I think this video from Lincoln Project sums up how many of us feel right now. It is called Stress. https://youtu.be/B9XTNcneynw?si=Gq-5txcXHWeqTPTW

I am preparing to fit voting actions into my life. My support for Kamala only grows stronger with each attack. I do not have on rose colored glasses, I just know the difference between the two candidates both for President and Vice President. I am not a swing voter or undecided. I am fully team Harris-Walz, and I was glad to see this morning that the Ex-Pat newsletter, The Local, which has local news for many countries at least in Europe, and has an expat Subscriber list, is having an ad in all of the versions that I looked at on how one can vote from Abroad as an American. We need to let people know they can vote, then sign them up and get them to vote. If we do this, we win! Viva la Kamala!

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The amazing Jessica Craven has organized an Americans Abroad for Harris Walz zoom event this Thursday, Sept 5 at 12:00 noon ET. In addition to our beloved Robert Hubbell, there is an eye popping list of speakers!


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Hi Ellie, I am signed up for it, and I saw Jessica Craven's on the list. I also got an update from my regional leader this morning that said, that added to Kyra Sedgwick (who my family loves in The Closer) and he let us know that Jane Fonda is now in too along with, Lynda Carter, Alfie Woodard, and Chef Marcus Samuelsson (who is an Ethiopian-Swedish Chef . There is a line up of politicians speaking too, like Nancy Pelosi, Gretchen Whitmer, and many more. I)n addition to Jessica Craven under the list of activists I see Robert Hubbell too. Yay! I am signed up, and even though my daughter is visiting a good friend she has not seen in a long time, she is excited too. She is 19. So, there is something for many ages.

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My English husband has a friend (American and British citizenship) who has been a lifelong, outspoken Tory amongst a friend group that is otherwise almost entirely Labour-supporting. He wrote yesterday asking my husband to send him some Harris/Walz merch to where he now lives, in Germany. Encouraging.

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Ellen, this is hopeful. Your husband's friend is joining the Kamala and the Coach revolution. My husband is coming to Germany from the US this week with t-shirts I ordered. I got a "Voting is My Black Job" t-shirt for myself, and for one of our White, German friends because he wants to wear one in solidarity. If I created a T-shirt, it might says something like "Trump wants Kamala's Black Job! Let's make sure he does not get it!"

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“Kamala and the Coach” sounds like a fun movie coming soon to a White House. Coming soon after to a theater near you. 🤞🏻

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I agree Howard. I have seen t-shirts that say that. I have to admit there are a lot of fun t-shirts for the campaign, and many of them are not on their official campaign shop. They should be making a deal with these creators, to make is official and give them a portion of the sale, like app creators.

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Having lived as an ex-pat for two major elections, Bush 2nd and Obama 1st, I am heartened by the more recent wide-spread expat daily news and the opportunity it provides for voting registration info.

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Vote Forward is writing letters to US Voters Abroad :


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I have plans to write postcards with a group of Democrats Abroad here in Germany tomorrow. Tonight we had our Democrats Abroad Book Club on Project 2025. A new person joined who is in Southern Germany. He added some really interesting aspects to our discussion of Chapter 5 Homeland Security. That is another department they want to get rid of. One thing we are learning from reading this, is all of the parts to our government. So, I recommend that high school history, social studies, government, civics, or economics teachers, consider having a course in which their students go through this document. Or parts of it. Perhaps they can break it up into group presentations. It would be quite interesting although the writing is redundant, whining, lacking appropriate citations or evidence, or examples in many cases. A grip fest of what Biden has done, or Biden and Obama. Still, I think we are all at a point where we need to just get the vote out and then wait for the big day. We are all looking forward to a New Day, as this Lincoln Project ad puts it. https://youtu.be/SaemL-Fr0vo?si=fKg3QHR3quErlHjG

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Thank you, Linda, for the link to this very encouraging video. I have bookmarked it so that I can return to it any time I need to banish any little inkling of doubt caused by the in-love-with-Trump media.

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CK you are welcome. If you want to see more great videos, here is the link to the Lincoln Project videos. https://youtu.be/B9XTNcneynw?si=Pdh7MRlFP65HPwW2

And another organization that makes really good campaign videos and has an even larger subscriber base is NowThis Impact. https://www.youtube.com/@nowthisimpact/videos

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Thank you, Linda! You inspire me!

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Linda I'm not sure why you have such a unwieldly link to the Lincoln Project YouTube Channel. I use this:


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The second link isn't to NowThis Impact but to the first video again.

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Thank you Mim. I have now changed it to the correct link.

