I have to vent about polls. Granted that I live in Alabama, but the only ones that ever contact me only want the answers they want (Republican). When they don't get that answer from me, they hang up on me. That means my answers don't get counted. Yet the media counts these as valid polls. So I choolse to keep working for Dems. I did training yesterday to do DemCast Race Tracking, write postcards and letters and will continue to do so. My take is to ignore bogus polls and keep working!!!!!
I can't help but think polls are fake. I still have a landline. My husband and I (age 60+) have NEVER been called for a poll. Anyone I ask has never been polled. How can I possibly think they are deserving of my attention?
(I too have a landline & don't know if any pollsters have called me-I don't answer if I don't recognize the number or if there is a company name that could indicate it is one.
“ So if you’re not totally tired of writing, writing, writing, I did want to flag one more major way you can help us win in Florida.Vote Forward still has a LOT of addresses left in the Sunshine State. Like, a LOT. They need a lot more volunteers.”
Also live in Alabama -- trying to turn my feelings of helplessness into action. I'm seeing fresh stickers for Trump showing up on vehicles -- the crazies feel no need to hide.
Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell
Women and everyone who supports women's rights will define this election. When women first got the right to vote in Texas primary elections effective June 26, 1918, with voter registration until July 11, 1918, 386,000 women registered to vote in just 17 days! We need to think of this election in 2022 in the same way with the same determination to have women vote! We, the People, need to Vote -- ALL of us this tine!
Cathy, what amazes me with all the reporting of the massive numbers of women who are now registering to vote is this: why on earth have they NOT been registered to vote all this time? I registered to vote the first opportunity I had and have never missed voting in an election. I guess I just assumed that other women would do the same. I guessed wrong.
In some states if you miss an election you must register or if you change affiliation you must resister plus other things like change of address etc. High school students also can now register if they will be of age by November and they are registering. Let’s be thankful.
I would imagine a number of reasons, but depending on their ages, perhaps some have never been taught that one vote can really make a difference, or that democracy is a precious from of government that requires participation of its citizens. I know I wasn't and for many decades, I only voted for president with no attention to the rest of the ballot. I'm coming very late to the party but at least it's before I die!
You said it all in the next to last paragraph of Concluding Thoughts Robert- let there be no doubt!
BTW the League of Women Voters will be talking to about 75 seniors and juniors at our local high school to encourage getting to the polls. The plan is to try to replicate this through LWV. Would love to see this happen at all high schools!
I saw a piece on Alex Wagner on MSNBC about a guy conducting focus groups with less politically engaged voters. It was appalling! The unbounded ignorance was disturbing. These younger voters knew almost nothing about the current state of affairs. Not one knew who their congressional representatives were. This situation is one of the contributors to our current mess. Politics is how we as a country live our common life. The last three elections have shown how fragile our representative democracy can be, but these voters were literally clueless. Voting is the very foundation of everything else-civil liberties, rule of law, policies affecting everyday life The PACT bill for veterans is one example of how people’s everyday lives can be affected by the voting for who gets to be a part of Congress.
Check out Focus Groups Offer Insight on Less Engaged Voters. . . MSNBC on YouTube.
(Sorry my tiny brain had trouble posting the link.)
I run a small nonprofit. Our staff's age tends to be younger, and about half are first generation American. I created an internal group called "Make a Change"; I spoke about the right and responsibility of voting. They landed on implementing a program on voting to inform our staff, so they in turn can inform their friends and family. One of my Board members is a first generation individual and elected to a school board, and will be meeting with the small group and then our full staff. Hoping to plant some seeds. Told them that voting and doing jury duty is both a privilege and responsibility in a democracy. Wish that civics was still taught on school.
As someone who phonebanks every week I can tell you there are an astonishing number of Americans who have no idea what’s happening, who represents them, or even which party is responsible for what. The only good thing I can see about it is that many of them are open to being informed as to who they should be supporting (if they care about abortion rights, climate, gun sense laws, democracy, etc.) this is why phonebanking matters!
The extent of the ignorance astounds me, in Texas. Sort of divided between avoidance of the issues and the deliberate ignorance of Foxers and the clones. Maybe Texas is “bigger” than the ignorance in other places.
