Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Morning Mr. Hubbell,

Your newsletter today along with Dr. Richardson’s are both special. It took me a minute or two to determine why I felt this way. I think it is because each piece is packed with information that requires recognition of the importance of dogged persistence. Persistence towards an ideal is not easy, and you pointed out what Biden, Lewis, King and others have done for their whole lives. They kept moving forward against terrible adversity towards the goal of democracy. This is what you and Dr. Richardson do everyday. You sort through the noise and explain what is important to us clearly. That is what is valuable about words and their presentation. You do what you do well. It is not a flashy speech created by a room full of speech writers. It is the quiet organization of a mess of information and sorting the mess into a message that is skillfully delivered. Thanks for doing this for us.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I agree whole-heartedly. And, if I may, will add that not only "each piece is packed with information" and "sort[s] through the noise and explain what is important", but each piece is rightfully sourced/linked so we can delve into more details.

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Robert Hubbell's comment "the call for “eradication” should be the clarion signal that if we do not stop the hate against the transgender community, similar calls against the broader LGBTQ community will be next, followed by other religious, ethnic, and racial groups that have been the traditional targets of white supremacists. We must draw the line here" evokes the famous Martin Niemoller statement: "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

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We are they and they are us. Or as the Musketeers famously said: "All for one and one for all."

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Absolutely spot on. We must stand up to this fascist and inhumane rhetoric and legislative agenda.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The idea that transgender people, arguably THE most vulnerable members of our society, are being placed on the front lines for "eradication" by these crazy CPAC/MAGA crowd is disgusting and indefensible. It only shows their weakness in attacking the most vulnerable, like cowardly, blustering schoolyard bullies who will run away crying at the first one who stands against them and bloodies their noses. We must ALL place ourselves in front, and be willing to say, "you'll have to come through me first." 🏳️‍⚧️ Because you're correct, Rob, if we don't, then they'll be empowered to attack every other marginalized group, leaving only cis, white men in power.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Your newsletter is the first thing I read in the morning, but I’m struggling to absorb your message. I live in Florida and am a political and social activist. Last night I listened to a preview of bills filed in the Florida legislature for the session starting tomorrow given by Anna Eskamani. The GOP won a supermajority in both houses and the bills are horrendous, including one that will be filed today: most likely a 6 week abortion ban. Being an activist in Florida is like playing a never ending game of “whack-a-mole”.

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I cannot imagine how difficult it is to be a citizen of Florida at this moment. but we have been here before, and we will overcome the DeSantis era in Florida just as we overcame the Jim Crow era. we are in a moment of regression, fueled by a backlash against President Obama. this too shall pass. Stay strong!

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When I talk to my Black friends they say Jim Crow never ended.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

You are a wonder fighting fascism in the orange state. Thank you!!! Your activism helps my frightened, elderly family member living in Broward County. Feel good about creating “good trouble”!

If you haven’t heard his podcast, Rumble with Michael Moore had 12 episodes entitled “Blue dots in a Red Sea, a Blue Tsunami Series” from 12/25/22-1/11/23 that might bolster you. He is optimistic about building local blue coalitions in red seas and offers some ideas about how to go about it. Even if you think he’s naive, it detoxifies the mind to hear a positive reframing of the narrative. 🙏🏻

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I'm with you, Lisa, here in South Florida-Miami-Dade. And to think our county used to be Blue. . .and not that long ago. Scary. Blue Floridians UNITE! Our Blue Wave Coalition helps us do just that! bluewavecoalition.org. Do check it out. Today. It will give you hope.

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Hi, Marcia....I've joined your group in their Zoom meetings last year. They do great work, and we in the Central Pasco Dems have used many of your ideas (like the door knockers) here as well. Strength in collaboration!!

