I live abroad and am a member of Democrats Abroad. This morning Joyce Vance did a piece on us. According to this article on us by Joyce Vance, we brought in the election in Georgia and Arizona last time and if we can get more people signed up we will be even more impactful. https://joycevance.substack.com/p/five-questions-with-democrats-abroad

It might be hard to read if you are not a paying member, so I apologize ahead of time if you can't.

I am shocked at Trump getting away with saying things like "Joe and Ho" and then the posting of Harris and Clinton the other day which implied that Harris had gotten ahead by giving blo jobs. My daughter and I were discussing how offensive this is to all women, and yet our MSM is not calling for Trump to step down. The MSM has made itself the story in this election as well as the owners of the MSM are under scrutiny. They are found defective and we the people should be interviewing them to find out why they are doing such a piss poor job of covering this election. It does not take higher cognitive skills to understand what is wrong, a fourth grader could find fault with what they are doing. I am calling it jackal journalism. Thus the jackals join their kin instead of standing up to him. Viva la Kamala!

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Joyce Vance does highlight an area of voting I was unfamiliar with. This quote from the post you reference, Linda Weide, is what really caught my attention: “In 2020, more than 1.25 million Americans abroad registered or requested ballots, more than 900,000 sent their ballots back, and states reported that they counted 889,837 overseas ballots. That means roughly five million Americans who are eligible to vote from abroad didn’t. We can help close that gap!”

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Jessica Craven also sent this AM a link for an event hosted by Americans Abroad for Harris this coming Thursday which I immediately forwarded to a cousin living in Canada. The interview cited above makes it clear that the percent of eligible voters abroad who do vote is poor and that part of the issue is some of the logistical challenges. Very good to get people you know abroad who care about the results of the election to not just vote but to also begin working on encouraging voting by others in the region where they live https://open.substack.com/pub/chopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions/p/chop-wood-carry-water-831-7c7?r=fuzfd&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Thank you Barbara!

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

These wimpy media giants are willingly carrying water for Trump now but don’t seem to understand that they may be forced to later. Plus, how many Pravdas will be needed? But hey, there’d be lots of good opportunities for journalists opening up at Truth Social

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IMHO Dana Schwartz Bash is auditioning for Fox. Did the Trump campaign furnish the questions? No questions about current events, like the freeing of the Moslem held hostage by Hamas, the success of Ukraine policy, the success of the Dow making a top for the 24th time this year, etc. or give Walz a chance to say that Trump is nutsy koo koo and the media repeat his insanity.

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I totally agree. She is negative and the questions were asked from a "gotcha" perspective.

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Linda -- I love your idea of us interviewing the MSM (which is being referred to in some circles as the Legacy Media -- love that too!). I'm certain there are some podcasters who would do a great job with this.

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Robert, the bus tour for reproductive rights starts Tuesday in my backyard. (I live 17 miles from Mar-a-lago) Senator Amy Klobuchar is the keynote speaker. And today, I’m attending “Kamala Rocks” in Palm Beach Gardens where families will paint beach stones blue with a “Kamala Rocks” message. I’ll be wearing my Dems Make Life Better t-shirt and guessing (for once) I won’t be the only one.



As Michelle Obama commanded at the DNC, the “Do Something” drive is strong in Florida.

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The media should take a lesson from Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in becoming independent from the opponent. The interview and the comments in the media later were led by the attacks from Trump - Vance. I cite MSNBC here: 'But Harris, as my colleague Zeeshan Aleem recently pointed out, doesn’t want to get trapped in questions about identity. We saw that when she addressed Bash’s question about Trump’s lying and saying she only recently described herself as Black. She told Bash, “Same old, tired playbook. Next question, please.” Nor did she focus on race and sex when asked about the viral photo of her grandniece watching her nomination acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. She said she wants to be the president for everybody'. By answering 'Next question, please' Kamala indicates that the question is not important, more important is substance. Good for her! When are the media get their own spine and start to ask the questions not dictated by the opponent but that really matter to the public?

