Yes, a coup yesterday didn't stop being a coup today. Thank you for perservering with this, Robert. You are more than fine. That said, Maddow's phrase is not incorrect, particularly in the sense that Anne Applebaum and others use autocracy (Maddow has a PhD in poli sci). More to Robert's point, Tim Snyder also correctly uses autocracy, yet has said out loud to call this coup a coup -- it's both public and conceptual clarity that must prevail together for us to fight back effectively. Maddow's phrase is infelicitous for this moment that requires quick and sharp understanding, and for an invaluable star of the media ecosystem we now rely upon.
There's a growing divergence between the formidable backstop of affirmative court rulings, and authoritarian / P2025 fabricated defenses. We will continue to see a pattern of helpful Monday court activity, after suffering through more weekends of executive malfeasance. Rather than reiterate all of the minutiae of growing caseloads, a few important patterns:
--We actually benefit from being able to see court proceedings and coverage flow through social media, and occasional independent media, in real time. And one thing that strikes me is how terribly constructed DOJ / GOP defenses are (it's called lying), against the strong cases brought by pro-democratic litigants and state AGs. In other words, yes, we are inundated by madness. But in an age of radically accelerated social media, we are also privy to accurate updates that shine a light on the impressive strength of our legal / constitutional narrative. That narrative of rule of law and constitutional order isn't being broken in the courtroom -- it is being strengthened now. And most importantly, judges are *increasingly affirming suits brought against the new regime, which reinforces the immune system of the constitutional order.*
--Another important pattern of divergence, also noted today by Jay Kuo: we cannot help that Trump's reputation doesn't drop as fast with his base as it does with the rest of the world. And especially dropping with CEOs, as reported by the WSJ. But he's still Teflon Don, for now. However, Elon Musk's reputation is taking a major nosedive. Musk is utterly toxic and oblivious. And it seems Musk's rep is not going to recuperate with anybody, save for his most extremist fanboys. That's a space to watch closely, because the first signs of rift and fallout may be coming sooner rather than later. And mass public pushback will help this. It is already helping.
Nicely stated, Dan. I agree with Robert that the time for euphemisms has passed, but so has the time for esoteric but descriptive terms (think "autogolpe"). The time for overused terms has passed as well ("constitutional crisis"). We need to use simple, clear, obvious, emotionally-charged terms to describe the disaster that is unfolding at lightning speed.
Some suggested adjectives: illegal; life-threatening; disastrous; disgusting; hellish; spiteful; hateful; merciless; and monstrous. Some suggested nouns: coup (although it risks overuse and parsing); takeover; mercenaries; outlaws; crooks; devastation; pariah; cruelty; and scourge. Some verbs: ignore; scorn; inflict; subject; overrun; exhaust; harass; commandeer; pervert; dishonor; and disgrace.
Perhaps for good measure, we should refer to the former Republican Party members more accurately as "banana Republicans."
Another word to describe what is going on is cruel. The cruelty of consigning legally hired federal employees to limbo, of wasting food aid that has already been paid for. The cruelty of slandering people publicly.
I think it is doing the opposite stating it that way. The definition of a coup is its illegality. Info. you report to reps should be accurate because your goal is to help them work for the adherence to rule of law now. You don't want to detract from your own credibility.
You could maybe separate terms into two different sentences. They are executing a coup. Their acts are unauthorized and illegal. I will not stand for this conduct and I respectfully ask you to do everything possible to firmly reject these actions.
Love banana Republicans. So accurate for the spineless pols who only care about their own reelection prospects. We are in an epic( for our times) fight for the life of our constitutional government. The Republicans are acting like they think they can appease trump. They are wrong and it needs to some how break through their self absorbed denial.
Thanks, Bob. Yes I agree and that's a good list. Believe it or not, I've read an article or two even suggesting that "illegal" is losing its teeth now, because the combination of RW propaganda and projection has unfortunately divested it of public legitimacy.
I think simply calling Republicans criminal or even mafia may be effective, at least when that is accurate. Unfortunately, again it may cause unhinged backlash and echo chambers. Still, your point also stands -- it is time to call a spade a spade and we can't go back.
Also: 'junta' for Musk's crack team that forcibly entered the agencies and remained yes, illegally and criminally under current law.
I call them (GOP politicians and elected officials) traitors. They are traitors to the Constitution, to the values embedded within it, to their oaths to support and defend it, and to the rule of law generally. The only things they care about are their personal prospects--to achieve and retain power by any scheme (Gerrymandering, voter suppression, mendacity, and other cheats) that seems to work.
JVL of the Bulwark did a piece regarding Tesla being hit hard right now due to Musk’s tanking popularity. I am not a subscriber yet so I didn’t get to read the full article, but it suggested that this was a pain point.
It's also important Musk continues to alienate potential EV buyers. Tesla isn't thr only game in that town. If Tesla sales begin to decrease that affects the stock market value
I'd love to see a movement grow of cities creating parking lots full of Teslas for the unhoused. The "housing" thanks to Tesla owners who want nothing more to do with Musk. Cities could offer donors a small check in exchange. Yes, it's a hefty, symbolic gesture. The occupants may have use of Tesla's wifi for job search, email, etc. With a dog park, restrooms, and farmer's market next to it, people will have basics and former owners will enjoy watching Musk's stock tank.
They're not Teslas, they're muskmobiles. When I see someone getting into theirs, I say, "How do you like your muskmobile? Big fan of Musk, I see--you put another 75,000 in his pocket. How'd you like his Nazi salutes a couple of weeks ago?"
I loved the Super Bowl. More than half the attendees aggressively booed Trump. In the South, in front of the most macho group of citizens, many people were visibly angry and yelled at and booed him. The halftime show was a clear message to Trump and was delivered by Black Lives Matter via Serena Williams, Samuel Jackson and Kendrick Lamar, and all the Super Bowl Commercials were anti Trump and supported DEI. I think his walls are caving in and we have to keep up the pressure. It is becoming very obvious that he is full of it...his walls are crumbling every time he breaks the law...He puts the Kebbler elf (Mike Johnson) on a plane to the Super Bowl to cozy up to him but I am sure there are many in Congress that are not loving this rule breaking. Including GOP members of Congress. It is like watching a train wreck and we are on that train. I have to believe that Trump cannot take down my country and I will fight every day to keep that from happening. Thank God I live in Santa Monica, CA...and thank God I have all of you and dear Robert Hubbell to keep me from going off the deep end.
