Yesterday, Robert Reich (who should know better) posted a question about whether Biden should step down because he looked so old and frail. The remainder of the post was for paid subscribers, but many of us posted our displeasure on other substacks. This morning, he kind of "doubled down" reiterating why he supported that position and posting the entire thing (based on Ezra Klein's article).

Now, here is the kicker. He actually included a link to a poll asking if Biden should step down, and this is open to all. When I responded a few minutes ago, the "Biden is still the best option" selection was overwhelmingly chosen at 56 %. So your assignment for this morning is to take the poll and support our president. :https://robertreich.substack.com/p/my-surprise-at-yesterdays-substack?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=365422&post_id=141912730&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=6o957&utm_medium=email

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He should know better & I was stunned he gave this air-time. Today he states he doesn't support this position, but is reposting having opened the discussion up to all. Sadly, his original post & lack of effort to highlight why Biden is 💯 our best choice stokes fear & undermines our efforts.

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Exactly, he needs to devote newsletters to Biden‘s accomplishments and stop with this nonsense.

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I agree with you completely. I commented, gave him a piece of my mind.

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The longer this “replace Biden” nonsense goes on, the less time there would be for Mr./Ms. Perfect Candidate to organize a campaign to secure the Democratic Party nomination and set up a viable national campaign for the Presidency.

Like it or not, the “replace Biden” crowd are Trump fellow travelers, useful idiots for Trump.

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There is NO replacement candidate!

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I agree completely that the “replace Biden” crowd are only helping to elect Trump, regardless of their actual motivations. Even those who are threatening to vote third party because of Biden‘s Israel/Gaza policies are helping to elect a depraved and unfit person who will only make matters in the Middle East worse.

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I tried. "Only Subscribers can vote in this poll. Subscribe now" was the response.

No, I'm not subscribing to an ignoramus like Reich who can't see why he's a fool to publish this nonsense. Anyone doing as well as Biden is doing can be any age they want - the proof is in the actions and successes, not some dumb ageist prejudice.

But thanks for alerting us.

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Tom, if you want to do the poll you can subscribe without paying, and you will be able to do the poll. That’s what I did, and then after I did the poll, I unsubscribed, because I don’t need any more newsletters.

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Thanks, Janet....will re-try.

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Yes, and I don't get the "Old and Frail Look" about Biden. To me, he looks slim, trim and fit with excellent posture. I do NOT see a wizened old codger. Enough with this bs.

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Prejudice is a distorting lens...people see what they want to see. Joe is in better shape than any of the deluded care to admit.

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Yes, Reich definitely made a major blunder with that... a dog whistle to progressives.. but as can be seen here he is getting well-deserved blowback from mainstream DEMs.

Perhaps the most compelling: Lawrence on NBC had a fine segment pointing out the utter fallacy of the notion of switching from Biden at practically the 11th hour (for Presidential races)


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Indeed. Mr. O'Donnell has the final word here. So well done.

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I’m not a paid Reich subscriber and I was able to do the poll. 57%

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Reich does not support the position that Biden should step down - here are his words from the post you reference: "I did not — and do not — endorse this view. This is a summary of the argument I’m increasingly hearing, including Ezra Klein’s recent essay. I offered it because I felt it needed to be debated."

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I would much prefer he realized it does not need to be debated because we don't need to be doing the GOP's work for them, but it needed to be responded to... which is less "debate"/air the most democracy harming opinions and more explain what is wrong with each of those opinions.

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Thanks Annette, and I went back and responded to the poll. I have unsubscribed from Robert Reich for this very reason because this is now the third newsletter, over the course of several months, that he has devoted to this issue. He is the last person on earth who should be doing this, as a person who has stood up for Democracy throughout his lifetime. I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but I’m not hanging around to find out because there’s too much other work to do.

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I may unsubscribe myself. We just can't let this negativity get any pub.

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People can comment most days, including today, on Reich’s Subsatck without being a paid subscriber.

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I gave up on RR years ago. He's turned into a grumpy old man.

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Great idea. Up to 58% just now.

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thank you for posting this! Done!!

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I also posted they should read Robert Hubbell and posted most of the post RH wrote on why Ezra's article was not a good one. Yeah RH. I get so upset reading RR and then I read RH and can take a deep cleansing breath and move on ❤️

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5:57 pm 58% say Biden is best choice.

I subscribed to vote and then unsubscribed.

