Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I am so proud of President Biden and his administration. They have accomplished more to raise our economy and standard of living than has been done in 40 years. Reaganomics has fueled our economic, healthcare and basic inequalities, and the demise of a prosperous economy for all. President Biden’s agenda has been to build our economy by creating and promoting jobs for everyone that help everyone in our country to prosper. I am extremely disgusted by the Repugnant house with their AR 15 lapel pins, and most of all voting Congresswoman Omar off the Foreign Relations Committee. What a bunch of weasels (although I don’t want to insult weasels), I believe they are intimidated by her grace and power.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Although Biden was not my first choice as a democratic primary candidate for President, I am now a supporter and true fan of his performance. I am truly impressed, in fact awed, by his steadiness, his composure, and his extremely well-informed performance in a job that has had enormous, and almost insurmountable tasks and tests, both seeable and unseeable.

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Robert makes the totally appropriate point that Presidents generally get too much blame for a weak economy under their aegis and they frequently try to take too much credit for a strong performance. But Robert is, I believe, equally correct to say that the current strength of the US bears an unusually direct relationship to specific policies of the Biden administration, particularly legislation that only barely passed with unanimous Democratic support and the most minimal support by GOP members of the House and Senate. Further, the spectacular January jobs report can be partially discounted as perhaps a one-off aberration. But what cannot be discounted is the country's solidly upward economic performance during the first two years of the Biden presidency. The present extremely low unemployment rate of 3.4% is in stark contrast to its 6.7% level in the last month of the Trump presidency, when it was admittedly negatively affected by Covid. But the BLS statistics on employment offer a more accurate measure of the jobs market: the Real Unemployment Rate. This broader measure includes "Discouraged Workers" who have ceased looking for work but would take a job if offered; "Marginally Attached Workers" who haven't looked for a job in the past month but have sometime in the preceding year; and the large group called "Part-time of necessity" who are involuntarily working fewer than 40 hours/week. This Real Unemployment Rate currently stands at a more accurate 6.7%, also at a near-record low. That "Real Unemployment Rate" stood at 11.2% when Biden assumed office. That is his REAL and very dramatic achievement. And for those who think this accomplishment is vitiated by inflation, one needs to realize that two-thirds of the current 6.5% inflation rate has been offset by wage gains, making the actual squeeze on the average consumer's purchasing power only reduced by roughly 2%.

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And every day that I get discouraged by the outrageous, unethical, and inhumane deeds/performances of the far right and far too many Republicans, it is balanced and countered by the intelligence, brilliance, and hard work of the democrats and the progressive effort.

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I only wish this good economic news would filter down to the people who have been distracted by the drumbeat of negativity of Fox and other right wing outlets. We need to tout the Biden accomplishments in all our social media posts.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Democrats should take your words: "Under Biden’s leadership, Democrats in Congress passed the American Rescue Plan, the bi-partisan infrastructure act, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act. Unemployment reached 14% during the height of the shutdown and is now at a 50-year low of 3.4% [and is] combined with historically low unemployment, falling inflation, and reasonable GDP growth (2.9%)" and turn them into advertisements that capture the narrative between now and November, 2024.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I actually think Biden's ploddingly, boringly, uncharismatic COMPETENCE is Lincolnesque. Not everyone recalls how viciously vilified Lincoln often was in the North during his Presidency. (Think: Biden's chronically low poll numbers and "doddering/dementia" epithets.) As Lincoln said about his own performance, “I do the very best I can, I mean to keep going. If the end brings me out all right, then what is said against me won't matter. If I'm wrong, ten angels swearing I was right won't make a difference.” I'll bet Biden is familiar with that quotation.

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We all need to spread the word of Bidens successes while we work to help those at the bottom of the economic ladder. As the millionaires have the Corp of Engineers planning beach replenishment for their waterfront mansions the lower class struggle with years of neglect for their neighborhoods in Florida.

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That's why it's so critical to keep the radical rednecks in check so the sabotage they're so hell bent on inflicting on America 🇺🇸 is kept to a minimum

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A good weekend to be sure. Let’s carry on and feel strong. No sense in joining the chaos when we have goals to tend to this year and beyond. Thank you Robert for the good news!

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Great news and great material for Dems to be running on through the next cycle. We all need to get this message out strong and loud. Regarding current affairs: Americans will not long put up with the bankrupt, sophomoric shenanigans House GOP is currently engaging in. In the end, people want their government to run in such a way that it continues to address their needs, provide stability and adjust to changing times. Thinking that guns will provide that is appropriate for Gunsmoke, but not 21th century America. However problematic the American voting public is, they will put up only so long with a circus like the one we are seeing--a pretty lame one at that. We all know that if you want a circus, you hire a clown. Congress ain't the Big Tent, and most people will not countenance it becoming one.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Is FOX News/Opinion congenitally undemocratic? Are they hoping for a strong authoritarian like Putin or Orban or Bolsonaro? I'm not sure why they're so down on our current government - other than they don't control it as they seem to have the previous administration.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Yes, Robert, this is good news indeed. I'm generally not a "glass half full" or "glass half empty" person. I'm more of an "It is what it is" kind of guy. But, I can't help but think of all the good - all the amazing - things that could have gotten done if Dems had retained the House and gotten a stronger hold on the Senate (i.e. - with the ability to get rid of the filibuster!). Instead, we are mired in the McClown congress and still have to deal with the whims of Manchin and Sinema.

We now look to 2024 and have to work hard to keep Joe Biden (or possibly another Dem - Go Joe!) in the W.H. AND retain the Senate AND retake the House to continue to move the country in a positive direction and get done the litany of things that are left undone, despite the insurrection crowd in Congress, FAUX "news," and the corrupt Robert's SCOTUS.

Ahhh...the work never ends, but I'm grateful for what the first two years of President Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer's leadership brought us. I'm also grateful for you and the other amazing writers with SubStack newsletters that help bring perspective to the crazy times that are the 21st c. in America.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

Well, that balloon is occupying a lot of my mind this weekend. What a strange thing. While it's alarming enough to cancel a diplomatic visit to China, it's benign enough to let it float. Hmmm, something does not add up. And how does a weather balloon remain stationary over a military site anyway?

AD: The balloon has been shot down in the Atlantic, off the coast of South Carolina, in shallow water to facilitate its recovery. Republicans are having tantrums that it traversed the US. They're accusing Joe of being Slow. Obviously they did not read the very good responses to my post that some readers added below.

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As Barbara Jordan - former U.S. House of Representative from Texas - would say: Team Biden has put the "N" back in "Government." What's not to love?!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I love this headline, Robert! Thank you for it.

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