
Below is a selection of organizations recommended by readers in yesterday's newsletter:

Reader Recommendation Link

Jessica Craven Action List List of "climate no brainers"

David S. Inflation Reduction Act calculator Inflation Reduction Act calculator? — Rewiring America

Steven G. Citizens Climate Lobby https://citizensclimatelobby.org/

Ellie Kona Sierra Club https://ballotpedia.org/Sierra_Club

Ellie Kona Climate Change Communication https://climatecommunication.yale.edu/

Ellie Kona Bill McKibben/350.org https://350.org/bill/

Kathe Bill McKibben/Third Act.org https://thirdact.org/about/who-we-are/

Kate Book A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety

Jessica Craven Fighting plastic waste Habits of Waste

Maryanne H. Fighting plastic waste Beyond Plastics - Working To End Single-Use Plastic Pollution

David M Preserving natural fisheries https://www.theconservationangler.org/

David M Northwest fisheries Wild Fish Conservancy Northwest

Michelle K Vegan diet Challenge 22 | Let’s try vegan!

Heidi J Pollinator conservation Home - Bee City USA

Heidi J Homeowner biodiversity / native plants Home - Homegrown National Park

Upgeya P List of "climate no brainers" List of Climate No-Brainers - by Jessica Wildfire

Mardi C Planting clover to sequester carbon Mardi Crane - YouTube

Virginia List of climate actions 100 Things You Can Do to Help in the Climate Crisis

Ruth M Climate Solutions by Sector Project Drawdown

Judy F. Florida clean waters https://www.floridarighttocleanwater.org/

Gene R Video re Citizens Climate Lobby A Reminder of Who We Are - YouTube

Marjorie B Texas research re sustainability Projects | Bridging Barriers (utexas.edu)

Lynell Soil regeneration and carbon sequestration Kiss The Ground - Bing video

Robert H Tools & training to fight climate crisis The Climate Reality Project

Peter J Article re Exxon opposition to carbon fees Inside Exxon’s playbook - Unearthed

Jonathan G Massaro Farm / sustainability Massaro Community Farm

Phyllis S Bee City / protecting pollinators About Bee City USA - Bee City USA

Beth W Top ten citizen actions re climate crisis Climate Alliance for the Common Good

Joyce V Substack newsletter re climate HEATED | Emily Atkin | Substack

Mark B Carbon Reduction Carbon Crew Project

Carol H WaPo columnist / Climate Coach Climate Coach - Newsletter

Aisha D. Climate justice / action in US south Southern Environmental Law Center

Lisa M Home-grown nationa park/biodivdiversity Homegrown National Park

Lauri Holding corporations accountable As You Sow

T. Allen Envinronmental advocacy group National Resource Defense Council

Margie L Webinars to educate re climate crisis Are you concerned about climate change?

David H Bill McKibben on Substack (98) Bill McKibben | Substack

Marty H Focus on youth education re climate Kids for Saving Earth

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Great list! Thank you, Robert, for inviting and consolidating this list on climate crisis resources.

Here is an additional consideration: cloth instead of disposable diapers.


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Thank you for this. I used cloth diapers with degradable liners for my three children. It was easy and affordable. And no diaper rash.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Also Biodiversity for a Liveable Climate, bio4climate.org.

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Climate change has everything to do with energy usage.

I recommend: David Roberts Substack blog Volts

I have learned a lot from David’s column and found things to implement in my life. We need to reduce fossil fuels obviously but one thing to do as an individual is electrify your home. Heat pump for heat and air conditioning, water heater, and an induction stove.

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Now I have my work cut out for me. The hank you to each of you who offered suggestions and THANK YOU ROBERT for compiling the list. It’s ever-so helpful in going forward.

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I just shared the list with my physical therapist who was feeling hopeless. Now she knows where to look for resources and after my little lecture she knows to take action!!!

Thank you again Robert!

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The link to Jessica's list of "climate no brainers" is https://www.notion.so/I-want-to-do-more-on-CLIMATE-72a3416371ff426392512a69874adff8?pvs=4/



However, it loads for me only on Chrome, not in Safari or Firefox.

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The good news is that the federal courts in Southern Florida have a rocket docket. The trial should begin in November. And the 11th circuit he would try to use for delay is wise to him for the two delays he tried last year.

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The interesting news is that Judge Cannon, she of the special master order, is at least initially assigned to the case. Is Jack Smith appalled or is he delighted that the most easily overturned trump judge in the country is in charge?

Has she learned anything from the beating she took--twice--from the 11th Circuit?

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It certainly is a strange and possibly worrisome turn of events.

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Your newsletter today expresses so well my feelings. Thank you. I appreciate you and this strong community of like-minded folks very much.