Maybe these guys just want to keep their names in the current conversation?

Peter Baker today wrote AGAIN about Biden’s dog biting Secret Service…. FFS.

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Now, you have to be a subscriber to vote. I guess he didn't like the responses he was getting!

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What a damn coward!!!!

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Done. Subscribed and voted. Thanks for sharing.

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I tried to select Biden is the best candidate, but a pop up indicates only subscribers may take the poll.

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Whatever happened to the separation between church and state?

And…I guess the ultimate truth that religion is a human construct gets lost in the dogma.

We are victims of the perfect specious argument when God’s will is bandied as the primary motivation.

I hold this belief as a person who co-leads religious services weekly and who holds that a belief in God is meant to make us better people, to heal the world and to bring peace.

These Christian Nationalization efforts are an abomination…simply a modern political crusades.


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The "Christian" Nationalists are setting themselves up as God. They say they are going to IMPOSE Christian values on the US. God does not even do such. God does not impose anything on human beings who have free will. They also don't seem to be to keen on enforcing the "Thou shall not steal" commandment.

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They have hijacked Christianity just as al-Qaeda hijacked the Koran.

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They are becoming Y'all Qaeda.

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Precisely that!

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I must confess that I'm not a Bible scholar, but I don't think there's any mention of in-vitro-fertilization in it - not even in the New Testament!

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It’s profitable and viable to use people’s faith in religion for political purposes to justify a moral view and perspective.

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Well said sir!

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Yep. They're trying to impose the Christian equivalent of Sharia law.

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Please comment on the absolute hypocrisy of the recent Alabama supreme court’s decision, given that this state continues to execute prisoners in cruel and unusual ways.

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The hypocrisy of the 'pro-life' movement has always been epic. There's: war, capital punishment, 'killing because God wants me to do it,' etc. The focus on women's reproduction is, I guess, partially to divert attention from all the rest of the anti-life things these people are doing.

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Not to mention our gun laws that allow assault weapons on our streets which are responsible for mass murder.

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Exactly! Don't they all have to be compelled by their religion to be adamantly opposed to the death penalty? And all forms of war?

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I love your conclusion to express support for Biden Harris. Bravo and thanks!

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Thanks to fellow commenter Shawn’s suggestion and encouragement, I have been wearing my Biden/Harris t-shirt on grocery runs in my red, Fl county.So far, I’ve only received positive responses !This week’s included a conversation with a 20-something pharmacy tech who was concerned about the future of Social Security and Medicare.


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I believe that we have a very good president in Biden. He keeps running into obstacles that make it hard for him to deliver his agenda. He has delivered as much as he can and continues to do so. But his detractors, doubters and opponents consistently seek to blame him for being ineffective.

I would love to see a website or page that shows what President Biden has tried to do, followed by:

1. What succeeded as planned;

2. What was obstructed and by whom;

3. What he was able to deliver in the direction of his plans;

4. What is still blocked, naming the actual people who are to blame.

Does such a resource already exist? I don’t have the knowledge to create it, but I think this could be an effective reference base to show Biden’s strengths and the disloyal opposition to doing what’s best for the United States. Added: I know that the White House maintains a list of his accomplishments. What I’m really after here is being able to highlight who is obstructing him and then blaming him for the results of their obstruction.

Similarly, we’ve seen lots of headlines that blame President Biden or cast fear, uncertainty or doubt (aka FUD in sales jargon) about him. How about a website with some of the worst instances and a contest to come up with headlines that correctly preview the facts.

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Actually, the White House website is one of the best I’ve ever seen among administrations. They post details of everything the president is doing, including transcripts of speeches, etc. When I want information, that’s where I go.

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I was on a call last night talking about what is actually in the Inflation Reduction Act and the speaker shared some great links:





The first link has a map that shows about all the different projects and can be filtered by state, so if you are talking up Biden's accomplishments you can use local examples. Click on the dot to get a few details about the $$ amount and number of jobs created.

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Thank you Cheryl. I wrote my please above before reading of al these terrific resources shared here today. Wonderful!

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Reposted; thanks for providing, Cheryl.

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It’s nice to know that such info is posted. Now, if only the DNC and White House would get it into the hands of news-ignorant voters …

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You can lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink.

How about you spending some time sharing it with some of the news-ignorant voters you know....