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Earlier this year, I participated in a Vote Forward "lab" to test the effectiveness of sending vote Forward letters to US citizens living abroad to request their absentee ballots. The test must have been successful, because Vote Forward just added a campaign to voters abroad. Requires a Global forever stamp. Mail ASAP but no later than Oct. 1st.


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So, I wake up this morning to read my local newspaper, and it carries WaPo editorials. I had to splash cold water on my face to make sure I was not still asleep, in some kind of dream unreality, when I read this headline "Harris and Trump are different. They need to explain how different."

What? Are these people deaf and blind? The piece goes on to say, "In character, style, tone, outlook, dignity, and, yes, race and gender, the two candidates are distinct" But then, a few paragraphs later, it the essay follows, "The distinctions between them on policy substance, however, are somewhat fuzzier."

What is "fuzzier" here is the editorial board who are gaslighting their readers.

My response, "WaPo, what the hell are you smoking?" Please, Jonathan Capehart, can you exert some sanity into their heads?

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The media has collapsed. For the most part, they are no longer allies of democracy. They are like vendors outside the Colosseum in ancient Rome, selling the Roman equivalent of fast food before the gladiator matches and animal hunts.

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You are so right! I am disheartened by the mainstream media. They keep treating Trump like a normal candidate. This presidential race should not be this close if they were doing their jobs. Today's article by Michael Tomasky in The New Republic is spot on!


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Brilliant: “They [the mainstream media] are like vendors outside the Colosseum in ancient Rome, selling the Roman equivalent of fast food before the gladiator matches”.

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Ooh, I like the visual relating MSM to Roman hucksters at Coliseum events. I have been saying they are no longer the Fourth Estate, but have become a Fifth Column.

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Well stated. Very descriptive!

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Very good analogy Robert!

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

When history is written about this period in our lives, it will not be kind to the media. Instead of taking their mantle of "the Fourth Estate" as a positive influence, they have defiled it beyond belief.

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The collapse of the Fourth Estate by its own money-grubbing hands.

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I also responded with a like comment. But read through all of the comments which bash WAPO to bits and wonder where this despicable chain of misleading nonsense came from.

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I love the idea of a pro Kamela "elevator" speech (borrowing the term from the job hunter's lexicon).

If you want to get these type of conversations started you can wear an interesting t-shirt or button supporting the Harris-Walz ticket, the "Dems Make Life Better" tee (https://www.demsmakelifebetter.org/), or an "ask me how to register to vote button" (https://www.etsy.com/listing/603243421/ask-me-how-to-register-to-vote-gotv-225?).

I also have a decal/sticker on the back of my phone that contains the QR code for Vote.org which helps people register online and check their voter registration. I got it at Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/listing/1073446739/vote-sticker?).

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Cheryl is one of the best resources for all things GOTV ! Wearing my messaging t’s and have my Vote.org sticker on my phone.📲

I was speaking with an Independent voter/Fox News watcher last week .She thought young voters should just “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”,so I repeated many of the positive conversations I’d had with them while wearing my t. She seemed surprised I was actually talking to young voters.Thought it was interesting she and her husband admitted to voting for Trump although they seemed to like Tim Walz/ “the white taco guy”. Relatable!🌮

Also, in this totally scientific poll, on Sat. we were stopped at a major intersection leading to the beach.The GOP headquarters is located on one corner and Trumpers were out waving signs including “Honk For Trump”. We were first at the light so saw many cars pass through the intersection.Exactly one car honked for Trump…here in MAGA-ville,FL. I take that as a good sign !



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I love your "totally scientific" poll, Kathy! I live in previously ruby red Georgia, and my "totally scientific" poll tells me that, so far, I have not seen any Trump flags, bumper stickers, or buttons anywhere I go. Instead, as I have related in Robert's comments section before, I constantly run into others who gleefully accept the Harris-Walz buttons, bumper stickers, and US flag pins I give away. If all of us work together, one voter at a time, we WILL win this!

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I summer in Elise Stefanik country in upstate NY. In 2020 and 2022 most driveways had Trump or Stefanik flags but not this year. I take this as a sign that people are less enamored of Trump and even less with Vance. Not that many will vote for a Democrat but this time they know what they will get with Trump

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And it is not so appealing ! Sorry about my finger inadvertently brushing “ post”.

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Hope they are disgusted with Stefanik. What a thorn she is!