May justice continue to prevail and our Democracy strengthen - and more and more people join the efforts to ensure that happens. As Simon Rosenberg says (Hopium), let’s get to 55% - hold the White House, regain the House and keep the Senate. If we focus on that - rather than following every despicable act of Trump/MAGA and Republicans over these next many months, we’ll get to celebrate not only that the rule of law prevails, but so much more.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jill!

It's so important to really celebrate all the good things we have in our lives. You and Jill have continued to set that example despite "everything else" going on around us.

I hope you just eat good food, drink whatever sounds appealing to you and have a joyful weekend with your family and friends...or just the two of you. Wishing you both all the best. CHEERS!

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

'America is bigger than Trump' Thank you, Robert ❤️🤍💙

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

A lot to digest, student reading about it all 40 years and more from now will look back in wonder at the sheer drama of it all and wonder how 25% of the population could still support a man like Trump. I posted the following elsewhere but perhaps worth repeating here.

(Robert did touch on the subject too re the implications of not indicting him).

McCarthy and Jordan, etc., and the Freedom Caucus are as mad as hell and are planning revenge. They didn't like the idea of defunding the police over the st

treatment of black people but love the idea of defunding the Justice Department/FBI when true

justice is served. Even Pence who Trump's gang of thugs would have happily killed for their master said a former president shouldn't be indicted. So in other words all these people are saying in essence that former presidents should be above the law which would mean that all future presidents; Republican and Democrat, can do all the things Trump has done

and not worry about being indicted. Right! Just wait until a president who is not a Republican does a fraction of what Trump has done and they will be falling over themselves to see he is indicted. And then when confronted with the hypocrisy being displayed will gloss over it or quickly change the subject

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… he or she….

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

It's Fascism. McCarthy, Jordan, DeSantis, Pence and every Republican claiming the Justice Department is being "weaponized" by the Biden Administration demonstrate their contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution - just as they did when they supported former Atty General Bill Barr's actual weaponization of the Justice Department and failed to remove Trump from office. I'm guessing that behind the scenes they are all (except for a few diehard blowhards) probably celebrating the indictment but, in public, they show support for a Fascist system of government.

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Andrew you captured perfectly the hypocrisy essence of the situation. I had forgotten how they weaponized the justice department under Barr. Also I bet you are right that many are secretly delighted to see Trump indicted but pretend to be offended and shocked by the "injustice" because they will need the votes later of his base. If hypocrisy had a disagreeable odor the stench in Republican ranks would be overpowering. .

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It is such an upside down alt reality that the republicans have created. Look at all the fuss over Hunter Biden with no mention of Jared Kushner receiving Saudi billions in payback or pay forward. And there is dt promising retribution and prison on Democrats and those he sees as his enemies if he were to regain the power of the presidency.

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Is it an alt reality, or simply hypocrisy?

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Both I think, Jocelyn, but definitely a good dose of hypocrisy.

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So true. Judith.

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GOO. That's the reason. A physician explained that to me. "Good Of the Organization"=GOO.

Doctors must agree with the consensus of the hospital board. Outliers and rebels are ostracized. (And may lose their right to practice in that organization.) Similarly with the Republican Party. Yield to a leader, agree with the pack. You're out if you squeal.

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Yes, Hope, that is another important factor, not being allowed to think independently, It's a shame really because it stifles discussion and the ability to look at things from another point of view, so rigor mortis of the brain sets in and people become zombies. Shades of George Orwell and Brave New World. Russia is an extreme example, same with North Korea and China. The State will do your thinking for you.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Morning Mr. Hubbell, Between Professors Richardson and Vance and yourself, you all explained the significance of yesterday in the history of American jurisprudence. The SCOTUS cleared the path for hopefully the continuing successful voters’ rights litigation that is being fought across the country. Eric Holder has to be feeling good today as does President Obama. They worked hard to level the playing field for voters while they were in office.

Merrick Garland and Jack Smith and their colleagues at the DOJ stepped up and did their work too. They kept their focus and slogged through the FPOTUS’s swamp of lies and misdirection. The indictments are just beginning, and we all should be thankful. June 8th will be remembered as a monumental date.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

And Joyce Vance talked about the venue issue in her Substack, “Civil Discourse” earlier this week. My understanding is that it anticipates a potential appeal item on a trial venue in which the criminal acts charged were performed.

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I am worried about the venue. Florida has become so fascist under DeSantis I have a lot of concern the ‘red state’ will not convict the orange idiot as the MAGA crowd will let it slide as usual.

Then there is the flip side that they will convict the orange idiot to make a better path for DeSantis.