Yet another comment on how important learning about citizenship really is! I never did! Someone a while back suggested there needs to be a documentary series on citizenship - a well done one that will grab audiences. I sent it on to Ken Burns but I never heard back. Maybe it's time to try again - and maybe if a lot of us. https://kenburns.com/contact-us/
Thank you for the comment in the concluding thoughts about wondering if you are the one unhinged. I frequently ask myself if I'm in as big a bubble as the Maga cult. I live in a red part of a blue state, so the messaging can get real confusing at times. The city is blue and our local paper tries to present both conservative & liberal articles. Makes for interesting Letters to the Editor.
Hello Robert. I am so glad to have found you and this substack. I belong to Democrats Abroad Spain and we just had a zoom call with Leigh (Politics Girl) who was actually at the White House. She's given us permission to use her taped podcast to us to create videos for everyone here to encourage voters to register and to vote. Would you consider doing a Zoom chat with our group? If so, I would let the chairman of the series committee know. Thank you. Gailee Walker Wells
I'm a member of Democrats Abroad in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It would be great, if Robert is able to do this, if we could somehow join, or replay, or something!!
I applaud the Democrats Abroad in Spain for having the intelligence to do a zoom call with Leigh. So many of us who follow her wish the Democratic Party would utilize her and her videos. Hell, I wish she was running the DNC instead of Jamie Harrelson who is a model case of someone who snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in his contest with Lindsay Graham.
Leigh McGowan, the Politics Girl, is a gift that keeps giving and the Democratic Party are absolute fools for not accepting those gifts. I have never seen a more powerful and effective voice for the Democratic Party. She doesn't mince words about the Republicans and each sentence packs a wallop!! (If you could see me right now, my hands are thrown up in the air in frustration.)
Someone once said that perception is reality. The media is focused on inflation which is a Republican talking point but they are far from providing a balance approach. The impending rail strike which has been avoided was couched around the impact on inflation and supply chain issues rather than the serious issues confronting rail workers around access to healthcare. Republicans talk about inflation but I have not seen a single plan or suggested approach to solve the problem. Inflation and how it is measured and against what time frame is a moving target and no one ever mentions the inflation rate in the EU countries. What is easily forgotten is that more people are working today than ever before at higher wages and with easier and better access to healthcare. Every day another story surfaces about how the Trump administration totally corrupted the Federal Government across the entire spectrum of government that was supported by many current Republican Senators and its time for all voters to say once and for all “ enough is enough”.
Thanks for standing above the slimy morass of lies and threats created by the Republican Party and stating the case plainly and succinctly that "Trump is a clear and present danger to American democracy," a fact that your avid readers readily accept, but one that is still denied by half the citizens and their elected officials in this country. As you point out, "He is depraved, amoral, immoral, and unfit to be a member of civilized society, much less a future president of the United States."
And yet, this miscreant who clearly "belongs in prison for his many crimes" has already irreparably damaged the nation as president of the United States whilst being promoted and supported in the highest office in the land by legions of Americans who actually relish the presence of a degenerate in the White House. The harsh truth is that many of Trump's supporters are men and women who ardently profess to honor Christian values, but who are in reality are nothing more than disingenuous power mongers and hypocritical rightwing fascists. As you say, "No decent politician, no person who claims to promote religious values, no American who claims to love our country should support Trump for another minute." How can Democracy survive otherwise?
Therein lies the rub. The champions of Democracy now face a mindless army of so-called "Americans" who not only support the monster Trump, but worship him. With that description of the enemy in mind, I contemplate the coming fight with profound sadness that America has come again to this political and spiritual precipice. But I also take heart from Today's Edition Newsletter and the comments of its readers that the cause is just and the strategies and tactics outlined in these pages are sufficient to enable Truth and Justice to prevail. Let Cathy Learoyd's battle cry resonate throughout the land. "We the People need to VOTE--all of us this time!"
My only concern is that focusing on Trump takes attention from DeSantis, the Yaley, bully who is cheering the focus on Trump which allows this dangerous autocrat to beat Charlie Crist. Beating DeSantis in Florida is a win for Democracy.
NBC news resorts to the sound bite ‘soaring inflation’ because the top floor loves trump!