On a positive note: My spineless Senator, Thom Tillis, did not vote for the Tulsi Gabbard confirmation.
He didn't vote against, but at least he's hearing us, his constituents, screaming about the horrid, unacceptable nominations that are actively endangering the American people and national security.
Did you see that our spineless senator, Tillis, said nobody should bellyache about trump ignoring the Constitution? Tillis violated his oath of office with those words.
Thank you for the Super Bowl report! I didn't watch so good to know about the commercials etc. I heard Trump left at half time so I guess he wasn't feeling the love. ;-)
Of course he left. He doesn't know the first thing about football other than it is played with big muscle-bound men who like to "knock the hell" out of one another. He loves violence and FOX network; those were his prerequisites for going along with getting his ugly mug on camera.
that and he always wants to be in a large crowd so he can pretend they are cheering for him. No matter it's hypocritical to his policies, and wasting money and endangering people for him to be there with all the security measures.
And did you SEE that RIDICULOUS stunt about "flying over the Gulf of America"?
Renaming stuff is just another loud "dog whistle," and it's not helping one single, solitary soul in the nation or on the planet. He is a felon and a salesman, incapable of governing so he's signing Project 2025 EOs, and completely insensitive to the harm and pain he is causing. What he is actively breaking may not be repairable.
Renaming stuff and touting Gaza resorts are distractions from what Musk and his muskrats are doing in Washington. And he probably wanted to be at the Super Bowl to draw attention and applause from Taylor Swift, whom he so envies.
It may be a little more than that -- it is also politicking and contract-dealing for him. That's why Trump and his nominees showed up at the Army Navy game before inauguration. I dislike football for all the correct reasons you mention, as well as it being a paramilitary training spectacle.
Thanks..I had no idea that happened at the Super Bowl. Yippie. I read that he fell asleep at the game and left at half time. It cost us millions for him to attend.
"I think his walls are caving in and we have to keep up the pressure. It is becoming very obvious that he is full of it...his walls are crumbling every time he breaks the law... "
Yeah well, pardon my scepticism, but punters have been asserting that "the walls are moving in" on Trump since 2016, and yet he has gone from strength to strength ... millions of supporters and billions in grift money.
Please get back to me when there is some evidence that Musk and Trump have been the slightest bit inconvenienced by anything since 20 Jan ... they are in total control and they full-well know it.
For those who feel inclined, I hope you’ll consider joining me in sending an email to the Dean of Yale University Law School ( , asking her to publicly and unequivocally denounce JD Vance’s alarming and inaccurate tweet stating that “judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power”. I sent her a screenshot of the tweet and said this, if it helps anyone else:
Subject: For the sake of our democracy, please publicly & loudly denounce JD Vance's tweet
I am an ordinary American citizen who cares deeply about our democracy, which is currently on the brink. While the current administration took an oath to abide by the constitution, they clearly have no intention of doing so, especially when they openly admit that they will not abide by the rulings of our court system.
Please openly, publicly, and unequivocally denounce this tweet as WRONG. JD Vance knows it’s wrong; most thinking American citizens know it’s wrong, and I am humbly beseeching you to help correct this LIE. He is a graduate of your university after all.
Thank you Katherine, I just sent a letter to the Dean.
Here is what I wrote:
Dear Dean Gerken,
I am a terrified senior citizen from Minnesota. Please for the sake of democracy, denounce JD Vance's statement that "judges aren't allowed to control the executive legitimate power." He is vice president of the United States and many Americans will believe this is true. He took an oath to the Constitution and clearly admitted that he has no intention of abiding by that oath. You must speak out and denounce JD Vance or you will look like you agree with him. Yale will look weak and lose its reputation as being a fine, number one law Institution. I think you should revoke his law license.
Our democracy is on the brink. We need strong leaders to speak out before we lose that same precious democracy that we all fought so hard for.
I have vowed to make at least six phone calls or send emails everyday. It is empowering to feel part of the resistance. We all must keep the pressure on constantly. We are in the fight of our lifetime.
It’s also empowering to have ZERO doubt there on the right side of history. This has not been about politics for some time now, and I’m appalled by my own friends who can manage to stay silent thru this blatant attack on our democracy and the rule of law.
"Autogolpe" is a serious term, imtroduced into contemporary writing this week by Paul Krugman. It's a one-word term that describes exactly what is happening. From Wikipedia: "A self-coup, also called an autocoup (from Spanish autogolpe) or coup from the top, is a form of coup d'état in which a political leader, having come to power through legal means, stays in power illegally through the actions of themselves or their supporters. The leader may dissolve or render powerless the national legislature and unlawfully assume extraordinary powers. Other measures may include annulling the constitution, suspending civil courts, and having the head of government assume dictatorial powers."
It doesn't get into whether it is "fascist" or not so you don't have to argue with over-educated and under-intelligent Cousin Reginald the New York Intelleckshooul.
I expect veneration of "The Constitution" is a big part of the US problem - no other successful democracy around the world (and there are lots of us) has to resort to declaring their love and devotion to a rather dated document stitched together by a very compromised bunch of bewigged and perfumed slave-drivers from the 18th Century.
Over my lifetime anyway (1952 - ) the US Constitution has been used three times very well - in terms of Civil Rights (Desegregation), Gay Rights, and Roe v Wade. But these are puny compared to the number of times urgent and genuine rights have been crushed by courts using "the Constitution".
Progressives have no real reason to support the Constitution.
I basically disagree ... I don't think "Autogolpe" is the right term - at least so far.
Trump, MAGA, and the GOP have legitimate control of the White House, the Reps, and the Senate - and of course scurrilously illegitimate control of the third branch - the Supreme Court.
