Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Poor Florida. De Santis has no excuse. He is venal, corrupt, and cynical—a very small man. Note that it is the marketplace that brings the furies of climate change to roost. Money is the only thing that catches some people’s attention, especially property value. Thank you for calming our nerves about the election analysis.

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When friends and I were on our way to a pro-abortion rally after the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade, two Black men on the train asked where we were going. I would say they were in their mid-late 30s. I had turned my poster messages in towards each other, but a friend had not, and seeing it, the men asked her about it. One told us he had not voted in almost 15 years. The other one said he had never voted. Then, once they understood where we were going, one said he was not for abortion because his mother had not wanted him and she might have aborted him. It reminded me that a lot of Conservative Blacks do not believe in abortion, seeing it as diminishing their numbers. So, abortion might not be the issue to get Black voters out. Anyway, women's health care in this country is shot because of the anti abortion laws and the prevalence of Catholic Health Services in this country, even in Blue States. All of the Catholic Universities health services will not cover birth control or abortion. When I was a student, working in a cool revival movie theater, one of my co-workers who was also in college got pregnant from a Roadie of a Band that came into our town. She was attending a Catholic university and could not get any help, and did not make enough to afford it on her own. It was abstinence, abstinence, abstinence all the way with her health care. That is the health care that many women are left with and those who want children are no longer able to get good prenatal care in any state where doctors are worried about getting in legal trouble for what used to be routine good care. Our nation is not training enough OB-GYNs anymore because many cannot get their rotations in their training for OB-GYN care that includes abortion. We already have a shortage of doctors. The whole things is just ignorant and cruel. Republican policies are typically cruel of women and children so that is no surprise.---As for Florida, a state I talked my nephew out of attending for grad school, and where I did not want my daughter to vacation with her apolitical friend who was pulling her to vacation there because she likes a hotel in Palm Beach a lot. I was assured that the owners were Democrats, at the same time, down the street the Sheriff has to deal with Nazis causing trouble. Yeech! We know whom they voted for governor. The wetland destruction of Florida is supported by the ignorant, vicious and evil members of the Supreme Court, since they claim to understand where a wetland begins and ends. Not their job to determine, but they did this anyway. I have suggested in a letter to the Biden Administration that FEMA not give any insurance payout to anyone unless they use it to 1) not rebuild in the same place, particularly not a wetland, flood or fire zone 2) they must rebuild using government approved zero carbon plans. In fact, they should have to use solar energy as well as other sources of non carbon energy. It would be a great if the first part of this letter were sent to some widely read Florida papers. I imagine that many would just put their heads in the sand. However, it might jolt some to wake up and think. After all, that is what WOKE is, is being awake and aware. We know that DeSatan likes his folks to be asleep.

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Reader Joan Lessing sent this comment to me for posting:

I do not understand why deSantis is still considered credible by anyone. Perhaps the decision by the insurance companies to leave Florida will wake up some of his supporters. Or perhaps they just (hypocritically) plan on taking FEMA money, paid for by taxes paid in ‘blue’ states? I assume that it would be nasty to suggest that as Florida refused help pre-catastrophe, they should be denied help after the fact?

There was a comment about abortion rights and the anti-abortion views of Blacks. I think that what needs to be emphasized is not so much ‘abortion’, but rather women’s health. Statistics have shown that Black women are at greater risk during pregnancy and birth than others. The new laws in some states are so draconian that all women are at greater risk if there are complications during pregnancy.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

We have had a number of summer interns from TurnUp join us on our Markers For Democracy postcarding zooms in the last few weeks, as they check out different activism groups. They are delightful young people who are dedicated to making change in the world. We have great conversations with them, they are eager to learn, and they ask thoughtful questions of visiting candidates and organizations. A breath of fresh air that gives us hope for the future!