As noted the details of the economic metrics are beyond a sound bite. Never, does this news outlet inform, nor educate viewer that inflation is Always a byproduct of war!
Oh for the days when at least a semblance of balance would be presented by NBC, ABC, and CBS twice a day. Today's 24/7 news cycle leaves plenty of room for marginal theories and suspicions to make it into the cable megaphones.
Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell
I will attempt to cover several points, hopefully avoiding "rambling." First, I want to talk about donations. I'm retired and on a fixed income, so do not have a great deal of money to spread around, certainly as much as I may wish. As I'm sure many of the readers of "Today's Edition" do, I am inundated with e-mails, mailers, and other requests for political donations. I make donations to individual candidates, and with the recent ploy of Democratic PACs propping up "MAGA" candidates, I'm glad that I won't give what money I can to blanket groups.
In 2016 I made the mistake of hoping Republicans would be so foolish as to make Donald Trump their presidential candidate, confident that this immoral man who I grew up knowing to be a conman and shyster, could not possibly win against the single most qualified person (despite not being "popular") to ever run for the highest office in the land! Well, I learned a painful lesson...be careful what you wish for. I believe the Democratic PACs that have propped up MAGA candidates are playing with fire. I just hope we don't all get burned by their "strategy"
So, I have given money to the campaigns of candidates I respect in the hope that they will win a seat currently held by a Republican who kisses the ring or to maintain their seat with the hope Democrats will retain control of Congress and continue to pass important legislation and help right the wobbling judiciary that Republicans have corrupted.
Second, I have let myself foolishly think, "surely people will realize that the usual swing that occurs in mid-term elections does not apply to 2022!" I now understand that too many people, even those that voted in 2018 and 2020, do not pay close enough attention to comprehend that NOTHING WILL CHANGE FOR THE BETTER; not supply issues, not lower gas prices, not reduced inflation, not lower interest rates - NOTHING - if Republicans win control of one or both Congressional chambers. We will return to gridlock and incompetence. We will waste the final two years of President Biden's first term. We will return to the legislative wasteland that was the final six years of President Obama.
I retain hope that Democrats will retain the House and expand their majority in the Senate, but do not take anything for granted. After all, despite Trump losing two elections by 10 million votes, he was handed four years (thank you electoral college) that have changed this country in ways I did not imagine possible and has, as yet, escaped accountability, as he's done his entire sad life. But, I also hold hope that his time is coming, no matter what fears hypocrites like Lindsey Graham profess will be the result that he, and all those enablers that helped him, will be brought to account and with substantial consequence.
For any of us wanting to get the most bang for the buck, the biggest return on investment of our donor dollars, we can utilize the resources of trustworthy curators. Elsewhere in comments today, Jessica Craven (Chop Wood, Carry Water) is an activist of activists and recommends Movement Voter Project:
The States Project supports these candidates through Giving Circles. Here is the Tending to Democracy Giving Circle, and you can hear directly from The States Project's Melissa Walker this Sunday evening:
President Biden orchestrates ANOTHER win for America, averting a crippling rail strike. I hope no one is delusional enough to think this would have been possible under a Republican administration, much less the MAGA conman!
"Democratic PACS funded Bolduc, and Republican PACS opposed Bolduc—for the same reason. Both believe that the extremist Bolduc is less likely to defeat Hassan than the Republicans Bolduc defeated in the primary." -------> this is one particular Dem strategy I have hated. Taking Dem money and giving it in support to a whack-job in hopes of bettering an ultimate Dem outcome feels distasteful. Almost dirty. And it runs a small chance of being a disaster if that whack-job pulls the rabbit out of the hat in November. We just shouldn't do it.
"Republicans who achieved one of their most important policy objectives [when] the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and fulfilled a half-century-long political goal of the conservative movement."
Republicans were convinced of their power in congress and the courts to believe the timing was right.
Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.
"Accepting that fact, is it appropriate to continually point out the danger posed by Trump? Yes, it is."
Yes, Robert. Trump is a monster. But as I've said too many times (?), I knew that when I ended up in line to shake his hand 20+ years ago and was certain I was shaking hands with Voldemort. I just don't understand why so many folks are enamoured of him. Maybe analogous is Rasputin.
