Kids are like sponges. They soak up whatever's around them. And when the president of the United States says it, it carries extra weight. It's beyond nauseating! What I can't understand is how and why the fundamentalist Christians, who won't let kids watch TV, who won't use a cuss word, who hold members of their community to the strictest, most unforgiving list of do's and don'ts, can tolerate and champion a sexual criminal, convicted fraudster, adulterer, and compulsive serial liar.
It’s kind of nauseating isn’t it?
Kids are like sponges. They soak up whatever's around them. And when the president of the United States says it, it carries extra weight. It's beyond nauseating! What I can't understand is how and why the fundamentalist Christians, who won't let kids watch TV, who won't use a cuss word, who hold members of their community to the strictest, most unforgiving list of do's and don'ts, can tolerate and champion a sexual criminal, convicted fraudster, adulterer, and compulsive serial liar.