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Many Democrats myself included believed that the “ Whole Foods crowd” in major metropolitan areas could provide enough voters to counter act the “ Cracker Value” crowd in the rural areas. That has not been the case and instead of just tying to increase the metro areas voter base Democrats need to give rural voters a reason to vote Democratic. The Biden Administration has done more for rural areas than previous Democrats by delivering a variety of programs and jobs but the message has not gotten through. The opportunity to change this dynamic is to appeal to younger voters with a focus on what there future would or could look like . Based on discussion with several college professors they feel that today’s students are turned off by the negative continuous stream of messaging on their social platforms and are turned off by most politicians and the polarized environment. This demographic is our future and we need to figure out how to appeal to them and there needs.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, your newsletter is my north star. Today's post is even more exceptional than most. Thank you for all of the leads on understanding the behavior of U.S. voters, and especially for a link to turning out young voters who overwhelmingly vote Democratic. The way to stop authoritarianism is to stop it. Failure is not an option.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Turnout is definitely the name of the game in VA, with no state-wide election, but the entire legislature up. At 31st St., we are vigorously promoting it. And well-executed voter outreach can be effective. But R Gov. Youngkin is mobilizing also, per this recent Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/07/11/virginia-youngkin-republican-early-vote/

In large part due to responses to Robert's newsletter, we have now raised over $164,000 of vital early money toward our goal of $200,000. But would welcome additional support to push us over. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/31ststvaleg23?refcode=outreach

By the way, in my initial canvassing in VA, abortion is clearly a potent and persuasive issue.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, CNN has updated their article. It was Farmers ( not State Farm) that pulled out of Florida.

Our CFO had a scathing press release calling Farmers the “ Bud Lite” of insurance and blaming insurance executives for ( surprise ! ) woke policies.

Please all keep writing, calling, getting out the vote, whatever you can ! it We do not want to make America Florida !!

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

In 2017 the then German Minister for the Environment visited California. After a meeting with Gov. Jerry Brown she was asked how much of an obstacle would be the policies of the new administration in Washington in the worldwide efforts to combat climate change. She answered that the planet would survive a term of President Trump – and perhaps even a second one.

I doubt she would give the same answer today. It was quite chilling to see a clip of a recent campaign event where tfg to the frenzied applause and laughter of his followers quipped that the rising sea levels would produce more beachfront properties.

Thank you, Robert, for pointing out in today's newsletter that not only the IQ-challenged

pied piper but also the other possible contender for the Presidency is a card carrying member of the climate change deniers who have no qualms to run our planet into the ground.

Should for whatever reason tfg not get the nomination that should not be a reason for a sigh of relief.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

And yet.... Trump, presuming he is the GOPs nominee in 2024, will get 60 million +/- votes. I sit here in the NE and don't get it. I don't get how millions upon millions of people will support Trump and numerous of his down-ballot acolytes. Are his moral failings not known? Don't most of the people in the world, to say nothing of the US, understand that Trump can't help himself? He lies, then exaggerates, then lies some more, and finally blames someone else.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, I want to point out a major error in Today's Edition regarding homeowners insurance in Florida. You state State Farm Insurance is the latest to pull out of the state. It is not "State Farm," but rather Farmer's Insurance. (https://www.newsnationnow.com/business/your-money/state-farm-recommits-its-coverage-in-florida-amid-environmental-risks/ and https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/12/business/farmers-insurance-florida/index.html).

That said, my personal experience as a Florida resident and homeowner, has been a struggle just to keep my home insured. While I've been fortunate, having survived relatively unscathed in my house through Hurricanes Charley, Irma, and most recently Ian (by far, the worst of any hurricane I've ever experienced, having lived most of life in Florida (45+/- years) and Louisiana (12 years), which have been numerous. Each of the past two years I've had my insurance cancelled, despite filing no claims. My agent has struggled to find a replacement, but each time my rates have increased by $400-$500.