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It occurred to me while reading your Daily Dose of Perspective that Trump and Vance are a "dark nebula", trying to block the light from Harris and Walz shining brightly behind them...

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The voters we need to win the Presidency are not political junkies or for that matter paying as close attention to everyday occurrences as we are. They are too busy living their lives and trying to make ends meet. These voters will make their decisions or finalize these decisions in September and October. The Harris Walz bus tour brings them face to face with voters which in my opinion is the best way to win votes and something Trump could never do. I saw a video today of Tim Walz in Raleigh petting a service dog with smiling faces watching it happen. In fact a Secret Service agent said he wished he could have smiled but he is not allowed. These type pictures which are real and not staged show and validate that the Harris Walz team are authentic and care about voters. They are doing their job and we must do ours which is to get voters registered and voting early.

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We still can produce enough Democrats in swing states to overwhelm them, but time is fleeting. Make a blue tsunami.


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"The voters we need to win the Presidency are not political junkies or for that matter paying as close attention to everyday occurrences as we are. They are too busy living their lives and trying to make ends meet."

Good advice that we need to keep in mind.

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As public school educators we were frequently told, "don't let the best get in the way of the good." I urge those among us who feel a need to could uh, should uh, would uh with Harris and Walz to move on from doing so. It does nothing to advance the cause of ridding ourselves from these two domestic terrorists. A technique I learned that works I've learned: Ask these three questions. Does it need saying? Does it need saying now? Does it need saying by me? If any of the three answers are NO, don't say it. You will amaze yourself at the effectiveness of hacking . An author said once, "I am very careful about what goes in my mouth, and what comes out of my mouth. Kamala Harris is carrying a lot of weight on her shoulders now. Invest every ounce of yourself in ensuring hers, and Coach Walz victory soon.

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Love the photo of yet another nebula, Robert. Yes, I thought it was a dark hole so I appreciate the explanation. Dark holes bring me to Trump and Vance who aren’t worth talking about but we must. Anyone who thinks what The Don posted on his lousy website, is just a joke, is sick and despicable. To top his week off, he now is flip-flopping about abortions. The crazy evangelicals are rethinking if they’re going to support him or not. Let’s hope for the latter. So it’s interesting that Tulsi has joined his crew of merry men and I am wondering how she feels about him desecrating the hollow grounds of Arlington Cemetery, since she’s ex-military and all. Anyway, happy weekend to you and everyone!

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VANCE: "Donald Trump is a political candidate who isn’t stodgy, who likes to have some fun and likes to tell some jokes."

One of the hallmarks of a good politician is their ability to take any question posed by the media, (no matter the bad faith intention of the question,) and extemporaneously respond in a manner that favors the positions of their party.

JD Vance is not such a politician.

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trump is allowed to act the way he is because of lack of enforcement. The Army issuing a “strong condemnation” only keeps trump in the headlines as someone above the law. The US Army is aiding and abetting this action this week. If Arlington has rules, dammit, enforce them, and protect your officers enforcing them.

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Also JD is clearly attempting to copy the Harris/Walz lines when he talks about "fun." As though the pond slime understands what fun even is (except grabbing women by the .....)

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They have no sense of humor and fun to them is watching someone lose. You can't fake what Harris and Walz have and Trump can't even understand it. In their world fun is what you have at the expense of others. Humor is what you get by making fun of people.

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My mother was the first girl to go to college (Smith College '27) from Brockton High School and she was adamant about grammar so your sentence (quoted below) tickled me pink: as does your entire article, and in particular the photograph (and I did click on the link). I am so blown away by the wonder you produce in your sky-gazing that I await my daily lesson in astronomy... That aside: this is the quote: I hope you understand why it made me smile: "Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are not perfect. None of us are." Happy Labor Day. Wonder what Mr. Trump will do to celebrate labor.

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Play golf while insulting people?

