Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Chiming in from Berlin to point out that German industrialists supported Hitler in the early 1930s thinking they‘d be able to control him. These billionaires voting with their largely inherited money deserve to reap the whirlwind of Democratic control of Congress as well as the White House, and thus SCOTUS reform, inheritance & wealth taxes. I‘ve decided to give the Biden-Harris campaign something like the same proportion of my resources as Mellon is reported giving Trump & RFK Jr—which will bring me to the direct support ceiling. I calculate that 3,000 of us doing the same would exceed Mellon’s current gifts to these vile PACs—which don’t have the same impact as legal, direct campaign contributions, since „coordination“ is illegal. German friends here can’t believe that the 2024 US Presidential race can possibly be even as close as TODAY‘S EDITION calls it. Of course this is in a city saturated with memory and memorials, not only the ruins of the Kaiserkirche on the Ku-Damm but the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe hard by the Brandenburg Gate, & thousands of cobblestone-sized, engraved brass „Stolpersteine,“ ten in my block alone, marking addresses where the persecuted lived and telling the ends of their stories. Of those ten on this block only one person survived the war, after a long tour of concentration camps. Here in Berlin we have good reason to understand that „Christian Nationalism,“ „MAGA,“ and „Trumpism“ all translate into „Nazi,“ in the original German, & we know how this story ends.

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Spot on, Exactly my thoughts.

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Stefan, I learned the world "steigbugelhalter" from you (maybe misspelled, definitely lacking the umlaut) to describe these people. "Stirrup holders" who enabled Hitler's rise for the exact reasons Patrick describes--businessmen, financiers, and conservative politicians who thought they would benefit from him while they kept him "in check."

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Steigbügelhalter is exactly right, thanks to Ellen and Stefan for my word of the day...though I am questioning myself on this point since so many of our billionaires feel themselves to be totally insulated from the consequences of Trumpism, maybe they want him actually to do his worst. But it's the same ending, ultimately. There is, as our children tell us, no Planet B...

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

My guess is there are two groups. Musk, Thiel, Ueleins, Prince/DeVos etc--yes happy for him to do his worst. Others--Dimon and Bezos, for example, are just in it to maximize profits and are kind of in denial of what a second Trump term would mean for the country and the planet because they think they can persuade him to make less terrible decisions than what he is promising. Fat chance.

Not sure if Sulzburger at NYT is a billionaire, but he's in the second group, as are probably most of the media moguls outside of Fox/Murdoch/OANN.

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Per Benzinga, Sulzberger's net worth is north of $7 million, which seems low. Given his salary ($2m) and other public information like his "insider trading" reports another total can be derived. About 30X annual salary is consistent with my experience of this group with complicated trusts and inheritance decisions, so not in the range of a billion, but what this group calls a "unit," $50 million, or two. Or three. At this level it's not about what the money can buy, but about keeping score.

Personally, I don't think Sully's actually pro-Trump but he is pro-NYTimes, and the first Trump administration was a bonanza for the paper, another would be even better. So to that extent he is a Steigbügelhalter. He'd be sad to lose our Democracy, but it'd be the biggest story ever, selling lots of papers.

Sully apparently believes that the only way Biden can prove he has decision-making capacity is to sit down for a long exclusive interview with (guess what) a panel of Times reporters. Something like the recent Time Magazine interview, but with Sully's guys. I do believe that Biden is being smart to decline this, as if he agreed he'd be somewhat of a captive. Sitting down with Time rather than the Times was a complicated diss, and I approve that message.

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I agree with you about Sulzberger, based on no inside information whatsoever. That latter group is the Steigbügelhalter, I think. Kind of passive evil, or allowing evil to happen. The first group I think of as actively evil. Stefan can correct me, of course, if I have it wrong.

