The comment you refer to was a German quoting an American woman who said that she (the American) didn't believe a woman could lead a country. (Please read more carefully.)
Sadly, this is not uncommon, especially in certain geographical areas, but I have heard it said right here in Vermont, where our experienced well-respected woman legisl…
The comment you refer to was a German quoting an American woman who said that she (the American) didn't believe a woman could lead a country. (Please read more carefully.)
Sadly, this is not uncommon, especially in certain geographical areas, but I have heard it said right here in Vermont, where our experienced well-respected woman legislator just lost to an uninformed male with little knowledge but a gift for stirring up people with grudges. He just moved here about a year ago, "returning to his roots". He was born in a different part of the state,to parents from elsewhere, and did not even go to school here before his parents moved out of state. He has no experience, and no clue about the issues or how Vermont government works. But he won.
The comment you refer to was a German quoting an American woman who said that she (the American) didn't believe a woman could lead a country. (Please read more carefully.)
Sadly, this is not uncommon, especially in certain geographical areas, but I have heard it said right here in Vermont, where our experienced well-respected woman legislator just lost to an uninformed male with little knowledge but a gift for stirring up people with grudges. He just moved here about a year ago, "returning to his roots". He was born in a different part of the state,to parents from elsewhere, and did not even go to school here before his parents moved out of state. He has no experience, and no clue about the issues or how Vermont government works. But he won.