Judge Thomas and Alito are Originalists and Textualists. Except when they are not. I will truly be gob-smacked if they don't follow the MAGA line. And seeing Mitch McConnell fold like a wet blanket is dispiriting. Even though he has left us disappointed so many times after showing evidence of a spine, he's done it again. And what I don't get is: unlike JD Vance and Tom Cotton, he's in the twilight of his career. He could have been a hero.

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If Thomas appears on the bench when Trump’s case is called, he will inflict another grievous wound upon the court. And I would be shocked, shocked! If he shows the decency to recuse. Why start now?

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Yesterday, Senator Whitehouse said the Judicial Conference is investigating Thomas, with a possible referral to DOJ for criminal prosecution.

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That's the best piece of news I've heard in a long time!

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Daniel, “Well, hellyeah”

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Get ready for extreme Republican pearl clutching.

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Exactly. More desperation; therefore more "dirty tricks" as in Nixon's time. At least he had the sense to resign!

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From his mouth…

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LOL Thomas and "decency" in the same sentence.

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McConnell is afraid Trump will dump all over him as he tries to slide out of his speakership which his long overdue

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But...so what. 1) He's old and about to retire, 2) He had a bit of integrity when younger, 3) He no longer needs the money, and 4) he'l go down in history as an abetter of Trump, much like the supporters of Jefferson Davis.

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POWER is the issue.

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It's always been the issue with McConnell IMO

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He is not any kind of hero! He is duplicitous, something he called Trump once when he got a bill passed in the Senate and Trump, who had said he would sign it, refused to do so. He wants to be in power, and as Robert has said multiple times, they are all DESPERATE at the thought of losing it.

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McConnell and Biden used to be colleagues. McConnell's wife, Elaine Chow, was publicly insulted by Trump. How far is it possible for him to abase himself in this twilight of his career? It's really a travesty. Makes me think McConnell as well as Trump is having cognitive issues. Or he's just spineless, gutless, and without any pride.

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He’s evil, through and through. I call him the Devil Incarnate.

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I agree with you. Keeping our chins up is one thing but I can’t pretend that these people are any that we can depend on to do one right thing.

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Deja Vu - seems we keep having the same conversation over and over where we discuss Republicans showing their capacity for understanding the truth of the matter, growing some spine, and then defaulting to MAGA to save their own hide.

Yet, when they are on the way out of office they could do a solid for the American people but they still bend the knee to trump and oppose X,Y,&Z because it’s contrary to trump’s partisan interests.

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“Settled at the ballot box “, is not comforting with our outdated and flawed electoral process. Two of the worst presidents in US history G.W. Bush and Trump lost the popular vote and became president. The world is still worse off today because of those two men. So the coming election is terrifying because of our electoral system allows manipulation by those who would destroy our democracy, our environment and the rule of law.

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It's the only system we have, flaws and all. So, it's our only option.

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it is our only option but if we can manage to take back both branches of Congress and elect Biden we have a shot at fixing at least a few things like the Supreme Court, Citizens United, the immigration issue and women's right to bodily autonomy. That's a big ask but if we use the same energy and hang in there together, it's doable.

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I'm becoming VERY concerned that were President Biden re-elected, Trump and his kool-aid gang would - shall I say - pull another insurrection/tourist visit.

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Indeed Terry. Bush became president via the supreme court and trump became president via James Comey and FBI.

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Don't forget all of Putin's help.

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Mitch McConnell is truly a despicable individual. His sickening duplicity has been disastrous for this country, especially in the era of Trump. No wonder he’s having seizures or whatever that physical situation is! It must be torturous to stand for nothing, and to be in a leadership position where his cowardice is always on display. That being said, it is my hope that the White House and the DNC are making a huge ad buy in the states where GQP Senators who oppose the border security bill live, as well as House leaders Johnson, Scalise, and Stuffanick. Democrats must shove this narrative into the minds of as many Americans as possible, just to compete with MAGA’s never-ending stream of lies, misinformation, hate, and fear. I am sure most average Americans, if they know anything at all about the border issue fights, will respond that “Trump does a better job at the border.” Why??? That’s what they hear every single day! If the smarmy Mike Johnson wants Biden to take all the actions at the border himself, which are limited and he knows it, then why didn’t Trump do that as president? He didn’t end the immigration flow during his reign of terror. And he had both the Senate and House at one time! Funny how they never complained about the border at that time. The rest of us are just demoralized that these people are so blatantly interested only in their own power, so that they can continue to steal our freedoms and turn America into a right wing nightmare. When I read about what red states are doing everyday to make life more horrible for the citizens of their states, and in many cases just ignoring the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, I hardly recognize this country. We simply must right the course before it’s too late. I just want to be here when it returns to the country we thought we had.

