Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Democrats would do well not to engage in the histrionics House Republicans are throwing everywhere in their effort to distract from the fact that they are not governing.

To his great credit, Biden does this very well. “You show me your plan and I’ll show you mine.“

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Yes, exactly my thought. Biden is masterful in countering GOP nonsense, but not letting it distract him or provoke an emotional response. I hope his new chief of staff helps him to maintain this equilibrium.

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

Last evening I watched a CNN interview of a R congressman. For every question regarding the intentions of Republicans vis-a-vis the Budget and the blocking of its ceiling , the congressman threw shade at Democrats and CNN. Not once did he hint at an answer, just accusatory BS. Unfortunately, R voters hear this broken record as gospel and look no further.

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Fortunately the R/D split is not 50-50. It’s R/I/D, and it’s 33-33-33.

The more the pubs engage in shenanigans, the greater will be the swing towards Dems (I hope!)

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return gun regulations in the US to the days of the Wild West

I'd love to do that. The first sign of "civilization" in a western town was the town council passing an ordinance that no one could carry a gun inside the town limits, they had to be handed in to the town marshal, to be retrieved when the owner left town. Then they went out and hired Bat Masterson or Virgil and Wyatt Earp, and if one of the dumb Texan cowboys at the end of the Chisholm Trail didn't turn in his gun, the stupid moron got his ass shot.

Bring back the wild west - it wasn't what the dumb bunnies think it was.

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TC, I’ve been thinking for a while of ordering some bumper stickers that say, WYATT EARP WAS RIGHT. Perhaps you’d like a few.

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I Laughed Out Loud!

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There's always a good reason to have a historian around. Thanks TC.

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I don’t think maga people are interested in history (holocaust deniers) and they can’t see the similarities in the actions and behaviors of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and all of ‘their’ comrades in arms, and it all repeating itself. Unbelievable. I don’t understand how they do this.

Madeleine Albright's (brilliant) book ‘Fascism-A Warning’ puts it all together nicely.

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I'm always reminded of an old New Yorker cartoon - two "intellectuals" (you can tell from the elbow patches on their jackets and the book lined background) are talking and one says "Yes, those who fail to understand history are condemned to repeat it, but those of use who DO understand are condemned to go along for the ride."

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That's a good one.

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MAGA people don't think; they react. You can't think when you are reacting, you simply lash out. And, yes, it is draining to everyone else who is trying to think and solve problems. I think Robert Hubble really nailed it when he called this group vacuous. That is exactly what I came up with after reading the Atlantic article about MTG. Vacuous. We have to do an end run around these people.

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💙that I continually learn new words from Robert. Vacuous perfectly describes MTG. She’s doing our “end” work for us with these Committee hearings…asking the Comptroller General how much Covid $ was used for drag queen story hours.

Perhaps she should be asking disgraced, former Fl GOP Rep ( sponsor of Don’t Say Gay) who resigned amidst charges of …Covid/pandemic loan fraud.

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And good sound bites. People who don't take the time to think need to be told what to think in very short catchy sound bites. The dems badly need a few spokespeople who excel at this.

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

The wild west glorifies rugged white individualism, TC. I was raised on the TV programs of that genre and loved the concept of doing what I wanted when I wanted which is the antithesis of community building and democracy. Certainly, a lot of the Tea Partiers, and Trumpers, and Proud Boys, get their cues from this behavior. They remind me of saloon brawlers.

I like your comment very much, and I wish we could prevent everyone from "taking their guns to town." But the stereotype of the old West has given permission to act ugly, often violently, and to mock anyone supporting the 'have nots' as woke and socialist. The stereotype also bred racism and the false dichotomy of women as meek ladies or madams. cf. John Wayne on and off screen, for example.

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As with so many things where we've gotten 'History' via TV, the image and the reality are widely divergent. TC accurately described the reality of much of the territorial expansion that was done at the expense of the native population; Westworld and its predecessors in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, including one where a future President welcomed us to "those thrilling days of yesteryear", portray what current Republicans consider the history that they hope to restore. Very difficult to reconcile the two visions or get those whose heads are glued to a false image to change their POV.

