Do you think the Texas GOP ran their new platform past Cruz and Cornyn as well as Abbott? i would think it will provide a nice foundation of outrage for Beto O'Rourke in the election for governor this fall. The ads write themselves.

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Certainly, Abbott, who is the head of the Texas GOP, must have approved. I don't know about Cruz and Cronyn. But in today's GOP, I believe they would endorse the sentiments.

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My concern is that the Texas GOP believes these platform choices will appeal to their base and not lose them votes.

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I agree, among the GOP base, which is only 37% of Texas voters. About 33% of Texas voters identify as "independents," with about 40% of independents having no "lean" to either party. So, about 12% of voters in Texas claim to be free agents. That is surely enough to swing any election. https://www.uttyler.edu/politicalscience/files/dmn-uttylerapril2021rv.pdf

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But their base is a distinct minority of Texas voters. It’s easy to see a crowd and think it represents everyone, when it’s just a tiny group. Our job is to get everyone but the Republican base to vote for sanity and democracy.

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I’m not so sure how much a minority they are but many D leaning voters and Independents are also not happy with Democrats

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If they're like me, it's because the Democrats, too often, take positions that are just as doctrinaire and extreme as those of the Republican "base" and decline to even discuss any compromise. As examples, there has been no presentation of "chunks" of the BBB plan that Mr. Biden mentioned in his SotU address and, thus far, nothing out of the much ballyhooed bipartisan working group on gun control.

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Agreed. Are these TX platform choices an early look at other states? Rick Scott's national platform is already out there and appalls a lot of people. One would think/hope that the national Dems could actually turn these platforms to their advantage.

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I agree but the Dems need a national message like make Democracy work again to rally the troops

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I personally am amplifying that message by posting the hateful platform on my FB page DAILY from now until November. I am calling out every person who might follow my page who would even consider voting for an 'R" and I'm asking others to share my post. Beto is forceful, but we can also be a force on his behalf. When you add the ending of RvW and the encouragement of more violence by the Stench Bench, that foundation for outrage is going to be astronomical by November.

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Thank you for this idea. This platform should be the basis of the better Democratic messaging we've been talking about for months.

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I had some conversations recently with professional, educated people and was shocked at how disconnected and disengaged they were. I was specifically talking about gun safety and one woman said: I just wish the parties could get along and agree on something, referring to Congress. I explained that the Democrats in the House passed comprehensive gun law reform and the Republicans in the Senate will let it die. I don't know what the answer is, but many people are not paying attention as our Democracy is assailed on all fronts.

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Yes; that is a frustrating phenomenon. I was at a wedding over the weekend and when the talk turned to politics, I was surprised how many people said, "I can't watch the news, it's too hard / disheartening / disappointing." So, we have to pay attention for them and communicate the truth.

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Whew! Lots to do.

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My response to Texas Republicans is, “You think being LBGTQ is abnormal? It’s not, and certainly not as abnormal as being a Republican these days.” (Ungenerous of me, I know. But sometimes I can’t resist.)

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What is so disappointing is that the anti-LGBTQ position is a religious bias based in the Old Testament that equally condemned homosexuality and adultery, but the GOP platform fails to mention adultery--or other biblical injunctions that are inconvenient or repugnant.

For example, Leviticus says, "If a man is found lying with the wife of another man, both of them shall die." Exodus says, "When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do." Leviticus says, "Those born of an illicit union shall not be admitted to the assembly of the Lord. Even to the tenth generation." And, then there is this: You shall not tattoo any marks upon you."

Why, then does the Texas GOP pick out one of the biblical injunctions and raise that above all others? The answer, of course, is the the Bible is a historical document that describes the customs and mores of a nomadic people that does not translate literally into modern life.

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There are people who believe God dictated the King James Version word for word, which they take literally. They have no idea how the Bible came to be.

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The thing that boggles my mind, is that literalists believe not only that G__d guided the hands who wrote the Bible originally, but of the translators, too!

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Way too many people believe this. And a lot of them have not read more than a handful of verses and have no idea of how some Old Testament and New Testament 'teachings' can clash and contradict, or they are 'better read' but ignore or rationalize the differences under the doctrine of Biblical inerrancy.

As a 'person of faith', the basis of which is rooted in Christianity, I find this quite sad and disappointing. But for a plethora of reasons, as it always has been for many, so it will always be.

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As a person of faith also, I agree with you.

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Thank you for sharing this West Wing clip that speaks to what I was saying!

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This is one of my favorite clips from WW (my favorite is the Christmas episode when Josh has flashbacks from the shooting and the psychiatrist trauma specialist tells him, "We get better.") Thank you!

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I see the Torah, in part, as a procedures manual designed for a nomadic tribe whose primary goal at the time was nation building. Looking at verses through this lens may provide context for some directives. Certainly, with the goal of nation building in mind, it makes some sense to discourage satisfying sexual urges that do not result in childbirth. In battle, men were lying with men and their leader(s) may have been concerned that this may diminish their urges to bond with their wives, or sisters of their wives, or concubines.

