We share a lot of what you, HCR, Jessica Craven and others write and recommend. Sometimes it feels like we're 'sharing into a void'. But, we share nonetheless. Then, last night we received the following message from someone in our regional Rainbow Circle group of 300± people in response to our sharing the upcoming Defend Democracy Project training event. It read, "Just want you to know that one of the youth activists I passed this on to (instrumental in getting Pride Month resolution/flag raising in W(town)) is signed up. I passed this to about a dozen youth and adults who work directly with youth. Thank you for posting this!"

Thank you for all you do to frame things positively and in such an informative way. YOU are making a difference, Mr. Hubbell! You are inspiring us.

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Scott, I have boldly shared and often wondered if I’m just annoying people, friends. Yesterday I heard from my niece and her husband that they like my shares and encourage more. They, too, have felt alone and appreciate the community we all have built and the actions we can take.

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Scott and John, thank you for the very important work that you are doing! If I can help promote your good work, please contact me at rhubbell@outlook.com. Mention the Rainbow Circle in the subject line.

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"On February 4, 2022, the party of Lincoln breathed its last. On Friday, the governing body of the GOP declared that the violent assault on the Capitol and the attempt to overthrow the 2020 election constituted “legitimate political discourse.” With those words, the political organization formerly known as the Republican Party ceased to exist."

Thank You for your historical prescience, Robert. Now it is up to us to support the Democratic platform and Democratic candidates everywhere, so that February 4th doesn't also mark when democracy ceased to exist.

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Robert, this declaration and your sage advice reminded me of a time when I made an author visit to an elementary school in Texas in the '80s. The first thing I saw when I entered the building was a bulletin board with large construction paper letters spelling out the school's motto in two-letter words: "If it is to be, it is up to me." Words to live by today!

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That says it all!

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You got a shoutout today from Jonathan Last, writing in the Bulwark. In particular, for your newsletter about Alexander Vindman, but also for your newsletters, generally, and your encouragement of hope.

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Thanks for alerting me. Readers of this newsletter know that I regularly highlight articles from The Bulwark. Recently, Philip Rotner has been on a hot streak in his essays in The Bulwark. Lot's of other great writers there, as well.

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It is up to us. Let’s get to work.

In solidarity, Robert Hubbell.


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All good people must put shoulder to yoke in the coming months and create a blue tidal wave so overwhelming that even the GQP can't cheat enough to suppress it. We must crush the Nazis in our midst for good. That's all.

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Nazism is an evil. We must always be on guard against evil, which prowls around like a raging lion, looking for something or someone to destroy.

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Your newsletter title is perfect! Thank you as always for your dedication.

My heart goes out to all of the terrorized people and police who were threatened, assaulted and lost there lives on Jan.6th and those that took their lives after. The people who survived have to live with the horrible memories and probably PTSD for years. To call this political discourse is despicable, disgusting and very sick! The Republican Party is not the Republican Party I have known for 63 years. As Nancy Pelosi stated during an interview, it’s a “cult”.

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Yes; you make a good point, and something I tried to say last night. Something has replaced the Republican Party. It continues to be a menace, but we should stop pretending that the GOP is a responsible party in governing America. It is not.

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Here is hoping that eventually the simple-minded dualism that has characterized political thinking in recent decades will also die. We have all lost something in recent years but nothing as devastating as the ability to think clearly and reasonably about social problems that have few easy answers. There are no winners when we lose compassion. Your reports demonstrate a better way of thinking about public life beyond the catchy headlines. Thank you as always.

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Yes, the GOP has turned into something disconnected from constructive society. What is most disturbing is its "base" of tens of millions of voters who idolize a charlatan, believe the Big Lie, and endorse violence as a legitimate tool for change. We won't win these people over. They are too far gone. We need to focus on the vast middle, reasonable people who may sometimes disagree with us on policy but will join us in moving forward with a multiparty, pluralistic, forward looking country.

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Hi, Charles. I need to write about why people believe The Big Lie. Thomas Edsall recently wrote about that phenomenon in The Times. His theory is that most people really don't believe the Big Lie. They use it as a secret handshake or gang signal to identify allegiance to the ugly agenda of the party f.k.a. GOP.

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The GQP have destroyed themselves and all history will remember them is for who and what they destroyed themselves, and our country, for. I am constantly blown away at how they don’t seem to contemplate how this will be viewed throughout the rest of history. Do they really not understand what they’re doing and how they will be remembered? It’s not going to be their BS Fox appearances or gaslighting op-eds. It’s going to be this. This disgusting, stomach-churning, anti-democratic fascist movement. Manchin & Sinema are putting themselves in the same boat with voting rights. I really struggle to understand what they’re thinking. It will NEVER be remembered as anything other than what it is, whether or not they agree.

