
A note about Robert Reich's poll: Reich ran two polls. He ran one on Wednesday and got substantial reader pushback in the comments. That poll showed only 26% support for Biden remaining in the race. His readers said that poll was not representative of their views.

In response to reader pushback, Reich ran a second poll on Thursday, which I linked to in my newsletter last. night. In order to see the results of that poll, you MUST RESPOND TO THE POLL. If you do, you will see that 59% of the respondents want Biden to remain in the race.

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Actually, it’s about 71% who do not want him to withdraw, isnt it? 59 +12

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That’s exactly right.

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Here's my experience. I could not respond to the poll without being a subscriber. So, I subscribed (the free subscription) and then I voted. Today I received an email from his substack with various articles, all of which promoted the idea that the Resistance is tired and burned out. Having had enough of that malarky, I UNSUBSCRIBED from his newsletter. I don't know what is going on with him, but he clearly is trying "something" and I don't like it one bit.

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Discussion is valued in a university classroom. I have no doubt his classes were informative, valuable, and lively. However, that classroom mode did not successfully transfer to his newsletter and its audience for this topic.

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From Robert Reich’s emergence as a pundit, years ago, I thought he strained to to come up with “original”, “challenging” ideas. Unfortunately, “original” thinking sometimes occurs at the expense of solid thinking.

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I did the same thing.

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And you can subscribe to take the poll without spending a dime

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I did one better. cancelled my support monthly of Inequality Media.

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From my perspective, Robert Reich, who I've known to be a good but imperfect progressive voice for Dems, convinced poll-takers to change their minds by means of a discussion.

I didn't like Ezra Klein's NYT article but read Reich's interpretation and voted in the first poll. I was as surprised as many other readers at how low support was for Biden remaining in the race. Then took the second poll yesterday and interpreted the change in support for Biden as a result of airing the discussion, letting people express their dissatisfaction, then giving them the link to Lawrence O'Donnell's monologue and other information about the need to support Joe Biden. Don't we need to have these discussions in person or online if we are going to change any minds?

This is early in the primary season and I don't see the discussion as a direct threat to Joe Biden at this point. As an additional benefit I'd guess that Lawrence's argument got a lot of airing that it otherwise would not have. I, for one, am not cancelling my subscription to Reich's substack.

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That was definitely confusing. I voted in both, since the buttons allowed me.

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On Wednesday by comment to Reich was as follows. And apologies for the f-bomb. I was ticked off.

Enough! Stop with the Biden step down already! It is ill advised and won’t happen. So get the fuck over it and move on to electing democrats up and down the ticket. Every time someone whines about how they want a younger person it hurts our chances. Do I wish Biden were 20 years younger? Sure. I wish I were 20 years younger. If wishes were horses then beggars would ride. I agree that a special and continued out reach to younger voters is mandatory for this election. If they want a younger person, fine, elect Biden/Harris and then spend 4 years getting a few ready to run. If you don’t vote blue in 2024 there may not be another chance to vote in your lifetime. If you do not vote for Biden/Harris, Trump will win. He already has a detailed, written plan in place for how to make himself dictator for life. Time to circle the wagons. Vote blue as if your life depends on it, because it does.

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Thanks. In part, I said

Divide us, Robert (Reich) and Fascism conquers us, The media craves a horserace. Don't fall for it. We need to expand, not demoralize our base. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

I worked for DOL, bought all his books and subscribe to his Substack. He did the same thing recently re Gaza, created division rather than unity at a time when we look vulnerable.

Because Reich's Substack is open, a lot of the comments come from trolls, Republicans and even Putin bots.

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The trolls, Republicans, and Putin bots are one of the biggest issues with his newsletter, and that’s the main reason I stopped participating. It’s difficult at best to read sane and informative comments while you’re trying to muddle through literally hundreds if not thousands of nonsense comments. Also, because that poll is open to any nonpaying subscriber, who knows who is participating in the poll? Robert Reich doesn’t control his comment section the way Robert Hubbell does, so any troll in the universe could be casting a vote.

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Janet, thank you for voicing this! I've dropped a couple paid Substack subscriptions about this issue.

