For those of you who took the Extra Credit Quiz, Julia Bickett Hubbell is my youngest daughter.

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Thank you for another keen insight "I'm looking at you David Plouffe"- that notion that this election will be decided by a handful of people in battleground states makes me sick, and as you so perfectly pointed out takes away from down ballot voting. As a women, my freedom has been taken away in many states, as a USA citizen, I fear daily gun violence killing my friends and family at any given time in any given place. We are NOT safe with Republicans. We need a HUGE Democratic turnout - not just Biden to win.

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Elisa, given the events of Trump’s recent take over of the (former) Republican Party it might be appropriate to write “We are NOT safe with the Trump mob and family syndicate.”

And yes, we need a huge turnout. I was encouraged to hear news that the State of the Union address was heard by an increase of 18% over last year. It suggests to me that people are paying attention. They need to be.

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Except that it IS the Republicans- ALL of them who have allowed this to be. Mitch McConnell began this with not allowing the POTUS at the time to nominate his Supreme Court Justice. I stand my ground we are NOT safe with Republicans in any kind of power.

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Oh! Lisa, I don’t disagree with you. It just occurs to me that Republicans have, with Trump’s take over, have rebranded themselves as a mob & syndicate. There is no difference. “Republican” and “Trump Family Syndicate” are synonymous - one and the same.

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Got it! Yes indeed, this is true.

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I am so glad you wrote about those statement about voting margins. That has always bothered me to no end. You do an excellent job of explaining all the reasons this narrative is highly problematic. We need to with a huge popular vote margin!

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I agree, and yet the latest Biden ad uses thing totally weak term choice, which has been rejected by the reproductive rights movement itself!

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Quibbling about terms is a waste of time.

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Can you please post a link to that ad? Are you talking about the “These Guys?” Ad? Just watched it and think it’s great (link below)


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Thanks for asking Karen. Nicole Wallace screened it on her show yesterday so I’ll try to find it for you.

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I posted it. The reproductive Rights movement has dropped the term choice from its vocabulary so it was a very weird note in an otherwise Sterling ad.

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Your link is 6 months old, so that is not the latest ad

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Exactly right.

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Today's thougt...

As a fan of NBA Basketball, I observe that games are most often decided in the last quarter and in many of those cases with 5 minutes or less to go. The first 36 to 43 minutes rarely gives us much certainty as to the outcome. It is mostly for our entertainment and amusement. Election year politics follows the same model. Back and forth for the months leading up to the election with only the last few weeks revealing with any confidence what is likely to happen. Do your work. Make the plays. Don't let an early turnover determine the outcome. Play the long game.That's how good teams win!!

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Hope is vital to ‘playing the long game’!

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Sports analogies are right on. Unfortunately people see political races that way, a competition with a team your rooting for against the other side. Sadly I hardly ever switch teams in the middle of the season or game so what we really need to do is get our fans all excited and eager and the other side’s fans to not care enough to bother.

In other words, turn out is a more realistic goal than changing minds.

Let’s go Team Blue. VOTE VOTE VOTE.

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And certainly we saw this type of last minute win with Quarterback & Team race down the fiend in the final minutes of an overtime almost unchallenged for a spectacular win.

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I agree with the importance of turnout. Much of my day is spent knocking on doors of unregistered voters, urging them to register then vote. Yesterday, I visited with a young mom with 4 kids, originally from Ethiopia, who just had not had time to pay attention and vote. I referred to her 4 kids and asked if she was keeping up with what was going on in her elementary school area. (School is closing.) She was unaware. By the end of our discussion, she said she was convinced and took two applications, and I told her her precinct chair would be following up.

One vote at a time, but we have lots and lots of work to do.

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Excellent anecdote. Many of the unregistered aren't apathetic they are just unaware or just trying to hold their lives together.

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Good work Cathy Murphy🙏

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Murphry 🙏

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Autocorrect strikes agin!

