Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I really don't get it. The reluctance of so many Democrats to wholeheartedly support Biden is infuriating. Indeed, he has done more to improve the lives of Americans in two and a half years than any president in the last 50 years, especially given the numerous and overwhelming crises and critical issues of our day. His legislative accomplishments should be lauded every opportunity we can. I call them, "The New Deal on steroids". Unless we are willing or wanting to bolster Trump's or a clone's candidacy in 2024, we should go "all in" for Biden. The alternative sickens and terrifies me. The Republicans get it. Democrats need to grow up and stop whining when they don't get everything he promised or they demanded. This is the real world folks. We need to act and think like mature, reasonable adults, or else we all may live to regret it.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“We must pull together in recognition that the choice in 2024 is between Biden and tyranny.”

Absolutely. I watched in horror yesterday as the Speaker of the House, 3RD IN LINE FOR THE PRESIDENCY, defended the former president and said that people he talked to “all across the country” were upset about a potential indictment. He said this without having seen an indictment, which we know will provide evidence that Trump broke many laws, tried to overturn an election, and put people on harm’s way.

The Speaker of the House is defending these crimes.

This is not a party that can be allowed to govern.

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I was born in the third month of the Eisenhower administration, of which I remember nothing. To the extent I was aware of JFK, I knew him only as a distant celebrity. It was in the times of LBJ that I became aware of policy. Lord, how I hated that man! I marched against the war, I supported the Peace and Freedom Party in 1968... Today, I see thing differently. I consider LBJ the best president of my life time, a man with large and glaring faults and failing but nonetheless the best president of my lifetime.

Biden has climbed the ladder and displaced Ike to take over the #2 position. He too is a man with large and glaring faults. To choose just one example, while it is true that he has been the most pro-climate president ever, that doesn't mean he's been pro-climate. It's been one step forward, two steps back with him. But what other president has ever taken that one step forward?

The question in my mind is, are his failing really his failings, or are they due to the circumstance in which he must work? He has never had a good congress to work with. Yes, I think he should be re-elected, but let's put him on the spot, let's see what he's really made of. Let's also elect a congress that will push him.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Sitting on the fence is the equivalent of cheering on the insurrectionists. Especially for union leaders this amounts to having a death wish. Perhaps they should better listen to MTG :-)


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The UAW: never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity for the past 50 years. If Fain wants to know what the major problem his union faces is, all he needs to do is look in the bathroom mirror, like most other American union leaders - they spent 50 years excluding the people they need to save them today, and now they complain. And I say that as a union member (who always votes against the bourgeois bolsheviks who run for office in the WGA).

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I wholeheartedly agree with Robert about supporting Joe Biden. He is not a ho-hum president. He has been a quiet, humble if not boring powerhouse, taking a sinking ship in a storm, back to harbor without crowing a bit. It feels that Americans just can’t appreciate solidity unless it glitters and puffs. I am so afraid that my own Democratic Party members have fallen prey to this now, too. I so appreciate the media and writers who are now stepping up to remind our bot-besodden, disinformation ridden, fad-trend addicted culture that in fact, we have a pretty amazing person at the helm. And frankly, who else is stepping up? We also blame “the Democrats”(ourselves, really) for suppressing the running field. When a new, true star or hero appears, we’ll know it. But not now. Now we have Biden and Roberts words ring 100% true. It’s Biden or tyranny and chaos. And those are not just words. They will be our daily lives. Please my fellow liberals…join the still-too-small group of people working around the clock to increase voter awareness and participation. We certainly can do this if everyone does the human to human work of caring, educating and modeling participation in a true Democracy. Thank you again, Robert.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"We must get over ourselves, folks."Truer words have never been spoken/written. Thank-you for your wise words, Robert. This is the exact sentiment I felt before the 2016 election. For as flawed a candidate as Hillary Clinton was, her imperfections were miniscule when compared to the sheer awfulness of Donald Trump. People didn't listen then. Will they now?

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Biden: An old sculptor, chipping away, with time left, at a masterpiece called, “A More Perfect Union”

Republicans: The Taliban, mindlessly blowing up astounding, ancient Buddhist monuments not to their liking.

Those who who would vote against Biden for whatever myopic reason would do well to ponder the line, ‘ stay right here, ‘cause these are the good old days’. “Anticipation” by Carly Simon - good accompaniment to morning coffee and Today’s Edition Newsletter.

