Indeed, the media coverage of politics and elections is oftentimes laughable…and that horrifies me. After Obama was inaugurated and started on the ACA the press coverage was TERRIBLE. All the talk about “death panels” and other inane arguments were hardly refuted, and the press absolutely delighted in showing town hall rage and frustrati…
Indeed, the media coverage of politics and elections is oftentimes laughable…and that horrifies me. After Obama was inaugurated and started on the ACA the press coverage was TERRIBLE. All the talk about “death panels” and other inane arguments were hardly refuted, and the press absolutely delighted in showing town hall rage and frustration aimed at Dems instead of stating how false such allegations were. Later when the former guy got into office all that negative talk about the ACA evaporated when people realized how much good there was to it once it was about to be taken away. Despite all that horror of people’s healthcare nearly being taken away, people have forgotten that episode and still claim that the GOP is the working man’s party. And yet you hear that the Dems have a problem with bad messaging. It’s hard to get good “messaging” when the press has already predetermined their message for getting ratings.
We can’t forget that news outlets exist for one purpose, to get ratings, which means more sponsorship for the real goal, to make money. The media was crucial for keeping track of 45’s dismal handling of the country, but we can’t forget that democracy’s best advocate is concerned, thoughtful citizens.
Like Robert says, we have to engage with those willing minds in the center that want to look at facts. When you do talk with such people, keep your arguments concise, simple, and a touch humorous if you can. People are getting burnt out on hearing about nonstop tragedy. Making a logical but passionate case for a better and hopeful future is the best way to change hearts and minds. After all, that’s what America is about, a land of hope!
There was one quote about the ACA that I’ll never ever forget and no one should as it THE best example of pre-MAGA and MAGA thinking. As uttered at a McCain rally by an elderly woman on social security and Medicare - “keep the government out of my healthcare” - to me that sums it all up, with all due respect you can’t cure stupid.
Indeed, the media coverage of politics and elections is oftentimes laughable…and that horrifies me. After Obama was inaugurated and started on the ACA the press coverage was TERRIBLE. All the talk about “death panels” and other inane arguments were hardly refuted, and the press absolutely delighted in showing town hall rage and frustration aimed at Dems instead of stating how false such allegations were. Later when the former guy got into office all that negative talk about the ACA evaporated when people realized how much good there was to it once it was about to be taken away. Despite all that horror of people’s healthcare nearly being taken away, people have forgotten that episode and still claim that the GOP is the working man’s party. And yet you hear that the Dems have a problem with bad messaging. It’s hard to get good “messaging” when the press has already predetermined their message for getting ratings.
We can’t forget that news outlets exist for one purpose, to get ratings, which means more sponsorship for the real goal, to make money. The media was crucial for keeping track of 45’s dismal handling of the country, but we can’t forget that democracy’s best advocate is concerned, thoughtful citizens.
Like Robert says, we have to engage with those willing minds in the center that want to look at facts. When you do talk with such people, keep your arguments concise, simple, and a touch humorous if you can. People are getting burnt out on hearing about nonstop tragedy. Making a logical but passionate case for a better and hopeful future is the best way to change hearts and minds. After all, that’s what America is about, a land of hope!
There was one quote about the ACA that I’ll never ever forget and no one should as it THE best example of pre-MAGA and MAGA thinking. As uttered at a McCain rally by an elderly woman on social security and Medicare - “keep the government out of my healthcare” - to me that sums it all up, with all due respect you can’t cure stupid.