Actually, I think the problem is that too many of the US population are children and grandchildren of the racist misogynist white supremacists that claimed the "unpopulated" land of plenty for their own. Bred in the bone. Think about the puritans when we celebrate Thanksgiving. What a whitewash the history of that holiday is.
I'm hoping that the allure of tfg is easier to kill, however. (please note: I'm not for a moment suggesting that I hope that tfg, himself, is easier to kill; merely his allure)
I have to vent about polls. Granted that I live in Alabama, but the only ones that ever contact me only want the answers they want (Republican). When they don't get that answer from me, they hang up on me. That means my answers don't get counted. Yet the media counts these as valid polls. So I choolse to keep working for Dems. I did training yesterday to do DemCast Race Tracking, write postcards and letters and will continue to do so. My take is to ignore bogus polls and keep working!!!!!
I can't help but think polls are fake. I still have a landline. My husband and I (age 60+) have NEVER been called for a poll. Anyone I ask has never been polled. How can I possibly think they are deserving of my attention?
(I too have a landline & don't know if any pollsters have called me-I don't answer if I don't recognize the number or if there is a company name that could indicate it is one.
Me too and I NEVER answer the phone unless it is someone I know I want to talk to!
I’ve never been called either. Ever.
I too NEVER was called for a poll when I had a landline.
Way to vent! Go DemCast!
Memories of mom answering polling calls on our olive green, slimline landline. They would hang up on her when she told them she was Pro-choice.
On a related note, Rubio has just given Val Demings a “gift”.
DemCast training tonight !
“ So if you’re not totally tired of writing, writing, writing, I did want to flag one more major way you can help us win in Florida.Vote Forward still has a LOT of addresses left in the Sunshine State. Like, a LOT. They need a lot more volunteers.”
Thanks for posting that here, Kathy!!
You go, DemCast Girl! If nothing else, we will know what you in Alabama are doing for the country.
Also live in Alabama -- trying to turn my feelings of helplessness into action. I'm seeing fresh stickers for Trump showing up on vehicles -- the crazies feel no need to hide.
So proud of you, Lisa. Never give up! And that’s fascinating about the pollsters hanging up on you. Didn’t know they did that.
Kaye Granger did that to me during one of her phony town halls. It’s the Republican way.
Women and everyone who supports women's rights will define this election. When women first got the right to vote in Texas primary elections effective June 26, 1918, with voter registration until July 11, 1918, 386,000 women registered to vote in just 17 days! We need to think of this election in 2022 in the same way with the same determination to have women vote! We, the People, need to Vote -- ALL of us this tine!
My hope is that legitimate Republican woman in Texas will vote to throw out Governor Abbott and can see past party politics to do the right thing.
Same hope here in Florida !Rubio is helping our cause by signing on as co-sponsor with Graham.
I hope but hope doesn’t vote. Maybe it will this time, but angry women sure do…
Cathy, what amazes me with all the reporting of the massive numbers of women who are now registering to vote is this: why on earth have they NOT been registered to vote all this time? I registered to vote the first opportunity I had and have never missed voting in an election. I guess I just assumed that other women would do the same. I guessed wrong.
In some states if you miss an election you must register or if you change affiliation you must resister plus other things like change of address etc. High school students also can now register if they will be of age by November and they are registering. Let’s be thankful.
I would imagine a number of reasons, but depending on their ages, perhaps some have never been taught that one vote can really make a difference, or that democracy is a precious from of government that requires participation of its citizens. I know I wasn't and for many decades, I only voted for president with no attention to the rest of the ballot. I'm coming very late to the party but at least it's before I die!
You said it all in the next to last paragraph of Concluding Thoughts Robert- let there be no doubt!
BTW the League of Women Voters will be talking to about 75 seniors and juniors at our local high school to encourage getting to the polls. The plan is to try to replicate this through LWV. Would love to see this happen at all high schools!
As always, thanks!!
