My take away from Today’s Edition is Democrats need to focus more on doing “ show and tell” sessions out side of large urban areas and let the rural red districts of this country know exactly how the Biden Administration is helping them. Farmers in this country have a lot to be thankful for because of Biden as do construction workers, truckers, the building trades and students. We need to remind them of what has been accomplished and what would happen if they elected a Republican President

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Unrelated to Today's Edition this morning, but I thought it would be a relevant talking point amongst the readers in this community.

Add this to the reasons Ron DeSantis is anathema to democracy. He's attacked Florida's largest union, the Florida Education Association, getting from his lapdog legislature one of things his predecessors couldn't: singled out the teachers union to disallow payroll deduction union dues. This article in the Tampa Bay Times discusses the impacts of this on locals in just two of the states 67 school districts. https://www.tampabay.com/news/education/2023/07/24/florida-school-employee-unions-already-suffering-new-law-dues/

Full disclosure, I am a retired Florida public school educator, which included my final eleven years of a 38 year career as President of the Teachers Association Lee Co., the nation's 35th largest school district. We fought this fight through "Jeb!" and Rick Scott, but there were still enough legislators, even amongst the Republican majority, to help stop this. Until DeSantis.

Add this to the list of reasons DeSantis should be kept as far away from national leadership as possible. He hates unions, he hates civil rights, he hates anyone or anything that would dare challenge his authoritarian desires and irritate his thin-skin.

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Bidenomics could not be a more distinctive difference between democrats and republicans. One builds America and the GOP version destroys America.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

So, solar farms lead to rat infestations? I hadn’t heard that one before. I did see a story (sorry, I don’t have a link) that in Germany hop vines are growing better in the shade from solar panels. And in an experiment in Tanzania, maize production also benefits from shade from such panels. Maize—corn to us—is a basic food crop. As for rat infestations, I suggest looking for the presence of Republicans.

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Floridians, let’s be loud and NOT proud about DeSantis refusing IRA and Infrastructure funds.

“DeSantis vetoed $377M in free energy-efficiency money despite extreme Florida heat”.


I learned a new word today ! 💙 equipoise and this ➡️ “ When Republican hypocrisy reaches equipoise with Republican deceit on any issue, you know they are worried”.

Get out the vote for OHIO !!📞✍️

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I am in Riga, Latvia. I heard from a young woman this morning about current Latvian issues. I was surprised at how intense her emotions were about Ukraine, and Russia, and her own country’s struggle to break free from strongman occupations—first Germany, then the Soviets. Later in the morning I went to see the Latvian Museum of Ocupation. It was the best, most effective museum of its kind that I have ever seen. It casts an impression about Latvia’s and the other Baltic states’ (Lithuania and Estonia) daily fear of what Putin (and whoever follows Putin) will do in Europe. And it makes me sad that most Americans do not understand this history, and in fact would recreate a totalitarian regime if they could in America.

But I found this quote near the end of the museum’s presentation, and it seemed ripe for our time:

“Do not shed your tears for yesterday

“Do not fear what comes tomorrow

“Just in a steadfast, measured way

“Plow your furrows straight and narrow”

By Knuts Skujenieks

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If Gov Abbott is indeed violating Federal and International Laws, why isn't the Federal Government actively removing these barriers of extreme cruelty? And why does the Border Patrol (Federal!) allow a bunch of Texas vigilantes to interfere with their work of handling the border of the US of A?

Isn't it time for the US to tell Texas to back off - more than lawsuits are needed. The rule of law is being violated. Seems to me we have law enforcement agencies for a reason. If someone were to force a family back into the water to drown in a New York or New Hampshire lake...would we sue them or arrest them? What am I missing here?

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

It is always great that Robert points out that while we can be optimistic we cannot be complacent. We must stand strong and continue with every ounce of our strength to fight like hell against the attempts to undermine our democracy up and down the ballot.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

And yet…Don’t get me wrong, Bidenomics is amazingly incredible BUT as Annie Lowrie asks in an Atlantic Daily piece,The Wrong Apartment Problem, “So why aren’t we partying like it’s 1999?” She refers to the last year of the Clinton Administration when a watershed in economic prosperity for the middleclass and the poor was reached. Now this year surpasses 1999 on almost all fronts.