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The idea of an "elevator speech" along with a question inspiring shirt or button is a great one. Recently Kathy in Florida mentioned she had a "Ask me about Project 2025" button. Our group, Heather's Herd, talked about how we would answer that question if someone actually asked. Here is what we came up with:

“Project 2025 is a MAGA effort, if they gain power, to control us, decide our future for us and take us backward. It’ s a plan for every element of our lives. “ Then add one thing you are concerned about and then ask what they are concerned about. Short and to the point and then invites a dialog about whatever element of Project 2025 is most concerning to them.

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Just watced Belle (Beau of 5th Column) recommend 25and.me for a searchable (kinda) website of Project 2025.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

Sounds like youhave your "why we must defeat Project 2025" elevator speech ready to go!

Edited to Add: I recently ordered some more postcards from Voter Mailbag on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/VoterMailbag?) and they sent me a sample of their new Project 2025 Postcards. Check them out. They would make a good handout if you have a discussion with someone about it.

In addition, I'm considering using it for some of my Field Team 6 voter registration campaigns (www.filedteam6.org) that focus on Project 2025. I generally like full back cards for FT6 campaigns because of the QR code, but I'll test to see how the message fits on the back of one of these cards and if it works I will order some more postcards of this design

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Don't forget to add the language some good Democratic messaging person came up with: "Project 2025, Trump's policy plan, includes government-forced pregnancy." (If you are 12 and get raped, if you are an incest victim, if your baby is too sick to live and dies in you, you are forced by the government to stay pregnant...)

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Brilliant idea for QR code register to vote stickers on our phones! Placed an order to copy you and give away to friends and family—thanks!

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I don't need 100 words. I can do it in three.

"Kamala Harris Cares!"

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Harris-Walz Care?

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Or that, but I think the assignment was about the top of the ticket.

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Here's a variation in five:

"Kamala Harris Cares About US!

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

That image of Rho Ophiuchi Nebula is the most gorgeous one yet of all the images you've shared with us thus far. Hope shining brightly through the veil of galactic clouds.

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I felt exactly the same when I saw it.

Robert, I am still hoping for that coffee table book of all of your photos and explanations of what they are and how you captured them.

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working on it

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Fabulous! Thank you!

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"Does it matter that the Harris-Walz campaign is trolling Trump on his social media platform? Yes."

Better believe it does! Trolling Trump tremendously troubles him, which can lead to his electoral defeat.

Plus the vitriol to come may motivate Harris supporters to unite, just as Trump's indictments motivated his supporters.

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I have a 9-year-old daughter whose doctor, teachers, tutor, and taekwondo instructors are all women of diverse backgrounds. She notices who holds leadership roles. The significance of Harris ascending to the presidency is immense—the world will see a strong, capable woman as the most powerful leader on earth. This will inspire a new wave of people who believe in their own potential—and trust in the power of women. The leadership that emerges will usher in an era of peace, community, and prosperity, led by daughters following Harris’s example.

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For your daughter, for my twin daughters who just turned 40, for my 43 year old son, for my grandchildren, for all those voters for Trump out there who seemingly have no idea what a miserable world another Trump presidency would offer them. Let's not leave Labor Day behind but continue to sing, "Bread and Roses," "as we go marching marching"...."give us bread. and give us roses." Look at the number of people who voted for Trump once or twice but will never vote for him again. But also look at the number who have voted for him twice and will vote for him "one more time" and then they are perfectly fine on never having to vote again. "As we go marching, marching, we gather too for men//For they are women's children and we mother them again." Let us add "we gather too for Trump voters" to offer a true change in their lives, a true revolution, and freedom at last from the oligarchs like Trump who don't give a damn about their lives. They only want their praise and admiration and their silence so that they never ask, "Do you really need a $10 million salary? Wouldn't you be just as happy with a $5 million salary."

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I like the “100 words” exercise. how we communicate is the most effective tool we have to influence our community! There are many, many concrete reasons to vote for Harris/Walz, but for me, it is the positive energy, promise and joy of the ticket that is so important. I want it to be contagious. Thus my elevator pitch goes like this “Kamala is a welcome breath of fresh air, who is bringing out the best in our country at a time when we need it most. She embodies the promise of the United States, a unique and special country that has thrived because of our diversity. Building on Biden's policies, she believes in a government that is "For the people", protecting individual freedoms, women's autonomy, and the ability to get ahead. She is extremely well qualified and has gained invaluable experience working with one of the greatest presidents in one of the most challenging periods in our history. For me, Kamala is the path forward to a brighter future.”