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Echoing Janet (CO)'s recommendation and comments, and offering three resources in addition to Simon Rosenberg's Hopium Chronicles here on Substack:



https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email 30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Missed

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Brian Hassett's piece is superb.

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Thanks for linking the Brian Hassett piece. It's terrific and the visuals are outstanding. I'll spread it around!

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Thanks so much! I wrote my plea above before discovering all the terrific resources folks have shared here today. Wonderful stuff!

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I’m not sure they go into the details of which Republicans are blocking legislation, etc., but if you’re looking for a detailed resource for Biden’s accomplishments, the White House website is great.

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There are many examples of the Biden Administration accomplishments of the web but voters need to understand what the benefits are for them.

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Beatrice Griffin

As always, thanks for all you are doing,

Robert! I wish I could be with you in Memphis when you will speak to supporters at the home of my sister!

Meanwhile, how much sense does it make for individuals who supposedly support life, to make it difficult for couples to go to the considerable effort and expense to have a baby by in vitro fertilization?!

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I believe the point is that they want us to know that women cannot be in charge of their reproductive choices, that is the business of men who are not health care professionals and who do not know them because aren't men made in Gods image? That makes men superior. It is that sort of thinking.

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Please don't make this a gender thing. True, in government and in legislatures men are in the majority especially in the Republican ranks and thus you see more of them supporting and pushing these despicable policies and initiatives. But wherever women represent the GOP as governors, members of Congress, state legislatures or in other elected offices they are just as committed to their 'cause' as their male counterparts.

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Sure, some women espouse these beliefs, but it’s instilled in them by their religion. Justice Amy Comy Barrett is an example; she believes that women are subservient to men, as many of her like-minded peers do. These archaic applications of religious doctrine are absolutely a “gender thing,” as you put it. The overarching theme here is the subjugation of women. It is that simple at its core.

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I agree with the role women in the Republican party play, which is about greed and wealth, and sticking it to everyone else. Still, in the White Nationalist Evangelical pseudo "Christian" religion women play a role belong to slavery. See Shiny, Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets, which lays out a lifestyle typical of their "church."

https://www.businessinsider.com/what-religion-are-the-duggars-iblp-christian-cult-allegations#:~:text=The%20Duggars%20are%20Independent%20Fundamentalist,Basic%20Life%20Principals%20(IBLP).They belong to the IBLP which stands for Institute for Basic Life, and there is a lot of discussion of this "church," in the internet. I recognize slavery when I see it. This is modern day slavery of women and children, which is all too common in the USA where homeschooling hides what goes on in homes.


These are the people who are coming out big to vote for Trump because their male church leaders are telling them too. In fact, in the Baptist Church women cannot have certain roles.

They are not the only White Nationalist so--called-Christian group to embrace lifestyles that belong in The Handmaid's Tale. So, it is a gender thing, particularly since so many of the women promoting the suppression of female sexuality are under the thumb of a man, particularly men who abuse them. I am not saying everyone. The Catholic church which through Opus Dei and the more obvious Federalist Society, which is ruled by people like Leonard Leo, is pushing Catholic doctrine on reproduction on the whole USA through his control of the majority in the Supreme Court, and the health care systems in the USA.

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Linda, did you watch the Heritage Foundation video via the link Robert provided for Josh Marshall’s post.The woman in the video spoke of a younger woman who had taken the birth control pill.

“ I thought I was bipolar, but it was just this psychoactive substance.”

Their messaging…birth control pills ,and sexual activity,are dangerous.

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No Kathy, I did not see that post. Do you have the link? None of the young women I know what to use the pill. So, how is this being taught? How is birth control being taught. Ideally they would take the class to the clinic and let them see everything and learn how to make an appointment, what happens in an exam, etc... I remember in grad school doing a condom demonstration in a class on how we would teach different lessons. Anyway, later on, I found out that a former student was cutting the end of of condoms if they were too big. How is that for effective use? So, condom practice could be useful. I remember when a fifth grader got her period and sent someone to get me, and I had to explain to her how to use the tampon on the other side of the stall door. Then the boys teased her until I found out. They kept saying, "haha, I bet it hurts." When I reminded them that a vagina opens up wide enough to let out a baby, so a tiny tampon would not be painful, they did not have anything else to say about it. That is why I taught it for 4 months, so that they had time to get used to the topic, and once they get at their misconceptions, you don't tell them they are wrong, you have them discover the information. Still, there was so much misinformation. When I worked on an AIDS education grant in grad school, my team worked in schools with groups of children, and the myths that they had were unbelievable. One rumor going around was that if you took some earwax and rubbed it on a girls genitals and it turned purple then she had AIDS was just shocking to me. Who makes this stuff up, and what makes people believe it? The science education in those schools would have been appalling for anyone to buy into that. Misinformation and no information are dangerous!