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Mr. Clary, the generosity and wisdom of your large monetary gift should not go without recognition here. I am a bit unsure of the calculations of percentage proportion of Mellon's wealth compared to yours and that's not anyone's business, but you posit in your posting, "3,000 of us doing the same would exceed Mellon’s current gifts to these vile PACs." If we only look at Mellon's most recent donation, $50 million divided by 3,000 is $16,666. That's a lot o' dough. I honestly don't know if I'll be able to be one of your 3,000. Probably not, out of lack of resources and perhaps lack of courage, but my wife and I will commit to doing far more than we have ever done in any election before spread over all the candidates we support I will try to come as close as we can to your challenge. Your commitment is of course more praiseworthy in that Tim Mellon spending $50 million of his wealth is a pittance -- that's 5% of just one of his 14 or 15 billion dollars. He could earn that back in a year with the safety of a mega CD. So in a year, Tim Mellon will have done what he can to destroy democracy and oppress Americans and will be no worse off financially. Sweet deal. Even if he did not invest anywhere and had his 14 billion dollars in a Scrooge McDuck money bin and took 50 million out of that corpus, he'd still have to pull in his belt loop a bit and "survive" on $13.950 billion which is more than the entire median net worth (not annual salary) of 7,000 American families. The Declaration of Independence ends with these words, "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." I've been thinking a lot about the courage in that room when no one knew what the outcome of this action would be. Many of the men who signed that document lost their lives, many lost their fortunes. Tim Mellon has pledged his life to nothing but hanging on to what he inherited and to keeping his fellow Americans in their subservient place. In these days of work and contemplation between Juneteenth and the 4th of July, I'll try to honor your commitment, Mr. Clary, and contemplate what more I can do to follow the lead of the young people forming the Tour to Save Democracy, all of our fellow Hubble community members who are doing so much, the candidates who are working so hard, the many groups who are fighting with all their might for our freedoms and rights, and those who have gone before us to fight for and preserve our democracy. I take your posting as an amiable but deeply serious challenge to all of us to do all we can and when we are tapped out, turn around and do a little more. The danger is real and the consequences to our lives, our country, and our planet if our efforts fail are horrible to contemplate.

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Patrick, call me Patrick, please. Thanks for the math lesson, I clearly needed it. My Republican CPA informs me that $3200 is the statutory limit in donations to any one candidate in an election cycle, & that is the goal I meant to set, not $16,666. The number of us needed to approximate Mellon’s contribution at that rate would therefore be closer to 25,000… Still attainable, if slightly more daunting.

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Patrick, I haven't been giving anyone math lessons since my kids were in second grade. I was an English teacher by trade and a college administrator who had to learn a bit about mathematical manipulation (in the good sense) to keep the place afloat. Anyway, I was actually relieved to get your follow up though I didn't see it until this morning. I may have miscalculated too, but your $3200, especially spread over a number of candidate and efforts is a stretch-doable for a lot of us. I will shoot for $4,000 or more. Now we only need 24,998 more. I am sure there are many in the Hubbell Community who have already surpassed $4,000. Thanks for your note and your good humored challenge. I have friends who proudly declare that they have never given a red cent to a politician. I get their frustration with Citizens United and Billionaire donors, but that doesn't change the equation. Door knocker, gas for travel, postcards, field offices, coffee for volunteers, etc., not to mention ads and bumper stickers, all cost a lot of money. Thanks for the specific challenge to all of us to not be passive before the onslaught of big money.

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Just a note: The story did not end well those wealthy German industrialists who thought they could control Hitler. See: https://www.historyextra.com/membership/night-long-knives-hitler-rise-why-what-happened/

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Big paywall here, Achtung! Try en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives for alternative

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Thanks, Patrick.

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It is so important to remember this - thank you!

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Hope you and other expats vote like your life depends on it!

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My expat family members of choice and chance are passionate, if frustrated, absentee voters. I can’t claim that status, however, living in New Hampshire 8 months of the year…I vote in person as if my life and my self-respect depend on it. I was only in Berlin for the month of June this year but was struck by the level of worry about Trump. “Doesn’t he know any history?” The answer is, unfortunately, no, he’s a real throwback to the “No Nothings,” but even more shameless…

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Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I think the negative pundit line might be an attempt, albeit misguided, to stimulate a positive reaction and voter action, ie, Oh Crap, I better get my rear in gear and do something about this situation.

