“Biden delivers. Trump is still making empty promises.”

“Repeat and amplify Biden’s accomplishments and Trump’s recycled empty promises.”

From start to finish, an excellent article.

I read some of the statements trump wrote on Christmas Day. They were ugly, mean, and filled with hate and vitriol. That is all he has. And it is exhausting to be constantly subjected to it. I cannot fathom why the MAGAts eat this up. It’s like they have mutated to be another species.

Here is hoping there is a conviction before the election.

When I was teaching yoga, I would end my classes with:

May we have peace in our hearts, peace in our minds, and peace in the world around us. May the entire universe be filled with peace and joy and love and light. Namaste.

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Today, a few days before the new year begins, our group of dedicated volunteers is organizing a post carding campaign to help get out the vote in NY’s special election to elect a successor to despicable George Santos. We live in NC and several of us are active in Seniors Taking Action. Last year the group helped campaigns in NC and we are hoping to return the favor before concentrating on the 2024 election both here in our state and for the general election. It would be easier to wait til the holidays were over, but why waste any of the precious days left to remind people of how far we have come in crawling out of the hole that Trump’s Administration dug for us.

I remember the election of 2016 was called by many the most significant election in our history. Too few people heeded the call. The same is being said about the upcoming election, but now it’s like a four alarm fire. It’s up to all of us to sound the alarm and make our friends, families, children and grandchildren listen.

Make a plan to work a little every day to make things happen. It’s up to all of us.

Ilene Freedman

NC Coordinator, Seniors Taking Action

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Trump's plan for infrastructure investment was evidently to have Joe Biden elected to presidency in 2020. Lol.

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Joyce Vance today made an interesting observation. Reliable pollsters over the past 6 months have determined that if Trump were convicted a large enough group of voters would abandon him that could flip the election. All the “ witch hunt” “ political hit job” rhetoric would be replaced by facts and a conviction. There will be hopefully several trials that begin prior to the election and the detailed connect the dots evidence will impact many voters and it will be our job to make sure that as many people as possible see these facts. We need to keep reminding everyone that if Trump were actually innocent of the crimes he was indicted for he would want a speedy trial to clear his name and to prove his innocence and rally his base but instead he is stalling so he can get elected to make his crimes all go away. Does the Trump clown show act as if he is innocent. ? Really.

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I'd like to recommend the linked article from the New Yorker today, "A Palestinian Poet's Perlious Journey Out of Gaza." His story of his treatment by the IDF, by the way, was confirmed by Ha-Aretz in a major posting yesterday. Had he not been a writer with an international reputation and a list of international friends who made their voices heard at the US State Department and the Israeli Foreign Ministry, he might not have come out alive to write the article.


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Just a reminder that Biden's second infrastructure bill for human infrastructure was never passed and is still needed (desperately).

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So glad you are on this beat Robert. I know I depend on you to dramatically improve my understanding of which witch is which.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

You are simply the best, Robert. Joe wins every hand.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Loved the closing sentence of this letter. ...repeat and amplify Biden’s accomplishments and Trump’s recycled empty promises.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Trump and his lawyers are making the immunity case too easy for you Rob.

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We must stand behind Biden with the enthusiasm he deserves and quit cowering from the headwind of negative reporting and poling designed to dampen true enthusiasm.

I wore my Biden shirt on my last flight and every time I go grocery shopping and people whisper to me, “I like your shirt.” And it feels good.

Get a Biden shirt. Resolve to wear it every time you go grocery shopping. The grocery aisles are the place where Democrats need to rally to show the real support that exists for Biden’s ideals.

If you’re inspired to join me grocery shopping, I bought my Biden shirt at a random Etsy sight here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/857835907/

And I’m always looking for more if anyone has recommendations for good Biden shirts.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thanks for today’s column. It appears that you are not only a guru, but also a yogi.

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Thanks Robert, still huge work ahead but positive momentum is critical!

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I am trying to make sense of all of this. Do policy, accomplishments, the typical reasons someone votes, even matter to Republican voters? MAGA voters? If you don't believe in government, it hardly matters if it's competent. If you hate government and believe it's out to get YOU, t___p affirms your beliefs. We are arguing in two different realities.

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Biden Delivers

Trump Destroys

Simple as that.

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Two points: Hell will freeze over before clarence thomas resigns.

The second, which we all repeat, is the mainstream media: breathless, lazy, irresponsible and doing Trump's work for him

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