BTW, for a more accurate vision of the Duke, watch any of his movies with Maureen O'Hara. There was never any doubt who had the upper hand in that relationship. Another aspect of life that the GOP has tried very hard to forget.

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The past wasn't all that glorious and it's not coming back. Let's work for a better future.

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Recognizing the reality of the past and using the positive aspects of it as a foundation is essential to the building of the better future that we all are reaching for.

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Oh yeah, you're very right, Hope.

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Yes yes! I have read so many things pointing out this very thing: News articles, essays in state history magazines, essays by history buffs... that the idea of the gun slinging "wild west" was a fiction created as a romantic founding story to justify a certain political agenda and feed a demand for paperback and movie entertainments that reinforced how Americans at the time wanted to see themselves. So, it's at best highly inaccurate, not that accuracy is important in what isn't a good faith argument anyway.

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You are right! So important for Americans to realize that it's NOT part of our past for people to carry guns wherever they please. The "wild west" gets a bad rap thanks to classic westerns and old tv shows.

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Robert, the hateful rhetoric and the injustices are really getting to me, so you are correct about emotions getting riled up. Of course, that is the ultimate goal of the Pro-Rape party. I just really really want to know who these people get their orders from. Putin? Leonard Leo? Dark money seems to be spewing from the pockets of the PRPS. Unconscionable! I have signed myself up to go to an anxiety skills class to save whatever sanity I have left so that I can make good trouble.

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Reading this, my words went to Rapeublican Party.

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Oh man! Marlene I feel the same way. My husband wants the pre 2016 wife back; I am the serial protester/marcher mature. I have to say, I have thought many times that it has ruined my life and made me too angry I feel rage coming up from the bottom of my feet.

Yes! who are these people! Billionaires are running a lot of it I think for their profit and control. BUT, what is it going to get them? More power-to do what with, more money-how much do they need, more laughs-do they enjoy watching the people suffer? Holy shit! Aren’t their children going to inherit this planet after they destroy it?

Well here is my final comment-those with all this money are building the ’survival’ homes underground where they will go when things get really bad. I think it is criminal NASA is spending billions on researching for other planets to inhabit. I thing this is being funded by these said billionaires so they can just leave the planet in tatters when the nuclear war starts.

Well, just good on them (sarcasm).

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Anyone watch Don't Look Up? We have one beautiful planet here and I think the billionaires are spoiling it. I also think they must not be a particularly happy lot.

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YES, I saw it! Really great movie and I agree with you.

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I agree with you completely!!!

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I believe that interplanetary exploration is for the purpose of mineral and ores exploitation—as you said, "profit and control." Same ol' same 'ol: rich guys get there first and make trillions if they find the goods. Our energy future will rely on rare minerals that are limited on earth. We can only hope those moons and planets DO have ET's who will knock the crap out of the invaders.

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Re "injustices," what if began we referring to the "s..... court as "the Court of Herod"? Perhaps the several lapsed catholic members, might recall something or other from their theology classes. That is before they fell asleep, into dreams of $$ and control?

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The Dems should be saying, every chance they get: "We believe we should raise the debt limit to pay for Trump's deficits even though we disagreed with what caused them."

This debt ceiling fight is about paying for already incurred debts - 1/4 of which were incurred under Trump. This seems like such an easy sell. What am I missing?

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I like that. Good messaging.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“Why did the NYTimes so willingly accept “just so” stories from the FBI when a little independent research would have proven the FBI leakers wrong?”

It occurs to me more and more that the New York Times has its own behind the scenes slant; they profess the “all the news that’s fit to print“ image while actually promoting a decidedly right wing agenda.

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The Nation's Finest Fishwrap strikes again. If you want to have fun with the over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployable trust fund morons of the "elite" Press Corpse, when you read one of their dumbass articles, click on the send-an-email-to-the-author option and write him (it's always a "him") an email awarding him "Winner of the Day" at being the best representative of the above-listed qualities. They squeal like piggies when you do that and come back with outraged replies. They really hate it when they get speared in the bullseye.

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Sorry I think it mostly “hims” but it’s. It not an exclusive club.

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Boy did MGT and Co. make that apparent!

