Vance doesn't know that the only people that are brainwashed, are people like him by men and women, who hold on to the mantra 'boys will be boys'. It is disgusting. You are totally right, Robert, we must hold them and the media accountable.

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Words used in Vance's statement: hate, brainwash (2), disorients, disturbs, destroy, and hell.

Compare to the joyful words of Harris-Walz (too numerous to mention.)

Negative much, JD?

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Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat says that Joy is a campaign platform. Of course who was she disagreeing with? MSM. Let me see, some hack journalist, or a professor who is a world renowned expert on fascism and elections. You can read what she says here. https://lucid.substack.com/p/why-joy-is-an-effective-anti-authoritarian

Or just watch her pointing out how we should be welcoming to Republicans, which I think the DNC demonstrated.


Viva la Kamala!

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I've read Ruth's stack, and others that talk about joy as a platform.

Ya know, I don't care if some people don't think joy is a platform - it's WORKING!!

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This was my favorite Ruth Ben-Ghiat post. Yes, some do make me want to “lie in the fetal position”.

“Happiness is a rainbow.” 🌈

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As I read things, Ruth Benghiat did not call joy a platform; it is a strategy, an attitude from which platform items can grow.

FDR had the same kind of understanding . Although I can’t isolate specific instances, it was clear that he understood that he needed to lift up people’s spirits. Similarly, Kamala Harris’s emphasis on Joy is an antidote to the grimness that Trump has inflicted on Americans, *including* Democrats. It provides a boost and thrust to her campaign.

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While I agree with you in terms of this election, I think she gave it much more power as an idea in the movement in Chile. It is a strategy, but it is an energy that Harris is exuding in this campaign that is tied to the positivity of the campaign and the can do attitude. As such it is having substance, not as a platform, but as a vehicle to move us forward. However, in the examples that Ben-Ghiat used of a campaign of joy in Chile, it was used as a platform, as a concept of what the people stood for. As was love in Turkey. So, she did not say that it was the platform of this campaign, but that it can be a platform of sorts. So, having joy and believing in joy is a goal of a party, or of the people and in that way it has substance as an ideology. We want to institute joy. How will we do that? By lifting the people up. By growing and lifting up the middle class. So, it has substance. I guess that is what she was saying is that it is something substantive to stand on.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

I applaud today's Republican Party for showing us all for what they stand resulting in a blue wave this November.

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This reminds me of a former colleague of mine (teacher) who questioned our district's dress code that forbade clothing that displayed "confederate and/or racist" images. While we all agreed that this policy was 'best'...she did bring up a good point: "I kinda wanna know which kids in my class are racists."

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Interesting angle. Thanks.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

I'm not fully convinced Vance is brain washed. I find it easier to accept that he's just decided that, for expediency, he'll go over to the dark side. He'll mouth things that are patently un-true. His most important audience is an audience of one. But after Trump stops thrashing around in the barrell, and lying 100 times a day on X or Truth Social, and retires to a life of extravagant luxury with the TV turned to Fox, Vance will still be relatively young. It'll be interesting to see what colors the chameleon flaunts in the future. His back bone and Lindsey Graham's are forged from the same copper wire.

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Andy Stanley, a pastor in Atlanta said people will set aside deeply held beliefs if they become inconvenient. Various Republicans came out against Trump in 2016. Then they laid aside their truthful words for the convenience of aligning with Trump.

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I agree. What a couple of creeps.

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I agree that Trump and Vance have become “creepy”. I also think Yale might want to issue a disclaimer about any responsibility for Vance’s education. Who in their right mind would suggest that teachers must bear children before entering a classroom?

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First, he doesn't want women to have jobs because they "neglect" their children, but having children is a job requirement for teachers. Hmmm.

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Trump always was creepy.

Some of my female best teachers were childless when I was in their classrooms. These are teachers to whom I remain grateful 60 years later, and what they taught me still sticks with me. Miss Morgan, 4th grade, Miss Feuermann, 5th grade, and Miss Scattergood, 6th grade, and multiple high school teachers.

I love your comment about Yale should issue a disclaimer on Vance.

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Imagine this . .. I had all childless women for 14 years of my education! (None for the nuns!) Three different Catholic orders of religious women and they were all fantastic!