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I have done the same because I am not a wealthy person, and I need to direct my attention to those writers who are focused solely on saving us from Trump. I do appreciate Robert Reich and I subscribed to him for years. I also support his Inequality Media organization; but this is now the third time he’s brought up the Biden age issue, and I just don’t see the point of it at all. We are well beyond the stage of starting over.

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We all have, and it seems to be getting worse.

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Agreed! We have a choice to vote for a humble, empathetic,wise, moral, eldeerly, man who is arguably the GOAT president

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or vote for an old, narcisstical, corrupt,misogynistical, ikely quad-convicted felon who appears under the control of a Russian tyrant. I strongly disagreed with his modest response to climate change,his apparent unconditional support of Israel, and his decision to honor our previous president's committment to pull out of Afghanistan but he was correct. His wisdom in matters of governing the USA developed over decades of experience is clearly second to none. I trust his wisdom and instincts more than mine or anyone else. If Biden humbly believes that he should remain the president at his age, I will completely support him.

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GOAT? I don't know what you mean by that. Please avoid acronyms unless they're in common parlance, like FBI, DNA, MPG, and MPH. Acronyms people don't know do to the flow of prose what a dead cow does to the flow of a stream.

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It means Greatest Of All Time, and it actually is common parlance; Simone Biles was termed, across media, as the GOAT gymnast countless times a couple of years back

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I devour a lot of media, and I read a lot of books but I've never seen it before. Maybe I've missed it because I don't read sports. Thanks for letting me know what it is.

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Happy to help. :-)

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I'm always happy to help when I can, too! One of the better H. sapiens traits.

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I thought maybe GOAT referred to an old goat.

Didn't feel like looking that one up in the Urban Dictionary.

I very much appreciate the visual metaphor of a dead cow in the stream.

I also like the idea of a "reader speed bump."

If you are communicating across a wide spectrum of people, I think it's better stick to plain language

At first I typed "common parlance;" but that would be obfuscatory, and I really do try to eschew obfuscation.

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I'm getting some good laughs!

"reader speed bump" is excellent.

As for "parlance," I lived in Paris the year I was 12, and a lot of it rubbed off on me, including a love of French cars.

And it's good to eschew obfuscation. I do it at every opportunity!

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Common parlance: Tom Brady, Patriots QB GOAT, for example. 👍

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Thank you for your efforts to educate me on this stuff. I've certainly heard Tom Brady's name, but if you'd asked me what game he plays or what team he's on, I couldn't have given you an answer. Although I've heard his name enough to guess that he's GOAT. (I didn't know what QB is until I looked it up just now.)

Now if you'd asked mentioned Babe Ruth, Roger Maris, or a handful of other baseball players from that era, that would have meant something to me. I am pretty sure I turned 7 the summer Roger Maris made his record number of homers--something I paid some attention to because my three years older brother was a baseball fan. My father, my brother, and I did go to a baseball game that summer, and I know that Mickey Mantle hit a homer, again because of my brother.

But I know a lot more about the politics of that era than the baseball. For example, my parents were for Stevenson until JFK got the nomination, when they switched to supporting him. And in fact, in second grade, I got into political arguments with my best friend, Ralphie. I didn't know it at the time, but Ralphie's grandfather had been a cofounder of Nordstrom's, the first of which was in Seattle, where we'd moved to at the end of that summer. Ralphie's mother was interior decorator to the hoi polloi of Seattle, including John Ehrlichman, although I didn't know that at the time. I also knew in his only race for Senate, which he won, Nixon had smeared Helen Gahagan Douglas, with an epithet that GOPers often used for left wingers, although the only thing I really understood about it was that Nixon had done something bad.

My parents were both trained economists. One day, the two of us in the car, my mother driving, I said to Ralphie, "You know, Ralphie, you really shouldn't vote for Nixon because he called that lady in California something like an economist."

I'm quite sure I'm quoting myself accurately, because my mother usually didn't find much that was humorous, but she thought what I'd said was hilarious, and she loved telling that story.

