Your final word of advice is what I have been doing since I joined your Substack a while ago, Robert. I share you, Heather Cox Richardson, some of the less technical Joyce Vance, Jennifer Rubin, Dan Rather, and Judd atPopular Information, among others. At almost 78, I find this is the best thing I can do to motivate people to stay out of a media slough, think, and vote. You are my inspiration!

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Jim from Greensboro? I agree and believe I regularly shout at the same host that Robert mentioned!

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I totally agree with the list of media people Robert mentions in today’s edition. They are my go to people whom I listen to and read. Writing letters to local newspaper editors is an important way of challenging critical , unfair, unbalanced and untrue writings about Biden. He is so often getting a bad rap. We all need to be positive and speak politely about misconceptions. The other day a GOP friend said Biden is going nothing about the economy. I asked him, What should he do and what can he do?” My friend stammered and I pointed out that the President does not

control prices. And the Federal Reserve is the chief influence on the economy with interest rates etc. The President can pass or veto legislation that is brought to him by Congress but he does not control prices. Supply and demand is the main factor in prices. My friend listened and learned and was decent enough to say “Thank you. I did realize that.” So maybe there is one less person griping about “Biden’s economy”!

My point is that we need to educate people who will listen and learn!!!

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Nina, I would note, since the economy and inflation persistently trend as top priority issues, I believe Biden could do more than speak broadly about how corporations are using the cover of inflation to drive up prices. For instance, I would suggest he follow the example of two very successful Senatorial campaigns—Bob Casey (PA) & Sherrod Brown (OH) and name names of companies that are keeping their prices up although their profits, their stock prices, and their CEO pay all are at record levels while they’re not treating their customers well. Pepsi Co, Tyson’s, Kroger, Albertsons, and Exxon-Mobil come to mind.

As a final point, I would note, while some might empathize with a reluctance, due to corporate donor’s undue influence on our politics, to call out record corporate profits as the biggest driver of the increased prices people are paying, I believe the benefits of pinning corporate gouging for driving up prices would outweigh the pitfalls. Additionally, I would note, that while the GOP’s election strategy largely is about blaming the Biden Administration for high prices, the Republican Party doesn’t actually have any plan for reducing them.

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Its not real to people if real names aren't used. Casey and Brown have it exactly right.

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U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday accused the U.S. oil industry, and Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N), opens new tab in particular, of capitalizing on a supply shortage to fatten profits after a report showed inflation surging to a new 40-year record.

U.S. consumer inflation accelerated in May, opens new tab as gasoline prices hit a record high and the cost of food soared, leading to the largest annual increase in four decades. A gallon of regular gasoline cost an average $4.99 nationwide on Friday, according to motorist group AAA. https://www.reuters.com/business/biden-urges-congress-pass-bills-cut-costs-curb-inflation-2022-06-10/#:~:text=LOS%20ANGELES%2C%20June%2010%20(Reuters,a%20new%2040%2Dyear%20record.

JUNE 12, 2024

Statement from President Joe Biden on the May Consumer Price Index


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Names of companies only get one half-way there. Roosevelt used CEO names. Embarrass them, put them on the spot. Anything less is taking that knife to a gun fight.

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What's with the "opens new tab" references?

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Daniel, Setting aside Exxon Mobil, as with his counterparts who are running to hold their senate seats, Biden’s messaging, in my view, needs to be more aggressive and name names of companies that are being unfair to consumers.

I also would note a sizable swath of the population has not seen wage increases supersede inflation. For many, the year-to-year increase averages around 0.7%. I don’t imagine these folks have been receptive to speeches delivered recently by both Biden and Harris touting the economy.

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The media (and you) do not accurately report what Biden says. If you want to know, go to DNC REACH library and see for yourself. https://www.reach.vote/



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Daniel, First, I would note my comment does not merely reflect only the media and me. The perspective I presented is widely held. Hence, the onus is on Biden (plus surrogates if need be) to be far more aggressive in delivering his/ their messaging.

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"Widely held." And wrongly held Biden did not cause women to lose their rights. Did not cause inflation. Did not "forget "Blacks. All BS.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

These articles are from 2022 and so do not reflect current reality.

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Good point about the lack,of a Republican inflation plan but many Americans believe incorrectly Trump managed the economy well.