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"Kids who are loved at home, go to school to learn. Kids who are not loved at home, go to school to be loved." (unknown). What Vance is suggesting is that we should rely on teachers to *replace* parents, and perform parental duties/responsibilities. Apparently, he's conceding that parents--en masse--are failing their children. This is the only practical reason for his statement.

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“Conceding”? Or “contending”?

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Well.... someone who thought Gilead was an ideal, not a horror story.

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More than a couple when you think about it: Graham, MJT, Gaetz, McConnell, Jordan, Roy, Comer, Cruz as well as Abbott and Paxton

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Swby, I’m also not convinced that Vance is brain washed. Frankly, I cannot figure out how he got through Yale as he appears to have a low IQ or a serious mental health problem like Trump. Or, do they really believe they can win by offending so many women?

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I do hope he keeps offending women right up through Nov 5

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The funny thing about (solid) copper wire is that it stiffens after being bent several times.

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With respect, I don't think Vance or any of Team Trump are brainwashed. They don't have any personal ideologies. They just use those of others to gain advantage. They are only religious when it will gain votes. Trump was a pro-choice Democrat before gliding down his golden escalator.

They are simply amoral opportunists that will say anything, do anything, hurt anyone - with a singular goal of attaining power. It is an addiction. And we know what humans are capable of to get their needs met.

They are cold calculators of strategy. Con men. Thieves. Crooks.

They see empathy and concern for others as weakness.

Power is their only goal.

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It is disgusting. Period.

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You hit the center of the Bulls-eye, Bill. Trump and Vance are opportunists throughout their beings.

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… from their toenails to their bald spots.

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Nailed it.

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I don't see Vance as brainwashed but rather as a rank opportunist of especially low character, bought and paid for by Peter Thiel, a wind-up tool of Thiel's who will toddle out front, spout whatever trash will please his master, and willingly bear the resulting ridicule and humiliation. In exchange, he's become fairly rich, gets to stand next to power, has a chance to stand next to very great power, and can position himself to be the next front man for the fascist movement that's well under way in this country.

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His obsession with denigrating people without children having a say in governing is quite rich coming from a catholic. The whole power structure is built on men in power NOT having children (thus in Vance-speak, wouldn’t that be by people who don’t have an investment in the future?”). They deny nuns the privilege of having children,too AND keep them away from true power. He should be screaming about the Catholic Church.

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And do not ignore his goal for the nation to have a "healthy ruling class"

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For what it is worth, last night, I sent a letter to the editor of The NY Times, noting the headline to the Rich Lowry Opinion column claiming that Trump can win the election on character and the Michael Gold article describing Trump's vulgar repost. I concluded by asking, based on the Gold article, who wins by character -- Trump or Harris? Let's see if my Letter gets published.

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Leonard no way it gets published because it would validate their hypocrisy

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Michael Gold got published so that they could amplify the attack , so that everybody would ask when did that occur and with whom. I don’t believe that the New York Times wanted to use it against Trump rather to attract attention to the accusation itself. I think this level of ugliness is why Biden didn’t think she could run or win.

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Disgusted? Yes. Surprised? No. This is (supposedly) the worst insult one can inflict on women- sexual denigration. And it’s 2024 and it’s still the same old crap.

We are attacked for having too much sex, not having enough sex (childless cat ladies, anyone?) , using sex as trade, not wanting sex, or not being worthy of sex. This is what we live with. I wish I could be outraged, but it’s just another day at the office.

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I first started working when it was very much Mad Men days in offices and in many many ways that didn't change much over the decades ... I can't express how grateful I am to Social Security primarily for permitting me to retire and not have to put up with so many arrogant, entitled men in order to feed myself and my daughter. Apologies to all the good guys out there, of course.

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I have the same gratitude to Social Security and FDR for permitting me to retire--and for permitting you and so many other women to no longer have to put up with arrogant, entitled men.

There is such a thing as social contagion, and even happiness is somewhat socially contagious. Policies that remove tsuris from peoples lives make even the lives of those not directly affected a little better--through social contagion. (Unfortunately most GOPers dont understand. The Scandinavian countries DO understand this stuff extremely well, which is why Scandinavian countries take #s 1 through 4 in the annual happiness surveys. Our country is a laggard at #15.

