Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Writing postcards for Ohio special election. Voting is open there and Election Day is August 8, so there is still time to join us in this effort.

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I love people that lead such a balanced life. Powerful engagement with the world of politics and justice. Joyce has terrific chickens and you have swing sets and telescopes. Kudos for inspiring us.

We can be alarmed and take action as the fascist forces of evil attempt to dominate us. But we can also live life fully. Fight with all our might. But the best revenge may be a life well lived.

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Love that photo!

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Wow, cool!!

Robert, Thanks again for posting about the David Pepper “Saving Democracy" Zoom Tuesday night (7/18) at 7pm ET. In case anyone missed it, here is the RSVP Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/david-pepper-saving-democracy-tickets-668471545387?aff=oddtdtcreator

Also writing postcards for Ohio still if anyone can help! Only two weeks left to write! So important that Dems vote NO on Issue 1. It's easy to join or restart with PostcardsToVoters.org ! Just text “join" to 484-275-2229, or write an email to Join@TonytheDemocrat.org PTV postcards can be written and mailed from any location in the USA. All you need to get started are postcards and stamps!

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Have fun! Is this what one calls “reaching for the stars?”

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The sizes of the moon relative to Jupiter must be quite distorted. If the relative sizes of Jupiter and the moon were accurate, the bright spot would be considerably larger than Earth, and even larger relative to Ganymede and Callisto, Jupiter's largest moons.

What fun to get to look through that telescope!

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for the photo Robert. I lived in the San Gabriel Valley for years at the foot of Mt. Wilson. Enjoy!!! ❤️

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When they tell you who they are, believe them. This is truly frightening.

“Our current executive branch,” Trump loyalist John McEntee, who is in charge of planning to pack the government with Trump loyalists, told the New York Times reporters, “was conceived of by liberals for the purpose of promulgating liberal policies. There is no way to make the existing structure function in a conservative manner. It’s not enough to get the personnel right. What’s necessary is a complete system overhaul.”

(Letters from An American 7/17/23)

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

wow, we see Jupiter a lot but to see one of its moons! That is cool!

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Thanks for the photo, which with your good work and the comments provides an apt metaphor for our communal project: work like hell, do the ground work, but look through the haze and keep an eye on the stars.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Our most basic philosophy was gathered from the cosmos.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Great shot. Reminds me of a night in the middle of the Sahara many years ago. Total silence, laying on our backs for hours on end (in our memory at least), taking in a grandiose spectacle.

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A true renaissance man , someone who can both build a swing set and reveal Republican chicanery .

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How many of you have read LFAA today? How many of you are still fuming over the popularity of RFK,Jr and the rising influence of "No Labels"?

I am a huge fan of Joe Biden. He will be recorded as one of our best and most important presidents. He guides the ship of state with intelligence and wisdom. But the forces of evil are mounting attacks from all angles. And it's clear to me that many Americans have two things on their minds.

First, too many voters are still stuck in the primitive appeal of a strong man. In many ways, we have not evolved from tribal instincts - follow the tough guy. He'll keep us safe.

Second, another very large contingent is just fed up with old white guys being in power. Their lives are disappointing. They are afraid. They are ready for "anything but what we have now".

Democrats are asleep at the switch. There is nothing wrong with our President. Except his popularity. We are not reading the tea leaves. We are not paying attention. The fact that we are even discussing RFK,Jr and the No Labels effort.... says that chaos may ensue.

What we need now is a bold figure who has the charisma and star power of an Obama or JFK. Both were less than perfect in my book. But their world views were healthy and they embraced democracy. And most importantly, they drew people in with their powerful rhetoric. Leadership is more than expertise. It is about enchanting a crowd.

The role of the VP candidate has often been to be the "attack dog" while the presidential candidate stays on the high road. Maybe that's the strategy. Kamala Harris can be that person if she were unleashed. But she is even less "popular" than the boss.

Or...Biden picks a new VP candidate - a popular powerful speaker who can inspire. And offer confidence that if Joe falters, we will be OK. Promise Harris she'll be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (Wouldn't you just love to hear her deliver her opinions?)

BTW, I think Harris has been an excellent VP and would lead us very well as President. This is not about my opinion. It's about what the nation has been saying for a long time. She's not the "one".

I have a short VP list, but would like to hear if anyone else has favorites.

Wake up White House. We need a winning strategy now. It won't be enough to just talk about the good stuff done by this administration. It has to be sold. We need better sales people.

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A beautiful picture of the Mount Wilson Observatory!

My comment: "No Labels" is starting to look scary for Biden. The press repeats that the polls show many voters do not want Biden or Trump. They have lots of money.

I am hoping that the Biden campaign and progressive groups report the concerns of voting for them. Even Manchin is toying with the idea, it appears.

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Enjoy the cosmos!

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