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

An overlooked and seldom mentioned factor in the Presidential campaign is the ground organization the Harris Walz team has assembled and the advantage that could provide if the grass roots organizations do their jobs. Additionally 1 in 5 workers belong to a union and hopefully these union members know and support the only candidate who supports unions. Harris and company are talking about issues and support for the middle class while Trump is talking trash and hopefully Republicans , Independents and new voters recognize this. The Trump message sounds and feels old and its shelf life has diminished. We should feel good but not satisfied until the votes are counted and certified.

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The unions and their members are one important pillar and underpinning for a successful election. There are certainly others and these should be seriously considered. Teachers? Women’s organizations? LGBTQ+? Small business owners? Students in high schools and colleges? Can’t miss any opportunity to garner support and get people out to vote.

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The MAGA people, too, know about the importance of counting and certifying the vote. I am afraid that is where they see a vulnerable point of attack. What to do?

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Keep taking them to court when necessary

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“Hopefully”, indeed, Stephen.

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Prosecutors sat up and paid attention when Trump admitted he had the right to interfere in State elections.

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Heather Cox Richardson today details the frightening scenario of Trump sitting back while his loyalists engineer corrupt local and state officials into power in many states, raid Black and Latino voters to scare their communities into not voting, and frantically rush legislation into place calling into question any vote that corrupt officials want to question. That's apparently the Trump-Vance plan--not to campaign, but to steal the election this way. What are we doing to harden our democratic system against these perversions of justice?

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OMG! From this non-professional's point of view, Jill's cinematic presentation of star-gazing was stellar! I'll be thanking her directly, but not sure my comments reach her website even though I'm a subscriber.

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Jill’s behind the scenes documentary of the dark sky amateur astronomers event was fascinating, particularly for the production of Robert’s haunting capture of the Helix Nebula, looking like a beautiful eye gazing upon us.

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As I watched the video, I realized that doing astronomy in the desert (Southern California) is more advantageous than doing it in the humid east, where lots of water vapor in the atmosphere can fuzz things up.

Terrific images. Thanks.

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Like the Autumn leaves, trumpers continue to fall away from the tree of lies. Seeing a woman blocking the largest intersection in town to scream at Harris/Walz sign wavers, I realize the Trump Infection is indeed, tantamount to an infectious disease. (Stopped under the light, screaming trump, and fun, horns blowing). Tipping points are real. More people drop off each day as the tired old re-runs of poor old windbag are not playing well anymore. Stress is a normal fact of life. Absence of stress would be tantamount to death. When stress becomes distress action is required to remedy the situation. Each off us digs deep to act. No action is too little, or unworthy. Refrain from beating yourself up over 'need to do more'. Continue to expect the unexpected going forward as we remain in the passing lane, speeding around the buffoons in the Clown Car.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

Robert - in your closing paragraphs, you quoted your reader Phil's short essay of positives about the blue ticket this year. If he had another 100 word capacity to go, I'm pretty sure he'd have also mentioned that Harris/Walz will work to sustain and strengthen our judicial system and will appoint justices who are both well qualified and come without any obvious signs of overt political bias one way or the other. In addition, I like to believe the Walz's addition to the ticket is going to lead the administration to spend more time on how to improve the lives of middle and lower income Americans who live in the great middle of our country, more or less the Mississippi River Drainage Basin who have, I confess, lived in the shadows of the coastal power centers for too long.

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It is a good exercise because it forces us to think about what the most important aspects of Kamala Harris's presidency will be.

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I love the geographic reference. Paints a picture!

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To digress quickly, add _The Control of Nature_, by John McPhee, to your reading list. The book is a collection of three long (and IMHO brilliant) essays, one of which describes efforts to control the flow of the Atchafalaya river, a distributary of the Mississippi river.

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"Participants were asked to write up, in 100 words or less, who [they] are voting for in the Presidential election and why[.]"

It'd be interesting to try to seek Trump voters' responses that are not somehow based on lies. It seems whenever I read OpEds listing reasons for voting for tfg, (even in Facebook memes,) I can rattle off each item that can be traced back to mis- or disinformation.

Afghanistan withdrawal. Greatest economy in the world under Trump. Most jobs created, etc.

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With Vote forward and others I have about 500 postcards and letters stamped and ready to mail, as directed, in early Oct to registered Dems with 100 more names and addresses to arrive tomorrow. Hopefully this effort may help turnout the marginal voters needed to win. Betting on Vote Forward's plan.

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Thank you for your energy and focus and for “doing something” real and meaningful. 💙

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Sep 3Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

My essay: Your vote for Harris/Walz joins other Americans who are steadfastly committed to the Constitution and rule of law and sets the country on a course of fairness, growth and continued better times for as many citizens as possible. We need enlightened leadership to accomplish this, not negativity and hate.

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