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I couldn't agree more about reaching younger voters! When I was a high school teacher here in Los Angeles, during one Presidential election cycle, the AP US Government class ran a debate between the two nominees (played by the students), followed by a mock election. It was great! First of all, the students on the debate stage were either 18 or turning 18, and were excited! They really got into it, and had prepared thoroughly. The debate was witnessed by the student body. It was enlightening to them, and likely caused many younger students to enroll in the class as seniors. I also feel it is worthwhile to call one's local private or public high school and ask if the school would permit a registration event for those students who are eligible to vote. We have to educate them about the choice this year, so that they feel they MUST vote. Colleges usually have registration drives, but maybe we could call colleges near us and ask if they are having one, and if not, offer to provide one. Just a thought.

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That's wonderful! I'm decades past high school, but I got excited just reading about this! You deserve many times more likes than you are getting!

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I read these comments and I really wanna convince everybody I know to read 'em too.

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Lots of orgs are working on the youth vote. Here are two:

The Civics Center (https://www.thecivicscenter.org)

The League of Women Voters (https://www.lwv.org/blog/why-we-need-young-voters)

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I thought the Civics Center had something to do with my car. It's the best car I've ever owned!

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Comment overheard in a New York Times newsroom meeting. Editor;” we’re not going to sell many papers if we don’t keep the readers riled up. Remember 2016? We did a great job picking up on Trump‘s ravings about Hillary‘s emails. Then we got a big assist from Comey . Remember, he reads our paper too. That worked so good we helped get Trump elected. All this good news about Biden, and his wildly successful programs doesn’t sell papers. So what are we going to do? Age! that’s the ticket. Run with it guys! Now that’s good news for our stockholders.”

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I left Robert this message: How old are you, Robert? 77, right? Four years younger than President Biden. Is anyone questioning your ability to write a Substack column? Maybe we should given this cockamamie idea of yours.

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I was tempted to subscribe to Reich's Substack so I could comment on this (I did respond to the poll). I wanted to tell him I much admire his work and his thinking, but why should I support a Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at UC Berkeley's work when at most he is, as Robert Hubbell said, being a moderator, not a leader. I can get good moderators at a dime a dozen, just by my academic pals...we can do the even handed thing in our sleep. But then he just posted another hand wringing Opinion Piece on AlterNet entitled, "The Problem Isn't Just His Age." He seems to be doubling down on the Age issue, even when he is saying it's not about his age. And I'll admit, I'm being a bit petty and personal, but Robert Reich is two year's older than I am and he and I both spent our careers toiling in academia. But I am sure he makes more in one year at Berkeley than I ever did. That's OK. He's written lots of books and was Secretary of Labor, and not a mere English teacher and college president, so he's earned his dough, and I'll pay for true leadership like Robert Hubbell's in a heartbeat. Reich's pious palaver and the intellectual's art of "viewing with alarm," -- and a darker, "a lot of people are telling me," is a waste of time and money. I mean no offense to those of you who support Reich. In fact, I thank you. You have access to his comment line and maybe can turn him to the voice we will need. I'll watch for it, and join you if it happens. His track record should argue more wisdom. But as for me, let me send money to the Grant County Democrats, and how can we support the Billboard Lady From Dubuque?

Sorry to run on. It's just that, as that great American political commentator and psychologist Bugs Bunny might say, Reich hit a "noive"

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Last night Lawrence O’Donnell did a fabulous segment on this “let’s look for someone better at the convention” scenario. He pointed out that all the people whose names are mentioned--Newsome--for instance, have not raised a dime they can spend on a presidential run. Only Biden-Harris is raising big money. If Biden steps aside, Harris gets it because that’s how it was raised. People seem to think she would just hand it over because they aren’t taking her seriously.

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I just came here to writ this- here’s the link https://youtu.be/_9vsivYrC4U?si=dK1TsmtFKcYl6MUh

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I can’t seem to edit my comment: I meant to say I came here to share LAwrence O’Donnell’s really great segment- here it is on YouTube. I’m sure Robert Reich is aware of it by now. I’m not a subscriber to him, in fact “brilliant” he may be, but I can’t stand him, his ego, and I will never forget his bashing Hillary Clinton, and pedaling that other “old guy”. Hypocrite. Much like Michale Moore.

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I also saw Lawrence O’Donnells impassioned speech last night which went so long he ran into the ad segment and they had to cut in and run the ad. It is one of the most powerful arguments against ageism and the perspectives that writers like Ezra Klein are promoting about Biden. I share your concerns and hope the readers will view Lawrence’s speech on YouTube.