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Big surprise it’s from the Heritage Foundation.


I remember in elementary school ( Rhode Island in the 60’s) the girls and boys being separated and we learned (accurate info) about puberty/menstruation. As an adult I worked for many years in public health. Birth control was readily available for no or little cost and condoms were free for anyone who walked in the door. I wonder if that is still the case here in the “freedom” state of Florida.

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Kathy, Thanks for the link. This woman sounds as incoherent as Trump. What she is saying is creepy and crazy at the same time!

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Someone needs to let them know God created the earth and the things contained therein by order of importance, which ended not with Adam but Eve. (Got that nugget from a Women in Society class my first semester of a faith attached college on the fall of 1972. Don't remember the professor's name, but never forgot the quote.)

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I agree with Linda W. - it is all about power and control. I'm just waiting for the "Christian" Taliban to try and reintroduce medaevil chastity belts /s

The thing that blows my mind it that there are women who go along with this crap. Hopefully some of the forced birth crowd are finally waking up to the unintended consequences of abortion bans that don't "just" impact poor women and women of color - like increased maternal mortality and infertility rates and the inability to find an OB/GYN that is taking new patients anywhere near where they live in a state with an abortion ban.

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I am sitting here still trying to reconcile the doctrine of Original Sin with in vito fertilization, and Big Orange’s sexual escapades with the Trump campaign’s promise to outlaw promiscuous sexuality. No contradictions there, no sirree!

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I am pretty much anti-organized religion and I base that not only on my personal instincts but on history which can lay many many wars and persecutions -- not to mention, abuse of followers -- at the feet of religion. But, I see the need for some kind of spirituality and community; just wish the human constructions we've made from those needs weren't so deadly.

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Trump's followers seem to excuse his own promiscuity, and three marriages (one to a high-priced call girl), and yet just focus on his nonsensical support of an abortion ban!

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What delicious irony - or total lack of self-awareness - to even think about centering a Trump political campaign on “ending recreational sex”.

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I cannot BELIEVE a judge cited the Bible as precedent!! Alito IMPLIED this idea and it was the root basis of his opinion, but even HE didn't say that religion trumps actual legislated law. What about that opinion doesn't say "Establishment of Religion?"

The threat against Navalny's widow doesn't surprise me in the least. I watched her moving YouTube video and kept thinking "stay away from tall buildings with windows." It seems Putin supporters are as unhinged as trump supporters. He actually thinks the "West" managed to get into a prison in the Arctic to kill Navalny?

And Lordy, that Politico Headline. Someone doesn't know about the difference between "say" and "worry." It is clear from the poll results that people can have concerns and still choose to vote for him. The headline should be "Biden leads trump by 4 points despite worries about his age." In fact, since we can presumably think that all of trumps' 45 percent think Biden is too old, the accurate headline would be "Biden leads trump by 4 points; only 22% of democrats worry about his age, but they still support him."

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Here’s another misleading Politico story and headline 2/21/24: “Democrats pushed climate action. Then utility bills skyrocketed.” Addressing climate change will require commitment and investment. The sure is to explain that to people over and over. People have lifestyles such as driving cars they have helped create this problem. Do they think we can get out of it without some financial inputs, and costs related to wildfire prevention was equated to climate change cost in the article, several times, which is not fully true. What’s with these media sites these days? What is their intent in publishing such article?

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Their intent is to foment outrage. I smoke meat and have been for thirty years, but in recent years, I have tried to do less of it for climate change reasons. The barbecue community is outraged over any limits put in place, especially on the West Coast, to limit these activities to prevent fires. To them, it’s not necessary sacrifice; it's curtailing their “freedom.” Do you think those outraged folks won't click on that headline?

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And Biden is starting 2024 with a 7 million vote lead. Until a pollster or journalist can show us where Biden is losing millions of votes, he's a sure win in 2024. And the MAGA, in their many outlier ways, keeps helping expand the President's lead.

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Merrill, I thought Hillary would win in 2016, so I would never say "Biden is a sure win" because we need to get those voters to the polls. We have no way to predict how many people will show up, we can only help with activating our own voters and hope that is enough. As one of my GOTV postcards states "When You Vote, We Win".