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So glad and encouraged to know that your Lakes (Land O) and my Springs (Miami) both know the value of this collaboration. Thank you for reinforcing my experience with Blue Wave Coalition, Annette. Speaking of . . . Just this morning I left door hangers for many in and around my neighborhood, as we have a City Council election coming up on April 4th. It's "non-partisan, although we know who's what and why! (But . . . Tallahassee, at the suggestion of Emperor DeSantis, has plans to change that. And there will be fees. All about money for the parties and discouraging new people from entering races.) So much to fight and to fight for down here in Paradise, but together we have a better chance of winning our battles - at least a few of them. Our local group, Miami Springs Activists, are very pleased to know you and your Central Pasco Dems. Never forget: We are not alone!

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Lisa, Feeling your pain in red Florida county ! Rep Anna Eskamani ( my adopted Rep :) is a fearless activist. She gives me hope…

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I’m in Florida too….bright red Pasco County. Which county are you in? There are some organizations I might be able to hook you up with which might at least give you a sense of community.

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Thanks Annette. We may even be FB friends! Thanks for your empathy. I'm in Collier but I'm fortunate enough to have found my people early on when I first got here and worked for Obama in 2012. Just feeling down this morning hearing about so many of my values being crushed by oppressive laws.

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We may be FB friends through "Sweep Florida". Lots of good info and support there. I am glad you've found some like minded peeps. Message me through FB if you ever want to connect more fully.

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Just tried to join Sweep Florida! Never heard of it before. A gem!

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

These days nothing ticks me off more than some person like Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis ranting about “wokeness” or people bring “woke” - either aloud or in a written comment. So I looked up the definition of “woke” in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, & here’s what it said: “woke: Aware and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially the issues of racial and social justice).”

That short definition sure sounds like an admirable character trait to me!

I’ve memorized that definition, & when I read ignorant comments about being “woke”, I respond by giving them the definition of the word. We need to be proactive on this & stop allowing conservative politicians & their followers to define “woke” as a negative character trait. The opposite of “woke” would be “closed minded, bigoted, unempathetic.”

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I found this great YouTube video by a Brit on “The weaponization of the word Woke.” Contains it’s linguistic history and original use in rap lyrics. Worth the run time of 6-7 minutes.


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This is excellent. I’ve recently respond to a friend that of being woke is recognizing the reality of hate speech and legislation record me as “woke” and proud of it!!!

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John Oliver pointed out that DeSantis’s general counsel once defined woke ( in court ! ) as the view that there are systemic injustices in society and the need for policies to address them. DeSantis has weaponized woke.

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Which is truly amazing since her given name is Nimarata Randhawa

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The head goobers at the CPAC hatealong, i.e., Steven Bannon and the other pieces of crap I scrape off my shoes were attacking Faux Propaganda all weekend, telling the goober-goobers how much "those people really hate you."

The whole collection of them - from semi-literate Paul Ryan - denounced as a RINO by the goobers - to the ultra-goobers - are nothing but scum. Ryan defended his association with Faux Propaganda Channel by saying "at least it's anti-woke" when interviewed by former friend and ally Charlie Sykes. None of these mental defectives can tell you what "woke" is - one of them once accused me of "writing woke history" for pointing out in a history I wrote of the Korean War that the air interdiction campaign "didn't interdict" in the words of the military leaders.

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“Writing woke history” how in the actual eff do they come up with this stuff, it’s horrifying but not surprising. The nasty side of me wants to shout “ya, and we are pushing for Woke History Month” but two wrongs don’t make a right so I’ll stop with that kinda talk…

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The Edmund Pettus Bridge needs a new name... after all that history. He was a racist pig. It should be named the John Lewis Bridge....Thank you for a great newsletter and keeping us informed.

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Great suggestion!

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There is a movement to change it, I believe.


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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I'd love to see the DNC or others put up highway billboards in critical "red" states with quotes from Fox News hosts deliberately about lying about the 2020 elections. That way the public could learn the facts even if conservative media won't discuss it.

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That’s a fantastic idea.