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The challenges the Democrats have is how to best position the Republican failure on immigration that will gain voter support.

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Perfectly stated Laura. We must right the course as others in our country did before us. We can not allow these domestic terrorists to steal our country out from under us. Let’s roll!

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Me too, Laura!! And we will be there!

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Thank you for your thoughtful warning about how you think the Supreme Court’s reactionary majority might vote re: the potential removal of Trump from the ballot despite the truth of his actions that clearly disqualify him.

After watching the court over the past several years, I am convinced that the reactionary majority will find that since a court of law has not yet established that he is an insurrectionist will, of course, allow him to remain on the ballot in every state.

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Dionne's statement that Trump disqualified himself is brilliant.

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How about a reactionary minority on the DC Ct. of Appeals trying to "run out the clock" to save Trump?

This morning on Robert Reich's Substack, he argues that in the immunity appeal it appears that court of appeals Judge Karen Henderson — one of the three judges on the appeals panel — has decided to drag her feet. (She was appointed by George H.W. Bush. The other two — Florence Y. Pan and J. Michelle Childs — were appointed by Biden.) Henderson had previously dissented from expediting the immunity appeal. She has voted in Trump’s favor in several previous politically charged cases. https://robertreich.substack.com/p/how-to-stop-trump-from-running-out?utm_source=substack&publication_id=365422&post_id=141397869&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=false&r=zc69i

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Felt sick reading Reich this morning... From the beginning Robert stressed this would be settled at the ballot box, & yet I continue to thirst for justice on any front & am once again disheartened. Robert is right, & we must not cave into our dismay, but keep fighting to win there.

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In case you're reading this instead of watching the news, Trump's immunity appeal has been denied unanimously!

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What??? Yay- finally!! Thanks Angela!

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Wish I could give you a double Like. Thanks! She was always one of my favorites. SNL hasn't been the same since. P.s. -- Did you know that she was the first performer that Lorne Michaels signed to SNL? Heard that on Jeopardy tonight!

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Welcome news!! A step in the right direction., making it harder for SC to be duplicitous.

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Fortunately, that appears to be untrue. Thankfully, their decision seems to have been delayed somewhat because they were so thorough, so perhaps the Supreme Court will not take up the case when, of course, Trump appeals this decision. We can only hope. Plus, they only gave Trump a week to file an appeal to the Supreme Court. That's good!

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Jeffery, except by requiring a conviction, the court negates textualism, originalism, and precedent in one fell swoop. Jefferson Davis was never “convicted” of what was plainly an act that 14 sec3 described

But of course, none of that matters to the Gilead Gang of Six

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Excellent point! And I agree that originalism and contextualism will not stop these “purists”.

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Oops, Jeffrey: Multiple courts have established that Trump engaged in insurrection.

Colorado District Court, Sarah B. Wallace

Colorado Supreme Court

A judge in California (I bet Robert will know who this was, without even looking it up!)

Plus, read Luttig and Tribe and other experts: Section 3 is self-executing. When somebody is younger than 35, they are ineligible. It does not take a court process. Same with citizenship. All of us saw with our own eyes that this man engaged in insurrection. It went on for months, while he was in office, before and on and after 1/6/21. And it is still going on today.

Don't obey in advance by denying what you observed and is established fact.

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I appreciate your perspective - but I think these whackos will still link it only to the Federal Government’s case being prosecuted by Jack Smith.

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The GOP began to die with the Powell Memorandum. Gerald Ford accelerated it with his pardon of Nixon. Reagan put the pedal to the metal, Bush 1 supercharged it with the invasion of Iraq and his pardon of Cap Weinberger. Trump put the nails in the coffin. All the party is doing today is the funeral service.