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The gist of O’Donnell’s argument was that most of these people calling for Biden to step down aren't saying he can't DO the job; they're saying he can't act the part. It’s up to the campaign to make that not matter. Ezra Klein isn't wrong when he says the Presidency is a performance, but it is incorrect to say we should accept that. I'm far more concerned about governing.

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I watched it! Incredible!

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You've convinced me to watch it. Thanks!

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This should be played on a loop!

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Thanks for posting and remember O’Donnell worked in the White House and ran campaigns and knows what he is talking about.

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Thanks. I listened all over again while getting up and moving this morning.

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Thanks. I posted the MSNBC link on my FB page the day after but it has probably expired by now so this youtube video is invaluable.

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I agree, I remember how strong his preference was for Bernie, rather than Hillary Clinton. And he had been friends with the Clintons. I think in such cases it would be better to just remain neutral and not state one’s opinion.

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Prof Reich seems pretty humble to me. I recommend you read his blog regularly.

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Perhaps he is, and I have signed up for the free edition, so I’ll be open minded but in the past, his influence, helped lead to the disaster that was a Trump Presidency because Hillary didn’t get the support she deserved from the smear campaigns against her. I mean good as she was, she just wasn’t good enough for the likes of him, and that BS resonates with voters. Especially the angry Left wing of the Dems. I have always thought I was a liberal liberal (!) but the inability to meet in the middle is unsustainable in a Democracy. I mean, look at what he’s going, opening up such criticism of Biden, and the idea of an alternative- that is fodder for all of those already finding fault with the President. It’s irresponsible, especially when FACISM is beating down the door.

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I confess I was not following him back in 2015-16, so don't know what he said about Hilary. If he contributed to Trump's "win," that's terrible of course. But I find what he says now to be persuasive, fact-based and not snooty at all. I like Paul Krugman too, but sometimes he is a little too snarky for my taste.

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Fir one thing, early on He criticized her over her handling of her emails and that did so much good for the propaganda department. He was a gift to the Russian Bots. He tried to rally the Bernie people to get behind Hillary IF Bernie didn’t get the nomination, but there was already so much furor over her that he helped stoke that it was too little too late.

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Thank you so much, Elisa! I spent loads of time looking for Lawrence O'Donnell's Last Word before you posted the link.

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Thx! It is so good and so beyond a “sound bite”

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It’s a Master Class!

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Great description--he has all the layers, not just "he looks old."

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Thank you! Came here to post this and felt delighted to be beaten to the punch!

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Good Susan, and thank you. Democrats who worry over Kamala Harris’ skill set as potential POTUS should remember the office survived four years with a fourth rate pimp “entertainer “ at the helm. If called on, she would serve competently, and nobly!

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WITHOUT A DOUBT. And I can already see the sabotage smear campaign against her on a daily basis IF that were ever to be the scenario.

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Excellent point.

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Lawrence provided the real facts about why the notion about the convention switch over is bullshit

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O’Donnell should be played on a loop.

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I love that commentary where he just looks at the camera and talks.

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I hate having to deal with the Dim-o-crats who claim they're Democrats. Why are they always on the left?

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This is the kind of comment I don't like to engage with.

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Whatever do you mean? Please decode for us dimwits.

(Folks, I am a supporter of TCinLA. He's usually quite clear, if a little roguish.)

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Should be required listening for Ezra Klein and all the rest of the naysayers.

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I watched a video of it and it was the best 27 minutes of time I’ve spent recently on this subject. This whole open convention idea is ludicrous from start to finish.

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I just posted a link here. Share widely!

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I like Robert Reich and usually appreciate his point of view. But not this time. He missed the mark completely. A friend shared this article from the Duluth News Tribune that is worthwhile. It emphasizes that the president is also a sum of his staff. Biden has a very capable and competent staff, Kamala Harris included, that he relies on and listens to. If Biden is unable to complete a second term, these capable people will carry on. I don't believe we should have any concerns along the lines of "but Kamala". People rise to occasions. She is capable. The article is paywalled, but a free sign up gains access.


I'm about to vote in my state's primary for my Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, and expect my vote to count, not be overturned in a messy and ill-advised convention food fight.