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Donald Trump is an "effing moron" in the words of Rex Tillerson. Trump cannot even manage his family business, which is small in comparison to multinational corporations. He was so bad at business that banks stopped lending to him. He has multiple bankruptcies to his credit. He just played a businessman on tv. "Reality shows" are not reality at all.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 19

We had a repugnican friend that thought rump's bankruptcies were just part of being a business man. Thankfully we didn't agree with him on that.

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He had six bankruptcies (he only admits to three, as he claims three of them were just one bankruptcy, even though they were filed separately (?!)). Read this unsettling interview with author Ramin Setoodeh, who interviewed Trump multiple times recently for a book Ramin is writing on the Apprentice TV show. "Effing moron" is perhaps too complimentary.


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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

I watched Maddow last night, and was amazed that Fauci's conversations and updates led to a lot of Trump's crazy messages to the American people. It was his lack of understanding what was being told to him that led to the crazy mutterings. For example, Fauci was informing Trump of the new studies indicating that sunshine and certain disinfectants were killing the virus on surfaces. Trump immediately told the people about how injecting disinfectants and getting sunshine into the body would cure COVID. Trump also didn't understand the concept of vaccines as prevention versus a cure when you contracted it. Hence the reasons that the scientists were amazed and embarrassed with his musings.

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Professional actors can tell you how often a member of the public will come up to them in airports and restaurants and want to tell them off for being an evil character they play on a television show.

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Stephen, You’re right, though I imagine this perception, albeit false, stems from low inflation, tax cuts, and de-regulation during the Trump presidency. Unless Dems grasp the factors that polling shows favors Trump on the economy, I fear their messaging won’t break through.

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I’m not sure ads will change perceptions. I think consumers need to see the results in the supermarket. One thing the ads could do is demand to see how the Republicans are going to solve the problem.

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Stephen, I am not advocating for ads. I expect Biden (and surrogates) to make clear to the country how corporate profits account for the increased prices people are paying. Moreover, as already stated, to meaningful connect with folks, our leadership needs to name names of companies that are using the cover of inflation to drive up prices.

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Calling out corporate greed is tricky at best but private conversations and anti trust threats might work.

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If Americans have to see lower prices in the supermarket then our next president will be chosen by the heads of corporations like Nestle, General Mills, Pepsico, Coca Cola, Unilever etc.

When you are being blamed for something you didn't cause and can't control there has to be some way to address that. I agree that facts, figures and Names are needed. I myself like facts and figures but for many, names are most memorable. Many humans remember names better than numbers, and general impressions last longest of all after details and sources are forgotten.

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After the pandemic manufacturers saw an opportunity to take advantage of pent up demand and raised

prizes while also reconfiguring packages to give less for more. Some of the major companies you named were clients of mine and the only way these companies respond is when consumers push back and boycott the products. All of these companies make political contributions to both parties and a president is not going to order them to reduce prices. Some food prices will be impacted by the extremely warm climate we are experiencing but if a company like Target to gain a competitive advantage is willing to reduce thousands of prices others should follow suit. Some Retailers are reducing prices and some will follow but at the end of the day the consumers need to push back forcibly to reduce pricing.

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Bob Reich did a wonderful video on corporate greed and explained the mechanisms by which they insure their profits--$3 TRILLION in profits in the last quarter of 2023. Hope you can open this link (video at the bottom of the article): https://mail.google.com/mail/u/4/?ogbl#inbox/FMfcgzQVwxGQqKCwTMzLljBNZndQFcph

I agree with you, Barbara Jo, that Biden must speak more broadly about his work to chill corporate greed. He has a task force to do that, about which I hear nothing. Maybe it fizzled out? And while academics don't unanimously approve the term, I think Biden declaring a war on greedflation and talking about his fight against it once a week, and how corporations are or are not responding to him, would do wonders. Maybe I'm being naive, and what you say about a "reluctance, due to corporate donor’s undue influence on our politics, to call out record corporate profits as the biggest driver of the increased prices people are paying" is what is motivating Biden's silence.

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Christina, Seeing that the Republican Party has been silent on how corporate profits have driven up prices, I would maintain we need trusted sources to disallow Republican deceptions and distortions to go unanswered.