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I too worked for many years while being constantly subjected to sexual harassment, blond jokes, and just plain disrespect for the work I was doing because I am female. When I complained to management, all I was ever told was, "What do you expect? You are a woman in man's profession." Now retired, I wake up every morning knowing I no longer have to face that situation in any workplace. Now, all I have to face is ageism. :-(

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Bingo. Exactly right. Situation normal. Misogyny is everywhere, everyday, all the time.

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So well said. Thank you.

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Well said.

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Sometimes in a patriarchal society, women make compromises. I had to slide my skirt slightly up in order to get hired as a part-time teacher. It made possible a brilliant career. This is why the path for female politicians is so thorny. And as I mentioned earlier, this is what Biden was afraid of. We have to not be afraid.

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May this man object to the easy use of “patriarchal”? Patriarchal people are not necessarily sexist.

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Michael, please look up the definition of patriarchal - by definition it is sexist

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Thank you for trying to teach me English.

Patriarchies do not dominate only women. They are led by a *subset* of men, who rule over other men and over children of all genders, in addition to women. In that sense, I wrote, “Patriarchal people are not necessarily sexist.”

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When seeing the image of the felon riding on a lion (yet another example of 'weird', but whatever it takes to motivate his cult members...) I was reminded of the nice limerick

There was once a lady in Niger

Who smiled as she rode on a tiger

They returned from the ride

With the lady inside

And a smile on the face of the tiger.

If only.

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Thank you! Best post of the day! Harris and Walz are indeed tigers, and they will be smiling all the way to inauguration day as will we!

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The sexual insult from Trump was vile and despicable, and I truly appreciate your views and focus on it. But I think there is more from his rants last night that needs to be called out. From our friend Heather Cox Richardson:

“Former president Trump appears to have slid further since last night’s news about a new grand jury’s superseding indictment of him on charges of trying to overthrow the 2020 presidential election. Over the course of about four hours this morning, Trump posted 50 times on his social media platform, mostly reposting material that was associated with QAnon, violent, authoritarian, or conspiratorial.

He suggested he is “100% INNOCENT,” and that the indictment is a “Witch Hunt.” He called for trials and jail for special counsel Jack Smith, former president Barack Obama, and the members of Congress who investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. And he reposted a sexual insult about the political careers of both Vice President Kamala Harris and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.”

As we know, this man is a dangerous malignant narcissist and psychopath. The NYT headline reduced this to violating “norms.” They continue to minimize and hide the danger Trump poses. I guess it’s up to all of us to continue to sound the alarm.

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In response to Trump’s sexual insult, people should note (among other things) that Donald Trump was , economically, born on third base. *Fred Trump* made him rich.

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What we are seeing with Trump is not just his crudity and desperation, but also—more and more every day—his mental deterioration. As I have said, we are seeing in real time the unraveling of a once-second-rate mind. And the voters are waking up. That is one important reason why the polls (none of which I trust) are reflecting movement in a good direction.

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I love “once-second-rate mind.

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Feel free to use it! And tell your friends and family.

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Me too.

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Robert, I would like to see Harris and Walz’s team do a real pushback against Trump and Vance. I suppose we won’t see that until the debates. Between the grifting, the lies, the disgusting photop at Arlington Cemetery, the pillowed ear (attempted assassination), the $10 million Egypt gave to this blowhard, and the recent photo he posted of Hillary and Kamala along with his misogynistic statement, I say we search for a straitjacket and Hannibal Lector! Let good ole Hannibal have his way with both schmucks.

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Marlene, I have seen Walz do this in his talk to the Firefighter's union in Boston a day or two ago. He is repeatedly talking policy, while highlighting his campaigns platform in contrast to them. He has a track record to back it up.


Today Harris and Walz are doing an interview together on ABC I believe. While the press is promoting the idea that she has to interview alone, but she is controlling her campaign and the messages, and in criticizing her the press is once again making the campaign about them and their undemocratic petty needs as jackals.

In addition they have ads that are fighting back. Read this piece in The Bulwark and make sure to see the actual ad.


Here is a link to the ad alone.


I do not care one IOTA what the MSM wants from Harris. They have spent the last 8-9 years catering to Trump, and he gets to call the shots. Harris and Walz need to emphasize that the press has to treat them well too or continue to make themselves irrelevant to sane, decent America. When the NYT is parroting Fox News our MSM is in trouble.