Trump has no need to indulge in "Autogolpe" yet - because the other branches are not fighting him or even slowing his progress. When he gets a few hiccups from the Reps, or the Courts, and he politely but firmly tells them to go f*ck themselves, then we can start talking about a real old-fashioned South American coup. But we ain't there yet.
I think the point that Robert is making is that, sure it's a legitimate term, and it might be accurate, but very few have actually heard the word and understand it's meaning. Coup is a word that most people understand. In messaging we need to keep it simple.
Representatives are also using the term constitutional crisis. I don't think most people understand the gravity of that situation. Maybe defying the constitution? This is where we need our best marketers/communicators/brand strategists on the case. That’s not me!
Just because the other branches (the Repubs in those branches) aren’t fighting him doesn’t mean this isn’t a coup. Those who aren’t fighting him are simply complicit. By taking taking over their roles of Congressional authority, violating the Impoundment Act, freezing funds, shutting down Congressionally created institutions, and giving Musk and his band of computer hackers access to the Treasury computers and who knows what’s next, he is clearly in coup-mode.
Here is another level of sounding the alarm that the U.S. is in a coup. Looking in from the UK, Carole Caswalladr describes our dual habitation in both a physical and digital world, with Musk and his cadre of mercenaries using not tanks but computer coding to pull off this digital coup. She credits Ruth Ben-Ghiat and Timothy Snyder, but has not found Robert Hubbell. Clearly Robert has to start making appearances on MSNBC.
The People’s Union has organized a national Economic Blackout for Feb. 28, 2025:
"On this day, participants are encouraged to refrain from making any purchases, both online and in-store, from large corporations. The aim is to demonstrate the collective power of consumers and to advocate for economic change. Essential purchases, such as paying bills and buying necessities, are generally considered acceptable, but the emphasis will be on minimizing non-essential spending to make a significant economic impact."
Is there a way to add companies to that list? I just checked and found out that our Giant Eagle grocery stores in western PA and a few other states to the south, are still committed to DEI.
I like this 2/28 economic blackout as a way of collectively flexing our economic muscles. Demonstrating the power we have over the economy. How do we get all the various grassroots Dems organized to participate?
As for the economic blackout, I will post the link in the comments of some Meidas Touch videos. Anyone know if the link is being posted in the comments section of HCR’s FB posts?
May you feel better soon, Robert. I use Healer Within tai chi/qigong to maintain health. These practices are free and easy to learn. We need many tools in our toolboxes, going forward. Peace and Health to all.
I would like to be optimistic about 2026 and 2028. However, I would like for you to address the SAVE act vis-à-vis our next elections. If the SAVE act passes, huge amounts of people will not be able to vote. This is the way the coup succeeds. How do we keep the SAVE act from passing?
Including married women who have taken their husbands’ names (like myself) and thus their birth certificates and other forms of ID don’t match. That affects millions of women, which of course is a goal of theirs.
If the tide is turning with the courts and the economic community that is all for the good. In the meantime, we need to keep writing and calling out senators, especially in red states and voicing our displeasure. My latest letter below is a work in progress and hasn't been posted to either senator but will probably go out later today.
Senator Moran,
The NIH funding is gone, and my only response is why and what the hell is wrong with you people?
The USAID funding is gone, and again my only response is what the hell is wrong with you people? When you stump on Pro-life, and then you let Elon Musk pull the plug on money to help save humanity not only in the US but across the globe, I have to call out this hypocrisy and flat out say this is BS. I don’t need to mention the economic impact this will have on the farmers of the state of KS and surrounding farm belt states, you already know because I’ve seen your reaction. You never told them about this before they voted, good job.
DOGE has access to the treasury department and please tell me why my personal data is at risk along with everyone else in America? No one elect ELON and his band of Nazi’s, get him the hell out of our lives and our (we the people) government.
Project 2025 according to 47 on the campaign trail, quote, “I know nothing about it”. How you can close your eyes and say that’s not what is going on, I say BS to that and just about everything else you are doing. You should get on board and start defending the Constitution of the United States and stand up to this wrecking ball of an administration. As an American veteran I will never understand your capitulation to 47, it’s shameful and a disgrace to the office you hold.
So let me tell you what I’m doing or not doing would be more appropriate. My discretionary spending has come to a halt and believe me, there are a lot of other people doing the same.
I was going to sell my home and move to a 55+ retirement community apartment, not now.
I was going to buy a new car, not now.
Vacation plans were in the works, not now.
I will buy only what’s needed and buy from companies that support Democracy. This is what these ill-conceived plans have brought on and created the trepidation I now feel along with millions of Americans. So, if a wrecking ball is what you want to swing, we will swing back in the form of crash the economy and make the Nazi’s suffer as well.
Finally, I won’t live in a fascist or theocratic country. So, get rid of the Nazi’s and 2025, or the citizens will.
Unfortunately, these days, the courts will not likely succeed. When necessary, the courts enforce their orders by directing the U.S. Marshals Service <> to take the offender into custody. But with the USMS under the control of the U.S. Justice Department, and the DOJ under the control of Pam Bondi and Trump's former criminal lawyers, I would not be at all surprised to see DOJ "leadership" tell the USMS not to arrest a Trump toady -- or to do anything else contrary to whatever Trump wants -- at the behest of a court.
There may be a couple of obstacles to this. I do agree that they have as a target Marbury v. Madison, and they are amplifying their warped intentions through permissive media structures. On a broader scale, they are pursuing a type of autocracy which consolidates executive power, similar to Hungary's recent consolidation under Orban.
The DOJ has been already been pushing some attempts inside the courts. There however, this DOJ is really being taken to the ropes. Some of Emil Bove and gangs' incriminating arguments and concealments are pissing judges off. Those judges have long memories, especially the ones who worked diligently on J6 cases. And the suits are being brought through clever and effective channels -- state AGs banding together, for example.