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The problem is the general public doesn't understand the basics of any of this, which isn't actually so complex. They want to hold Biden accountable for not holding the CORPORATIONS accountable for greedflation. They don't understand how government works AT all and how little power the president is given to the office on its own. They think Heir VonShitzInPantz is going to take their side and protect them, when the exact opposite is true. Those people are just completely stupid.

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The level of ignorance about inflation and price fixing also cause me to go ballistic. My usual question to anyone who complains about prices for groceries or whatever is — do you really think that presidents set the price of eggs? The question generally shuts them up. The level of ignorance among Americans is profound.

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The inflation argument comes up a lot when I post about grocery shopping in a Biden T-shirt. It’s tough/useless to reply when… facts don’t matter.

At my S. FL Publix grocery store, some eggs at $1.99 a dozen. Some are $8.99 a dozen. And some brands are BOGO. If I want to save money grocery shopping, I rely on coupons, not Biden.

Sensational reporters crop out the $1.99/dozen eggs and scream that the sky is falling. But facts don’t matter to MAGA. And the news is selling unwarranted, (so, unsolvable,) unhinged anger which is far more costly to our country than eggs.

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Publix has some good BOGOs but their prices are crazy. The other day I ran up to German-owned Aldi for 5 items, literally half the price of comparable items at the GOP-hugging Publix !

When people complain of high prices, I ask where they shop. Fortunately we have options in my Central FL community.

Interesting that Judge Kacsmaryk of mifepristone infamy is a major Publix shareholder.

And don’t forget the Publix heir, and J6/Moms For Liberty-supporting, Julie Fanelli.




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I have enough other choices of places to shop that I haven't been in a Publix for years. Hearing the Publix heiress supported the January 6th insurrection made me find other stores to shop at. And there are plenty here in my central Florida area. I'm on the west coast. It's great to know we have other people from Florida here . 🙏🤞 I'm praying and keeping my fingers crossed that Florida can start turning purple again and then blue. Hope this election cycle starts the process.

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Help the rest of us help Florida. Enlist our aid. Let's skip purple and go to Blue.

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Is that the Moms for Liberty group, upholder of family values, whose chairperson's husband was arrested for raping the woman the two of them had three-way sex with? Family values indeed. Interesting indeed that Kacsmaryk holds a lot of Publix stock, a major beneficiary of greedflation. Let me make a note never to shop at Publix and encourage everyone I know not to. The other day I went to my local grocery store (not a Publix) and saw a can of Progresso soup for $7.19. I asked a stock clerk if that price was correct. He came over, stared at it in amazement, checked and marveled that yes, indeed, it was a correct price. We stood together and stared at it for a moment. We calculated, if someone made $12/hour, after taxes, they might just be able to afford it with an hour's wages.

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Although we might need to shop at Publix for convenience, remember that they are probably still price gouging, and support Trump financially.

We have to give Biden credit. He does not have authority to sue for price gouging. Still he is the first president since LBJ to unleash the FTC and he has been calling out companies that have taken advantage of price fixing. Florida should emulate states like California that are suing for price fixing.

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I know in S. FLA you don't have much choice, but did you know the owner of Publix is a HUGE trump fan?

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Robin, I did not know that. Thank you (and Kathy above) for sharing. I’ll be switching my main stop to Trader Joe’s, Aldi’s, and Fresh Market now. I appreciate the heads up.

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Big step: Elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, a Democratic Senate and Congress.

Little steps: Conversations. Switching economic support away from Trumpist businesses. Writing postcards. Get Out the Vote. Support young people who are talking to young people. Point out when the media is dead wrong, as Robert did today. Support one another. And dozens of other small steps, which you all encourage in one another and untold others every day. Raise the temperature for evil felons like Bannon and Trump, and those who support them.

Result: Little Steps make the path easier for the Big Step:

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Yes, I totally agree. It is greedflation that is keeping prices high. Corporations making huge profits and instead of raising employees salaries and benefits, they engage in stock buy-backs increasing the worth of their brand and that of CEOs and other high ranking officials. The POTUS does NOT control this but gets a bad rap because of it.

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Greedflation, a perfect term!