Yesterday was discussing Mormons for Harris. They may be under Monikers like Republicans for Harris, and Independents for Harris, but the Mormon church leadership seems to have told their membership that it is impossible to defend democracy and vote straight ticket. Other Mormons are standing up for Harris. Mitt Romney and John Giles mayor of Mesa Arizona might be the biggest leaders.


This is because character matters to some more than policy. My Mormon neighbors in Chicago value Family, community, democracy, law and order and the constitution.


Trump does not represent that and he is one of the best tools for helping the Harris-Walz campaign. Viva la Kamala!

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Note the Walz talk to the firefighters was actually carried on Fox.

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Yes, but I preferred to share the PBS clip because they included the nice introduction.

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I just made the comment because it shows Fox is not uniformly suppressing this kind of content.

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Check out Mormon Women for Ethical Government. Smart group of women.

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Don’t be surprised if Dana Bash is horrible. She was horrible in the Biden debate and she continues to be horrible and suffer no consequences.

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Dana Bash let Trump repeatedly interrupt and distract Biden throughout that so-called “debate”.

(Yet another example of Trump shredding the rules, yet paying no penalty.)

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My answer to the carping about Harris not appearing alone in tonight’s interview: Tim Walz is not well-known; the interview will give him needed national exposure, and will contrast him with the Republican Vice Presidential candidate.

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It is refreshing to see that Mormons are speaking out, I have to say.

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In your guts you know they're nuts.

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I believe they are pushing back hard. The ads that Harris-Walz are running are simply shock (good) therapy. They mince no words and bring up recent revelations too.

The Arlington Cemetery incident I believe will see a particularly potent response from the campaign.

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Yes they are…on social media. Tonight will be their shining glory as they answer questions from Bash.

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I dread the debate. It is impossible for a decent person to face off with this monster.

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Aug 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Proud to say that I brainwashed my students with the Frog and Toad series, the Poppy series, the Magic Treehouse series, Number the Stars, The Giver, Island of the Blue Dolphins, most anything by Kate DiCamillo, and get this! - how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, fractions, photosynthesis, the Mohs scale, and oh my, how to work as team and win medals at Math Field Day and Science Fair. All that and much more being childless.

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Proud to say I brainwashed my wonderful students at MSU for 30 years with Marxist molecular biology and biochemistry.

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Aug 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, I love your astrophotography and short explanatory blurbs at the end of many of your recent editions! It's a lovely "palate cleanser" on days when the tffg/vance campaign has been more outrageously in the news or on sm than usual. fwiw I never look at their sm posts as it's enough to hear about them from you and others. There isn't eye bleach to unsee them so I prefer not to look.

But sincerely, I thank you for these astronomy notes.

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Thanks, Robert, for highlighting this latest news about the reposting, and for giving Michael Gold credit. I sent the following email to him:

"Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

"In this era of media bias that seems to condone if not favor Trump's obscene and grotesque behavior, I was thrilled to read your report on his reposting of the disgusting meme about Secretary Clinton and VP Harris.

"I will take exception to one statement though: "Though he has a history of making crass insults about his opponents, the reposts signal Mr. Trump’s willingness to continue to shatter longstanding norms of political speech." He's shattered every measure of acceptable discourse, and made a mockery of our entire political system.

"That being said, I look forward to your continued reporting on this matter and any other violations of human decency perpetrated by this unsavory man. "

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Bob I think you’re missing the point. Part of what Trump does effectively is grasp the headlines away from opponents. This posting by him was designed to do that because it certainly won’t attract new voters. Imagine if we ignored it and kept executing our successful strategy and when appropriate at the debates let him have it both barrels blazing.

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Good point. I’m all for that.

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Actually, Stephen, I don't think I am. I'm making a different, albeit related point. My purpose was to acknowledge decent reporting and a decent headline, which have been in short supply lately, but to underscore that even with a good story and headline, the notion that it's merely "norms" that are suffering doesn't do it justice.

Your point, though, is an excellent one, and one that I'm planning to write about. The Republican nominee does do this to garner attention, but also to flood the airwaves with a lot of nonsense, and also to try to bait his opponent.