I agree that strategy is plain wrong and self-destructive.

I think a better strategy would be to sharply expose the negative and dangerous rhetoric of the Republican Campaign by its vile operatives and provide blistering commentary.

The big problem is these clowns keep getting a free ride and they are seldom challenged in public.

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Mike, While some might say it’s a lot to bank on, I’m banking on Biden’s performance in next week’s debate to set your suggested strategy in motion. I would note something I read a day ago prompted me to write Biden urging him not to allow any of Trump’s deceptions and distortions to go unanswered.

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The reality is Biden can perform well in the debate as long as the right people are watching.

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Stephen, I expect this unusually early election season Presidential debate will draw a large audience that includes a substantial swath of Americans who haven’t yet tuned into the upcoming election. In my view, this group, in particular, could be significantly influenced by Biden’s performance. If I have any concerns, I do fret that Trump will invent some reason not to show up.

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I agree with you, Barbara Jo, and have said I think it's 50/50 that Felonious Trump will show. I'd like to see the media set the stage for him not showing, and help prevent his backing out by presaging his cowardice.

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Well we know that the debate is 'rigged', that Jake Tapper is a 'horrible' person and that shutting off the mics show how 'low the country has fallen' - so - I'm not showing up. I did have a dream that trump insulted Beau Biden for being a 'loser' going into the military and that "Hunter' was a drug addict --- Biden then walks over to trump and gives him a hard slap across the face.

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Bob. Aside from not thinking it a good idea for the media, for any reason, to foretell Trump not showing, I agree with the rest of your comment right up to staging the empty podium were Trump not to show.

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i totally agree. I would say it is a definite possibility

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Susan, Regrettably, I wouldn’t bet on Trump showing.

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I'm betting that trump will suddenly have some minor health issue which prevents him from debating--something contagious, of course--that privacy laws he claims prevent him from describing.

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Susan, My bet is that Trump uses the continued gag order as fraudulent cover to speciously justify why he can’t debate.

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Yep. I’d rather we be scared of losing and motivated than confident and complacent. We should have been more scared in 2016.

Fear is the greatest motivator. The GOP is playing to that with lies about crime, migrants, economic crash, transgenders grooming kids….etc.

The GOP is coming for your freedoms.


Ask about the GOP plans for you. Then vote blue to save your rights.

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You missed my point. I was addressing people who are criticizing Joe Biden's campaign as doomed. "He is in a dire situation and has no time to correct course." That is defeatism and is different than "Republicans will take your rights away" if they win.

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I got your point. I’m sorry if it sounded like I disagree or missed it. I find your posts very clear.

I sometimes use the comment section to add to the discussion what I believe are important things to say that haven’t been said. If you ask me not to do that, I’ll stop

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Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I liked Josh Marshall’s post as well and especially appreciated him pointing out that the word “dire” is just incorrect when referring to a tied race.

I am just astounded by factually inaccurate characterizations by journalists, including building so much interpretation into their reporting that they hijack the English language.

Shame on these “professional” writers.

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Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Agreed. I can't believe I'm still seeing "trump is winning" takes made with a straight face. Rick Wilson said last night that this has a chance to be a blowout for Biden, and that's pretty much how I feel. (Still gotta do the work, of course)

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Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Joe Trippi seems to think that's possible too. On his podcast today, he argues that Florida is definitely in play for the Senate and that the presidential will likely be close.

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A massive BLUE WAVE can wash away the toxic RED TIDE!

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I, too, surely tire of "dire" //

Used by those who can't say "liar"//

To call out Trump's wallows in mire.//

The dictionary of every political pundit//

Should have the word dire scratched sharply from it//

Expensive? Just Trump it! Get Mellon to fund it.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Tuesday night my hubby says "You got a letter from your 'friend'"

He was referring to a mailer from James Carville, from the Senate Majority PAC.

Mr Carville drives me nuts with his leftist fear mongering. I suppose the Senate Majority PAC sent me a mailer because I have ignored and deleted Carville's emails where the subject line is at times "We're screwed!"