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And with all this talk of import tariffs, none of the people I read including all the ones listed by Robert, have actually defined what that means. e.g. who pays those tariffs?

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Terry, I presume your question is rhetorical. I might add Trump’s discussion with the corporates last week included a plan to replace all income tax with a tariff on imported goods, which one early estimate said would amount to a 150% tax increase on most families. Indeed, while the wealthy, short-term, might benefit, the economy ultimately would tank along with the rest of us.

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Not rhetorical. The people who propose Tariffs don't explain them and the people who oppose them don't explain them. So most of the time its all just blather. How can anyone counter an argument when they can't define it?

This may be helpful but I don't find it definitive in a political context :::::::::


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Terry, When I said “rhetorical,” I was intimating it was a question to which we already knew the answer—the consumer.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Don't agree. Ask you friends, your neighbors. I would be terribly surprised if any of them knows anything about tariffs or how they work.

Most people have some vague notion and nothing more.

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And, their energetic willingness to believe anything their idol and his sycophants spew.

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But they still blame Biden.

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Mostly because 'they' are stupid??

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One more I like: Dan Rather

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totally agree! Greedflation is not under the president's control. Citizens need to be angry with the tax cuts that led to massive buybacks and the raising of prices by corporations. Also, artificial intelligence is going to be a massive roadblock to educating the masses because of the propensity to believe everything we see and hear.

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I think the president can combat greedflation by going after corporations for price-fixing, collusion, anti-trust violations, and maybe even racketeering. Then it becomes a messaging activity: "I am going after greedflation with every means at my disposal. I call on corporate CEOs like James Quincey, Kevin Murphy to do the right thing and bring their prices down. I call on them to begin obeying our laws, not flouting them." I think he can go after corporations for breaking laws, which breakage contributes to or even comprises their ability to amass, collectively, $3 trillion in profits (last year--wonder what this year will bring.)

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Supply and Demand in a perfect world. But when greedy actors (corporations) are playing monopoly all that goes out the window.


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Adding: Simon Rosenberg and Jess Craven!

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Adding Greg Olear on the Prevail substack, weekly podcasts with excellent guests, co-hosts the Five/8 YouTube with LB/Stephanie Kopf (another excellent voice for democracy). Here is his latest podcast with Billy Ray. Once listening, you will be armed with excellent talking points when talking to your MAGA "friends."


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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Overall excellent Greg Olear substack post. This section was particularly insightful:

Pro-life actually = “ government mandated pregnancies”. Which pose the questions how does it work & how do we include it in our federal, state and/or local budgets?

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Add FP Wellman, On Democracy.

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That passage was one of my favorites, too, Susan!

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Lynell, thanks so much for this link also sent yesterday via our special messenger,Ellie. Agree with Susan that it was an excellent post and I will be listening to the video this week.I will be “armed” and ready here in MAGA-Villle….

I always so appreciate your informative posts.Often when I see your name that awesome pic of you on Air Force One pops into my head.💙

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I can't help but think you will really like the video, Kathy. For me, I always start out "resisting" listening to somebody for a WHOLE HOUR! But when the content is as inspiring as Billy Ray is, the time just flies by.

Thank you, for remembering that pic! What nobody knows is that was when we were returning from an overseas trip that lasted about seven or eight days...and the clothes I was wearing had been buried in my suitcase all that time. As you might imagine, I so wanted to get home ASAP!

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Wait a minute…you were on Air Force One?? Where have I been, Lynell?

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Ancient history, Marlene! As a shorthand stenographer, I worked for an agency who had the White House contract to report the President's remarks back in 1977 through 1980. Jimmy Carter was our President then. We lost the contract when Reagan won the election.

Several months ago, a reader on Today's Edition (So sorry to not remember her name!) was able to post a picture of me reporting the press briefing with President Carter aboard Air Force One, on our way back from an overseas trip. It made the cover of People magazine and maybe other news outlets. Wish I could re-post it here for you but it got "lost" again here on Windows. I do have it stored on my pictures, but don't know how to share it.

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Thank you so much for sharing this! It is outstanding and I will circulate with my friends who are very active politically including deep canvassing.

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2 words: Tim Snyder

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https://substack.com/home/post/p-145670867 Here's a link to Tim.