He floods the airwaves to normalize the nonsense, and also to dilute the response. If he has people responding to everything, it creates confusion and chaos, and diffuses the response by spreading it thin.

One thing he's good at is baiting people. In fact, he's a master at it. That's right - he's a master baiter! (yes, I went there).

What VP Harris can do is what she's doing, and ignore him. It's driving him crazy. She should pick three major offensive lies, and focus on them. It would be best if they were around policies where Republican are trying to gain the upper hand (e.g., immigration, economy, and reproductive rights). For immigration, simply hammer away at the fact that he killed the bipartisan deal so it wouldn't be a win for the Dems. For the economy, 50 million jobs by Dems vs. 1 million by GOP; $x Trillion debt run up by GOP vs.$y by Dems.

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As to the Afghanistan story, apologies if I already posted this Xitter explanation by Patrick Tomlinson. Having short sentences of this history is very helpful IMO:


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Thank you for posting this link! It's a good one to save to my files for when any if my MAGA friends or relatives blame only Biden & Harris for the Afghanistan withdrawal.

BTW - I still don't understand why the families of the 13 fallen soldiers in Afghanistan were worthy of a 3 year ceremony at Arlington, but we've never seen a remembrance ceremony for the hundreds of brave Marines killed in their barracks in Beirut, Lebanon while Reagan was President. This was strictly a political stunt.

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Thumbs up at Arlington ! How tasteless, how disrespectful ! And how typical ! His post about Kamala Harris and Hilary Clinton ( poor Hillary Clinton ! They just love to kick her around.) is not even a new low for Trump. He says the vilest things about women and has through the years although he can be an equal oppurtunity disparager. I could not access his Truth Social post but reading it is as shocking as hearing it. I no longer hope that Harris/ Walz will be victorious in November, I know ! Me and all the other really angry “ nasty” women out there !!!

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I second KMD's comment! I knew some of the facts in the Xitter, but I have never seen them so succinctly put! Thank you!

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I am glad you found this, what I call, posterboard useful, CK and KMD!

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you Robert. Letter to the NYT today. And historical quote at the end is purposeful. (have fun and write your own! letters@nytimes.com)

To the Editor:

Yesterday, one of the two candidates for President posted a photo of Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton on his own social media platform with the caption: “Funny how blowjobs impacted both their careers differently . . . .”

When did this kind of misogynist and inappropriate attack stop being a major headline? I could not find it anywhere on your front page this morning; it was not there when I opened the paper, nor was it prominent on my computer or phone. Perhaps it was buried somewhere? When did this kind of comment stop being front page news? Have you given up as journalists?

I can no longer depend on what is supposed to be “the paper of record” for accurate reporting on the horrifying and shameful actions of a former President, current Presidential candidate.

Is your reporting lazy or biased or both? Have you, at last, no sense of decency?

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“All the news that’s *fit to print*”

By adopting a prudish stance, the Times refuses to call out Trump’s malfeasances. If they don’t want to do it directly, at least they could quote others.

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It seems to me that the Republican Party is imploding. It is really 2 parties at this point. The MAGAs and the Republicans. In fact, historically new parties have evolved from just such rifts. Yesterday I was in discussion on Mormons for Harris, and also a section of Republicans for Harris, are Mormons too.


I believe this is true of many of the Arizona Republicans for Harris. John Giles himself is Mormon, and I heard on one talk show is a co-chair of Republicans for Harris part of the Harris-Walz campaign.


In my University of Chicago dominated neighborhood we have a Latter Day Saints Congregation, and several of the main leadership families are my neighbors. These professionals including lawyers, professors, a teacher and a children's book author, are very strong family oriented and community people. Values matter a lot. So I am not surprised. They are fun and great neighbors, and as neighbors we don't discuss religion. However, their church is one of an interfaith group that is supporting our community refugee project, where we provide support to refugees, started first several years ago with the Mormon, Lutheran and Jewish congregations coming together to support bringing in Syrian families. A Mormon mom I know, is co-leader of the volunteers along with a Lutheran mom I know. We have a strong interfaith community which includes Atheists around shared values. Just one of many communities showcasing America at its best. So, I was excited to hear about Mormons for Harris holding a Zoom meeting, and then hearing that Mitt Romney is one of 238 Republican leaders who is a signatory to the letter stating their support for Harris. It seems that even though Trump cannot help going low, and the MSM even lower by tacitly and overtly supporting him, people all over the USA are standing up for values of country over party, and country over insurrection. When I need to revive myself I just look at videos like Kamala and Tim in a Georgia coffeeshop, quite a contrast to JD in a doughnut shop the most awkward moments you just cringe at. Eew as my 19-year-old might say. In contrast Harris and Walz are so natural as they move through the shop and engage the people in conversation. Viva la Kamala!