Most Floridians have reached the point that they live with a dread of the thought of having to navigate through the nightmare that is filing insurance claims, knowing that it will result in likely cancellation and/or substantial increases in rates, despite the insurance company working diligently to find ways to NOT pay claims, or pay as little as possible, usually insufficient to cover the damages caused. This is on top of outrageous deductible and confounding clauses regarding the distinctions of what kind of wind damage/rain damage/tidal surge is covered and what is not...which is as little as they can get away with.

Of course, JEB!, Rick "Voldemort" Scott, and now Ron DeSatan, and their lapdog legislatures, have all sided with the insurance companies time and time again. You hear politicians calling Florida "paradise." I once felt that way, but no longer. I suspect I'm not alone.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Simon Rosenberg’s analysis is spot on. Turnout among POC and youth made the difference in preventing a red wave in 2022. And a mere 6,700 more votes (not in swing states, but in CA and NY) would have saved the House. I’m a fan and supporter of Movement Voter Project (www.movement.vote) because they identify, vet and support the best grassroots groups to turnout voters in close races across the country. They have advisors on the ground who know the landscape, know which races are winnable, and make investment decisions accordingly. So many races in 2022 were decided by the tiniest margins - it’s critical that we use our time and dollars where they can make the difference between winning and losing!

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Before DeSantis, Florida was”blessed to have that Republican “paragon. Of virtue” RickScott, who would not allow anyone in his administration to utter the words, “climate change.” I have lived in Florid for over 50 years, and am constantly amazes at the ignorance of the people who call themselves rRepublicans.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for highlighting the insurance industry’s influence on climate policy and noting DeSantis’s madness on the subject. It is mind-boggling, with his state being so completely vulnerable to a changing climate, that he blocks any and all efforts to help Floridians cope.

I live in a blue trifecta state that has a long history of good environmental protections. This year, we passed a 100% renewable energy standard that means by 2040, we will get our electricity largely from wind and solar. The bad news, as you highlighted, is that it make may little difference in our lives in the bigger scheme of things.

Last winter was the third wettest winter on record in Minnesota. Most of that moisture came in the form of ice storms rather than snow. I used to love winter but got completely fed up just trying to walk my dog! I’m healthy and active at 69 but know way too many people who were housebound for months. Ironically, my climate denier neighbor complained bitterly.

Today? Back in severe drought according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. In just two months, we went from excessive moisture to cracked earth. And today marks the return of Canadian wildfire smoke to our airways with all it’s dangers. Oh joy.

I hope insurers start to sound the climate alarm. In the meantime, I will work to register new voters and help get out the vote. It’s the climate, stupid!!

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I'm very disturbed by Senator Tuberville single-handedly holding up 250 military confirmations over women in the military having access to reproductive care. Military bases are federal property not property of the state. Since the Extreme Court has washed their hands of reproductive rights there is NO federal law on abortion. Making it just for the women of the military is targeting one particular group of women so it would seem that wouldn't be legal if appealed to the Courts. Seems like if a woman takes off from one military base and goes to another, she is never stepping into any state so the state has no jurisdiction over her. And, if the Senate passes the Defense bill with the restriction on women flying somewhere for an abortion, then let the military doctors fly to the women. Just hearing that the NDAA just passed. Sounds like it was passed with the "wokeness" removed. VOTE in 2024. Vow to throw the MAGA/FEDSOC Republicans out of all elected offices - local, state and federal! Do you know what you call a woman Marine? Answer: a Marine! Always liked that!

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Greetings, all, from soggy Montpelier, Vermont, where we are all reeling and weeping. Mother Nature is angry with all of us and dumped a gigantic tank of water on the Green Mountains here, leaving the downtown by the river deep in stinking, sewage-y water. We wonder whether we are the next state to become uninsurable too. And yet, people who are hard hit by global warming insist on rebuilding whether they are instead of working on mitigation and thinking ahead. One scratches one's head at human folly.

Anyone got a bucket and mop? Come on in.

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