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Thanks. I don't have him sending substack letters yet, so am now signed up to give his a try. The current one was interesting.

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Adding to the list of media people Robert mentions in today’s edition: Anytime there is an interview published with Judge Michael Luttig or American legal scholar Laurence Tribe, it is well worth a listen.

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Nicole Wallace!

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I'm with you on the news. I will watch Lawrence O'Donnell, though he is usually only on his own show three nights a week and I don't watch the subs. Jen Psaki, yes. But I've pretty much given up on daytime hosts on MSNBC, and I already gave up on CNN after they gave Trump free town halls. I figure if I need to know it, I'm going to hear it from you, Heather, Joyce, Dan, Simon Rosenberg or Jay Kuo, who all come into my inbox without all the crazy noise, and assorted podcasts that I can chose based upon the topic being addressed. Thank you!

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Rachel did her usual amazing show highlighting Dr. Fauci last night...It's hard to watch what the MTG's of the world do to such pristine and intelligent people. It also highlights how important our fight is. Just when I don't think I can take any more I find my strength in the good people that are in the trenches making sure we have everything in place to fight these people and win. After visiting the memorial to slavery and its dark dark history in my hometown of Montgomery Alabama and I look at the plight of low income people all over this country I get energized to put an end to this craven behavior once and for all. We must do better, we can't go backwards, the world needs us to step up. We need to help those suffering from Mental Health issues, drug abuse and get back to lighting a path to good. We need to help kids look forward to a bright future with lots of possibilities. The American Dream should always be a beacon. Lighting paths and not creating darkness.....Remember we are on the path to do good things....they are on the path to destruction. Don't lose sight of that. "We shall Overcome"

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Glad to find a fellow screamer! Just don’t rupture your vocal cords!

I agree with your list though there are some I don’t know and will check out.

I would add: Jay Kuo, Jessica Craven, Jessica Valenti, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Timothy Snyder, and Andra Watkins. Andrea writes “How Project 2025 Will Ruin Your Life”. (She reads the Project 2025 document and summarizes it so we can be informed but don’t have to subject ourselves to the horrors).

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Plus one on Andra Watkins.

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Me screaming at the:radio,television,NYT,Trump flags and signs in the neighborhood.





I might add Jay Kuo on Fridays: https://open.substack.com/pub/statuskuo/p/just-for-xeets-and-giggles-061524?r=fqsxl&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web 😂😂😂

And Jess Craven on Sundays: https://open.substack.com/pub/chopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions/p/extra-extra-616?r=fqsxl&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email. 💙💙💙

Makes a great w-end, feel good yummy “sandwich” !

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Just for Xeets and Giggles is the comic relief we need!

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All is well in the world tonight: The Boston Celtics won the NBA championship.

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Robert, one more voice to follow: Juliet Jeske of Decoding Fox News. https://open.substack.com/pub/decodingfoxnews?r=4j5a4&utm_medium=ios

For every reporter who fails to challenge blowhards, there are a dozen on Fox amplifying the falsehoods.

Decoding Fox News is our window into what we are up against. Steven Miller will no doubt find a sympathetic ear with accompanying news clips to articulate the lie that undocumented aliens are rapists and murderers.

Decoding Fox News is a week of Fox News in 45 minutes. (With sharp, funny. Well-researched commentary.)

I’ll be wearing my Biden T-shirt because that says I support supporting 500,000 spouses and DACA.

I’ll wear it grocery shopping because that says, Hey fellow Democrat, don’t worry. We got this.



👕🛒 (sales are up at both!)

And I listen to Decoding Fox News because hearing MAGA rant against Biden’s boldest moves is both satisfying and horrifying at once.

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Do you have to pre-medicate to get through the 45 minutes of hell…errrrrr Fox News excerpts? I am afraid I wouldn’t just scream at the tv but would throw things as well. Really hard, sharp things.

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Sky 777, So glad you asked. Her motto is "I watch all the Fox News you'd never want to." And she frequently bemoans the pain of her one-person product process. And if laughter is the best medicine... there's plenty of that as Juliet Jeske launches into a Judge Janine impression in each episode. Give it a listen. It's great company in the car. https://open.substack.com/pub/decodingfoxnews?r=4j5a4&utm_medium=ios

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A WEEK of Fox News in 45 minutes?!?

