Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I was delighted to read that you've subscribed to two Georgia newspapers, something I'm not about to do, in order to provide your readers with complete commentary. That, by itself, justifies my subscription (in addition to all the other reasons that led me to subscribe.) Thank you.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

If a person is uneasy about calling the 988 number, call 211. The 211 number is in every state (I ran the 211 Orange County nonprofit for 12 years). The 211 operators/ care coordinator have at their fingers ALL the local nonprofit and public health and human resources, including domestic violence, hate crimes, etc. This is a good first step AND they can direct connect a caller to either 988 or the suicide prevention 800#. It's a FREE service for the public.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023

The reason a person is uneasy about calling 988 etc is because they do not want their phone number or themselves/ their location to be tracked. Nothing could be worse to push them over the edge than a knock on the door (by the police or ??) because they have been tracked down. Being taken into custody “for their own good” adds to the shame they already feel. And shame for feeling such despair as to wanting to ends one’s life is a large component of depression (look it up). Being able to speak anonymously, while not being advantageous to those taking the call and speaking to the person contemplating suicide, it is often what is best for the caller.

Not an easy position to be put in for those that take these calls. However difficult it may to listen and speak a person on the edge….. The caller is the most important person in the conversation not the person who answers the phone.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023

Btw I just read the NPR article that Robert referenced. He included the link to it as well. That article nails it on the head.

From the article:

“Research shows suicide rates increase drastically in the months after people are discharged from psychiatric hospitals. Those who were sent involuntarily are more likely to attempt suicide than those who chose to go, and involuntary commitments can make young people less likely to disclose their suicidal feelings in the future.”


“One Instagram post said, "988 is not friendly. Don't call it, don't post it, don't share it, without knowing the risks." The post, which had garnered over a quarter of a million likes as of this week, went on to list the risks as police involvement, involuntary treatment at emergency rooms or psychiatric hospitals, and the emotional and financial toll of those experiences.

Other posts on Instagram and Twitter conveyed similar concerns, saying that the hotline sends law enforcement officers to check on people at risk of suicide without their consent and that people, especially from LGBTQ+ communities and communities of color, may be forced into treatment.”

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Hi, George. Thanks for your comments.

Regarding this statement from the NPR article: "Research shows suicide rates increase drastically in the months after people are discharged from psychiatric hospitals. Those who were sent involuntarily are more likely to attempt suicide than those who chose to go . . . ."

I urge caution in implying causation from those statistics. People who choose to enter psychiatric hospitals may be positioned to have better outcomes than people who are involuntarily committed to psychiatric hospitals. In other words, it may not be the mode of entry into the hospitals, but something else that accounts for difference in outcomes. I don't know whether anyone has done research on this question, but I would like to see it if anyone has.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023

Oh trust me it’s the mode.

Our society looks down on people that suffer depression. The shame associated with depression, especially depression that has a person contemplating ending their life, gets increases tenfold after being involuntarily taken to a hospital or psych ward etc. (often minimum number of days a person MUST stay before being released.)

Like article says: “involuntary commitments can make young people less likely to disclose their suicidal feelings in the future.”

After being released a person sees a counselor/ therapist. The conversation goes something like this:

Counselor; “Do you have any plan to hurt yourself?”

Patient; “I wouldn’t tell anybody if Iwas”

Many counselors, especially those that are part of a larger institution like a hospital, ask these questions not to help the person but to cover their own asses. It’s about liability.

Then there’s our society looking down on those that suffer depression. There’s a lot stigma associated with mental health issues. Made all the worse if it’s found they were involuntarily committed.

“Geez what’s wrong with you? Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get it together.”

“Your brain must be wired wrong.”

“What have you got to be depressed about. There’s lots of people in this world who are worse off than you.” Etc etc ad naseum.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"I am not going to twist myself into knots arguing that everyone should see Biden as an effective, decent, capable, and successful president. Our objective is to win in 2024. If we get there because tens of millions of people are voting against Trump, so be it". I see your point. Maybe I even share it. But complacency kills campaigns. We need to continue to worry and to contribute in any way we can to a Biden victory, to a Democratic House and Senate, and to state level wins as well.

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As the saying goes ‘payback is a bitch’! Mitch potentially replaced by a Democrat, how delightful! RBG was still ‘warm in her grave’ when he rammed through the former religious right wing cult member’s appointment to replace her on the court!

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Yup, I want it to happen, I want Mitch to be alive to see it!

PS: I was tempted to say “I hope it happens, I hope he’s alive to see it” but ‘hope’ is a word that I don’t want directly associated with these Pooh Pooh heads. That said “I hope that our democracy is soon cemented by good people and that we continue to switch the old white boys with new, fresh thinking humans.