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I believe that if the media coverage was even remotely “balanced” then it would be legitimate to complain about the lack of interviews the Harris/Walz are subjecting themselves to. The media will be left holding the bag of trump crap that they are faithfully not exposing to the public. Perhaps they should revisit the definition of “balance coverage” as well as taking a deep dive into the meaning of “truth”. They should be ashamed of themselves.

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Dear Robert, I'll declare this speculation at the get-go: If, God forbid, Trump triumphs, The media, no question, will be to blame.

I commend your logic in how the Harris /Walz race must be won by a unrefutable margin. I'm therefore very concerned that the media is often spreading worrisome voting challenges such as voters not having the updated credentials needed in order to vote when they arrive at the polls. This is epesically threatenting to black women who have been targetted for stricter voting credentials.

The other comment I wish to make is how frustrating it is that the media seems to posture such a balanced treatment of the candidates in this race! I know you caution us not to denigrate any particualr player in the news media but I think, as an example, it's fair to mention that I was once a Michael Smerconish fan, big time. But lately he seems to enjoy topics of questioning Harris's campaign more than Trump's! This makes me furious. Doesn't the media comprehend what is at stake if Trump wins???? CNN did come under new management this year and I get the feeling several of its hosts lean towards Trump in order to save their jobs. Has the world gone off it's axis????

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Lost in all the reporting on Trump’s Arlington Cemetery photo op is any discussion of his role in setting up the pull-out from Afghanistan. His actions as President in negotiations with the Taliban set the stage for what occurred once Biden took office. I would like to see a discussion in the media about how Trump’s negotiations with the Taliban led to the pull-out.

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Good point. Important point. By the way he withdrew most, but not all, troops, Trump set up Biden for undue trouble with the remaining withdrawal from Afghanistan.

It was too clever for media to notice.

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Could you remind me please? I'd like some good talking points(true ones, of course).

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Thank you, J. Hughes. Gen. McMaster, John Bolton, Gen. Milley...I would like to see a team of these generals and military experts give a panel discussion on the facts about Afghanistan. I wonder how many generals there are who have negative things to say about the mess Trump left for Biden in Afghanistan.

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I agree`that criticizing two or three answers in a lengthy interview does not help anyone.

This is the time when one of my favorite phrases might be helpful.


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Thank you, Sally. If people want to criticize Harris for her excellent media performance in the hostile environment Dana Bash created, I suggest they consider voting for Trump. Perhaps they approve of the way he answers questions. Harris is a pro. Don't bash her. If you do, it just means you don't know anything about politics or winning an election.

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Yes, MLRGRMI, we need to see the Army protecting its rules for Arlington and particularly protecting the employee who was pushed and mocked and lied about. I am especially upset that she is not pressing charges out of fear of Trumpists harming her. This is going to happen more and more in the election processes. The Department of Defense should provide her and her family with a robust security detail. MAGA is listening to their master's voice here; armed to the teeth, ignorant, and angry, they are a danger to anyone who crosses Trump. And there should be guaranteed security teams for anyone working in elections whose faithfulness to an impartial procedure angers the local MAGA. Whose job would it be to provide it?

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Let's not forget a Trump acolyte broke into Nancy Pelosi's house and broke her husband's skull open with a hammer, trying to murder him.

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'Suppose JD Vance’s wife came home from her job as a lawyer in a top law firm and said a male colleague had made a “joke” about her similar to Trump's “joke” about Kamala Harris. Are we expected to believe that JD Vance would say, “Usha! It was a joke! He was just trying to “lift you up”! Don’t be so stodgy!” Of course not! Vance would likely demand that the offending lawyer be fired and urge his wife to sue the law firm for maintaining a hostile workplace.' Would he, though? I'm asking seriously. Would he?

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He wouldn't defend his wife if Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell are his guiding lights. They didn't defend their wives against Trump's crude attacks.

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I didn't remember that! Jeeze ....

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The media fears trump.

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