And a broader issue is that even the S.C. is not so likely to undermine its own sovereignty as a coequal branch in support of overturning Marbury. Even if we count out Alito and Thomas, Roberts doesn't seem especially pleased with Trump anymore. And enforcement may in fact come down in part to economic leverage, e.g. Wall Street bailing on Trump, and / or Democrats using their debt ceiling leverage with a hung Congress. All to say that I don't think they'll get away with everything. Some yes, some no.
Michael- Just to clarify, there is nothing conservative about MAGA. We should stop using that word to describe a completely throw-the-baby-out-with-the-bathwater power grab.
Trump/Musk are carrying out a direct and lightning fast attack on our law-based democracy. The clear goal is to amass quickly absolute power in themselves and their thugs/sycophants. The result is dictatorship. The means which we see unfolding in real time is a coup. Thanks, Rob, for calling it what it is. Only when we see it for what it is can we address it head on, which we must if our democracy is to survive.
When this is all over, Project 2025 will be remembered as Mein Kampf (published in 1925), is remembered; a manifesto from hell that was not taken seriously by enough people until it was too late.
Bob, thank you for naming the coup. I heard George Conway and Adam Schiff say we should take to the streets. I'm afraid if we take to the streets, Trump's J6 militia and the National Guard will shoot us in the legs or worse. Why isn't anyone talking about the fact that he's sewn up the military? I think we're in very bad shape and feel that he's holding all the cards.
I think it is important to protest, but cautiously. It is not quite so black and white; rather, smaller, verified gatherings that peacefully protest can work very effectively. I believe Jamie Raskin also warned last week to be careful of large, unregulated protests. We have ways of pushing back and we are increasingly feeling our way through to achieve some leverage.
I agree Bob what's to stop Trump's j6 militia? In fact there was my small group of senior citizen women who were planning to go to our capital for a protest. The thought of The Proud boys being there made us give up on that plan. Trump has pardoned 1,500 criminals and Unleashed them into the streets for Retribution. Some of them are hanging out at Mar-A-Lago and one of the proud boys has even said he's going to run for office.
I agree with you, Mr. Hubbell. I think when folks bemoan, "What can I do?" this is what we tell them; get out in the streets, call your reps every day and ask them to grow a spine, and get ready to boycott the economy and shut it down. That last action will wake up the "powers that be" and give energy to the judiciary (and others) to fight like hell. It is up to us, always has been. On my way this morning to protest outside Lawler's office in New York.
Mr Hubbell is one of the few people calling it how it is actually happening. I think too many Americans and people in the media just think it's normal chaos and are firmly entrenched in their beliefs that nothing really bad could ever happen in America.
I think the media, economists, commentators, etc are really in denial of what is happening because our brains can't really wrap around what that would mean if it was true.
I'm baffled as to why there has not yet been a call for a nationwide work stoppage by the Democratic party, especially by undocumented workers. If they all didn't show up for a full week's worth of work, the economy would grind to a halt. No functioning restaurants or food delivery, no construction, no clean offices or hotels, no meatpacking, no fruit or vegetable picking, no lawn or pool service. (Oh, no! Not my pool!) It has to be made abundantly clear to those who don't interact with "others" that they're not pet-eating monsters.
It would be a great wake-up call! It may be that the workers can't afford to lose a day's wages. Or maybe they are fearful their workplaces will call ICE.
I agree Alice, we need to take some kind of action NOW. I fear we can't wait till the midterm elections of 2026. Our democracy will be gone by then if we don't do something right now.
Yes, a coup yesterday didn't stop being a coup today. Thank you for perservering with this, Robert. You are more than fine. That said, Maddow's phrase is not incorrect, particularly in the sense that Anne Applebaum and others use autocracy (Maddow has a PhD in poli sci). More to Robert's point, Tim Snyder also correctly uses autocracy, yet has said out loud to call this coup a coup -- it's both public and conceptual clarity that must prevail together for us to fight back effectively. Maddow's phrase is infelicitous for this moment that requires quick and sharp understanding, and for an invaluable star of the media ecosystem we now rely upon.
There's a growing divergence between the formidable backstop of affirmative court rulings, and authoritarian / P2025 fabricated defenses. We will continue to see a pattern of helpful Monday court activity, after suffering through more weekends of executive malfeasance. Rather than reiterate all of the minutiae of growing caseloads, a few important patterns:
--We actually benefit from being able to see court proceedings and coverage flow through social media, and occasional independent media, in real time. And one thing that strikes me is how terribly constructed DOJ / GOP defenses are (it's called lying), against the strong cases brought by pro-democratic litigants and state AGs. In other words, yes, we are inundated by madness. But in an age of radically accelerated social media, we are also privy to accurate updates that shine a light on the impressive strength of our legal / constitutional narrative. That narrative of rule of law and constitutional order isn't being broken in the courtroom -- it is being strengthened now. And most importantly, judges are *increasingly affirming suits brought against the new regime, which reinforces the immune system of the constitutional order.*
--Another important pattern of divergence, also noted today by Jay Kuo: we cannot help that Trump's reputation doesn't drop as fast with his base as it does with the rest of the world. And especially dropping with CEOs, as reported by the WSJ. But he's still Teflon Don, for now. However, Elon Musk's reputation is taking a major nosedive. Musk is utterly toxic and oblivious. And it seems Musk's rep is not going to recuperate with anybody, save for his most extremist fanboys. That's a space to watch closely, because the first signs of rift and fallout may be coming sooner rather than later. And mass public pushback will help this. It is already helping.
Nicely stated, Dan. I agree with Robert that the time for euphemisms has passed, but so has the time for esoteric but descriptive terms (think "autogolpe"). The time for overused terms has passed as well ("constitutional crisis"). We need to use simple, clear, obvious, emotionally-charged terms to describe the disaster that is unfolding at lightning speed.
Some suggested adjectives: illegal; life-threatening; disastrous; disgusting; hellish; spiteful; hateful; merciless; and monstrous. Some suggested nouns: coup (although it risks overuse and parsing); takeover; mercenaries; outlaws; crooks; devastation; pariah; cruelty; and scourge. Some verbs: ignore; scorn; inflict; subject; overrun; exhaust; harass; commandeer; pervert; dishonor; and disgrace.