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Yes, who can forget who transcribed Cheney's ranting as "history" back in 2003?

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I disagree on the NYT deliberately promoting a right wing agenda. I think there's some incompetence at play. But I'm open to being convinced. Bottom line: they're not what they used to be during the previous century.

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Definitely not the NYT that published Neil Sheehan and David Halberstam and the rest, or published the Pentagon Papers.

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Or a handful of op-eds by my father about why CIA estimates of Soviet military spending were inflated.

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The Times does research very well. I suggest they do so on this topic.

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My guess is that they do such because they have been cultivated/groomed as a source themselves. It's through that lens they view what is fit and how it is fit.

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Was it Adams who said something like you can’t get objectivity because the more you chase it the more you shape it? Ansel that is.

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I find the hypocrisy, lies and juvenile "own the libs" antics of the fascist House GOP just as annoying and dangerous as the next decent citizen. And the first four years of their behavior when the former president was in office were stressful, annoying and frightening.

But lately, I also find the stupid pet tricks of the most immature and loud-mouthed members of the House GOP to be boring. We've seen them put on the same performances over and over. Sometimes I just look at the usual GOP clowns and wonder how they became so twisted.

Meanwhile, if any of the GOP House members do anything remotely useful, I'll hear about it from one of the trusted news sources. (Not holding my breath.) Otherwise when one of their faces comes on TV, just like when Trump appears, I change the channel because I know all I'm going to hear is the same old garbage wrapped up in today's news.

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I don’t watch TV but when I see a video online — where one of the immature and loud mouthed members are carrying on, I turn the volume off and just watch the ugly, snarling faces and the obscene gestures. You really don’t need to listen to the actual words, it’s always the same old crap

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You spoke to my heart on this one. Boring, boring, vapid, boring, pete and repeat endlessly. It is like watching daytime tv 24-7. There are no new ideas, no beauty, not warmth. Just this endless blare of nothing. I turn magazines and newspapers with their faces on them over anytime I see them in our house. BORING.

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It’s very hard sometimes to control my outrage and frustrations when I watch the antics of Kevin McCarthy, the domestic terrorists in the House and Governor DeSantis and I sometimes feel helpless and powerless. One thing I saw yesterday was the anger and push back on the House floor and on the record from AOC, Adam Schiff and others against the hypocrisy and vengeance of the Republican Party. President Biden stood firm with Kevin McCarthy about holding the debt ceiling hostage and McCarthy danced around when asked about the outcome of meeting. My managing director made an astute comment to me today which bears repeating. She said consider the number of voters all over the country who are watching the Republican circus and shaking their heads who are quiet today but will be heard when they cast their ballots. Don’t underestimate their silence as acceptance. I hope she is right.

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I learned one good piece of news from my neighbor the other day. She has a Republican friend who lives in Bakersfield where McCarthy comes from. Her friend told her that she and many of her Republican friends do not like McCarthy. That is encouraging.

To lighten things up a bit, I just got a bumper sticker to put up in my studio that reads, " Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth."

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I hope they have long enough memories.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I forgot to say that I sent the information regarding helping Wisconsin to one of our leaders of Democrats Abroad Spain. Anyone who belongs to any Indivisible or other Dem groups in any states or other Dems Abroad in other countries, I know that we can't be part of the phone banks, but we can contact friends back home and encourage them to become involved. ❤️🤍💙

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Yes. And people can donate or write to their representatives from anywhere. They should all be reading Robert Hubbell every day and also Jessica Craven! They’ll see lots of options of ways to help.

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Thank you, Robert, for a poignant, concise and persuasive summary of important points in our ZOOM chat yesterday. I want to add one thing to the conversation around the Republicans" kicking Ilhan Omar off the Foreign Affairs Committee. That is nothing more or less than the racist targeting, bullying and scapegoating that is the standard play in their diabolical playbook. I'm with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez as she said it on the House floor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzTDAqm2Ges

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I agree with AOC's remarks, and I also admire Eric Swalwell's speech. He's a little more outspoken than I would be, but I agree with his sentiment. There's a time to stand up for your colleagues as AOC and Swalwell did. https://twitter.com/RepSwalwell/status/1621212246805192705

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Both AOC and Swalwell did a terrific job! True Democrats in the best sense!