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Pulmon, your timeline seems to cover well the key turning points of the last about 50 years. Your conclusion is that the GOP has been slowly dying. Though that's true, I want to emphasize that something has steadily been born and then growing into adulthood at the same time - a revolutionary movement that wants to overthrow at least a dozen institutional and legal structures that they despise.

Until Trump was elected, most of us had no idea that these radical Insurrectionists numbered as many as they do, or were ready to go near as far as they have. It's now a tossup as to whether they will be empowered to tear apart the civil service, DOJ, FBI, department of education, civil rights protections, and the freedom of speech of news outlets. Will they create a neo-fascist state that Bannon, Miller, Alito, and others have dreamed of - one that can jail people just for opposing them?

It's a constant frustration to me that, rather than highlighting this as is a REVOLUTIONARY movement that is trying to break the government (like Hitler's followers did), we instead get these hair-on-fire stories about what the Trumpistas said or did today. Why aren't the top 10 news outlets connecting the dots and screaming every week that these are revolutionaries trying to tear down our constitutional government? Sadly, we are in a media environment where repeatedly nailing that conclusion loud and clear is somehow considered "too extreme".

Robert often complains that the media is way too biased against Joe Biden. I don't doubt that at all, but to me, it's of less concern than the failure of the media to find potent and creative ways of highlighting just how uber-extreme these revolutionaries have become. Call them what they are! Lay out all their plans, and what those actually mean! By not doing that, the MSM slowly has normalized insurrectionary ideas and behaviors, worsening their own muzzling week by week.

Just because bullets aren't filling the air does not mean a revolution is not underway.

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Well said, Tyler.

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I agree, Robert, that community is important. We have gained strength, skills and resolve by working well together.

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Jeff Bernfeld

just now

Is there not a single House Republican who will initiate that "no confidence in the Speaker" process that toppled Kevin McCarthy? All it takes is ONE. ONE.

This fiasco may be unparalleled in the post-Civil War history of Congress (I don't have the expertise to say but I'm pretty sure there are not many examples of this level of "party over country," party over good sense and cowardly submission to a cult of personality.

Given his previously discussed insulation from political retribution and his longstanding status as a power player in Washington, Mitch McConnell's role in sinking the Senate's approval will be a model for decades to come on how not to act like a senator.

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True but nobody really seems to care.

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Au contraire, mon ami. Maybe not enough people (which remains to be seen) and perhaps not the right [well placed and powerful] ones, but I'm gonna guess that the subscribers to Hubbell, HCR, The Bulwark and any 2 other left leaning blogs you want to name alone are in the tens of thousands.

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Obviously, there *are* people who care about McConnell’s latest perfidy — starting with readers of Robert’s newsletter. The problem is that people who care lack the power – at least now – to undo what McConnell and Speaker Mike Johnson have wrought.

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Geez, Louise. This is obviously true if you're thinking in terms of jumping into the Congressional debate and taking names, twisting arms and otherwise influencing the outcome of a particular decision. But the bottom line is that we get to vote. This year. And for some of us, in primaries too.

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Short- and mid-term versus longish-term.

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Yes, we ARE community, and I, personally, could not continue to do the work of democracy without your support! Bless you all and thank you for being here.

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Just like the mafia dons in the movie The Godfather “He ordered McConnell to dance like a marionette and McConnell did so without a peep.”

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"In community" is beautiful, and will become one of my rallying cries to my Democratic committee this year. Another one of my rallying cries is "Just Show Up." Changing the world involves small moments and many times, as is said in Buddhism. Being consistent with just showing up, for whatever action it is, and doing so in community, is how we make the world a better place for all of us. Thank you for this early morning hit of communal energy.

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Let's make DNC stand for Democratic National Community❣️

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IMMUNITY DENIED! Hide the Ketchup at Mar-A-Lardo

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"Even though the bill is likely dead, it is smart for Democrats to continue to advocate for its passage until it is clear there is no hope." (Immigration/Ukraine aid bill)

Not sure I agree with you on this, Robert. You may be right on the politics, but the threat to Ukraine is dire and immediate. There's no time to waste bickering over details that won't be resolved. The aid package needs to be passed now. Every day counts.

