trumpers, and many Bulwark folks as well as other former Republicans see this moment as a time for another true populist movement to arise. Let us work to assure that our Coalition of the Decent can foment the rise of a strong new commitment to our democracy.
Thanks for the Bulwark article -- such a clear and articulate warning. Reshaping the military along political ideologic lines, or perceived personal loyalty = security disaster.
Thanks, Kathe. Any advice from you or others on actions to support the Coalition of the Decent?
Robert, thanks for another insightful post!
But I disagree that Trump and Must are making enemies "without a clue they are doing so."
I believe they know they are doing so, and don't care a bit. One has bottomless wealth; the other has built an army of insurrectionists to do his bidding; and neither has any capacity for human relationships.Their cups runneth over with hate, and making enemies means there are targets where all that hate can go.
"I believe they know they are doing so, and don't care a bit. One has bottomless wealth; the other has built an army of insurrectionists to do his bidding; and neither has any capacity for human relationships. Their cups runneth over with hate, and making enemies means there are targets where all that hate can go." Very insightful.
They are beginning to make enemies of their own constituents. So if they know that and don't care they are beyond stupid. We need as many Republicans to come on over to the other side as we can get.
Have any come, so far? Except for Murkowski and Collins (and Collins I think on only one Cabinet vote)
I agree with Jill Stoner’s analysis, but would add another point: Trump and Musk are classic bullies; their M.O. is to try and overwhelm and intimidate, hoping to silence opposition. They seek narrow “results”, not widespread approval.
Agree, Jill. Trump and Musk know what they are doing. I am watching their worst moves because they telegraph Musk's priorities. For example: the weekend gutting of the high echelon of the military signals to me they are intending soon to deploy the military in violent, illegal, and hate-filled ways. The refurbishing of 30,000 "beds" at Guantanamo telegraphs that they are going to fill them soon. They give us advance warning of where we will need to act as individual citizens because there is no organized resistance yet.
Yes, their wealth and egos are insulating them notice Trump's arrogance when he was corrected by President Macron. He looked away from this leader of an ancient and sovereign nation, with the same smihk that a high school bully would wear after he knocked his books out of a scrawny freshman and caught the eye of a teacher hall monitor who he knew wouldn't do anything about it anyway.
rump's arrogance has always protected him. But his arrogance is backed up and supported by the electoral calculation. He knows that MAGA will follow him no matter what. And he doesn't care about any constituent who is not MAGA. Even in a red congressional district there are a lot of Democrats and others who are outraged who are willing to call out their congress person in a Town Hall meeting, but until Republicans start speaking out and mega MAGA donors get nervous, Trump will not change his tune and the Republican politicians will stick with him.
Thank you Mr. Hubbell for keeping me sane. Self reporting with shame: we travel 330 days a year and we are in Bhuran now. For the last 3 days I have turned numerous prayer wheels (my husband and I are totally atheists) and said, "Save our democracy." Finally our guide started doing the same saying, "Save US democracy."
That is wonderful vision. I may never be able to travel to such a relatively isolated country, but we are together in Spirit.
How wonderful.
Yes, I agree about Trump and the polls. His distorted psyche craves approval, not just loyalty. Polls (even if they’re cooked) and the stock market mirror back an image of dominance and success for Trump. At the same time, that psyche is also defiant, drugged and probably also debilitated (senility, etc.) So he does not consistently act to satisfy his cravings. That’s a great insight that T losing favorability allows leeway for more independent GOP reps to vote for issues, and defy Trump’s diktat.
On the other hand, Musk doesn’t really have the same polling or financial needs as Trump, nor is Musk bound by the same officially elected obligations. But as he becomes increasingly unhinged and destructive, Musk is displaying abrasive incompetence and disregard for governmental operations. Musk is now despised and I foresee trouble for him down the road, if not a total split with Trump. I also think his tweets and public appearances betray severe addiction issues that are at complete odds with his technocratic, govt efficiency goals. I think he’s spinning out of control.