I am returning his mailer in the postage paid envelope not with money, but with a note regarding how I will direct my contributions to those that bring a positive energy to democratic campaigns. I will inform (whomever opens my mailer) that I will not support those that condescendingly pummel me with inaccurate and negative "threats".

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Carville is among the worst offenders. He said six weeks ago that Biden should have never run for reelection. What an idiot!

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Used to admire James Carville, but his Ragin' Cajun shtick is getting tiresome, predicting doom if Biden doesn't run his campaign the way Carville would run it. He seems to want Biden to out populist Trump. Some like Trump because he "tells it like it is," i.e. he speaks the hate and fear that they don't think they are supposed to say because it's not "politically correct," to use a now old-fashioned phrase. In December 2016 I sat down next to a trustee at the university I served at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon in the middle of middle America. I was greeted with, "Merry Christmas. I guess I can say that now." For once I didn't suck it up, and got a little frosty, and said, "C'mon, Obama never said you shouldn't say Merry Christmas!" Then the program started. Afterwords he said, "I'm sorry about that Merry Christmas thing, Pat." He knew it was ridiculous, but he enjoyed the performative act that announced his tribal allegiance. Those who are fed up by Trump do not want a Democratic version of Trump. They want a stateman, a grown-up, a sage. Biden it is. James Carville is playing an old play book, more Huey Long than Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan was more Biden-esque than Trump, for all the damage that lurked beneath his demeanor.

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Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Lynn, I am inundated with Dire Democratic texts and emails begging me to send money, or with supposed opinion polls asking me to provide support for Biden, only to finish the questionnaire but cannot hit submit until I pay them a “donation”. I’m not paying you to accept my opinion. Its “off-putting”. These tactics are contrary to my belief in statistical relevance and I find them scummy

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For me any appeal that starts with a 300% match is waiting goes in the trash. I am not even sure some of these nice sounding PACs are legit.

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Good point Patrick!

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Agree regarding Carville. I mute or switch stations every time he is interviewed. He’s on my list of pontificators that includes guys like Plouffe.

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I was hoping Carville would be the junkyard dog going after Felonious Trump & The MAGAlomaniacs. What a waste of his talent stoking fear and begging for money!

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

From 50 years' experience of Democratic Party politics, the term "Democratic operative" is a shortcut way to describe "Otherwise-unemployable egomaniac who is a legend in his own mind and knows just enough to be dangerous."

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

To motivate voters, some of us want to focus on the rotten things DeSantis and Trump and the extremists are doing, and some of us want to focus on the positive things Democrats are doing that are working. What appears to work with our in-person events with Democratic voters is both. Everyone complains for a bit, discusses their anger and fear, then we talk about the positive things that we have accomplished to turn things around, then people are motivated to help or donate. That seems to work.

By the way, more and more in our in-person events, there are usually about 1/5th who attend to have been life-long republicans switched to Dems. These are consistent voters, who say they like some of the things Trump did but recognize what he will do to our democracy. I will take it.

I personally think that dwelling on the negative is a depressant and is a bad idea, but you cannot ignore the fact that people feel isolated, scared and angry and it is important to let everyone talk about it.

The media talking heads are a different story. If I were the ruler of the news, I would report on the rotten stuff, then our wins and positive things, both, and NOT predict anything, especially based upon polls.

And by the way, two poll questions that to me don't tell me anything:

1. would the convictions change your vote? I would say no, because I wouldn't vote for Trump whether he was convicted or not.

2. do you think the country is headed in the right direction, and I would say no, because of the threat of electing a dictator, not because I do not like Biden.

So those polling questions tell me nothing.

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Here's the Tour to Save Democracy video.


The tour is partnering with Field Team 6.


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Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Adding to the kudos for everyone who brought together the Zoom event for the Tour to Save Democracy. The young people were wonderfully articulate, committed, and inspirational! Keep your eyes and ears open for their names: Sam Schwartz, Jo Carducci, Haley Lickstein, and Isaiah Martin. And follow the Tour when it starts on July 12 in San Antonio, Texas.