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Edit: should be... Certainly, with the goal of nation building in mind, it may have made some sense to them to discourage urges not resulting in child birth."

(My edits take a looong time to kick in!)

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I know. Sometimes it's just hard to resist!

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To me and millions of other Americans we are frustrated and in part feel paralyzed by the myriad of news and events happening everyday whether it’s mass shootings, J6th hearing revelations, Ginny Thomas involvement, state legislators passing restrictive and racists laws in Texas and Florida and other states and the constant banging of the drums of white supremacy and racists comments by a host of right wing commentators and politicians. It sometimes feels like the Chinese torture of a slow drip banging on our heads. I smile when I read about some of the antics of Governor Newsom which represents someone fighting back and being very vocal about it. A friend of mine over the weekend asked me a question which stopped me in my tracks. He said “ if Democracy is really under attack where is the Democratic leadership ( not President Biden) that is leading the charge against the assault by Republicans and what is the plan and the strategy and more importantly where is the message that will rally the troops. America needs their own Zelensky with the same charismatic energy to win this battle. Let’s be honest the Republicans are like Russia in this battle with their weapons being tons of dark money, gerrymander districts and a sophisticated propaganda machine in Fox and other media outlets. The Democrats feel like underdogs and our only retaliation weapon has to be concerned and angry voters and turnout with the same Ukrainian resolve they have. We also need a charismatic leader.

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I understand your frustrations, Stephen. But it is always easier to be the opposition party, especially one with no plan, no scruples, and no regard for human dignity or the rule of law. Such an opposition is free to pick apart every effort at governing, with no sense of duty to provide solutions.

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Thank you Robert for your succinct updates on importan matters. I have started sampling the " Bulworks" free work product. I have also been monitoring 'Business Insider' of all sources on the

successful use of US ship--to-ship Harpoon missle systems against Russian Warships & "tugs" in the Black Sea.. Difficult to keep pace without your timley Newsletter. I am using SCOTUS Blog & the experienced Professor Linda Greenhouse for the upcoming Publish & Run opinions.Thank you again.

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I like the Bulwark (and subscribe to their premium products). Charlie Sykes publishes a great daily blast. I don't always agree with the Bulwark writers, and they don't always agree with me, but we are definitely on the same team. And, as a group of "Never Trumpers," the Bulwark writers are performing a valuable public service. I read SCOTUS blog, but more as a resource regarding argument and briefing. Thanks for the reference to Publish and Run. I will check it out.

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Robert, " Publish & Run" is my metaphor for the 2 important SCOTUS opinions coming in the next 10 days. Greenhouse publishes at the New York Times after reporting on SCOTUS for decades.

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Charlie Sykes on The Bulwark is quite informed. I like to listen to conservatives who are not off the rails to understand how they think. Some of his guests will want to make you throw your phone at the wall, but he is a reasonable voice.

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Agree 100 percent with your wide net. I often hear Charlie Sykes as a frequent panelist on Nicolle Wallace's afternnon show on MSNBC. Some 'Pro-Union national voices have really delivered: For example, Judge Michael Luttig.

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Wow! Terrific thread! "They can tell people what to do. No one can tell them what to do." And "They don't care about children being killed in school, but they do care about children being required to wear masks in school."

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Excellent and valid 'school' juxtaposition. When it comes to 'messaging', the Ds could do a lot worse than that one. Hope they'll do something with it.

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Juneteenth, Japanese internment camps, and much more so deftly revised out of US history curriculum. We must do better.

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Mr. Hubbell—and followers—Teri Kanefield addresses the work product of the select committee and its admissibility as evidence in criminal prosecutions. ONLY in the court of public opinion, has guilt been/is guilt being “proven.” It’s going to be a much harder task in the court of law.


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Hi, Scott. Many readers share your praise for Teri Kanefield's commentary and her consistent advice that we allow the DOJ to do its job. In fact, based on feedback from readers, I think her perspective reflects the views of majority of my readers. So, you are firmly in the majority view.

I don't share that view of Ms. Kanefield's outlook. She has been a consistent defender of Merrick Garland's delay, often claiming that the absence of action is proof that he is conducting an "air tight" investigation. As I have written elsewhere, we have audiotape of Trump extorting Zelensky and asking Raffensperger to "find" 11,780 votes for him. Those conversations occurred two-and-a-half and one-and-half years ago. The audio tapes are sufficient to convict Trump (in my view). But Garland has not secured an indictment in either case.

To get technical, I do not believe that the information in the possession of Congress is "Brady" material. The prosecution has the obligation to turn over material that it has discovered. It has no obligation to turn over material in the possession of an independent branch of government (because the prosecution didn't "discover" that material).