But I do think if we all spread Bidens accomplishments to our networks while also informing people the threat that Trump and the MAGA GOP represent, we should be in good shape. The MSM clearly isn't doing that job so we, the people, need to do it for them. Honestly, it is low information voters being apathetic and staying home that I worry about most.

Also get involved in registering voters and getting out the vote by canvassing, phone-banking, texting, writing postcards and Vote Forward letters. If we all do a little we can get this job done!

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I agree with your points. Democrats need to stay hype active through Nov. but I think we can agree that Biden's 2020 win included activated, committed voters, not apathetic voters who probably didn't vote. Therefore, Biden starts with a 7 million vote lead over Trump and we can build from there. Our goal should be an absolute landslide win that repudiates the Trump/MAGA minority. Biden has the best shot at doing that

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Merrill, I am with you! A landslide is needed! We can do this!

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Cheryl, doing what you suggest brings hope. Doing it with other people increases that hope. We must keep doing and hoping!

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I agree 💯%. That is why I am a vocal advocate for doing rather than taking an observer role and assuming that the same people are engaged and we have it in the can.

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Keep in mind how our system makes it critical WHERE those votes are.

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Susan, That is why we should be thankful that you don't have to live in a Swing district to help GOTV for one.

I also subscribe to Simon Rosenberg's Hopium Chronicles and electing Tom Suozzi to NY-03 was one of Simon's call to action. Simon even invited Tom to one of the Hopium Zoom meetings. Tom was concerned about how the election Day turnout was being effected by the winter storm and contacted Simon, who put out an SOS to his subscribers to get on a phone bank.

Over 100 subscribers jumped on the phone bank and recruited some friends. One of the subscribers in CA reported that he was one of a dozen people calling voters in NY-03 while sitting in a backyard in LA. Someone else reported using her "mom voice" to get a young voter out of his apartment and to walk down the street to the polling place - at 8:45 pm, 15 minutes before the polls closed.

Now, just imagine GOP voter's doing that. Tough isn't it? Am sure the "what's in it for me" party is scratching their heads and asking "why would I do that?"

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I contributed to Suozzi's campaign. Excellent investment!! I do contribute to multiple-candidate drives for seats that need protecting or can possibly flip. But I'm retired and on fixed income so I tend to do that closer to the election.

My one experience with a phone bank (in 2016) was not good. We all crowded into the most uncomfortable room imaginable. As I live with Pramila Jayapal as my rep, there certainly doesn't need to be a lot of local encouragement. I'll check out GOTV. I do subscribe both to Hopium Chronicles and (obviously) this site.

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Susan, since Covid phone banking is done in the comfort of your own home. There may be a brief Zoom training to go over the script and answer technical questions. You are given a link to a website that has the script and a list of callers. Different campaigns may have different systems, but mostly I end up using my computer and don't even need to dial the phone number - just click on links on my computer screen.

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I will look into it.

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From your lips to God's ears!

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Or "Biden leads Trump by 4 points, showing so called worries about his age are exaggerated".

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Putin doesn't actually "think the West " killed Navalny. He just lies, and apparently, more of his citizens are starting to criticize him. But how to get rid of him?

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This was a Putin Spokesman, and just like many a trump spokesman lies for dramatic effect. Putin undoubted knows what killed Navalny. It could have been something like denying him needed medicine. Blood thinners, for example. Whammo--blot clot.

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Red state politics at its finest.

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“You’re not allowed to give up” are Nalvany’s words. As we move forward in the election season, Nalvany’s death feels important as it should put the dangers of Russia front and center. Robert quoted both him and his wife the other day.

Reed Galen’s Homefront’s essay tells us all what we must do in this moment. Please read and share this - it clarifies the moment like few writings have about our obligation.


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I was unaware of Reed Galen’s ‘Homefront.’ This essay is indeed powerful. And Robert’s quoting of Navalny and his courageous widow over these days continues to haunt me, either in the forefront, or in the background of my mind. How not?

I also want to keep the words of Reed Galen near:

“Now is the time for all of us to ask not whether we have the talent, or the money, or the experience for this fight. The question we must each ask ourselves is if we have the will to pursue it to its end.”

Thank you, Theressa.