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“Look in your own damn mirror before you come over here.”

Eric Swalwell

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Yes, she was brilliant!

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Absolutely agree. And more energy, passion, empathy and vision as well.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

As much as I appreciate your daily newsletter, virtually every day I feel the need to apologize for the mayhem and offenses that fill this era of apparent social collapse. The House is worse than a circus with these "clowns" holding the megaphone and hawking their alternative reality. Mass shootings daily and they take offense at M&M candies, smh.

Appreciate your often blunt choice of words on their antics. "Depravity" and "Vacuity" both fit the situation. Somehow, we have to start getting people to consider "the flip side of the coin" when they spew their trigger words. As someone said, it's not comparing apples to apples, nor apples to oranges, but apples to arsenic.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I write almost daily letters to the NY Times castigating them for their under-coverage of President Biden's successful work on behalf of the American people, and their continued reporting of every sneeze and blink of Donald Trump. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I find it unsettling that the Times seems determined to keep Trump in the forefront of coverage while dismissing Biden. Unless, of course, Biden makes a mis-step, and then they're all over it. Something stinks.

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Terry, thank you for keeping up the fight with the NYTimes! I agree with you about their odd and dangerous slant.

To that end, I wrote the editorial page editor about 2 months ago when an Editorial Board opinion said, falsely, that Ron DeSantis was among the few Republicans that respected the rule of law and the Constitution. This opinion was buried deep in the body of the copy, so many readers likely missed the reference. Say WHAT?? It was a respectful letter, to which I never received a response of ANY kind. Including no acknowledgement that it was received or read.

I subsequently cancelled my NYTimes subscription, after more than 30 years of being a faithful reader. Editorializing at the Times -- especially in "news stories" that start on Page 1A -- makes me sad, frankly. It was the flagship of all media, and it stood for factual and honest reporting. No longer. An era has passed.

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I've been reading The New York Times for 70 years, and I'm coming to the conclusion that it's time to stop because of their newfound double-red (Putin + GQP) slant.

EDIT, at 5 pm

I just read this from Dan Froomkin, who excoriates both the Times and WaPo for failing to tell the truth and for turning to bothsidesisms as if the Republicans had any ideas worthy of consideration or discussion.


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I commiserste!

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Thanks, Shelia. NYT subscriber and I missed that one. Teetering on the edge of cancelling my sub….

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Two quick comments after reading your (again excellent) newsletter:

1) I am finding myself more skeptical of “news.” E.g., when I read the lapel pin story yesterday, I sought verification because it was so unbelievable. Another example, there seems to be confusion about the Rep. Raskin headscarf story. All this to say, false stories and photos ARE easier to generate, and I think it will become more difficult to determine accurate news.

2) On a recent webinar, I heard political analyst Simon Rosenberg speak about the power of Democratic volunteers, to the effect that it was at an all-time high and a huge advantage. I am not sufficiently relaying his message, but I was moved and encouraged. This jives with Robert’s admonition to taking on the “quotidian tasks that…serve as the footings for all future accomplishments.”

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For me, the biggest takeaway from Today's Edition is your consistent reminder that what we're hearing from the right is NOT an agenda designed to move the country, and its people, forward. I will keep that uppermost in my mind. In the meantime, I have been postcarding for Jennifer McClellan in her bid to win election as U.S. Rep for Virginia's 4th District. Election is February 21, 2023.

Thanks for highlighting Wisconsin this coming April...I'll check it out!

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

First, thank you so much, Robert, for keeping our feet on the ground and our emotions in check. As my spouse reminds me: "Democrats need to be stone-cold assassins against Republican verbal vomit." To that end, watch Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) take down a Republican from PA when he tries, unsuccessfully, to trick her into commenting on dictators (of all things!):

Link: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/maxine-waters-trump-dictators-republicans_n_63d98adfe4b0c8e3fc813311

We need to practice Rep. Waters' same level of schoolyard-bully flat response EACH AND EVERY TIME they try to pull these silly stunts. It's hard not to fall for their bullying and rampant idiocy, but we must try our best, all of us.