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Forgive me Karen--Pooh is the most famous teddy bear, who lives at Pooh Corner, in a forest somewhere in our Mother Country, and who--with Piglet, Kanga, Eeyore, Tigger, and the rest of that gang--were very important in my early childhood.

You mean "poo-poo heads".

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Oh, bother! You got me ;)

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My dad loved Pooh and his friends!

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You gave me the perfect reply! Put a big smile on my face! Thanks Karen!

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Everyday and in every way President Biden demonstrates and personifies what a President should be and act and I can only hope the voters of this country come to appreciate this in November of 2024. We are all frankly overwhelmed and numb from the daily onslaught of the events of a given day. I hope that in the midst of the indictment mania and the unproven attacks on our legal system and the officers of the court people stop and say to themselves we need to move on and we are better than this. The Trump MAGA cult do not offer solutions to the problems we as a nation are facing and have not passed any meaningful legislation and Americans need to seriously evaluate what kind of country they quant to live in. Today we celebrate the hard working people who made this country what it is. Let’s thank them.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

And what a contrast with human-decency-deficient DeSantis, who apparently was unable to summon even enough respect and courtesy to meet with President Biden. Desantis is such a small-souled, damaged human*. (Jury is still out as to whether he qualifies as human.)

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I think voters realize that DeSantis is not the answer. I only wish the media would give as much time and coverage to legal verdicts against some of his antics like the gerrymandering and the action against Disney that were overturned.

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Now, if only DeSantis had enough self-knowlege to realize that he is not the answer, either. Yeah, that is undoubtedly asking for too much.

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Maybe he is running to be the VP or to establish national recognition for the next time

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"small-souled, damaged human": beautifully said!

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I’m currently reading John Fowles’s book, The Magus, and was struck by these lines:

“‘The human race is unimportant. It is the self that must not be betrayed.’

‘I suppose one could say that Hitler didn’t betray his self.’

He turned.

‘You are right. He did not. But millions of Germans did betray their selves. That was the tragedy. Not that one man had the courage to be evil. But that millions had not the courage to be good.’”

That pretty much sums up our situation in the US now.......

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Ah, “The Magus”…your quote a deeply troubling reminder. Can not press “ like”, but your post is so important. I struggle with the “kindness” of friends who are tRump supporters. They are of the same ilk as the German population who supported Hitler. Seemingly just wanting stability, their support created profound tragedy and world chaos. If we are not deeply cynical of these “kind” friends and neighbors, we place ourselves at great jeopardy. Oddly, I doubt that most current day supporters of fascist pursuit have a clue what the outcome actually would bring this world. At this time, our only hope is the through the ballot box!

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My only problem with your otherwise excellent comment is the conflation of the former guy with an evolutionary adaptation in humans, but not in any other primate, that enabled our hunter-gatherer ancestors to pursue prey for tens of miles, along with several other adaptations, the nuchal ligament (holds the head steady while running), the Achilles tendon, and relative hairlessness, as Harvard's Daniel Lieberman has written, and that more recently in evolutionary history became an oft very attractive secondary sex characteristic.

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The whole Hitler thing is, sadly, much more complicated than it may appear…I would like to think that if I had been a German Christian at the time of Hitler’s rise to power, I would have sheltered Jews and helped them instead of reporting them or doing nothing. I always had thought that of course I would have done so, and was very judgmental of the passivity and support average people gave to Hitler’s evil pursuits.

But once I became a parent myself, and realized the real life threatening risks I would have faced for myself and my own children should I have protected my neighbors, I’m not sure I would have done the right thing despite those risks….

Perhaps the best lesson from it all, to me, is that Hitler came to power in part because parties on the Left were fighting with each other and refused to band together to prevent him from winning in the first place. Something to consider!

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It’s a little more complicated. I believe there was a centrist party in Weimar Germany, and Socialists were nearly at the center (in European terms). The Communists, however, were *not* democrats. All of them were primarily out for themselves, not inclined to stop Hitler.

It’s worth remember that the Nazis never achieved an electoral majority, although they were the largest single party. Hitler convinced the ailing President Hindenburg to appoint him Chancellor; the rest was, as the saying goes, history.

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The universe does not see behavior as good or bad (same with karma). The universe only sees INTENT and what is in the heart.

Like Robin Hood who was a thief, but gave it all to the poor.

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Thanks for your hard work on this Labor Day holiday, Robert!

Thanks, also, for subscribing to the two Georgia newspapers!