So I ask. “why did Gore not win in a landslide?” Also, Republicans won control of Congress. Nader got nearly 3 million votes was one reason Gore lost but another bigger reason for the Dem drubbing is the deep underlying conservatism that is America year in, year out. These sobering results might cast some serious rain on our parade. Lowrie answers her question with points I have noted in talking with friends. We are all depressed by climate change, the kleptocracy running our country and the level of violence in America (anyone who’s ever been to Europe knows women feel safe anywhere anytime if they are walking alone). These feelings are not helped by visits to the grocery store and the costs of everything. Plus, where I live on Cape Cod try to find a plumber or electrician. Want help in the garden? That will set you back at $45 per hour. Them are sure expensive weeds! But what about our young friends and neighbors? Try renting an apartment or buying a home.

Bottom line: Saying all is rosey, rosey won’t cut it. The message must be much more work needs to be done especially on affordable housing. Action must include bills to tax the super rich and clawing back corporate profits made by greedy shareholders and fat cat executives. I’ll stop there!

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I just want to say that am a Clinical Mental Health Therapist and find that people are exhausted. Action is the best antidote to the anxiety that underlies this exhaustion. We do nothing but take in more and more bad news and it leads to that learned helplessness and exhaustion (which is part of the goal of autocratic movements). We need to send this newsletter, Hopium Chronicles and other Substacks such as Chop Wood Carry Water and others that we find helpful and action oriented and spread the word. I've sent these to everyone in my email contact list and those contacts are subscribing. After several weeks, I am starting to get good feedback. It is good for their for mental health and the health of our democracy to hear:

1. The economy is good.

2. They can be part of elections all across the country even in "off years" in 2023 (such as WI, OH, PA and VA).

3. They aren't alone - there is an army out there with them.

4. That GOTV works and is the best way to guarantee success in 2024.

I urge everyone to share this information and ask their contacts to do the same. It's a great way to steer those who want the same thing that we do in a direction that gives them hope.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Just ordered another 200 postcards. What better way to spend time under the wide, beautiful Montana sky than working to help keep democracy strong? Plus lying, soulless bullies really piss me off, especially under the wide, beautiful Montana sky

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I literally burst into tears reading your post today. I am an empath, and truly experience far too many things in my gut! Today, I want to shout this news and proof of Biden's success from the rooftops!! I believe that this man, who could have been enjoying a well earned retirement, ran because he IS a patriot and he knew he would be the only one in the 'field' who had the experience, and the heart, to save our country. And, he DID that! Despite all the crap constantly being thrown at him, from everywhere!! History will show that he pulled us back from the brink. As painful as it is to watch the harm that has been consistently and deliberately thrown at us for YEARS, more of us understand where we are, and how we got here. Under his leadership, we also know we CAN DO THIS! Thank you, Robert, for your enormous contribution to getting us here!!

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Biden's - and our own - economic successes mirror those of many past Dem administrations, despite the stubborn and delusional tendencies of GOP supporters to incorrectly remember past economic policy (for example, "Reagonomics") as successful despite their well-known failure ( see "trickledown").

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We should do a remake of "Kiss of Death." Abbott can play the person in the wheelchair at the top of the stairs. I volunteer to play the role of Tommy Udo.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

One reason that some people feel the economy hasn't gotten better is that food and energy costs (heating and air-conditioning) are still extremely high. When groceries are high, the average person is struggling to feed his/her family. Also, in this terrible heat wave, many either don't have air-conditioning or cannot afford to use it. This is not a criticism of Biden, but simply an observation. I hope the Democrats realize this. I'm not sure what can be done about these things, especially the cost of food, but it is a real problem for regular people and the poor.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"When Republican hypocrisy reaches equipoise with Republican deceit on any issue, you know they are worried. They should be." Hypocrisy and deceit . . . what a take-away for today, Mr. Hubbell!

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