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Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

My biggest takeaway came from Robert's brilliant questions about what us older folks can do to support young voters and what should we stop doing. Isaiah pointed out that Gen Z folks are more concerned about getting started in life than we are (with such things as their first apartment or getting their own medical insurance), and Jo reinforced it by showing that at 50, she's past that point. On the stop doing side, lecturing and talking down to prospective Gen Z folks are things of note.

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Chris and I attended the meeting of the Tour to Save Democracy. I was impressed with the clarity and thoughtfulness of these young people. As a professor and college administrator I've lived my life around young people who are often quicker of wit and more articulate than I, so I wasn't surprised. I've always learned from my students. Among many good teachings I would especially raise up Isaiah Martin's comment that young people are tired of the exhausting effort to "play whack-a-mole" over every stupid and dangerous thing that the Republicans are doing/saying. Their plan seems to me a wise end-run around the usual "yesbuts" and "whatifs" of political discussion. They will meet young people where they are and talk about Biden's successes and plans: for example, for more in housing, which will help even renters because it will weaken te power of landlords to raise rents. All three too seemed to gently rebuke the tendency of older folks to act like young people don't really know what they are talking about. I am sure no one entered that meeting last night thinking that, and if anyone did, they certainly didn't leave that meeting feeling that way. Geezersplaining, like mansplaining, needs to be put to rest. (Also let's say, "Tain't funny!" to late night TV hosts making jokes like Jimmy Kimmel saying the winner of the debate between Trump and Biden should be the first man who can stand up without falling. Give me FDR or Joe Biden over "robust" Donald Trump and day of the week and twice on Sunday.)

So hurray to this project. We can support it with money (important) and publicity. They will be able to go where few of us in the Hubble community would find a hearing. And bring more young people into the action and into leadership. Think of North Carolina Democratic Chair Anderson Clayton.

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“Geezersplaining” and “mansplaining“, are disgusting put-downs, designed to cut off rational discussion by denigrating elderly and men.

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Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

So happy to see Tour to Save Democracy will be in Florida to help boost U.S. Senate candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s win over Medicare fraudster,SS/Medicare-sunsetting Rick Scott ! 🤸🚌

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Speaking of Florida, FT6 has a weekly Florida phone banking program Thursdays from 2-4 EDT. Below is the link. Lynn Bommer, the instructor, advises they have 40,000 phone numbers and need volunteers. .


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Hey, Robert. In light of your focus on Today's Edition: Greg Olear interviewed Billy Ray last week who gives an entirely different take on what he thinks is going on in America; a take that aligns more with what you have been saying lo these many months.

You can read Greg's takeaway if not the full interview here:


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This is great stuff, Lynell - no need to be mired in msm negativism, this is a far more up-beat approach to the work we're all committed to. Thanks for pointing us to this resource!

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Agree, Tom. I didn't think this was "Pollyanna" wishing; more so a way of effectively communicating.

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Hey Lynell, I viewed the interview with Billy Ray while post-carding and you were right…the time flew by! Love how he approaches talking with MAGA-leaning types and younger generation and relating how we’re not divided. I do wish he could snag that interview with Ted Cruz. Or as Greg Olear suggested, cast him in one of his movies playing an actor pretending to be a human.🤣


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I read somewhere - maybe you did, too - that there are several Democratic candidates that are hiring him to help them in their campaigns. He may have even been influential in Biden's, which I tend to believe in light of what Biden's campaign has been putting out lately.

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I did hear that mentioned in the interview about working with Dem candidates. Agree he may have been influential in Biden campaign. All good. Again, thanks so much ! Sharing as much as I can…

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Lynell, from your lips to Biden's ear! If Billy Ray can do the messaging for Biden, it will give us a big edge in November. I hope the president is open to including new people like this.

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This is excellent! Thank you for sharing this link.

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Billy Ray is a very very good communicator. He goes beyond analysis (which is fun but not very productive) to crafting the words, moods, and styles that will actually help us communicate with, and influence, undecided or wavering voters.

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Fantastic interview!! Thank you!

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Excellent! Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for sharing, Lynell. Just reading the takeaway I found myself muttering repeatedly Yes! Exactly! Absolutely. I will listen to the interview later today.