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Thank you, Cathy Murphree for your reporting on turnout and, even more, for your work. Action, time, personal connection, and follow up: the best antidotes to apathy and the "everybody knows" nodding heads of analysts. Your post is inspirational!

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Stories are more powerful than speeches. Sadly, the other side tells stories that aren’t true and they are very powerful.

Please keep telling stories and add human elements, like the smile she gave you now that she was activated.

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Thank you, Cathy. I canvass for candidates, and face-to-face is critical I have found in 3 election cycles. I have a few suggestions for other activists. First, consider membership in League of Women Voters. It is heavily involved in getting out the vote, and locally (Oregon) we are communicating with non-affiliated voters. Second, thanks to an amazing webinar by Jessica Craven (thank you, Robert, for the recommendation) I have done the homework to narrow down two organizations, Blue Tent and Swing Left, that are grassroots umbrella organizations supporting candidates from school boards, state legislatures and candidates. For instance, in TX Allred is great, and we hope he unseats Cruz, but Movement Voter Project and GOTV work for all candidates strategically in TX. I determined my key hot buttons (we HAVE to get rid of our MAGA rep in CD5 in OR) and set up monthly donations. Early, consistent $$, folks! We need to be strategic!!!

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Thank you!

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What a move for Hur to resign the day before he testifies to Congress. As I understand it, this means the DOJ does not have to approve his testimony or be involved, and he will be testifying as a private citizen rather than a DOJ employee and he will have no constraints on his testimony rather than the ethical guidelines that govern the DOJ. The circus potential just went up.

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I agree, though I suspect no minds will be changed. When I read the news, my reaction was an even deeper loss of respect for Hur’s professionalism.

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Hur another creep in the ongoing maga sh!t show played out with taxpayers’ dollars!

Somehow, the magas in the house ‘lost’ the fiscal responsibility scout badge!

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Good grief!! I had not heard this. Once again, it seems to point out that Merrick Garland has been operating from a rather naive perspective.

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We need to face reality. If Trump gets re-elected it could mean that the Republicans would also control the House and Senate. If that happens there is a guarantee that Social Security and Medicare would be cut and a National ban on abortion could pass. A majority of working class voters and 46% of non college educated non white voters express concerns about cuts to Social Security according to Blueprint poll. If you add to the mix the voters concerned about reproductive rights you have a majority of voters who have a lot to fear and a reason not to vote for Trump. The Biden Administration must remind voters of this every single day as well as us.

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It astounds me that his cult followers on ACA, Social Security, and Medicare don't get that this means them, too! They will not be exempt.

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As must we!!

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The concluding thought is so correct. I wish more people understood that in our constitutional, legal and social system everyone votes; even the non-voters. This occurs because the electoral system is overweighted to a conservative rural minority. Therefore, non-voters, third party voters and moderates/centrists/bothsidesers are all voting to maintain the minority.

It would be a lot clearer if all non-voters were counted as none-of-the-above. Since non-voters are actually the largest voting bloc in the US, watching elected government offices be unfilled for a few years and the ensuing mess might motivate more people.

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Argh!! You highlighted a point I should have made--that even non-voters vote!

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A friendly note from someone who is deeply involved and cares deeply, as we all do. It would help to provide a bit of context when you post links to Field Team 6. I know they’re an organization doing great work but it doesn’t come across with just a link. Be well!

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Congratulations to Julia. Nice bit of notice, and a potentially valuable note on a resume as well.

Your closing point about turnout is spot on. An excellent example is Missouri, where, if we get enough people out to vote for Lucas Kunce for Senator we can rid the chamber of Josh Hawley and begin the process of normalizing legislative behavior. Hawley got just 51.4% of the vote in 2018 and that could easily be overcome by just a few thousand voters coming out.

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Dems need sharper messaging.

When Trumps talks about Cutting social security” and we simply repeat

“He’s cutting social security” again and again, “cutting” will feel more and more innocuous and inevitable.