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💙“Biden has a very capable and competent staff, Kamala Harris included, that he relies on and listens to.”

Here’s a great, shareable graphic that highlights Team Biden !⬇️



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This is great. Did anyone in 45's cabinet have previous public service experince?

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Thanks so much, Kathy. I wish I had had this before now. I plan to share it.

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Good point often overlooked is the Biden administration’s competence compared to the Trump team

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Not just compared to the Trump team: Biden’s Cabinet contains a collection of unusually talented, accomplished, solid people. In fact, a major reason why the Biden Administration has been so successful is the high quality of the people he’s gotten to work under and with him.

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Great comment! I just dropped off my primary ballot for President Biden at the Townhall yesterday. I am proud to vote for him, and I agree that in the event of any sort of emergency, VP Kamala Harris is more than capable of taking over.

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Hi, thanks for the heads up on Reich’s survey. I voted for Biden, of course. Reich isn’t my cup of tea. I found him egotistical and stopped my subscription last year. Biden continues to marvel me with his ability to multi-task so humbly. One day he’s securing debt forgiveness for 150,000 students, the next meeting with Navalney’s widow and daughter , calling out Putin as a murderer and the GOP Congress as inept. NO ONE in the Dem party is as accomplished as he in both foreign policy and our domestic security and economy. Harris isn’t an aside. She completes and advocates for his agenda and has been a force with womens health. We need more articles on her accomplishments. Yes, the media owes us a huge apology, not for just wasting headlines space, but for promoting the GOP agenda with clickbait phony news. I guess Biden as an American Hero isn’t sexy enough.

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🥳🎉🥳 Yes! And well said! 💙🎉🥳

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I wrote this comment in Robert Reich's comment section:

"President Joe Biden is an excellent president. Have you not noted that American Political Science Association's scholars of the US presidency have ranked President Joe Biden as 14th of 46 US presidents? For the sake of the preservation of democracy, the nation is extremely fortunate to have President Joe Biden as president!!! What President Joe Biden has accomplished during his term is fabulous!!! The problem is that the U.S. press, including the New York Times to which I've canceled my subscription, is treating everything Trump or MAGA supporters say as truth. My first reaction to your column was to cancel my subscription, which I'd not yet had a chance to do when received your invitation to comment. I expect you to lead your readers and to support, not trash President Joe Biden. If you sense that I'm angry, I am."

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Reich is a very brilliant man and a wonderful artist who uses his talent to explain things but I have had some issues with him, in the past. I was livid when Ezra Klein made the comments he did and believe he will regret saying them as he matures…with age. Am in agreement with you, Robert, that he should’ve left this in the garbage. Guess we have understand that he is a professor and probably thought that this question might be used in his lectures.

I love that the woman used her own money to rent a billboard! Brava to her! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Reich is what I mean when I talk about "Acadmania." I gave up on his "brilliance" a long time ago.

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He has demonstrated he is not brilliant and his academic approach was misguided.

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I think many are reacting in the wrong way to this “debate” on Biden being replaced on the ticket. It seems to have become, “We don't like what you say, so you're dead to us,” and that's not helpful. These people are on our side but are concerned about what they see, which is valid. None of them, at least those I read, are saying Biden can't do the job; all of them, however, are focusing on appearances. Ezra Klein stated, “The Presidency is a performance,” and, sadly, it's been turned into that. Lawrence O’Donnell, in his brilliant takedown of these arguments, pushed back, saying the real job is one of a decision-maker and that no one is questioning Biden’s ability there. “The government will not be televised,” O’Donnell said with authority, and he is right. The media can't cover the governing, so they make up a spectacle. To paraphrase O’Donnell, they cover the things nobody remembers.

If we want to shut down this bullshit, Lawrence O’Donnell has given us all we need. Where is the money for these new candidates? How do they propose to build an organization in the three months following this open convention? He even made a compelling parallel to the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago. Nobody wants that. Their premise is fatally flawed.

My point is that instead of canceling Robert Reich, Jon Stewart, and others, let's use winning arguments to shut them down. In our efforts to avoid discord, I'm afraid we’re creating a rift that will be far more harmful. Robert is right; their argument is a fantasy, but we have a winning counterargument. Let’s use it and move on. Most of these people are concerned Democrats and not our enemies. Let’s end the so-called debate and move on.

