Yes, I don’t think we have yet come to terms with how democracy is threatened by bots, disinformation and social media. When Fox News and others tell millions of people an election was stolen and social media algorithms promote one’s own world view exclusively, we end up where we are. And 100% about misogyny and racism.
Yes, I don’t think we have yet come to terms with how democracy is threatened by bots, disinformation and social media. When Fox News and others tell millions of people an election was stolen and social media algorithms promote one’s own world view exclusively, we end up where we are. And 100% about misogyny and racism.
Yes, I don’t think we have yet come to terms with how democracy is threatened by bots, disinformation and social media. When Fox News and others tell millions of people an election was stolen and social media algorithms promote one’s own world view exclusively, we end up where we are. And 100% about misogyny and racism.