Perhaps for good measure, we should refer to the former Republican Party members more accurately as "banana Republicans."
Another word to describe what is going on is cruel. The cruelty of consigning legally hired federal employees to limbo, of wasting food aid that has already been paid for. The cruelty of slandering people publicly.
Thanks, 3B. Good addition!
When I call my representatives daily, I pair them: illegal coup. Hopefully gets their attention. Has gotten mine!!
Is there such a thing as a legal coup?
No, just putting it there for emphasis!!
I think it is doing the opposite stating it that way. The definition of a coup is its illegality. Info. you report to reps should be accurate because your goal is to help them work for the adherence to rule of law now. You don't want to detract from your own credibility.
You could maybe separate terms into two different sentences. They are executing a coup. Their acts are unauthorized and illegal. I will not stand for this conduct and I respectfully ask you to do everything possible to firmly reject these actions.
Dan, appreciate your thoughtful note! I always learn so much from this community!!
I've heard it referred to as an administrative coup vs a violent or military one.
What do you say about the illegal coup when you call representative?
See what Dan says above. I think he really improves on what I have been saying!
I just called back my republican congressman and spoke of the illegal coup. Thank you, Janet!
We have had a helpful discussion re: calling it an 'illegal coup' above. I think it better not to mix both terms together when you call.
Love banana Republicans. So accurate for the spineless pols who only care about their own reelection prospects. We are in an epic( for our times) fight for the life of our constitutional government. The Republicans are acting like they think they can appease trump. They are wrong and it needs to some how break through their self absorbed denial.
An additional, useful noun: putsch (which has historical resonance – Hitler‘s attempted power grab around 1922).
Thanks, Bob. Yes I agree and that's a good list. Believe it or not, I've read an article or two even suggesting that "illegal" is losing its teeth now, because the combination of RW propaganda and projection has unfortunately divested it of public legitimacy.
I think simply calling Republicans criminal or even mafia may be effective, at least when that is accurate. Unfortunately, again it may cause unhinged backlash and echo chambers. Still, your point also stands -- it is time to call a spade a spade and we can't go back.
Also: 'junta' for Musk's crack team that forcibly entered the agencies and remained yes, illegally and criminally under current law.
Thanks, Dan. I thought about junta, but it begged for an alliterative adjective. I don't call a spade a spade - I call it a f***ing shovel!
I call them (GOP politicians and elected officials) traitors. They are traitors to the Constitution, to the values embedded within it, to their oaths to support and defend it, and to the rule of law generally. The only things they care about are their personal prospects--to achieve and retain power by any scheme (Gerrymandering, voter suppression, mendacity, and other cheats) that seems to work.
I like that!! Describes them to a T
JVL of the Bulwark did a piece regarding Tesla being hit hard right now due to Musk’s tanking popularity. I am not a subscriber yet so I didn’t get to read the full article, but it suggested that this was a pain point.
Regarding Musk. Connect the dots of getting access to all government data and his attempt to buy OpenAI.
AI depends on data. Having the most data is key to winning.
Well said.
Thank you, Marsha.
It's also important Musk continues to alienate potential EV buyers. Tesla isn't thr only game in that town. If Tesla sales begin to decrease that affects the stock market value
I'd love to see a movement grow of cities creating parking lots full of Teslas for the unhoused. The "housing" thanks to Tesla owners who want nothing more to do with Musk. Cities could offer donors a small check in exchange. Yes, it's a hefty, symbolic gesture. The occupants may have use of Tesla's wifi for job search, email, etc. With a dog park, restrooms, and farmer's market next to it, people will have basics and former owners will enjoy watching Musk's stock tank.
Interesting idea. If the price for used Teslas dropped far enough, there might be a few donors.
Anyway, let’s keep brainstorming.
encouraging people to sell or trash their muskmobiles.
Hyundai EV Sante Fe truck is much more popular than Tesla.
It is a great truck, great design and easy to maintain.
Tesla Cybertruck is UGLY, uglier than a bowling shoe.
Thumbs up to Hyundai. I drive an Elantra and love it!
They're not Teslas, they're muskmobiles. When I see someone getting into theirs, I say, "How do you like your muskmobile? Big fan of Musk, I see--you put another 75,000 in his pocket. How'd you like his Nazi salutes a couple of weeks ago?"
For those interested, here are the links to Prof. Tim Sydner's "Of Course It's a Coup" article:
Thank you!
I loved the Super Bowl. More than half the attendees aggressively booed Trump. In the South, in front of the most macho group of citizens, many people were visibly angry and yelled at and booed him. The halftime show was a clear message to Trump and was delivered by Black Lives Matter via Serena Williams, Samuel Jackson and Kendrick Lamar, and all the Super Bowl Commercials were anti Trump and supported DEI. I think his walls are caving in and we have to keep up the pressure. It is becoming very obvious that he is full of it...his walls are crumbling every time he breaks the law...He puts the Kebbler elf (Mike Johnson) on a plane to the Super Bowl to cozy up to him but I am sure there are many in Congress that are not loving this rule breaking. Including GOP members of Congress. It is like watching a train wreck and we are on that train. I have to believe that Trump cannot take down my country and I will fight every day to keep that from happening. Thank God I live in Santa Monica, CA...and thank God I have all of you and dear Robert Hubbell to keep me from going off the deep end.
On a positive note: My spineless Senator, Thom Tillis, did not vote for the Tulsi Gabbard confirmation.
He didn't vote against, but at least he's hearing us, his constituents, screaming about the horrid, unacceptable nominations that are actively endangering the American people and national security.
Did you see that our spineless senator, Tillis, said nobody should bellyache about trump ignoring the Constitution? Tillis violated his oath of office with those words.
