I love the pictures and the time you spent taking them. I watched NOVA tonight and they explained how Pluto actually helped align the planets. It gravity is so strong that it stops meteorites from coming towards our Earth!! Amazing!

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Love NOVA, I learned so much that I didn’t know I needed to know

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Beautiful as always Robert. Enjoy your weekend.

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Amazing astronomy class with sane news of the world. Great bargain

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Helix nebula looks like a big eye. Happy Labor Day! Enjoy time with your family.

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It is sometimes called "God's Eye.'

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Well, that makes perfect sense. Thanks, Robert.

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God's blue eye? :-) His other eye is brown. :-)

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Sep 2Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Years ago there was this Discovery network series on Space that exploded my mind (in a good way) and explaied some of the physics behind the universe in laymen’s terms. The most helpful part was how it explained gravity in a way that made me understand how stars form. I’ve been looking for it ever since it disappeared from Netflix to no avail. Something about how the universe was born or something like that.

Seeing all your backyard telescope images of nebulae and clusters and galaxies nurtures that sense of awe in me, so thank you for your efforts and your determination!

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Make the election a blue tsunami.


Down here in Baghdad By the Sea, we have 3 Congressional seats held by MAGATS in districts with Democratic registration majorities. Statewide, Biden lost by 3.1% in 2020, so we only need 2% to flip the state.

Democrats have viable candidates to oppose them, but we lost about 1 MM Democratic voters from purging since 2022.

We need help. Check out BYOP -- it's free. Takes only a couple of minutes to send texts on behalf of candidates like Florida senate candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, who is running against the demonic incumbent "Sunset" Rick Scott, to get new Democrats registered and flip his seat. We have the capacity to overwhelm them. We turn into a pumpkin Oct. 7.


Here's the pitch.

Hi [Their Name]! In FL we love our freedoms. But MAGA Republicans don't! They passed a brutal abortion ban and criminalized weed. FIGHT BACK! REGISTER & VOTE for Democrats like Debbie Mucarsel-Powell for Senate and vote YES on Amendments 3 & 4 to legalize recreational marijuana AND restore abortion rights! ft6.us/FL_reg

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Here, in SF (which I thought was Bagdad-by-the-Sea!?!), we are writing post cards to Floridians, reminding them to update their vote by mail registrations.

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Thanks. Check out BYOP.

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Thanks, but right now I'm already doing as much as I can/have time for.

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Love BYOP. Have sent 409 texts so far...many to FL residents. Will keep going to the end. We need more texters.

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Thanks. FT6 also has texting and TextArcade, which is so popular it's sold out. Need help with phone banking.


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East Coast residents will likely never see the Milky Way unless they go to a Planetarium...

Too much light pollution.

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My husband grew up as a yak herder in the Himalayan mountains. He told me that the night sky was as magnificent as the snow-capped mountains all around him.

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Wow .... tell us more! How did he end up here, wherever here is?

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When he was 17 years old, he joined a monastery in Kathmandu, Ka Nying Shedrup Ling, in order to learn to read. (Just like it was in Medieval Europe: if a person was not from a noble family, one only became literate by becoming a monk.) He was there for 17 years. With his Tulku's blessing, he left and was brought to the United States by a man to whom he'd taught Tibetan and who wanted to continue studying from him. We met at a Sufi retreat center in upstate NY. Eventually (with some spiritual guidance from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, who had died a few months earlier) we married. He left NY and moved to Charleston, SC which had become my home in the early 1980's. We've been married 31 years now, and have a 29-year-old daughter.

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What a lovely and fascinating story! Thanks for telling us.

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Thanks for asking!

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After 10 PM on Cape Cod on a clear night the Milky Way is a dazzling river across the sky right overhead.

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I grew up on Long Island just outside of Queens and NYC. I used to stare up from my back porch and see TONS of stars. The explosion of ambient night time light from then till now is alarming.

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Sep 2Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

God's Eye

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We're all glad you are taking some time off! Thanks for the gorgeous pictures!

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Happy Labor Day, Robert and Jill! Particularly great photo today: thank you!

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At this traditional (if no longer observed) start of the fall campaign season, I offer this, my favorite patriotic song. Paul Robeson, with the music of the great Earl Robinson and the words of Lewis Allan.


(A bowdlerized version was later released by Robeson and others, including Frank Sinatra, but I think this one is better.)

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Greetings of the season to all.


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Thanks for sharing, Robert...very impressive, that Helix Nebula!

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Your photos, Robert, are so amazing. Thanks for them, your explanations, and all your hard work for the newsletters.

A happy Labor Day to you and your family and this community.

May our labors not be in vain.

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Thank you for sharing this stunning picture.

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Gorgeous Helix nebula! Enjoy your day of rest!

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