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Thanks for your thoughtful reply, Dean.

First, I did not suggest that we "cancel" Robert Reich. I asked him to step up as supporter for Joe Biden. That's the opposite of canceling him.

Second, perception is reality, as you say. If we insist on debating Joe Biden's age and ability to govern, guess what? People believe he is too old and unable to govern. So it is up to people like Reich with a following to stop the nonsense propagation of a lie generated by right-wing media and spread with the help of bots.

The worst part of all of this is that the people who insist on debating Biden's age will never in a million years vote for Trump. So what's the point? In a debate over whether Joe Biden is too old, we will never be able to change his age. So it is a pointless, futile, damaging debate.

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Great points! Tho I stopped subscribing to Reich I still read his comments and have read his books. However, as you said, what’s the point of debate NOW?! Biden is a force for good beyond any doubt. We thought 2020 was important. It was, of course, but 2024 is crucial. A whole new level of crazy has hit the scene since then. Biden continues to navigate skillfully. Trust him.

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Robert, I appreciate that and wasn't suggesting that you aimed to “cancel” these folks, but I did think Jon Stewart made some excellent points when he said people were asking him to ignore what he sees with his eyes. I have not had one real-world conversation with like-minded people who haven't asked whether Biden’s age would prevent him from winning. I can count on one hand how many have said he couldn't do the job, so to me, our job is to give people reasons why he can win. Lawrence O’Donnell successfully shot down why replacing him was a bad idea, so I will pivot to some points on how he can win.

First, Biden has the fundraising advantage and is likely to keep it. That's half the ballgame right there. Second, thanks to you and so many others there is a tremendous grassroots base that will be working tirelessly to get out the vote. Third, Trump is trying to take people’s rights away, and that's not a winning strategy. Of course, there are many others as well.

We also have to address concerns about things like how we can hold Michigan after having lost the Arab vote. Georgia, of course, is another problematic hold. It’s fair to challenge the campaign to address these issues, too.

Ultimately, my thoughts are on how to reframe this whole debate and ease our skeptical allies' fears. We all agree that President Biden can do the job; how do we convince our voters that he can keep it?

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IMHO we help convince doubtful voters by calling OUT the critics on OUR side out, who are feeding into those fears and doubts. It’s not JUST the doubtful voters, it’s the ones with the megaphones spreading false narratives.

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“The worst part of all of this is that the people who insist on debating Biden's age will never in a million years vote for Trump. So what's the point?” –

The point is personal preening – sending an implicit message, “See how clever and smart I am!”

Such preening has no place, especially when so much is at stake in November’s elections.

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Biden too old? But Bernie who is older gets a place at this Democrat convention? To use an English expression, that’s bonkers.

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I can't tell you how much I appreciate your pointing out that these moronic proposals disenfranchise the voters now casting their votes FOR Biden, not just some random Dem candidate.

Here is the response I posted yesterday to his survey:

"I am dumbstruck by the willingness of Democrats to self destruct.

AND more importantly, to disenfranchise all of the voters who are going to the polls and VOTING FOR BIDEN - not just for any ol' Dem.

Not to mention, dishonoring the hundreds of thousands of activists who have been devoting countless hours and money, registering voters, knocking doors, writing postcards, writing letters, making calls, texting, etc. BECAUSE BIDEN is a GREAT PRESIDENT.

We are totally getting sucked into the GOP(Russian) game plan. STOP ceding airtime to them!!"

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Not sure I wish to engage in a back and forth. Just to be clear, if I was asked who is the most influential political and cultural writer in my life it would be Robert Hubbell. Like so many he is my north star often at 4 or 5 am.

My comments were not meant to be critical, rather a reflection of our need to have young people and people of color behind us in 2024. I often share my “Hubbell” with my grandchildren.