Thank you for the Super Bowl report! I didn't watch so good to know about the commercials etc. I heard Trump left at half time so I guess he wasn't feeling the love. ;-)
Of course he left. He doesn't know the first thing about football other than it is played with big muscle-bound men who like to "knock the hell" out of one another. He loves violence and FOX network; those were his prerequisites for going along with getting his ugly mug on camera.
that and he always wants to be in a large crowd so he can pretend they are cheering for him. No matter it's hypocritical to his policies, and wasting money and endangering people for him to be there with all the security measures.
And did you SEE that RIDICULOUS stunt about "flying over the Gulf of America"?
Renaming stuff is just another loud "dog whistle," and it's not helping one single, solitary soul in the nation or on the planet. He is a felon and a salesman, incapable of governing so he's signing Project 2025 EOs, and completely insensitive to the harm and pain he is causing. What he is actively breaking may not be repairable.
Renaming stuff and touting Gaza resorts are distractions from what Musk and his muskrats are doing in Washington. And he probably wanted to be at the Super Bowl to draw attention and applause from Taylor Swift, whom he so envies.
He is getting more physically ugly as time goes by. His outside is starting to match his ugly void of a soul.
It may be a little more than that -- it is also politicking and contract-dealing for him. That's why Trump and his nominees showed up at the Army Navy game before inauguration. I dislike football for all the correct reasons you mention, as well as it being a paramilitary training spectacle.
Thanks..I had no idea that happened at the Super Bowl. Yippie. I read that he fell asleep at the game and left at half time. It cost us millions for him to attend.
I also loved many of the Super Bowl commercials, and the halftime show. Baby Trump left before halftime was over…
Thats because he didn`t get enough attention. He is a heat seeking missile.
"I think his walls are caving in and we have to keep up the pressure. It is becoming very obvious that he is full of it...his walls are crumbling every time he breaks the law... "
Yeah well, pardon my scepticism, but punters have been asserting that "the walls are moving in" on Trump since 2016, and yet he has gone from strength to strength ... millions of supporters and billions in grift money.
Please get back to me when there is some evidence that Musk and Trump have been the slightest bit inconvenienced by anything since 20 Jan ... they are in total control and they full-well know it.
Hey Adaline! Well said. I'm in Santa Monica too. Tell me more about you?
For those who feel inclined, I hope you’ll consider joining me in sending an email to the Dean of Yale University Law School ( , asking her to publicly and unequivocally denounce JD Vance’s alarming and inaccurate tweet stating that “judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power”. I sent her a screenshot of the tweet and said this, if it helps anyone else:
Subject: For the sake of our democracy, please publicly & loudly denounce JD Vance's tweet
I am an ordinary American citizen who cares deeply about our democracy, which is currently on the brink. While the current administration took an oath to abide by the constitution, they clearly have no intention of doing so, especially when they openly admit that they will not abide by the rulings of our court system.
Please openly, publicly, and unequivocally denounce this tweet as WRONG. JD Vance knows it’s wrong; most thinking American citizens know it’s wrong, and I am humbly beseeching you to help correct this LIE. He is a graduate of your university after all.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
Thank you Katherine, I just sent a letter to the Dean.
Here is what I wrote:
Dear Dean Gerken,
I am a terrified senior citizen from Minnesota. Please for the sake of democracy, denounce JD Vance's statement that "judges aren't allowed to control the executive legitimate power." He is vice president of the United States and many Americans will believe this is true. He took an oath to the Constitution and clearly admitted that he has no intention of abiding by that oath. You must speak out and denounce JD Vance or you will look like you agree with him. Yale will look weak and lose its reputation as being a fine, number one law Institution. I think you should revoke his law license.
Our democracy is on the brink. We need strong leaders to speak out before we lose that same precious democracy that we all fought so hard for.
Thanks for listening,
Cindy Kopacek
Sent from AOL on Android
Fantastic!!! Thank you so much!! Keep speaking your truth 🙌🏼❤️😘
Thank you! I will absolutely do this! I appreciate you making it so easy by giving the email address!
Thank you! Please share with other people in your circle as well!
I have vowed to make at least six phone calls or send emails everyday. It is empowering to feel part of the resistance. We all must keep the pressure on constantly. We are in the fight of our lifetime.
It’s also empowering to have ZERO doubt there on the right side of history. This has not been about politics for some time now, and I’m appalled by my own friends who can manage to stay silent thru this blatant attack on our democracy and the rule of law.
*we’re on the right side of… ❤️🩹
Done! That felt good!
Great job!! Please share with other like minded people who care about that crazy little thing known as the rule of law. ❤️
Great idea! I just sent an email.
Thanks so much Janet! Please share the idea with your friends!!
Done -thank you
Thank YOU!! Well done! Encourage your friends to do the same!
Yayyy!! Thanks!
"Autogolpe" is a serious term, imtroduced into contemporary writing this week by Paul Krugman. It's a one-word term that describes exactly what is happening. From Wikipedia: "A self-coup, also called an autocoup (from Spanish autogolpe) or coup from the top, is a form of coup d'état in which a political leader, having come to power through legal means, stays in power illegally through the actions of themselves or their supporters. The leader may dissolve or render powerless the national legislature and unlawfully assume extraordinary powers. Other measures may include annulling the constitution, suspending civil courts, and having the head of government assume dictatorial powers."
It doesn't get into whether it is "fascist" or not so you don't have to argue with over-educated and under-intelligent Cousin Reginald the New York Intelleckshooul.
If you have to explain it, it's useless.
I expect veneration of "The Constitution" is a big part of the US problem - no other successful democracy around the world (and there are lots of us) has to resort to declaring their love and devotion to a rather dated document stitched together by a very compromised bunch of bewigged and perfumed slave-drivers from the 18th Century.
Over my lifetime anyway (1952 - ) the US Constitution has been used three times very well - in terms of Civil Rights (Desegregation), Gay Rights, and Roe v Wade. But these are puny compared to the number of times urgent and genuine rights have been crushed by courts using "the Constitution".
Progressives have no real reason to support the Constitution.
Yes. It's legit, just not a great term to blast through a megaphone right now.
Exactly! 'Autogolpe' is another over-educated, ridiculous, term that the alt-right will use to sneer and laugh at libs. See 'defund the police'.