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Running as the "Retribution" candidate and putting the Queen of "Anti-Woke" on the ballot shows what a dumb, "unawake" fool Donald J. Trump really is. I predict that the GOP's quest to recapture the presidency with these two hate-driven jackals on the bill is doomed to fail spectacularly. By choosing these cretins to carry their banner, the Grand Old Party has written its own epitaph as it is swept away into the dust bin of history. My gut tells me that we, the majority of the American people, men and women of all races, nationalities and sexual preferences, standing together, shoulder to shoulder, will not put up with anymore of this racist, fascist stupidity, having decided long ago at the level of heart and soul, that "all men are created equal" and we fought and prevailed in a bloody civil war to establish that agreement, based on an existential, universal validity that will never die. As the Constitution holds and as Hubbell has clarified in his eloquent writings, allegiance to this noble principle is what binds us together and comprises the essence of what it means to be an American.

In the final analysis, this truth is the foundation of the only political platform from which a government "of the people, by the people and for the people" can be sustained in this lying, blood-drenched world. I also believe that for most Americans, and especially for most veterans who formally swore a sacred oath to defend and protect this ideal, it is a principle worth living for, and if necessary, dying for. Narcissistic, close-minded sociopaths who seek vengeance against Democracy because it is a system based on justice and equality rather than the whims of a dictator, and who deny the validity of being "woke," i.e., "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination," are indeed, as Hubbell suggests, nothing but "chumps," depraved, incognizant ones at that.

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I agree with you Stewart but caution that we will only see the undoing of the Trump Republican Party as long as we march arm in arm to the polls.

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I 'sense' renewed strength and hope in today's post! It coincides with my day 6 of covid isolation ... and i'm 'pumped up and ready to roll!' xx's

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Feel better!

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Oh my, day 6-good you should be well past it soon. Feel better!

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

As a non lgbtq person, I don’t really understand how they are but all human beings are different so that’s fine. I don’t always understand my family. But these efforts to discriminate and persecute these people because their religion doesn’t know what to make of them makes my blood boil. As I understand from my long ago American history classes, this is a country founded by people of different religious beliefs who fled their homes to cross an ocean to find a place where they could practice their religions freely. In my mind, people trying to force the whole country to follow their evangelical beliefs are un American and should be roundly condemned as such.

What’s driving this is the blurring of the line between church and state. The most obvious example is the Supreme Court.

Thank you for letting me rant.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

May I suggest the word "conservative" be exchanged with "corrupt"? In no sense of the word is this faction of Americans "conservative." From the Wall Street big shots to the Proud Boys, the word conceals extremes of greed, fanaticism, racism, negligence, and ignorance. If we are called "woke" it seems, at the very least, that faction be called "willful."

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Right on, Hope!! Your post rocks!! Truth can not hide.

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I hadn't heard of Loving Day, and I don't think Robert posted the date, but one of my mottos is "the more love in the world, the better." Loving Day sounds like a good day to celebrate. It's June 12th.

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Thank you for the clarification and additional information!

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The Emperor Has No Clothes must be the headline after CPAC and the previous seven years. Jennifer Rubin got it right: https://s2.washingtonpost.com/camp-rw/?trackId=596aa0c6ae7e8a0ef34126e4&s=6405e2d8d8b4d1607541a52a&linknum=1&linktot=19

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Thank you for the link!

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Remember Rupert Murdoch is not American, he's British. For him, America is just low-hanging fruit, ripe for the plucking. He see us a chumps and naive consumers who are all-too-anxious to pay for and gobble up what he peddles to the deer-in-the-headlights masses. Murdoch and Trump both sing Fagan's song: "In this world, one thing counts, in the Bank large amount. Large amounts don't grow on trees.You have to pick a pocket or two."

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I hope we haven't heard the last about CPAC and its parade of horrors organized by Matt Schlapp and featuring tfg, Gym Jordan, MJT. They kicked Nick Fuentes out about 72 hours before the show started --- but Fuentes' biases have been known for years.

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