I’ve got mixed feelings on the fealty of the military in 2025. I am hoping numerous departments, and especially the enormous military, will uphold their oaths to the constitution. The righteous defiance of the FBI the other week was encouraging in this regard. But I think recruiting and some areas of the military, particularly lower ranks, may unfortunately be breeding grounds for the white nationalist ethos that Hegseth represents (some of the comments on Heather Cox Richardson’s ominous post from the 22nd are revealing). I do hold out hope that some of the flagrantly incompetent Trump appointees will not be able to completely undermine these huge departments they are tasked to lead. Also, Biden made an effort before he left to have long-term military help clarify their loyalty oaths. I am not in a position to judge, but I can say with confidence the composition of the U.S. military does not now resemble the military my father served in, circa mid-20th century.
I think you have to fa tor in Elon's drug use as well, particularly of ketamine. It is possible that Elon is in a dissociative state.
Yeah, Elon on ketamine and Hegseth slurring his way through a Fox interview add extra spice to the horrors we are living through.
This is a question out of ignorance not disagreement. Musk is ridiculous and Trump has been a laughing stock for almost a decade.....but dose his being in a dissociative state diminish his power and effectiveness at destroying lives and challenging the Constitution. With enablers who are willing to go along with the Mad King and his crazy court jester, does our disdain or Elon's drug use have a real effect? I hope it does. Thanks.
This is more a question of legitimacy and authority. Currently, Musk still has it. Once the public, the courts and shareholders cut these for Musk, he will likely lose some real power. The drug use plays a role in eroding his claim to legitimacy and authority. It’s worth noting he already didn’t gain high level security clearances precisely due to his public drug use.
I understand he also lied about his drug use when applying for his nationalized citizenship. That makes him an illegal alien, no?
I think the law is more complex than that. He is likely a naturalized citizen now. I have read he lied about his work / educational status early on. I do not know about reported drug use then. In any case, those issues may be beyond the statute of limitations. And more concretely, a naturalized citizen would likely need to have their citizenship revoked by a federal court. I think he has a good defense to remain a naturalized citizen at this point.
But the violations he's likely committing now, including conflicts of interest and constitutional / statutory, are a whole other kettle of fish. We should focus on those.
Patrick, I take bitchy's comment as irony.
You are correct in thinking this will be a Trump’s white nationalist militia. The goal is to diminish black and brown people as well as women from high and lower ranks. Retired and disabled veterans already see that and are forming their own coalition. Alex Vindman,who testified against Trump, along with his twin and others, have an organization called VoteVets. He holds a doctorate and has honors up the kazoo!
Hegseth is setting up the Aryan Army. Bastards and traitors!
I read a comment on Bluesky (don’t remember whose) which aptly described our situation. We have two individuals, one sundowning into dementia and the other a drug addict, who are running our country. That hit me between the eyes.
And they are both evil.
and the demented sundowner is a psychopath and the drug addict is not a human.
Also, there’s the Vice President, a third evil one, who evinces no regard for principled democratic governance. :-(
Robert, please let the folks you meet on your trip overseas know that there is a whole bunch of us here in the States that are as alarmed as they are. Let them know that thousands of us are fighting back!
About halfway down, Joyce Vance writes about the country-wide protesting.
The glee with which muskrat and chump destroy a competent federal civil service work force is proof enough that their goal is evil. As muskrat parades his Hitleresque bull Schitt for all to see, chump just basks in the glory of revenge on innocents. How much more Nazi can they get.
Plenty more.
Really. How much more Nazi can they get, you ask?? Jdintx, we ain't seen nothin' yet.
Open Letter:
I advocate for:
*Science: National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Agriculture
*Education: I advocate for Michigan State University, University of Michigan, Education in Michigan, Education in the United States
*American strength: I advocate for Ukraine, Europe, NATO, Western culture
I reject:
*Kowtowing to fascist Russia
*Destruction of American strength, might, science, wealth, future and culture
Zachary Frome Burton, Professor Emeritus (Ph.D.), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University
Go Science!
With you! Add NOAA to your Science list, please!