You shouldn’t use any word people have to look up to understand. And I love Paul Krugman.
I basically disagree ... I don't think "Autogolpe" is the right term - at least so far.
Trump, MAGA, and the GOP have legitimate control of the White House, the Reps, and the Senate - and of course scurrilously illegitimate control of the third branch - the Supreme Court.
Trump has no need to indulge in "Autogolpe" yet - because the other branches are not fighting him or even slowing his progress. When he gets a few hiccups from the Reps, or the Courts, and he politely but firmly tells them to go f*ck themselves, then we can start talking about a real old-fashioned South American coup. But we ain't there yet.
I think the point that Robert is making is that, sure it's a legitimate term, and it might be accurate, but very few have actually heard the word and understand it's meaning. Coup is a word that most people understand. In messaging we need to keep it simple.
Representatives are also using the term constitutional crisis. I don't think most people understand the gravity of that situation. Maybe defying the constitution? This is where we need our best marketers/communicators/brand strategists on the case. That’s not me!
Just because the other branches (the Repubs in those branches) aren’t fighting him doesn’t mean this isn’t a coup. Those who aren’t fighting him are simply complicit. By taking taking over their roles of Congressional authority, violating the Impoundment Act, freezing funds, shutting down Congressionally created institutions, and giving Musk and his band of computer hackers access to the Treasury computers and who knows what’s next, he is clearly in coup-mode.
Thank you for a good statement about that term. I was going to bring that up as well, that Krugman used that term in his column.
Here is another level of sounding the alarm that the U.S. is in a coup. Looking in from the UK, Carole Caswalladr describes our dual habitation in both a physical and digital world, with Musk and his cadre of mercenaries using not tanks but computer coding to pull off this digital coup. She credits Ruth Ben-Ghiat and Timothy Snyder, but has not found Robert Hubbell. Clearly Robert has to start making appearances on MSNBC.
Cadwalladr is great -- thanks for this.
WOW is an understatement!!! Thank you !!
WOW! Thank you for the link!
Feel better, Robert. Lots of sick people these days, illness made worse, IMHO, by the impacts on us by the treachery in Congress and the White House.
Speaking of popular protests, there's talk of a day of no consumer spending, I believe 2/28. I don't have details.
Lucian Truscott IV presents possible scenarios if Trump-Musk continue to defy the courts and ignore the law. Worth reading, though not at bedtime. Here's the link:
The People’s Union has organized a national Economic Blackout for Feb. 28, 2025:
"On this day, participants are encouraged to refrain from making any purchases, both online and in-store, from large corporations. The aim is to demonstrate the collective power of consumers and to advocate for economic change. Essential purchases, such as paying bills and buying necessities, are generally considered acceptable, but the emphasis will be on minimizing non-essential spending to make a significant economic impact."
Here's a guide for voting with our dollars for companies supporting DEI:
Is there a way to add companies to that list? I just checked and found out that our Giant Eagle grocery stores in western PA and a few other states to the south, are still committed to DEI.,their%20differences%20and%20unique%20talents.
The author of the list invites updates:
Thank you Ellie! I was wondering about how to find out about this the last few days.
I like this 2/28 economic blackout as a way of collectively flexing our economic muscles. Demonstrating the power we have over the economy. How do we get all the various grassroots Dems organized to participate?
And they encourage buying from small, local businesses.
As for the economic blackout, I will post the link in the comments of some Meidas Touch videos. Anyone know if the link is being posted in the comments section of HCR’s FB posts?
Thank you for this Ellie Kona
May you feel better soon, Robert. I use Healer Within tai chi/qigong to maintain health. These practices are free and easy to learn. We need many tools in our toolboxes, going forward. Peace and Health to all.
I would like to be optimistic about 2026 and 2028. However, I would like for you to address the SAVE act vis-à-vis our next elections. If the SAVE act passes, huge amounts of people will not be able to vote. This is the way the coup succeeds. How do we keep the SAVE act from passing?
Including married women who have taken their husbands’ names (like myself) and thus their birth certificates and other forms of ID don’t match. That affects millions of women, which of course is a goal of theirs.
Jess Craven/Chop Wood,Carry Water has a Resistbot campaign.
Vote NO on the Save Act !
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A shareable card that reads "tell the U.S. House of Representatives: Vote NO on the SAVE Act!" followed by "text sign PKFOYU to 50409"
Text INVITE PKFOYU to ask your friends to sign via text or email
Print this and post around campus or on your community bulletin board
Use the iOS app to share with your contacts
Join our Discord and connect with fellow organizers
If the tide is turning with the courts and the economic community that is all for the good. In the meantime, we need to keep writing and calling out senators, especially in red states and voicing our displeasure. My latest letter below is a work in progress and hasn't been posted to either senator but will probably go out later today.
Senator Moran,
The NIH funding is gone, and my only response is why and what the hell is wrong with you people?
The USAID funding is gone, and again my only response is what the hell is wrong with you people? When you stump on Pro-life, and then you let Elon Musk pull the plug on money to help save humanity not only in the US but across the globe, I have to call out this hypocrisy and flat out say this is BS. I don’t need to mention the economic impact this will have on the farmers of the state of KS and surrounding farm belt states, you already know because I’ve seen your reaction. You never told them about this before they voted, good job.
DOGE has access to the treasury department and please tell me why my personal data is at risk along with everyone else in America? No one elect ELON and his band of Nazi’s, get him the hell out of our lives and our (we the people) government.
Project 2025 according to 47 on the campaign trail, quote, “I know nothing about it”. How you can close your eyes and say that’s not what is going on, I say BS to that and just about everything else you are doing. You should get on board and start defending the Constitution of the United States and stand up to this wrecking ball of an administration. As an American veteran I will never understand your capitulation to 47, it’s shameful and a disgrace to the office you hold.
So let me tell you what I’m doing or not doing would be more appropriate. My discretionary spending has come to a halt and believe me, there are a lot of other people doing the same.