I saw a piece on Alex Wagner on MSNBC about a guy conducting focus groups with less politically engaged voters. It was appalling! The unbounded ignorance was disturbing. These younger voters knew almost nothing about the current state of affairs. Not one knew who their congressional representatives were. This situation is one of the contributors to our current mess. Politics is how we as a country live our common life. The last three elections have shown how fragile our representative democracy can be, but these voters were literally clueless. Voting is the very foundation of everything else-civil liberties, rule of law, policies affecting everyday life The PACT bill for veterans is one example of how people’s everyday lives can be affected by the voting for who gets to be a part of Congress.
Check out Focus Groups Offer Insight on Less Engaged Voters. . . MSNBC on YouTube.
(Sorry my tiny brain had trouble posting the link.)
I run a small nonprofit. Our staff's age tends to be younger, and about half are first generation American. I created an internal group called "Make a Change"; I spoke about the right and responsibility of voting. They landed on implementing a program on voting to inform our staff, so they in turn can inform their friends and family. One of my Board members is a first generation individual and elected to a school board, and will be meeting with the small group and then our full staff. Hoping to plant some seeds. Told them that voting and doing jury duty is both a privilege and responsibility in a democracy. Wish that civics was still taught on school.
Good for you, Karen. Thanks. And, yes, civics should be taught in school again.
As someone who phonebanks every week I can tell you there are an astonishing number of Americans who have no idea what’s happening, who represents them, or even which party is responsible for what. The only good thing I can see about it is that many of them are open to being informed as to who they should be supporting (if they care about abortion rights, climate, gun sense laws, democracy, etc.) this is why phonebanking matters!
The extent of the ignorance astounds me, in Texas. Sort of divided between avoidance of the issues and the deliberate ignorance of Foxers and the clones. Maybe Texas is “bigger” than the ignorance in other places.
Yet another comment on how important learning about citizenship really is! I never did! Someone a while back suggested there needs to be a documentary series on citizenship - a well done one that will grab audiences. I sent it on to Ken Burns but I never heard back. Maybe it's time to try again - and maybe if a lot of us. https://kenburns.com/contact-us/
Agreed! They need more education! Thanks!
This is a great idea! I'm going to get in touch with our local LWV to ask if they are doing this.
We reached out to LWV chapters. Unfortunately, nothing panned out. The group we're working with is www.VoteEarlyDay.org
Thank you for the comment in the concluding thoughts about wondering if you are the one unhinged. I frequently ask myself if I'm in as big a bubble as the Maga cult. I live in a red part of a blue state, so the messaging can get real confusing at times. The city is blue and our local paper tries to present both conservative & liberal articles. Makes for interesting Letters to the Editor.
To be honest, it upsets me that Democratic PACs funded MAGA republicans. What if this strategy backfires? And what kind of precedent is this?
Exactly my fear as well. And, in addition, it just feels distasteful.
This is why I don’t give to the DCCC. One of many reasons.
Nor did I, have my own list. NEVER respond to the mountain of emails.
I don’t donate to them either. I find that they are ineffective.
So much better to give to grassroots orgs! Movement Voter PAC is my top rec!
I would never contribute to such. The thought of contributing to the same nuts as my MAGAt relatives is beyond the pale. WTH Dems
I contribute directly to candidates I support.
Hello Robert. I am so glad to have found you and this substack. I belong to Democrats Abroad Spain and we just had a zoom call with Leigh (Politics Girl) who was actually at the White House. She's given us permission to use her taped podcast to us to create videos for everyone here to encourage voters to register and to vote. Would you consider doing a Zoom chat with our group? If so, I would let the chairman of the series committee know. Thank you. Gailee Walker Wells
I'm a member of Democrats Abroad in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It would be great, if Robert is able to do this, if we could somehow join, or replay, or something!!
Happy to join Americans Abroad Amsterdam for a zoom as well. Email me at Rhubbell@outlook.com.
That would be terrific!
Yes. Please email me at rhubbell@outlook.com.
I applaud the Democrats Abroad in Spain for having the intelligence to do a zoom call with Leigh. So many of us who follow her wish the Democratic Party would utilize her and her videos. Hell, I wish she was running the DNC instead of Jamie Harrelson who is a model case of someone who snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in his contest with Lindsay Graham.
Leigh McGowan, the Politics Girl, is a gift that keeps giving and the Democratic Party are absolute fools for not accepting those gifts. I have never seen a more powerful and effective voice for the Democratic Party. She doesn't mince words about the Republicans and each sentence packs a wallop!! (If you could see me right now, my hands are thrown up in the air in frustration.)