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If I may be so bold: You won't be sorry to listen in, Stefan!

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Hey Robert, how about adding Dahlia Lithwick to the deserted island?

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She's excellent, but if I added her, I would also have to add Mark Joseph Stern, her co-author. My hypothetical was "pick one."

Also, Dahlia Lithwick has been MIA for a while. I assume she is writing a book. Kind of like Rachel's pull back. It's hard to be an opinion leader when you are not part of the daily conversation.

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Marlene Lerner-Bigly,

Dahlia Lithwick is terrific, among my Do-Not-Miss thoughtful interpreters.

of The Law. She helps to lift my chins up from the ground along with this Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter.

No wild hysterics, Dahlia speaks with calming clarity, for which I am thankful.

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Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robbert Hubbell - we cannot thank you enough for your daily information, inspiration and application.

Appreciate the links to opportunities to get involved and to make our voices heard in a representative form of government

as opposed to a brutal and unjust rule by the wealthy, privileged and inhumane.

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This newsletter fills me with hope every morning.

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Because I interact daily with a broad range of people, hardly a day passes when I don’t hear from someone about Biden’s public approval remaining pulled down by a variety of weights. My reply (albeit not original) is always the same. I don’t despair. Why? Because it’s more like we’re in this boat and the boat has a leak in it and in the end we have to bail out water faster than it’s coming in. I share this near-daily answer because, largely due to Hubbell’s Today’s Edition Newsletter replete with compelling evidence, I repeatedly am afforded a more hopeful way to live.

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Now, if we could stop occupants in the boat from continuing to shoot holes in the hull …

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Michael, Though I had imagined those doing the bailing trying to plug the leak, sadly, you do have a point.

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Thanks Robert! There is the archetypal scene of a person in distress saying “I need a drink” so I am saying to myself “I needed your concluding thoughts” today.

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Wearing a “Dems Make Life Better” T-shirt while dropping my daughter at summer camp, a parent and two directors applauded as I walked toward them.

The doom and gloom would evaporate if other Dems felt what I feel in my Biden gear.

Want to what inevitably feels like? DemsMakeLifeBetter.org



PS. Maybe Biden should make a “Dems Make Life Worse for Billionaires and Tax Cheats” T-shirt and sell it for $50 million. 🤔

PSS: this is my experience in Florida.

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Shawn Shawn,

You have inspired me to buy Biden/Harris T-shirts! Arriving today. I will be proudly wearing them every time I run errands! Thanks to Robert and all commentators for continuing to inspire me!

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Love this. I’ll war my With Dems tee shirt today😊

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Jun 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

This is just an observation after viewing several tv ads for President Biden.

My hunch is if tv ads SLAM trump on his stance on reproductive health for women it would be a home run!!!!

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I think many readers and voters are not trusting the media or the polls because they feel they have both been manipulated by interested parties. I am feeling a ground swell of momentum and when I read about turnout for events like Robert described it confirms that many voters are quietly and effectively getting involved. Major contributions to Trump don’t trickle down to support down ballot candidates and Trump is not suddenly going to become more like-able or more appealing. The reality is there is a relative small group of registered voters who will determine the outcome of the election. It will be an accumulation of impressions made over the next 5 months and it won’t be because of an ad or a speech or even a debate it will be because of a feeling and an emotional connection to a candidate. All Joe Biden has to continue doing is making voters feel good about him as a person and his knowledge and expertise.

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“ there is a relative small group of registered voters who will determine the outcome of the election.” –

That’s mathematically incorrect: all votes count equally (in an uncorrupted election). Which is why it’s important to turn out *all* categories of potential and established voters who will vote for Democrats (*all* Democrats, this year).

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MELLON: To show my disdain for the poor, I'm gonna squander fifty million dollars, (enough to bring most of you out of poverty,) to two men with little chance in hell of winning.

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So true, David,

Mellon’s $100 million could have helped so many. Instead it’s being spent on an anti-poor (not anti-poverty) agenda.

And Imagine if all political donations over $1000 were taxed at 51%… so you couldn’t help a candidate without also helping everyone. (Just a dream.)

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