I was going to sell my home and move to a 55+ retirement community apartment, not now.
I was going to buy a new car, not now.
Vacation plans were in the works, not now.
I will buy only what’s needed and buy from companies that support Democracy. This is what these ill-conceived plans have brought on and created the trepidation I now feel along with millions of Americans. So, if a wrecking ball is what you want to swing, we will swing back in the form of crash the economy and make the Nazi’s suffer as well.
Finally, I won’t live in a fascist or theocratic country. So, get rid of the Nazi’s and 2025, or the citizens will.
Your work in progress is brilliant! Wonderful and straight to the point. Thank you!
All very well argued and nice ... but how does a court enforce its order if it is ignored by someone who has power and grunt. This was not answered.
Unfortunately, these days, the courts will not likely succeed. When necessary, the courts enforce their orders by directing the U.S. Marshals Service <> to take the offender into custody. But with the USMS under the control of the U.S. Justice Department, and the DOJ under the control of Pam Bondi and Trump's former criminal lawyers, I would not be at all surprised to see DOJ "leadership" tell the USMS not to arrest a Trump toady -- or to do anything else contrary to whatever Trump wants -- at the behest of a court.
At root, the Trump (mal)administration seeks to overthrow the foundational SCOTUS decision of Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803) <> <> <>, in which Chief Justice John Marshall, writing for a unanimous Court, famously declared, "It is emphatically the province and duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is."
There may be a couple of obstacles to this. I do agree that they have as a target Marbury v. Madison, and they are amplifying their warped intentions through permissive media structures. On a broader scale, they are pursuing a type of autocracy which consolidates executive power, similar to Hungary's recent consolidation under Orban.
The DOJ has been already been pushing some attempts inside the courts. There however, this DOJ is really being taken to the ropes. Some of Emil Bove and gangs' incriminating arguments and concealments are pissing judges off. Those judges have long memories, especially the ones who worked diligently on J6 cases. And the suits are being brought through clever and effective channels -- state AGs banding together, for example.
And a broader issue is that even the S.C. is not so likely to undermine its own sovereignty as a coequal branch in support of overturning Marbury. Even if we count out Alito and Thomas, Roberts doesn't seem especially pleased with Trump anymore. And enforcement may in fact come down in part to economic leverage, e.g. Wall Street bailing on Trump, and / or Democrats using their debt ceiling leverage with a hung Congress. All to say that I don't think they'll get away with everything. Some yes, some no.
Agree. This is where we are headed. It is dire.
A major reason Trump got elected is because half the Country only read conservative “news” and many others had no interest in the outcome.
I fear that It will take more than shouting a Constitutional Crisis for them to realize the danger.
If they see that Trump is not delivering on his major promise of making their lives better before they may get involved.
Any messaging should focus on this.
Michael- Just to clarify, there is nothing conservative about MAGA. We should stop using that word to describe a completely throw-the-baby-out-with-the-bathwater power grab.
Trump/Musk are carrying out a direct and lightning fast attack on our law-based democracy. The clear goal is to amass quickly absolute power in themselves and their thugs/sycophants. The result is dictatorship. The means which we see unfolding in real time is a coup. Thanks, Rob, for calling it what it is. Only when we see it for what it is can we address it head on, which we must if our democracy is to survive.
When this is all over, Project 2025 will be remembered as Mein Kampf (published in 1925), is remembered; a manifesto from hell that was not taken seriously by enough people until it was too late.
Bob, thank you for naming the coup. I heard George Conway and Adam Schiff say we should take to the streets. I'm afraid if we take to the streets, Trump's J6 militia and the National Guard will shoot us in the legs or worse. Why isn't anyone talking about the fact that he's sewn up the military? I think we're in very bad shape and feel that he's holding all the cards.
I think it is important to protest, but cautiously. It is not quite so black and white; rather, smaller, verified gatherings that peacefully protest can work very effectively. I believe Jamie Raskin also warned last week to be careful of large, unregulated protests. We have ways of pushing back and we are increasingly feeling our way through to achieve some leverage.
I have thought that if/when US citizens get shot at by their own military, that the public backlash would be so strong that it would be his end.
I agree Bob what's to stop Trump's j6 militia? In fact there was my small group of senior citizen women who were planning to go to our capital for a protest. The thought of The Proud boys being there made us give up on that plan. Trump has pardoned 1,500 criminals and Unleashed them into the streets for Retribution. Some of them are hanging out at Mar-A-Lago and one of the proud boys has even said he's going to run for office.
Elizabeth Warren reminded us last night that while Trump may have immunity the courts can find all the others in contempt.
I agree with you, Mr. Hubbell. I think when folks bemoan, "What can I do?" this is what we tell them; get out in the streets, call your reps every day and ask them to grow a spine, and get ready to boycott the economy and shut it down. That last action will wake up the "powers that be" and give energy to the judiciary (and others) to fight like hell. It is up to us, always has been. On my way this morning to protest outside Lawler's office in New York.
Mr Hubbell is one of the few people calling it how it is actually happening. I think too many Americans and people in the media just think it's normal chaos and are firmly entrenched in their beliefs that nothing really bad could ever happen in America.
I think the media, economists, commentators, etc are really in denial of what is happening because our brains can't really wrap around what that would mean if it was true.
Denial and avoidance have always been Mankind’s downfall.
I'm baffled as to why there has not yet been a call for a nationwide work stoppage by the Democratic party, especially by undocumented workers. If they all didn't show up for a full week's worth of work, the economy would grind to a halt. No functioning restaurants or food delivery, no construction, no clean offices or hotels, no meatpacking, no fruit or vegetable picking, no lawn or pool service. (Oh, no! Not my pool!) It has to be made abundantly clear to those who don't interact with "others" that they're not pet-eating monsters.
It would be a great wake-up call! It may be that the workers can't afford to lose a day's wages. Or maybe they are fearful their workplaces will call ICE.
I agree Alice, we need to take some kind of action NOW. I fear we can't wait till the midterm elections of 2026. Our democracy will be gone by then if we don't do something right now.