What do these people tell their grandkids? “I helped killed democracy kids! I’m a hero!” It’s very hard to understand how these people look at themselves in the mirror let alone do and say all the vile, misleading things they do. All for what? A job for a few years and some money? That’s it?!?!

That being said, it makes me even more pumped to fight. They truly have no idea what they’re doing and who they are waking up by pushing so hard & so fast to the right. I will NEVER stop until these people are gone and the Republican Party is a relic of the past, along with the filibuster, gerrymandering, and the electoral college. This country has so much promise and we’ve come so far. I won’t let them drag this country back 70 years so they can enjoy their racist, misogynistic lives without anyone questioning them about it.

The thing they never seem to get is that it won’t work. Change and progress will always happen, you can’t stop it. The truth will come out. Thank you, Robert!

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Danielle, love your attitude --"it makes me even more pumped to fight." We need more like you!

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Thanks Robert! I owe it to you and your wonderful newsletter. I just keep thinking about things through the lens of history and how, in the end, progress & truth will always win out. More than anything, I’m tired of people deciding that the way things are are the way they will always be. Nope. Not if we change it ourselves.

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The Democrats would be stronger if they acknowledged the truth of what you said today and found a place for those former Republicans who have no political home but aren't interested in wholesale acceptance of the "progressive" agenda. It's not clear what value there is in the "all or nothing" approach to policy formation and legislation.

Have a great weekend. I'm taking the bright sunshine as a sign of hope for the future.

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Dave, wise words.

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Thanks Robert.

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Republicans like Romney and Murkowski could declare themselves independents. That would be much more comfortable for them than becoming Democrats.

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That would be an excellent public statement from each of them and Murkowski has already dabbled with it a bit. I suspect Romney is too tradition bound to do that and he's never been overly bound to principle.

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Today’s Edition Newsletter is both historic and epic!

… at the heart of where we are in this moment.

My initial reaction left me in a state of emotional trauma with a gut punch!

It is difficult to remain positive… but we must focus on all the really good things the Biden Administration has accomplished despite the party, formally known as the GOP.

The one elephant in the room… where do our military and local police stand?

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Susan, A share for you from an email I received this week from the president of URI.

Minor in the big scheme….but it made me smile :)

Trying to stay + in Florida. The struggle is all too real !

Honorary Degrees

The Board unanimously voted to revoke the honorary degrees of former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Lieutenant General Michael Flynn (retired). The decision was based on my recommendation after careful consideration of the Honorary Degree Committee’s deliberations and findings. The Board also unanimously voted to award one honorary degree this year to be bestowed during Commencement 2022.

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Let's hope the honorary degree goes to Alexander Vindman!

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As an alum, I will pass that thought on !…to the URI President and Board. My task for tonight :)

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"Its rotting husk will serve as the host for parasites and leeches so long as there is political advantage in pretending the GOP still lives. It is a pathetic end to a once-proud party."

Thank you, Robert, for your way with words!

And for reminding us, once again: "It is up to us."

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A brief stirring commentary. Thank you for putting it so well

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These stirring words will motivate me to register my fellow citizens to vote, urge them to vote, and to donate to the responsible politicians trying to move America forward.

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I once devised a plan to find just one person, preferably a friend, who would normally vote correctly but in a primary, likely wouldn’t. I found my mark. The primary was for a CT senate race. The guy we didn’t want was a Dino; Joe Lieberman. His opponent is now our governor, Lamont, a good man. I called Lamont’s campaign manager and proposed that he begin this concept and run with it. Imagine if everyone who voted found one person who they could claim as an extra vote. In theory, it would double the tally. The manager responded to why not find 10 people instead of one and I told him that one person was plenty hard to manage. You need to work it. Call them and chat about things then bring into the chat the importance of voting. My friend told me that she had voted that primary day. I had achieved my goal. Lamont lost the primary. He had a fool for a campaign manager. There was nothing so mysterious or difficult to achieve. But just finding one person that you calmly but diligently egg on and make sure they vote even offering them a ride. But who would ever listen to me? No body. If I should chance to meet Lamont one day, I’ll amuse him with my get out the vote theory.

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As the walking carcuss of the Republican Party stumbles along, slowly decomposing, I suddenly feel more alive.

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