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I also feel haunted by the words of Navalny and his widow and Reed's essay - I can't shake it. I was talking to my daughter this morning who really has her hand's full and has not had the bandwidth to deal with world events and this cut her to the core. I think that there are events that there is a before and after and this is one of them. I think this puts the Russian issue front and center as it relates to supporting Ukraine and the infiltration of the Republican party. As Reed says, we are not asked to suffer as Navalny has and it can make what we do seem small - but it isn't. If we have the Presidency, House and Senate next year, we will not be discussing whether there would be Ukrainian aid - we would only ask how much. And the Republican party who is compromised will be out of power.

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Another of the benefits of this community, I suppose. Feeling haunted, while in this together, seems there’s heaviness still though somehow a little less heavy-hearted. Maybe for the hope that we find our way to doing our part, individually and collectively.

And I’m imagining your daughter, as you describe her, and how even though burdened, she feels this deeply. My goodness, says a great deal of her capacity for compassion. Please send her warm and kind wishes.

And how fitting, your use of the term ‘infiltration of the Republican party.’ As for its being 'compromised,' may it no longer have its hold on American life, and upon the life of others near and far.

Good night, Theressa.

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My son knows the young women who was arrested in Russia for giving $51 to a pro Ukrainian group. We are saddened and afraid for this family. She lives in Los Angeles with her South African boyfriend. He has been on the news all day and is obviously very distraught. Please hold your best thoughts for them. Very sad things happening in Russia that are now landing in our backyard.

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And the same things could happen here if Trump is elected.

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Totally agree with your wise suggestion: “So, here’s my thought: If you can, let others know that you support Biden-Harris. No threats. No ugliness. No political terrorism. Just a fact.” And this sense of cultural support is exactly why I think campaign signs are so powerful. People may or may not feel safe putting them in their own yards (at the start) but as elections approach, signage in permissible public places (like key crossroads or medians, depending on local rules) can give Democracy supporters an important sense they are not alone. Signs can also be one of the first signals of a cultural shift.

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For many in red states, it isn't safe to put political signage in their yards. We’ve done it in Mississippi, but the signs are usually stolen or defaced. We did have a sign for the Democratic gubernatorial candidate last year that was left untouched, but that was an exception, as our Governor is deeply unpopular. He won anyway.

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Dean, I live in a red,Fl county and have been wearing my Biden/Harris t-shirt on grocery runs. So far, only positive responses ! I like my car 🚙too much to put a bumper sticker on it…too easy for those cowards to deface.


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I hear you but we can’t let them bully us. Get a large group people together and inundate the road sides all over town.

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Same here in parts of Texas. Abbott isn't universally liked, but the machine here is so strong that it's believed he can't be toppled. Oh, I wish!!!

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Robert, I am always happy when you and I are at the same point and want to address the same issue. I agree, we must show President Biden our appreciation for the great job he and VP Harris are doing. Accordingly, Markers For Democracy has launched: The Postcard Challenge. It's simple. Please write a postcard addressed to the White House letting the President know how much you appreciate what he has done and that you have his back for the 2024 election. He certainly deserves a little love after what the press has put him through. The address is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Washington, DC. 20500. Spread the word. We want to flood the mailroom. Thanks.

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Great Idea! I just wrote one and will mail it when I am out later.

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Many of us have complained to the NYT that its coverage of Biden is biased against him. Maybe we’re having an effect. Let’s keep it up. “Trump is a psychopath. Biden is effective” should be on the front page of every newspaper every day.

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I am a mere 2 years younger than President Biden, have all my faculties, work 3, 10 1/2 hour days a week delivering auto parts in Mesa, AZ. I wouldn't want his job, but I am as or more capable of doing it than people 20 years my junior. He is not finished doing good for this country and totally deserves and is capable of doing more in the next 4 years.

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Do they talk to the boss? You wrote: "Josh Marshall post on Twitter: Think tank charged with staffing out new Trump admin says key goal is "ending recreational sex" and "returning the danger to sex". I wonder how the serially philandering former president really feels about this? Or, perhaps, he's finally too old to care? He is old you know. He's an old guy using Hollywood make-up tricks to look younger. Sound like an insecure has-been?

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I want us to take back the American flag. On Flag Day June 14th we ALL put up American flags and don't take them down until after the election. What do you think?

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We’ve have two American flags flying every.single.days for years.


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I really like this idea. It breaks my heart that every time I see a U.S Flag, my heart skips... because I'm afraid

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