This evening I finally had an "aha!" moment: if these Fox revelations from the Dominion lawsuit gets on the cover of People Magazine, perhaps it will break through to the MAGA crowd...Lord knows they would believe People over the NYT or WaPo.

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Yesterday a lawsuit was filed against the state of Texas by five women whose lives were put in jeopardy by life-saving healthcare being withheld because of the Texas heartless, no exceptions anti-abortion law. Women being told they weren't sick enough to receive an abortion of a fetus that doctors knew wouldn't survive but still had a heartbeat. Women whose doctors and hospitals had to consult their lawyers before receiving needed healthcare because the law was written to intimidate anyone to stop all abortions. Women whose lives were of less value than any fetus no matter what its chances of survival were. Doctors know how to triage and save the life of the patient more likely to survive. And then there is the no exceptions for rape and incest with little or no consequence to the male perpetrator. For rape and incest I'd like to propose the Seahorse Law. The male seahorse is the one who carries the seahorse fetuses to term, not the female. So the seahorse law gives the human male rapist the choice of carrying the fetus himself or having a penectomy. Yes, that would mean either inserting a uterus in the male albeit not yet a simple or timely procedure or removing the male's sword. Why does the woman have to pay even with her life in some cases while the man has no consequences? Even the Constitution in the 14th Amendment prohibits forced labor! For now my choice is to vow not to vote for any Republican thereby holding the entire GOP accountable for these unfair and draconian anti-abortion laws.

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Re: Fox News. I heard someone on a podcast (sorry, can't remember which one) suggest that part of the settlement Dominion should pursue is to have everyone on Fox admit that they were lying. That they would have to say so on their shows, repeatedly and often. [My idea; every show for a month] I think this is such a good idea that I hope we can amplify it to get the attention of the Dominion lawyers.

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Muck proves once again there is no connection between the brain and the billfold. Can we please just strap Unreconstructed Afrikaner Elon Muck in one of his tinny toys, stuff that in one of his toy rockets, and fire it into the sun? Make the Universe Great again!

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¨We won’t change the minds of every die-hard Fox viewer; we don’t have to. We need only reach enough of them to make a difference in a handful of elections. We can do that!¨ Exactly!!!! Great, inspiring newsletter today (8:33 a.m. in Spain).

I want to thank all who liked the idea of a ¨Woke¨ video and thank Robert for your gracious offer to share. I don't want to take up time here, so on the Saturday newsletter that Robert opens up to us, I will share the vision and how to contact me and become involved. Yes ❤️ We. 🤍Can. 💙

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Thank you THANK YOU for continuing to face the news and provide a clear brief summary. There is no way I could manage to do what you do for us. I'm am a team leader in fridayaction.org - a great hands on activist group. We refer to you often. If I (and we) were also trying to digest the news directly I'd drown! Thank you so very much for all yor years and hours and hours of doing this work!

p.s. I agree with Karen Williams about People Mag! Great idea. Can you make it happen Karen?

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"They have no choice. They make a living—good ones—by lying. To acknowledge that their business model is based on deceit would cause their house of cards to collapse."

Bob, I think that is kind of naive, like saying that if fans knew pro wrestling was fake, they would stop watching.

People don't watch Fox for the truth.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Good on Biden for going on the offensive with solid proposals to strengthen Medicare. Regarding Big Pharma, it would also be good to point out that the rapaciousness of these corporations is not due to the "free market" but instead is a result of the government's longer and stronger patents and copyright laws/policies enacted by conservative politicians over the past 40 years. Longer/stronger patents is a monopolistic practice that allows for significant price gouging, particularly by Big Pharma. Therefore it is totally legitimate that the federal government try to force these corporations to lower their prices since their mind boggling profits are due in large part to government price supports.

On another note, I would like to see Biden do something to reign in the Federal Reserve. The Fed is trying to tank the economy and throw people out of work. They are overreacting with their war on inflation. Enough is enough. Everything that Biden has been doing to build an economy that works for the rest of us could be undone by these supply-side ghouls on the Federal Reserve.

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I have an elderly neighbor who watches Fox, and my interactions with her in our condo parking lot are rather like watching tightrope dancers. Carlson does belong in the same paragraph with McCarthy, just as DeSantis belongs with Gene Talmadge of Georgia

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Why aren't we focusing on Fox advertisers?

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Regarding Medicare-Biden's proposals are good as far as they go. The obvious next step is to eliminate Medicare Advantage. Having private profiteers administer Medicare is more expensive than having it be administered by the regular Medicare contractors, who have an overhead of approximately 3%. Medicare Advantage companies game the system and have been proven to overcharge, but have not been asked to pay back their excessive profits. Medical Insurance companies recognize that Medicare Advantage is so profitable that some are getting out of the employer-based insurance market to focus exclusively on Medicare Advantage. Even better that eliminating Medicare Advantage would be for the US to go to a single payer universal coverage system with first dollar coverage-improved Medicare for all. Even just lowering the age of Medicare eligibility would be cost saving by adding younger, healthier people to the risk pool.

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Not to divert attention from today's excellent newsletter, but I couldn't help but comment on Thomas Friedman's latest column in the NYT: "American Jews: You Have to Choose Sides on Israel". This is a subject that has been swirling around in my head since I first heard about Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's plan to effectively "crush the independence of the country's judiciary". Jews in America have had a special place in their hearts for Israel. And they have unwaveringly supported the country in financial and other ways since its founding in 1948. With this new proposal, things have changed, and it is heartbreaking. There are Jews who will support Israel unconditionally, but they are in the minority. Most of us emphatically do not want to see an Israel dominated by its right wing, without checks and balances, where powerful people may be above the law. If Netanyahu's proposal is enacted, American Jews will have to make a hard choice about continuing to support Israel. Friedman refers to a reimagining of support, directed at building up the vitality of Jewish institutions in American society. Still heartbreaking, but an alternative to supporting a country that has lost its democracy. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

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Tucker Carlson's actions ensure that he will be remembered on the Fascist side of history, enshrined in our national memory in his own especially hot corner of Hell, sweating for eternity in the company of other infamous propagandists like Joseph Gobbels, Rush Limbaugh, Tail-Gunner Joe McCarthy, Roy Cohn, and of course, the Demagogue-in-Chief himself, Donald Trump, the man Carlson has publicly confessed he has hated all along. With the release of his manipulated version of the January 6 tapes, Carlson's career as an "anchor" seems to have come to a "bitter end," as is the case when an incompetent yachtsman forgets to secure the other other end of the anchor rode to the boat.

To celebrate this auspicious occasion, which we have all witnessed thanks to the honest reporting on Today's Edition Newsletter, I propose a toast: "To Tucker and all the other sycophant liars at Fox News: May they roast in Hell!"

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I have for some time now refused to use the word news when referrring to the Fox business, its affiliate stations, or its broadcasts. It is quite clear that is a gross micharacterization of what they offer. Likewise I refuse to refer to their entertainers or hosts as journalists. That also mischaracterizes them. I urge all to adopt this approach as well. If it looks like a duck, walks and swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, surely it is a duck.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

I think when Dominion wins, aside from the money award, part of the settlement should be that Fox has to air notifications to viewers that they lied not only about Dominion, but also about the election. That would be some powerful stuff.

A footnote to the Today's Edition Newsletter footnote. Instead of "Talk to you tomorrow." I suggest "Talk with you tomorrow." Sounds more like a conversation and a community - which I think is more reflective of the tone and intent.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Here is something to share with family, friends, and neighbors. If Krogers and Albertsons merger....https://youtu.be/0_WB84fA7i0

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