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Jeezum crow! If religions would stick to this kind of important and useful social work and get the *&%$#! out of politics, wouldn't the world be a better place?!?

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“Authoritarian movements don’t take hold in one election and cannot be vanquished in one election.”

Wanna know what else will survive more than just one election? Railing against Project 2025.

"Project 2029? 2033? No, thanks."

Proj25, etc, should be poison for a generation.

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Aug 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Comment: We knew it was going to get UGLY. We are NOT going back!

45 should NEVER have made it through the vetting process. He has lived a life of criminality and white privilege. From the birtherism lies, to mocking the disabled journalist, to the "grab 'em by the *****" tape, the constant grifts, and every lie and bullying name-calling and projection and refusal to take responsibility since, he should have been rejected and shunned. Instead, he has destroyed an entire political party and divided a nation all the way down to family members that no longer speak.

To contrast, when Barack Obama ran for President in 2008, people who would not vote for him STILL took their children to his appearances because they wanted them to be a part of history.

Fast forward to 2016 - no one should take their child to a t* rally, because of all the profanity and misogyny on display (particularly against Hillary Clinton). Disgusting.

They attack Kamala Harris the same way, both in 2020 and even more now.

They underestimate her, and the women of the world.

We are NOT going back!

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Aug 29Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Oh, and for all those who claim 45 "is just locker room talk" (Melania!)

Kamala Harris is showing us what REAL LOCKER ROOM TALK IS - the COACH urging his TEAM to dig deep and bring out their best, and to do it for each other, and to AIM TO WIN.

America IS GREAT - and with Kamala Harris as President and Tim Walz as Vice President,

we will get s"tuff" done!

Let's GO!

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I would not say that Trump has "destroyed an entire political party" single-handedly. He has had many, many accomplices in the form of craven Republican politicians too frightened of him and his followers to stand up to him.

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@Daniel Penrice You are absolutely right!

Newt Gingrich decided to make it "enemies" to be destroyed instead of opponents to be negotiated with. Talk radio with the hate-mongers like Rush Limbaugh, propaganda from media outlets like Australian-born Rupert Murdock creating an alternative universe of "angertainment" instead of factual coverage, policy shapers like the Koch billionaires and Heritage Foundation alliances, and Anti-government adherents like white supremacists, fascists, Confederates, militias, QAnon, and "replacement conspiracies," combined with those interested only in power, greed, patriarchy and obstruction are part of the "problem."

We have a LOT to heal!

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The Atlantic just published "Seven Questions That Should Be Easy for Harris to Answer" a request that harkens back to that time in history when we had two good-faith, patriotic candidates trying to show how they were best-suited to serve the country and the media's job was to help us understand those differences. In response, I wrote to them:

" The underlying premise of Conor Friedersdorf's Seven Questions article seems to be that candidates should be accountable to the press to answer reasonable questions about their past actions. And, if Harris were running against a good faith opponent, such as a John McCain or a Mitt Romney who the media would also hold to account, this would be a reasonable expectation. But the rules change if one candidate is Trump who the media has consistently failed to lay a glove on--even with his extensive personal and public crimes and terrible performance as an elected official. Harris should answer these and similar questions when the campaign decides it is strategically important. A better story, which The Atlantic is well-suited to do, is to analyze the failure of the media to effectively communicate Trump's depravity and the risks the country faces should he be re-elected. Whether it is a wish to see Trump elected because he attracts readers/viewers or simple naivete in the face of a bad faith actor, the media's failure has been stunning and requires a deep journalistic dive. Whatever mistakes Harris made in public life--and there were surely many given her long years of service--knowing the answers to these questions should not change anybody's mind about the urgency of voting for her."

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