Yes, I agree. Robert, Simon Rosenberg, national treasure HCR, and many other bloggers and SM figures are providing factual information. I think they should join to create one powerful Left-wing organization to push back against Fox. I have NO idea how to do that, or even if it's desirable. maybe having dozens of individuals working towar…
Yes, I agree. Robert, Simon Rosenberg, national treasure HCR, and many other bloggers and SM figures are providing factual information. I think they should join to create one powerful Left-wing organization to push back against Fox. I have NO idea how to do that, or even if it's desirable. maybe having dozens of individuals working toward the same goal but doing it separately would reach more people? Perhaps Robert could address this in an upcoming post?
Yes, I agree. Robert, Simon Rosenberg, national treasure HCR, and many other bloggers and SM figures are providing factual information. I think they should join to create one powerful Left-wing organization to push back against Fox. I have NO idea how to do that, or even if it's desirable. maybe having dozens of individuals working toward the same goal but doing it separately would reach more people? Perhaps Robert could address this in an upcoming post?