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Frederick, I'm sorry if my comment felt harsh. I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of Robert's leadership and his stellar writing. And I concur that we need to expand our numbers in every demographic. I'm joining Postcards to Swing States, which works to get out Democrats to vote. As Joyce Vance says, we're in this together. ☮️

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By signing up for a free subscription I was able to vote in Reich's poll; he promptly sent a "welcome to the newsletter" message, to which I replied:


I won't be staying around long if you continue your reckless and not-very-smart advocacy for dropping Biden. He's done a spectacular job, better than any president in yours or my lifetime (I'm 75), and he is the best and only candidate who can beat tRump. You are allowing the aspirant "perfect" to deny the actual "good"; I had hoped you were smarter than that. Stop wasting everyones' time and emotional health, and get behind the guy who can & will win, and avoid an apocalyptic demise of our country and our democracy. Think about D-Day; we didn't dither around suggesting alternative leadership then, because it was a do or die emergency (My Dad was there). Eisenhower wasn't the greatest general but he was the one we had, and the one who got the job done. Splitting hairs then would have played into the Nazi's hands, just as splitting hairs today will play into the corrupt, traitorous GOP plan to launch a dictatorship here. Stop judging the trees and get your ass in gear to save the forest. We need you to help, not hinder, a critical fight. Be smarter, please.


Tom Keefe

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This is an award winning letter, Tom! ✌️

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Bravo. Exactly. Add Churchill to that list! Most MAGA voters don’t know the forest for the trees, let alone one iota of history beyond their backyard. Reich owes those of us who do a real apology. This is dire.

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Great letter! I'm glad you wrote to him. Hope he pays heed.

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Thanks for the heads up on the Robert Reich survey. I tried voting from 2 different apparatuses (tablet and phone), and Substack closed down completely on both. I'm not a subscriber, so perhaps that's the reason. I am so tired of the "Biden's too old" crap. Honestly, its like everyone thinks the president should be their buddy, rather than a leader of a highly functioning team. Biden-Harris are pro democracy all the way. Thank you for the trip you and your wife are taking; I'm sure it's providing boundless encouragement. Together we can do this.

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Correct, I got the pop-up that only his subscribers are allowed to vote in his survey. For a millisecond I contemplated subscribing in order to vote but since I didn't care for some of his past writings and I had already unsubbed after a few issues last year, it didn't make sense to re-sub.

Edit: actually it occurred to me that I could sign up as a "free" subscriber so I did that and was able to vote.

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I also clicked on the free subscription in order to vote. It worked. I like Reich's economic videos, but his attempts to overturn the primary process is unconscionable. I will unsub from his letter after the voting on Biden is compiled.

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I did the same. I am now having a hard time liking comments there that need to be promoted. I think it's getting so much traffic, it might crash. I have to keep reloading the page and wait for the page to respond

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It most likely was a system crash. I went back in a 3rd time, hit subscribe, and it showed I was already a subscriber. This time I was able to vote. Think it was too much for the Substack platform. Good to know people are engaged.

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Of course it is no surprise to see you on the road helping to restore the soul of America. When viewing your photos one can’t help but notice the absence of young people and people of color. Then, instead of being critical my thoughts turned positive. You and Jill are an inspiration. Would it be helpful if you and Jill could mentor a small group of people of color, a group of young leaders, a group of active college kids, to develop blogs like yours and to then take their message in person, to those communities that are critical to the 2024. win.

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Frederick , I don't know what time of day the gatherings take place and the photos are taken, but lots of young people are at work or at school. As far as racial and ethnic diversity, I'm not sure how to account for that exactly. Maybe it reflects the demographics of the places they stop.

At any rate, Robert and his managing editor are doing way more than their share to save our democracy. Let's not put the responsibility of one more task on them. Let's take up the mantle ourselves.

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Robert, you wrote: "it is also a reminder that Trump is responsible for the overruling of Roe v. Wade and the downstream consequences that are now stigmatizing and afflicting women across America." Though Trump was the ultimate villain, I hope all your readers remember that Mitch McConnell and Leonard Leo carry an awful lot of the water.

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Thank you for motivating me to tell Robert Reich to “get a life”. This Democratic bed-wetting has got to stop, as does Ezra Klein’s. Your continual factual, numbers-based analysis of how f-d up main stream media is has convinced me more than anything else has that we can’t count on them to get beyond the breathless horse raise, to treat stories with the levity they deserve, especially when only one side is acting in good faith, something they rarely focus on.

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