Second, I wholeheartedly agree with you about Dr. Tim Snyder's thorough review of the 2016 Spy Scandal (Part 2). It is long and detailed because he makes an unassailable case that Trump's win was, in fact, the mirage we all thought. Sadly, it was abetted by the FBI and the media, which we knew in our guts when James Comey threw that final gallon a gasoline on the false Trump fire about Hillary's Emails.

Link: https://twitter.com/TimothyDSnyder/status/1621206058072002562

Staying informed and politically active is our job now. I know it is exhausting and irritating and frustrating. But it is nothing compared to losing our democracy. As another writer recently wrote, we fight against tyranny in relative safety and comfort. Our Ukrainian sisters and brothers are fighting against tyranny in horrific conditions -- no electricity (heat, light), no water, little food, severely damaged housing. Because they are so brave, we must stand up for them and with them. Democracy must not die on our watch because we are tired.

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Thank you, Sheila, for the link to the Huffington Post article. Representative Waters is too smart and savvy for that Republican on the House Rules Committee. The Republicans are wasting our time and taxpayer dollars. We're not going to fall for their tricks and obfuscation.

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We're not going to fall for their tricks and obfuscation and whataboutisms, Joan, but we're still going to have to listen to their bloviating for the next two years while hoping their "side" will get wise to them.

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That's a marvelous clip of Rep. Waters, Sheila. Thanks.

Your whole comment gives me hope to incentive to overcome fatigue and dismay and, instead, continue fighting for our democracy. Thank you.

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Amen, Mimi. Sisters unite!

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And my name is Mim, Sheila. Thanks.

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Got it, Mim! Have a great weekend.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Following the logic of the Fifth Circuit in their use of Bruen , we can’t extract bail from a defendant while they are still considered innocent.

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, you are way to kind to ‘double agent’ McGonigal! Alger Hiss, Aldridge Ames, Mr Rosenberg are names in spy infamy. Now McGonigal must be added to that collection of traitors!

He was tasked with investigating the trump campaign’s collusion with Putin! He was in communication with one of Putin’s closest money men. He left the FBI and went to work for the same guy! McGonigal betrayed his oath of office, he betrayed US! His betrayal helped get trump elected and the rest of the destruction is history!

The traitor’s damage unfolds


‘It puts a question mark next to everything he was involved in,” said Holden Triplett, a former F.B.I. counterintelligence official who left in 2020 and co-founded Trenchcoat Advisors, a risk management consultancy.’

“You’d be trying to figure out, ‘OK, when did this start and what did he touch after it started?’” said Mr. Triplett, who does not have direct knowledge about the review of Mr. McGonigal’s career. “Going back and thinking about what the damage could be is painful.”

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I agree with you completely. I think the McGonigal scandal may be a generational breach of national security and infiltration of US politics through the FBI. But all I know for certain at this point is what is contained in two narrow indictments of McGonigal for crimes not including espionage. I think the DOJ is failing us again.

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CYA! Seems to be operational DOJ position! I understand the paradox, rush to trial and fail or build a solid case!

Regardless of the outcome of a trial of say trump, the DOJ could have video footage of him passing top secret papers to Putin and the maga cult would not believe it!

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As an example, I remember there was an item in the news about there having been video from the room Trump kept the classified document boxes in. We have never heard a single thing about that video. If documents left that room (as they did) the individual who carried them is on that video and should be questioned if the DOJ is at all serious about finding out how compromised the documents' information has become. The time line of the video can be correlated with visitors to Mar-a-Lago and foreign nationals' time in country at the very least. Surely our investigators are not this incompetent?

Comey "knew" information would be leaked from the NY office, but could not figure out who the source could be or tighten up the NY structure? Surely our FBI is not this incompetent?

If not incompetence, then treason by deliberate neglect.

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Comey knew! A piss poor reason for interfering in the election! Comey knew! Comey should have fired each of the agents who were part of this rogue cabal! Then he should have held a press conference to explain the suspected collusion, documented by Mueller Report, between trump campaign and Putin! Comey knew and he made the worst possible decision, cover his a$$ and screw the country!

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And many in the Secret Service are suspect too, right? Along with some Injustices in the Extreme Court.

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