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I appreciated your comments on the possibility of Mitch McConnell stepping down and being replaced by a Democratic appointee, however I was dismayed that you did not mention that Bashir and the top Kentucky executive offices including Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General and State Treasurer all UP FOR REELECTION THIS NOVEMBER. If Bashir looses to the Republican, the speculation about whether the next US Senate will seat a Democratic appointee becomes mute. Many, if not most people are unaware that this election is even happening. Could you please add a note asking readers to support the Democratic ticket in an election happening barely two months away? Thanks

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While we can never assume anything, I didn't add a note about Beshear's re-election because he seems to be well-positioned to secure a second term. In the latest poll taken (by NBC), he is ahead by 10 points.

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So true. Also, even in red state Ky there was a statewide pro-choice victory in November 2022 by 4.6 points. Victory is doable.

There is lots of work being done on the ground and virtually in Ky! Please join them.


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Although I have no kind words for Senator McConnell at least he is detached from Trump. A replacement for the minority leader in the Senate could be much much worse at this fragile time.

I have said this over and over our media and democrats have not done their jobs of promoting the policies of Biden as well as how he has restored the country from the moral carpet bombing of the last administration. Ron DeSantis has not one ounce of the character required in the presidency as evidenced by his not meeting Biden.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I probably should wash my mouth out with soap for saying anything nice about RickScott, but his meeting with President Biden was an example of what a governor should do

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thanks for update on Florida and Georgia. DeSantis needs that advice from your managing editor, a little kindness is important! Instead, he appears remarkably petty and unfit for any leadership position.

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Much like Trump himself.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

It bothers me that a poll I recently saw reported on CNN shows Biden and Trump tied at 46%. First, it's WAY too early to take any polling data seriously. Second, I cannot fathom how the media persists in covering the contest as if it were a horse race, where the better of many equally well-bred and well-trained horses wins. The November 2024 election will in fact decide whether we remain a democracy or fall into a christo-fascist autocracy and the loss of even more civil rights, human rights and voting rights. Though we cannot reach the brainwashed MAGATs, We, the People must, in any way we can, encourage the moderate Republicans (if there are still any left), the Independents and the youth to vote blue up and down the ballots. If you can't write postcards or go door knocking, then go on social media and speak up for preserving our democracy or donate as much money as you can to people and organizations fighting for it.

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Well said!

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Thank you, Robert.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.”



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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert and Newsletter subscribers: You might also be interested in two excellent podcasts from the Atlanta Journal and Constitution—“ Breakdown” and “Politically Georgia.” The former deals exclusively with the recent RICO indictment against Trump, while the latter is about Georgia politics more generally. Highly recommended.

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Thanks for the recommendation!

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I would also heartily recommend the "Georgia Recorder". It is free and is an online journal of news stories and essays about issues in Georgia. I've used commentary by its authors to add to perspectives from Georgia on other Substack pages. Here's a link:


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I second the motion. Excellent resources.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“Swing voters in Georgia may not like Biden, but they really don’t like Trump. In that regard, Georgia may reflect the state of the race in several swing states. Swing voters may not be enthusiastic about Biden, but they actively dislike Trump. I don’t think it is fair or rational for voters to view Biden as the “lesser of two” unattractive choices, but if that is how the election is decided, Biden wins.”

This is why I’m rooting for trump to be the Repub candidate.

Those swing voters would prefer even a DeSatan over Biden. 😡

I’m scared to death of ANY Repub winning.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I live in Virginia and am aware that our current governor (Youngkin) is considering and being considered by Republican mega donors as the default Republican presidential candidate if Trump and all the current contenders fail in their efforts to get the nomination. The condition for making this happen, so the pundits say, is having the Republicans prevail in the upcoming November election to retain control of Virginia’s lower legislative house and take control of the Senate which currently has a slight Democratic majority. So, to your point of “protecting” the prospects of a Biden/Democratic win in 2024, there should be (and currently is) a major push/effort to enable the Democrats to control both houses of the Virginia legislature in November this year. Any additional support for this effort will be greatly appreciated by both many Virginians and potentially much of the rest of the country too.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Agreed! Currently working on 100 VA postcards with the Environmental Voter Project. If you are not familiar with us check out the results we achieve from our efforts to create consistent voters who identify themselves as environmentalists and are registered but do not show up to the polls.


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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

So true. Lots of text-banking, phone banking and post-carding going on out there. Join them!!!!!!! https://www.mobilize.us/events/virginia-volunteer-opportunities/

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

""Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." -- Abraham Lincoln.

Here is where I was reminded of this view from Lincoln:


Happy Labor Day everyone!

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