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Today’s Edition points out a very interesting fact that most voters are unaware of. The executive orders around unions is just one example of hundreds how the Trump Administration corrupted and suppressed many levers of government. I can understand auto workers concern regarding electric vehicles and this represents an opportunity for the Biden Administration to create funding to help retrain the auto workers for the new technology. It is the same auto unions that negotiated contracts with the Big Three that resulted in the US losing the domestic auto markets to foreign competition. That threat still exists and both the Biden Administration and the UAW must reach a compromise that benefits both parties. Trump is not a friend to unions.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Just a quick comment about the unions or others who are not happy with particular issues that they don’t believe Biden has solved. My question always is: what the hell is the alternative? If the unions aren’t happy about the progress of electric cars and that their workers may be left out of that, please tell me what the GQP has ever done or will do in the future to satisfy unions???? Who are they going to hurt???? The Democrats who are trying their best to keep unions in the forefront. I truly don’t understand lower income whites, who would fall on a sword for Trump. What the hell has he ever done for them, and what do they think he will do in the future? If they could take their biased blinders off, they would so become Democrats, who truly are working night and day to make the lives of middle America better! Sadly, as we know, people are not motivated by their rational side but rather their emotions. Somehow, the Democratic message must be one that is powerfully emotional and yet shares the FACTS of what good government looks like.

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Remember what happened in the presidential election of 1844! That is what Heather Cox Richardson exclaimed when she and Joanne Freeman addressed the No Labels/Third Party problem. The candidates were James K. Polk (Democrat) and Henry Clay (Whig). It was free states versus slave states for the newly acquired territories out West. Both candidates were slave owners (Clay less so), so neither could pass the purity test for die-hard abolitionists. But who remembers the newly formed Liberty Party with James Birney as their candidate that handed the victory to Polk?


This episode covers Kennedy/No Labels Party; 1844/Liberty Party; and 1912/Progressive Party

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If anyone is withholding support from Joe Biden because of his age, I ask that you ask yourself whether or not you are acting like an ageist. This form of invidious discrimination (judging a person and acting on your or other’s concerns about your or their perception that a person might have diminished abilities because of an immutable aspect of that person) in this case, being and growing older, is real and widespread.

Because some African Americans had minimal education and minimal social skills among whites caused exclusion by white Americans of virtually all African Americans from good jobs, neighborhoods, schools and public buildings and institutions for years despite the obvious fact that specific African Americans had all the needed skills for a job etc. To a diminished extent such judgments still exclude some African Americans. That is a form of racism.

Because many or most women worked only in the home, many perceived that as the limit of women’s capabilities. A form of sexism. Which persists to some degree.

We all (well, most of us) now recognize racism and sexism and other such “ism’s.” Less recognized is ageism-judging a person based on their age. But this “ism” is no less damaging to the person so judged and to the nation’s ability and need to maximize the productivity of each person. Might a person in his 80’s in apparent good health die in the next 5 years? Yes maybe but maybe not. Same answer with the question about will that person develop poor mental health.

Much younger people die and develop mental issues but plenty of older people retain their abilities and energy. President Biden has.

Please consider judging President Biden on his abilities to do the jobs of being president and staying elected and bringing the house and senate in line to pass better laws and appoint better judges.

Look at what he has accomplished. Give him and give us as Americans who want our country to be as good as it can be a chance to accomplish more. He is far and above our best choice among the current candidates.

Go! Vote! Get others to vote! Win!

Eliot Tucker

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I can't agree more about Joe Biden. With all the autocratic terror wafting around the globe, we are absolutely blessed to have Joe Biden with his steady hand as our president.

In 2016, Hilary Clinton had the perfect word for TFG and his party; DEPLORABLES!

We need, not just win but a landslide in 2024!!

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Just received my GOTV postcards kit from Blue Wave Postcard Movement. This is a top notch well run organization. I feel like my work here makes a real difference! Please join me. Connect with bluewavepostcards.org. Work from your home and help GOTV across the USA! Start today!

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I’m actually happy that you quoted yourself - it’s such a concise and elegant statement that I have clipped it and added it to my notes to have at the ready any time someone mentions to me that they wish Biden wasn’t running again. And thanks for continuing to mention Ohio! We have to do everything we can to get voters to turnout on Aug 8. Check out https://votenoinaugust.org/ for ways to get involved! Jess Craven also suggests joining this letter writing campaign (before July 25): https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-up-to-write-letters-with-working-america-5

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Joe Manchin and his coal interests are a real disappointment. Where at one point I thought he was a maverick with some justification for his orneriness, I've come around to thinking he's just a selfish Dem in name only. The amount of help he's given Joe Biden would fit in a teaspoon.

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