I lived and worked in Massachusetts for over twenty years. Do you remember the bumper sticker the year President Nixon was reelected winning all the electoral votes except from Massachusetts. The bumper sticker read "Don't blame me, I'm from Massachusetts!" Now, my bumper sticker says "Re-Elect No One". We need term limits in Congress; t…
I lived and worked in Massachusetts for over twenty years. Do you remember the bumper sticker the year President Nixon was reelected winning all the electoral votes except from Massachusetts. The bumper sticker read "Don't blame me, I'm from Massachusetts!" Now, my bumper sticker says "Re-Elect No One". We need term limits in Congress; there's tremendous bipartisan agreement on that by the citizens.
I lived and worked in Massachusetts for over twenty years. Do you remember the bumper sticker the year President Nixon was reelected winning all the electoral votes except from Massachusetts. The bumper sticker read "Don't blame me, I'm from Massachusetts!" Now, my bumper sticker says "Re-Elect No One". We need term limits in Congress; there's tremendous bipartisan agreement on that by the citizens.
I do remember that bumper sticker! I would love to see term limits in Congress. Would also like to see term limits for SCOTUS.
Me, too!