Hi Chip. May I use your words on a video I'm creating of her ZOOM for DA Spain to share? They are how so many of us feel. Powerful. Thank you.
Of course. Gailee. Please keep me in the loop so that I can share the video with the Democrats here in Ecuador. Thank you!
Someone once said that perception is reality. The media is focused on inflation which is a Republican talking point but they are far from providing a balance approach. The impending rail strike which has been avoided was couched around the impact on inflation and supply chain issues rather than the serious issues confronting rail workers around access to healthcare. Republicans talk about inflation but I have not seen a single plan or suggested approach to solve the problem. Inflation and how it is measured and against what time frame is a moving target and no one ever mentions the inflation rate in the EU countries. What is easily forgotten is that more people are working today than ever before at higher wages and with easier and better access to healthcare. Every day another story surfaces about how the Trump administration totally corrupted the Federal Government across the entire spectrum of government that was supported by many current Republican Senators and its time for all voters to say once and for all “ enough is enough”.
Robert Reich explains this in great detail: https://robertreich.substack.com/p/the-real-reason-for-a-rail-strike
He is always spot-on
Thanks for standing above the slimy morass of lies and threats created by the Republican Party and stating the case plainly and succinctly that "Trump is a clear and present danger to American democracy," a fact that your avid readers readily accept, but one that is still denied by half the citizens and their elected officials in this country. As you point out, "He is depraved, amoral, immoral, and unfit to be a member of civilized society, much less a future president of the United States."
And yet, this miscreant who clearly "belongs in prison for his many crimes" has already irreparably damaged the nation as president of the United States whilst being promoted and supported in the highest office in the land by legions of Americans who actually relish the presence of a degenerate in the White House. The harsh truth is that many of Trump's supporters are men and women who ardently profess to honor Christian values, but who are in reality are nothing more than disingenuous power mongers and hypocritical rightwing fascists. As you say, "No decent politician, no person who claims to promote religious values, no American who claims to love our country should support Trump for another minute." How can Democracy survive otherwise?
Therein lies the rub. The champions of Democracy now face a mindless army of so-called "Americans" who not only support the monster Trump, but worship him. With that description of the enemy in mind, I contemplate the coming fight with profound sadness that America has come again to this political and spiritual precipice. But I also take heart from Today's Edition Newsletter and the comments of its readers that the cause is just and the strategies and tactics outlined in these pages are sufficient to enable Truth and Justice to prevail. Let Cathy Learoyd's battle cry resonate throughout the land. "We the People need to VOTE--all of us this time!"
Pharisees took over “Christian” long ago.
My only concern is that focusing on Trump takes attention from DeSantis, the Yaley, bully who is cheering the focus on Trump which allows this dangerous autocrat to beat Charlie Crist. Beating DeSantis in Florida is a win for Democracy.
Let's beat one monster at a time. Taking down Trump will hurt DeSantis as well.
Crist on my list
NBC news resorts to the sound bite ‘soaring inflation’ because the top floor loves trump!
As noted the details of the economic metrics are beyond a sound bite. Never, does this news outlet inform, nor educate viewer that inflation is Always a byproduct of war!
Oh for the days when at least a semblance of balance would be presented by NBC, ABC, and CBS twice a day. Today's 24/7 news cycle leaves plenty of room for marginal theories and suspicions to make it into the cable megaphones.
Why I switched to CBS in am. But then they hired Mulvaney so who is for real. Just keep switching…
Pathetic programming!
Robert, today's edition brought tears to my eyes - of laughter. LOL. You were in rare and pithy form today! Thanks much for a little clever levity.
I will attempt to cover several points, hopefully avoiding "rambling." First, I want to talk about donations. I'm retired and on a fixed income, so do not have a great deal of money to spread around, certainly as much as I may wish. As I'm sure many of the readers of "Today's Edition" do, I am inundated with e-mails, mailers, and other requests for political donations. I make donations to individual candidates, and with the recent ploy of Democratic PACs propping up "MAGA" candidates, I'm glad that I won't give what money I can to blanket groups.
