Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

President Biden is a member of a sad community of grandparents who don’t get to meet or visit grandchildren due to custody disputes. He only deserves our sympathy on this issue.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I am extremely disappointed in Maureen Dowd. I thought she was better than that. I am so proud of the job that Biden is doing, Presidential indeed.

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I have a friend who is not Republican but who liked Dowd’s perspectives. That is not me. It’s not that I loathe her. It’s just that she is in a deep dive to Dante’s Inferno now. I try not to pay attention to her. Jennifer Rubin’s take on things is more my style. With that said, we all must be disgusted by Tubby Tuberville’s stranglehold on our military personnel! How can we knock this schmuck off of his throne? There must be some way! How about a psychiatrist examine him and deem him unfit to carry out his job?

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There is no question that the Biden Administration’s foreign policies have been extremely effective and have to some degree restored faith in our country with with the leading countries of the world. This is just another example of effective government that most Americans have little or no knowledge about and more importantly do not understand what and how these policies indirectly been fit them.

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As you point out, Robert, family dynamics are complicated and often painful. I like Maureen Dowd's columns but was surprised to read her Sunday piece about how many grandchildren Biden has. The premise that he is a heartless 'grandchild denier' is a specious piece of journalism. My reaction was, "it's none of your ******* business!"

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Sometimes I wonder how different the world would be if the fossil fuel industry had accepted the news that fossil fuels were heating up our climate and worked to mitigate the problem with their massive cash instead of fighting it. So much that is evil and wrong in our world has its source in the money that the industry has. I think of the clout and money of Russian oligarchs and Saudi Arabia to the billionaires corrupting our Supreme Court, the dark money in our political campaigns, and the disinformation that spreads through paid propaganda. I'm sure we can all add to the list. I also wonder what if Gore and not Bush had been elected. Oil has been called "black gold" maybe we should call it "black venom."

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Powerful newsletter today. So thankful Biden is President. Gotta get solid Dem lock on Congress and White House, for 8+ years to make solid progress re:climate (and other things!). Get busy people.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Perhaps to keep our optimism and hopes up, we can continue listing the MANY achievements of the Biden administration.

So grateful to see PROGRESS being made in areas that matter.

(Unlike the twice impeached, twice indicted, wannabe dictator who focuses on name calling and sowing division IMHO.)

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Tuberville must be confused. Blocking and tackling are appropriate in football, not government.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

You say that climate change occurs incrementally and over long periods. But what’s happening now with catastrophic weather patterns all over the US and the world, is dramatic and immediate. Rachel Maddow had a brilliant show last night on this phenomenon. Climate change is powerfully present now and no longer slow and imperceptible. Everyone reporting on climate change should make this shift to emphasizing the current realities of weather catastrophes.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Hasn’t Maureen Dowd done enough damage to Dems with her vitriol re Hillary. She never misses a chance to twist the knife. Sure, she is clever, sort of like Peggy Noonan has always been. No excuse for smart people stooping so low.

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Maureen Dowd has been a talentless over-educated under-intelligent otherwise-unemployable in desperate need of a free flying lesson for her entire career. And the NYT continues to prove it is nothing more than the nation's finest fishwrap - it's contents and what it gets wrapped around both go bad after three days.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Masterful coverage in this morning's NL. While the content is stomach-turning, the "mainstream media" cannot be relied on to provide accurate and comprehensive info about facts both national & int'l. An MSNBC reporter stated on 7/10 that Americans were unhappy with Biden's economic juggernaut because [paraphrased] -- the middle class has not experienced its benefits. [Sic]. R Reich wrote in 7/10 "The Guardian" that the "unhappiness" results from the continuing vast inequalities of income & wealth. Although a more plausible explanation, this too appeared to overlook Biden's remedying about 25% of this inequality -- that he inherited, in 2 years. What shape would we be in w-i-t-h-o-u-t NLs via Substack and reader-supported media from overseas--?? TY again.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Maureen Dowd thinks she’s a maverick in her family; I hate to tell her that she’s tarred by the same feather only in a different way. With friends like her who needs enemies? Where is her mocking wit and indignation over Trump and his ‘family’ values? His values of women or, for that matter, other human beings? To call down Biden for something out of his control was cruel but that’s her calling card.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

It seems the GOP is not only TFG's party, but it has adopted his modus operandi of sowing chaos, fomenting fear, spreading misinformation and disinformation, and attacking the very agencies that maintain law and order. Have they no shame? Have they no decency? The answers are obvious.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Regarding stories about climate change: it is impossible to ignore stories with gloomy outlooks. That IS what we are facing. Should we give up and quit trying? Absolutely not! But pie in the sky won't work either. People do need to be afraid of the consequences of our action or, more appropriately non-action. JMO as a retired Marine Biologist. BTY: sea surface temps around the FL Keys are now up to as high as 96 C.

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