She must have the persistence of Rocky Balboa. I'd be out in Round 1 if I tried to take that many hits!

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David, You are so right. The stamina! And then she compares the week of Fox reporting to 5 hours of PBS Newshour. It is always insightful. And it's condensed enough to make it better than bearable... I look forward to every new episode/punch-in-the-face.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

So, I gave it a listen and was aghast. I've tried listening to bits now and then and dip my toe into some other right wing media because if you don't have any exposure you may as well be in a bubble (many of us are, and what we're bemoaning is only the tip of the iceberg of horrible) but this seems worthy of a follow. I am currently testing many above and will select. One can only listen to just so much due to time itself, much less endurance. But thanks for the recommendation.

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My anti-Biden brother in law sent me an episode of Joe Rogan with guest Tulsi Gabbard. They reinforced each other’s fact-free tirades for 2+ hours. It was painful.

Joe Rogan is the #1 podcast. Fox is the #1 cable news show. And I doubt their audiences overlap with Robert Hubbell and Heather Cox Richardson.

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Sympathies, and true...

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Hey, that's MY list, Robert! Enjoy the repair work too.

"Stick with people you can trust. For me, that’s Lawrence O’Donnell, Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Jen Psaki, Jennifer Rubin, Josh Marshall, Eugene Robinson, Heather Cox Richardson, Dan Rather, Judd Legum, Robert Reich, Joyce Vance, Barbara McQuade, Jill Wine Banks, Neal Katyal, Andrew Weissman, ." You're on it too.

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Thanks Jennifer and Robert the radio does not listen to your shouts but we the people listen to you!

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And we love hearing that you scream at the radio too.

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Last evening on Rachel Maddow she devoted the entire program to Dr.Fauci and his new book that will come out today called “ On Call” . It a book about his journey in public health from Eboli to HIV to COVID. What I did not know was even today Dr. Fauci is being threatened by right wing media and Republican legislators because he is considered a threat because of his expertise on public health. His expertise saved millions of lives while the Trump Administration ineptitude costs several hundred thousand lies. The program was enlightening because it reminded us of the travesty of the Trump Administration handling of a national public health crisis and a reminder we can not trust a Trump administration with our lives , health or our government. The final take away from last night’s program was the reason the Dr. Fauci’s of the world are being attacked by the right wing media is because they represent the truth and facts something the Trump cult cannot accept or deal with. We need to remind the voting public how the Trump administration mishandled COVID and what it cost our fellow Americans. The COVID crisis proves and confirms that the Trump Administration should never govern again.

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Watching Fauci last night reminded me what a noble hero he is in American public life. Older, than Trump, older than Biden, Fauci could have hung up his spurs years ago and lived an honorable retirement. He stood the course. He stayed in the fray. All of us younger than his age 83, and those older, need to keep in mind as fight our battles in the coming months and work hard to reelect Joe Biden and fight for reason, science, and goodness.

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I'm so glad you put this comment about media in your concluding thoughts -- so so true!

"There are others, but I will let you fill in the rest in the Comments section. The last few days have made me realize we are largely on our own in the news environment. We need to create and shape the news by supporting good sources of independent reporting and by becoming messengers of the truth ourselves!"

The need to support independent reporting has never been more urgent. The need to spread the truth is paramount, and we can all be part of that. And we need to encourage those whose reporting we value to review which outlets best serve the greater good and get their messages across without compromise.

Wishing you good luck with your project!

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Military bases, airports, police stations. All can and many do have Fox up on the TV screen in waiting rooms, lobbies, lunch rooms. Robert notes: "The last few days have made me realize we are largely on our own in the news environment." Exactly. Let's at least change the "news" that many in our government inhale on a daily basis.

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I ask to have the channel changed. If they claim they can't, I write a letter to the management and spell out how many of their customers are turned off by it. I changed dentists when I walked in and heard FOX on the television. I confess I waited until after they were done climbing around in my mouth to tell them I needed a copy of my records because I wasn't comfortable getting any sort of medical services from a place that denied science. I cannot understand having FOX or OAN on in public places.

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Totally agree. I stopped my WSJ subscription in 2020. Speaking of false science.

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