If we call it “Reverse-Robin-Hood,” it becomes a message with teeth. Turn TRUMP and his party into the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Use “Reverse Robin Hood” the way Reagan used “Welfare Queens” to insinuate that the poor were living the good life with our tax money. That story took hold and Reagan got people to vote against their own interests. OUR GOAL is to get people to vote FOR their own interests. It should be easier… but only sharper messaging works against the GOP’s message machine.

The pen is only mightier than the sword if your message isn’t dull.

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I’m baffled that we (the ordinary public) are finding out about additional boxes of potentially classified documents BEFORE we hear about a Bedminster search warrant. WTF DOJ! Way to tip your hand…

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Thank you . . . so it isn't just me who thinks Jack Smith should have had a search warrant and started digging!

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I signed up for a monthly contribution to Voteriders.org. Their message is quite convincing. It's not just rides to the polls.

Many eligible voters need help navigating the paperwork maze to get voter ID where they live, and getting that ID can also help them with other life issues, like access to health care and other services.

Their web site design is clean, bright, attractive. On their landing page there's this message:

"Make your voice heard

Don't wait to get ready to vote! VoteRiders can help you figure out what ID and documents you need to vote. We’re here to provide you with the practical, legal, and financial support to secure it."

Followed by this link: https://www.voteriders.org/freehelp/

I think they're terrific.

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💙 I support VoteRiders and wear one of their 👕 t-shirts to “advertise”.

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Yes. Yes! A thousand times YES! Thanks for this:

“We need strong turnout in deep red states to win school board seats, city council seats, county commissioners, state legislators, etc. Non-battleground states—even red states—matter A LOT in the upcoming election”

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Voter turnout is not just about winning for Biden’s or down ballot races. It’s about sending a message, loud and clear. We want an avalanche of votes to silence the noise that interferes with governing everywhere.

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Thank you, Robert, for the concluding remarks about David Plouff’s offhanded predictions! They have struck me as irresponsible and a bit arrogant. MSNBC hosts give him way more time than seems appropriate!!

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Every time he comes on I hit mute and go sort the laundry, whether it needs it nor not. 🤬

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Like Ron, clean, and so many others, he sold out and went to work for Uber rather than staying in public service

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Ron klain…

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Can someone please explain to me what the significance is of Robert Hur testifying as a private citizen as opposed to a Special Counsel for DOJ?

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Thanks, GPE. My question is what is the disadvantage of his being a witness testifying as a citizen as opposed to a DOJ employee. My assumption is that he would speak the same truth no matter his status. No? I'll read your link to see what NYT says. Thanks, again.

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"My assumption is that he would speak the same truth no matter his status". Careful, Lynell, in these crazy times the actually painfully obvious satire in your comment might be overlooked.

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Right, you are, Stefan.

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The DOJ does not have to approve his comments and the DOJ will not represent him at the hearing. He will be testifying as a private citizen.

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Thanks, Connie. I think that is the answer I was looking for!

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He will have no constraints on what he says, as opposed to being bound by the ethical guidelines of the DOJ, if he were still a representative of the government.

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Of course! Thanks, Susan.

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Ever since Merrick Garland declined to prosecute in the first year, millions of us have been enraged with him, but also with Biden for not firing him. I believe that perceived weakness has been one of the reasons that Democrats have not been enthusiastic. It’s not too late to fire the person whose incompetence and weakness may keep Trump from ever being tried.

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While I don't disagree, firing any Cabinet member, let alone one that acts independently like the AG, in an election year is political suicide. I do strongly suspect he won't be back in a second term.

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Dean I agree. Biden’s decision to appoint him as AG was a disappointment for many but I think it speaks to the person Biden is. I truly believe he thought Garland’s low key under the radar persona would cool the partisan flames that burned through that office during Trump’s tenure. Unfortunately no one at the time could see the minefields ahead.

I disagree that Garland would be responsible if Trump is not tried. That will be a SCOTUS decision. I do believe he was slow to appoint a special prosecutor to the January 6 case and that has made trying that case before the election difficult.

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