Thanks, ZB, Individual scientists and their organizations need to share their individual and communal alarm; and emeriti professors are in a safer place to do so publicly. With the freezing of NIH and other funds we risk losing not only important life changing research, but also a generation of researchers -- scientists who will lose their jobs, not get tenure, and have to abandon thousands of graduate students who cannot finish their degrees because there research support is taken away. As you know Dr. Burton, modern science is not inexpensive and the investment the American people have already made, though a tiny fraction of the Federal budget, is powering scientific, economic, and educational growth across the nation and world. National Institutes of Health funding still remains frozen. Though a humble English professor, I add my name to your letter on behalf of the scientists, physicians, and health professionals in my family and friends and among my former students. Patrick E. White, President Emeritus, Millikin University.
Hi Patrick, thanks for the support. It is far past time to launch this in a major way.
Let me know of ways to help. Latest in NIH news, still defying court order to release funds.
Hi Patrick--We're trying to get organized and started. I'll let you know. I'm
There is a Stand Up For Science protest organizing for March 7:
Thank you, Pamsy.
We got rid of our Tesla last week. Could not stand the musky smell! We had anti-musk stickers on the car, but that was not enough.
Thank you, Jane! I really appreciate your concrete anti-Musk action so much! I have good friends who have a year-old Tesla. I am urging them to get rid of it. But so far they cling to it...
Elon Musk is clearly unhinged. I just worry that as events start to turn against him, his insanity will escalate, and the harm he could do is unimaginable.
The more he falls into disrepute, the less people will come to his defense or allow the mania to flow. There's a permission structure for him in upper echelons that will start to fail. I think we are beginning to see signs of it.
Yes, the chainsaw was a really scary preview.
"By overstepping in such a mean and petty way, Musk may have sparked a backlash that overturning the Constitution could not achieve." Let us pray that it be so.
The message below came from one of my fellow postcarders. Please spread the word.
Do you have friends or family in CA? Please share this action.
#CallToAction #PC2A CalPERS Divest From Tesla
Did you know that CA Public Employees Retirement Services (CalPERS) is one of the biggest investors in Tesla? Yes! A large chunk of our retirement money is supporting M*sk and DOGE criminal hackers.
Urge CalPERS to divest Tesla stock.
Theresa Taylor, President
Phone: 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377)
Fax: (800) 959-6545
400 Q Street, Sacramento, CA 95811
CHERYL: Thanks for sharing this important info.
You are very welcome!
Governor Janet Mills is someone who has been "the first" woman in a number of jobs here in Maine. And you've gotta love her for wearing her over the ankle LL Bean boots to give the State of the State Address last year.
She's on my heroines list. So far I have five men and women on it. Who else do you suggest?
Anyone who stands up for the truth and other people. Obviously no one in this Administration.
Meanwhile, from the 'other side of the aisle' in the Maine state house. Republican Rep. Laurel Libby doxed a teenage girl - posting her photo on Facebook.
Home - Laurel Libby .
"In response to Libby’s post, [Speaker of the House Ryan] Fecteau, a Biddeford Democrat, said most leaders in the state Legislature support LGBTQ+ Mainers. “Politicians have long abided by the standard of not using children to score political points,” he said in a statement. “All kids, including transgender students, deserve better than to be used as political fodder for internet bullies.” House Democrats are consulting with the victim and her family about next steps.
Bre Danvers-Kidman is co-executive director of Maine Transgender Network. "I think the conversation we're having today is less about female transgender athletes and more about adults bullying children," they said.
Call Speaker Ryan Fecteau and request a formal investigation into "Conduct Not Becoming a Member" and a full Censure vote in the House (207) 287-1300 •
Contact the Auburn City Council and ask them to pass a resolution censuring Rep. Libby for doxxing a teenage high school student. City clerk Emily Carrington,
Contact the Minot town selectboard and ask them to pass a resolution censuring Rep. Libby for doxxing a teenage high school student.
Contact the Senator covering Minot, Rick Bennett, who is a Republican but often on our side on many issues. Ask him to support legislation preventing all future doxxing of high school students. (Model legislation is being collected from other states.)