Thus, the DOJ's need for the congressional testimony is a preference, a "wish list" that does not affect the DOJ's ability to prosecute anyone.

Finally, as I understand the Committee's position, it will make all transcripts public in September. That timeline seems more than adequate for the government to prepare any cases for trial that it has on the calendar.

If anyone reading this has experience with Brady materials and has a different view, I would love to hear it. I did not practice criminal law and am basing my answer only on US v. Brady. I think I am right, but happy to be corrected if I am wrong.

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Teri's writing is so good.

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I am flying The Flag today in honor of this national holiday (Thank you President Biden).

And I hope to fly it again very soon when Garland and the DOJ make their announcement (s).

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I wish "maintaining our majority in both houses" was sufficient. It isn't. As long as we honor the filibuster, we need at least 60 in the Senate, and a stronger majority in the House. Pelosi wont be there forever to martial her magically made majorities. Her successor will need a bigger margin.

There is an increasing variety of deteriorating economic news, but economic pain is not felt equally by class or by region. Democrats can speak to anxieties that are even more fundamental than economics. Every message must remind people that Democrats are the party for democracy, for women's liberty and the secure lives of children. Republicans are the party of riot, and revolution and gun love.

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Agree regarding the filibuster. It should be abolished in its entirety.

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Or is the moment before we lose a majority in both houses the wrong moment to kill the Filibuster? No doubt McConnell will kill it at a time of his choosing without regard to justification, but could we wait until the lame duck December session before deciding whether fillbustericide would be in our interest?

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I am surprised that Texas Republicans didn't pass a platform plank outlawing traffic signals, stop signs, divided highways, speed limits, turn signals, and one way streets, because "drivers have a God-given right to drive anyway they choose.

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Your comments about Ukraine are spot on. Daily Kos provides regular military reports about Ukraine which are lucid and helpful. The most recent is on the same topic, similarly spot on, detailed, and worth reading: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/6/19/2105135/-Ukraine-Update-No-Ukraine-isn-t-suffering-1-000-casualties-per-day

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Thanks, Len. Very interesting. It may be that the American press has been taken in by a Ukrainian PR campaign designed to increase the flow of aid. It would be a smart move by Ukraine.

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The public's attention span is limited. Simply focusing it on abortion rights, gun violence, and human dignity will make room for all the issues you mention, as the candidates who champion the former are likely to support the latter as well.

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It's a mouthfull, but we need to start memorizing: " . . . a one term, twice impeached, coup plotting, indicted former President. . . " By the way, the ladies on ABC's The View always include "disgraced."

Can never have too many negative adjectives describing the man. How about "convicted"? "Incarcerated" sounds good too, don't you think?

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Need to change “former President” to “ex-president” because former infers honor. Example: The US Marines say “Once a Marine, always a Marine.” In 1963 (I was 8yo) my former Marine dad looked me in the eye and said, “There are no ex-Marines, except one: Lee Harvey Oswald.”

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Good point, M. Scott Borden! Thank you for enlightening us.

I will start usng that term now. There is no need to wait for the official DOJ pronouncement,

what with his behavior so blantanly, unendingly and unremorsefully "dishonorable."

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Every Republican candidate must be asked: What is your plan to end inflation?

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Good question. An honest answer is, "The president can't control inflation. Only the Federal Reserve can, and then only with blunt and painful measures."

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"Christian" Nationalism - a horrific oxymoron, making it easy to despair about our democracy's demise.

My Thoughts, and an Invitation to Action!

(I originally posted this on Professor Cox Richarson’s newsletter, where she also reported on the TX GOP platform, and I wanted to share it here as well.)

I would like to borrow and build on Robert Hubble's approach to all of this horror that we witness. (My only other daily newsletter). Yes, it is so important to recognize evil. At the same time, we must do what we can to counter the despair that evil can inspire with a stronger statement of what is possible when people of good hearts come together and take action.

I believe in the power of love. Not the mushy romantic love which mostly depends on the feelings of the moment (as fun as that can be!), but rather the love that is the energy of creation, spirit, the divine, Allah, Yahweh, God, Goddess, whatever one calls the Non-physical aspect of life. It is there for us to draw upon as we show up in whatever way we feel called. So I asked, what can I do? Whom can I join?

Inspired, I googled "Christians against christian nationalism" and guess what! There is an organization with that name! Christians Against Christian Nationalism! They include an impressive gathering of Christian leaders, with three of my favorites, Jim Wallis of Sojourners, Most Rev. Michael Curry (American episcopal bishop who spoke at Meghan and Harry's wedding) and Sister Simon Campbell, ED of Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice. They offer ways to get involved, including signing their statement condemning Christian Nationalism and forwarding an invitation to others to sign. So I've signed, Tweeted, FB'd and now I'm inviting you! Please check it out and consider signing. https://www.christiansagainstchristiannationalism.org

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Thanks for this. And Props!

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