Roger. You hit upon an interesting point. Most voters unfortunately don’t relate to Democracy being attacked and that concept is not front of mind. The abortion issue is not a major issue for men compared to other issues. Voters believe what they want to believe and it doesn’t fit nicely in pollster questions. Voters are influenced by m…
Roger. You hit upon an interesting point. Most voters unfortunately don’t relate to Democracy being attacked and that concept is not front of mind. The abortion issue is not a major issue for men compared to other issues. Voters believe what they want to believe and it doesn’t fit nicely in pollster questions. Voters are influenced by media focus good and bad. They have to buy into the candidate.
Roger. You hit upon an interesting point. Most voters unfortunately don’t relate to Democracy being attacked and that concept is not front of mind. The abortion issue is not a major issue for men compared to other issues. Voters believe what they want to believe and it doesn’t fit nicely in pollster questions. Voters are influenced by media focus good and bad. They have to buy into the candidate.
I respectfully disagree!! Most of the men I know are VERY concerned about the abortion issue. It affects them also.