In 2016 I made the mistake of hoping Republicans would be so foolish as to make Donald Trump their presidential candidate, confident that this immoral man who I grew up knowing to be a conman and shyster, could not possibly win against the single most qualified person (despite not being "popular") to ever run for the highest office in the land! Well, I learned a painful lesson...be careful what you wish for. I believe the Democratic PACs that have propped up MAGA candidates are playing with fire. I just hope we don't all get burned by their "strategy"
So, I have given money to the campaigns of candidates I respect in the hope that they will win a seat currently held by a Republican who kisses the ring or to maintain their seat with the hope Democrats will retain control of Congress and continue to pass important legislation and help right the wobbling judiciary that Republicans have corrupted.
Second, I have let myself foolishly think, "surely people will realize that the usual swing that occurs in mid-term elections does not apply to 2022!" I now understand that too many people, even those that voted in 2018 and 2020, do not pay close enough attention to comprehend that NOTHING WILL CHANGE FOR THE BETTER; not supply issues, not lower gas prices, not reduced inflation, not lower interest rates - NOTHING - if Republicans win control of one or both Congressional chambers. We will return to gridlock and incompetence. We will waste the final two years of President Biden's first term. We will return to the legislative wasteland that was the final six years of President Obama.
I retain hope that Democrats will retain the House and expand their majority in the Senate, but do not take anything for granted. After all, despite Trump losing two elections by 10 million votes, he was handed four years (thank you electoral college) that have changed this country in ways I did not imagine possible and has, as yet, escaped accountability, as he's done his entire sad life. But, I also hold hope that his time is coming, no matter what fears hypocrites like Lindsey Graham profess will be the result that he, and all those enablers that helped him, will be brought to account and with substantial consequence.
For any of us wanting to get the most bang for the buck, the biggest return on investment of our donor dollars, we can utilize the resources of trustworthy curators. Elsewhere in comments today, Jessica Craven (Chop Wood, Carry Water) is an activist of activists and recommends Movement Voter Project:
The States Project vets candidates and analyzes which state houses to target for either getting or keeping a critical Democratic majority:
The States Project supports these candidates through Giving Circles. Here is the Tending to Democracy Giving Circle, and you can hear directly from The States Project's Melissa Walker this Sunday evening:
Same here
President Biden orchestrates ANOTHER win for America, averting a crippling rail strike. I hope no one is delusional enough to think this would have been possible under a Republican administration, much less the MAGA conman!
"Democratic PACS funded Bolduc, and Republican PACS opposed Bolduc—for the same reason. Both believe that the extremist Bolduc is less likely to defeat Hassan than the Republicans Bolduc defeated in the primary." -------> this is one particular Dem strategy I have hated. Taking Dem money and giving it in support to a whack-job in hopes of bettering an ultimate Dem outcome feels distasteful. Almost dirty. And it runs a small chance of being a disaster if that whack-job pulls the rabbit out of the hat in November. We just shouldn't do it.
And I think I heard that Governor Sununu has indicated he would support this whack job, even after dissing him before the primary. UGH
We just shouldn’t do it…
"Republicans who achieved one of their most important policy objectives [when] the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and fulfilled a half-century-long political goal of the conservative movement."
Republicans were convinced of their power in congress and the courts to believe the timing was right.
Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.
"Accepting that fact, is it appropriate to continually point out the danger posed by Trump? Yes, it is."
Trump is inciting violence and needs a gag order.
Yes, Robert. Trump is a monster. But as I've said too many times (?), I knew that when I ended up in line to shake his hand 20+ years ago and was certain I was shaking hands with Voldemort. I just don't understand why so many folks are enamoured of him. Maybe analogous is Rasputin.
Actually, I think the problem is that too many of the US population are children and grandchildren of the racist misogynist white supremacists that claimed the "unpopulated" land of plenty for their own. Bred in the bone. Think about the puritans when we celebrate Thanksgiving. What a whitewash the history of that holiday is.
I think Rasputin was a lot smarter.
Oh yes! And the people he had in his thrall were smarter than the goons who worship the orange ghoul.
I'm hoping that the allure of tfg is easier to kill, however. (please note: I'm not for a moment suggesting that I hope that tfg, himself, is easier to kill; merely his allure)