Everyone reading this can help by calling your Representative and urge them to immediately pass the combined aid package on its own. If you don't know their number, call the U S Capitol switchboard (202) 224-3121.

For more information, and more phone numbers to call, please visit www.FeathersOfHope.net


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Speaker Mike Johnson has already introduced a "Ukraine only" bill. The path to "No" on the immigration bill will be measured in days.

UPDATE: Oops! I was mistaken. Johnson has introduced an "Israel only" bill. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/02/03/mike-johnson-house-gop-israel-aid-bill/72413836007/

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Precisely. That was never a serious proposal, and President Biden has already rejected it. Putin sees what's happening in DC -- Russian attacks on the city of Kharkiv have steadily increased the last few weeks.

We need to raise our voices in support of the courageous and determined Ukrainian people Now.


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Jerry, Putin has lil’ Tucker by his side to feed him all of the latest US news, let’s not forget. (sigh…)

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In response, can’t Senator Schumer push a Ukraine bill and send it to the House? Support for Ukraine is popular among the electorate, so id Mike Johnson refuses to bring it to a vote, Democrats can hammer the GOP and maybe split off a few vulnerable House Republicans.

Liken Mike Johnson to Neville Chamberlain (and hope enough Americans can figure out who Chamberlain was).

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Unbelievable! But not really!It's horrible that they would abandon Ukraine like that!!!

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Sorry, but a call to my "representative" - Eli Crane, AZ CD2 - is about as effective as a fart in a hurricane. The guy is worse than useless.

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Ed, you can also call other Representatives, especially influential "traditional Republicans" who support Ukraine aid. Please see my most recent posts at www.FeathersOfHope.net for a list.


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Thank you, Robert, for posting Jill's blog about the flooding that you all have been experiencing. I found it more informative than what we see on national news! Hope the weather stays manageable for you in the coming days.

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The planned drainage system in LA is certainly impressive!

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I really want Schumer to make the Republicans actually filibuster. I want them to have to stand there and spout indefensible nonsense for hours. I doubt it will happen, but I really wish it would.

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It's going to happen on Wednesday, but the filibuster no longer requires holding the floor.

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Here's a thought. Kirsten Sinema was one of the 3 negotiators of the bipartisan border security "conservative compromise". She's also from a large southern border state. What if she were now so pissed at Republicans for wanting to kill the bill they demanded that she finally agreed to vote with 49 Democrats and kill the filibuster? Wouldn't that be a rich turn of events?

Kill the filibuster first, pass the large aid bill second, and then make the House Republicans unanimously reject it. The optics for the Republicans for the next 10 months would seem terrible to me. Talk about turning the tables!

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Mmmm....they might have to delve into their Dr Seuss libraries.

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Exactly. And the filibuster should at least be reformed. Require that they talk on topic and that it takes 60% of votes on the floor to continue the filibuster, not to end it.

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Ellen, ahhhh, clarity

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First, no one should be surprised at McConnell dancing to Trump's music. He's been doing it for years. Old Turtlehead is the one who bent the laws to stack the SCOTUS with right-wing zealots. The same court which we can all bet will defy the Constitution to pave the road to a totalitarian dictatorship in the US.

And, yes, if you think there is any chance the SCOTUS will rule that insurrectionist Trump is disqualified you need to get out in the sun more. I know that the rock you've been hiding under is comforting but now is the time to be engaging in the battle; there will be plenty of time later to use the rock if democracy loses to dictatorship.

I, for one, am very encouraged by the results of the SC primary. Biden did fantastic and we should all be realizing that Trump's loud base is very thin compared to the great majority. And polls conducted with regular landline phone numbers are mainly reaching those of great age and are therefore basically useless. How many youngsters (under 40) do you know with landlines?

Finally, it is not enough to hammer Trump in the upcoming election. He is controlling half of the Congress from his home and will be doing the same thing from his jail cell. All the invertebrates (Republicans) in Congress must be voted out and, please, replace them with Democrats not some off brand excuse of a legislator.

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Sean Wilentz, professor of American history, provides a compelling “Case for Disqualification” in the New York Review of Books, February 22, 2024.

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