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I have similar residual anxiety. But I think there is wisdom not to provide an obvious basis for appeal.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

I think Florida is not as unified as it may seem. There's the Disney debacle, and enclaves of the very people DeSantis rages against. Miami is heavily Latino and home to immigrants and refugees. As such, they cringe against the actions of DeSantis. Jacksonville just elected a Democratic woman mayor handily. Miamian's call themselves "A Country within a Country,"

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Unfortunately, many Latinos/Latinas voted Republican in Florida in the last two elections, 2020, 2022. A friend told me that many Latinos in Florida are very conservative, having come from Catholic countries (which by itself does not mean a person is Conservative). I hope that the Democratic Party has plans for being on scene in Florida to a greater extent than they were during 2022. We cannot lose these voters.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

What a sad (but joyous) commentary that my internal barometer is off the chart ecstatic at the news that our past President of the United States has been indicted on seven criminal counts. How upside-down is that? Yet, here we are. Last night on the Lawrence O'Donnell show on MSNBC, his cohort Rachel Maddox spoke to what for me is the crux of the matter. After reciting a litany of charges and convictions of fraud against Trump and his businesses, having taken place prior to his announcing his candidacy, she asked the question, is it any surprise that he is now ending up indicted of crimes when his background foretold these events. And, then, more cogently she proposed that the real problem is not that these circumstances could be predicted, but that a man such as this could come to represent a political party - the Republican Party. The failure belongs to us...to us all.

I wrote earlier this week regarding the necessity of defining the distinction between political speech and hate speech. Primarily because that distinction, made legal, would allow us to not just point a finger, but judiciously and legislatively prevent or curtail that sort of conduct. We must be able to repudiate, in the strongest of terms, discourse or performance that runs counter to a democratic nation and its values. Trump's candidacy should never have gone further than his ride down the escalator.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Happy Birthday to Jill. Thank you both for helping to keep me sane during these not so sane times. Relax and enjoy your day tomorrow!💖

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Although the indictment of a former president is unprecedented and important news for certain, I would have hoped that you, Robert Hubbell, would have led off today's newsletter with the unexpected ruling by the Supreme Court in the Allen v. Milligan case. Of course, had the indictment not come on the same day, I'm sure you would have. Nonetheless, for all the angst and effort you and we have exercised for the past several years over elections, voters' rights, etc., this decision is monumental and clearly has far reaching implications for the good of our democratic process, not just for Black voters who have historically been disenfranchised and denied first our right to vote and then had outrageous restrictions legislated to limit our ability to vote. It should not be "a major victory for advocates for voting rights" only. It is in reality a victory for all of us. I thank God and the five justices who rendered their decision. Indeed, we do agree on this, "a win every once in a while, especially on important matters, can renew our faith and reinvigorate our will to win. We should all feel good tonight!"

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Hello Pat, I hear you.

At the same time, I suppose I feel some sadness. Day-to-day, over the past few years, I am awed and grateful for Robert Hubbell’s careful time and attention, and dedication to the rule of law, and justice, always mindful of the marginalized among us and far from us. Communicating with careful study and compassion. And naturally, I’m grateful for Jill’s part in bringing this to us, unimpeded. And all this through times of their personal loss, illness, joyful celebration, and when our collective gravity seems too heavy to bear, they remain undeterred.

So my sadness is about how we, myself included, tend to judge others for what we perceive to be imperfection. And if you’re anything like me, I impose that tendency in ways that my ‘inner critic’ remains vibrant and satisfied. Sad but true.

It’s in this context that I want to express my response to your comments. And not in defense of Robert. He surely doesn’t need my feeble observation. And from what I’ve witnessed of him, he responds to criticism with unwavering humility. Add that to the long list that requires self-reflection and taming within myself.

It seems to me that Robert’s lead today is very much connected to 'the good of our democratic process,' including voting rights, and human rights for the ‘disenfranchised,’ and all Americans. As it is for gun violence prevention legislation, matters that deeply impact and threaten the LGBTQ community, women’s voice and rights, immigration, and climate. And more.

As a result of the former president’s words and deceit and lawlessness, his legislative promptings and actions, the rule of law and human decency and our very existence have seemingly fallen away from our awareness. Been covered over. Our attention overtaken by a man who breeds hate and injustice but for the rich, and powerful and privileged among us. The extremism that permeates our country has reached its high pitch for all DJT calls out from the depth of our most harmful, selfish, and hateful tendencies.

So as I perceive it, the lead story in ‘Today’s Edition,’ and perhaps until such day as DJT is brought to justice, reigns. This too, even if for now, is ‘a victory for us all.’ As it is for the preservation of rule of law. And in the interim, may we be given the fortitude and courage to remain hopeful in pursuit of action to carry us and all people, everywhere, forward. Somehow.

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Well said, Jean.

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Jean, thank you for your thoughtful reply to my comments. At least one thing on which we agree is that we believe Robert Hubbell is a dedicated, earnest seeker of justice for all. But I stand by my comments as I feel they were not hypercritical or made with malice or rude. I felt compelled to share my disappointment and perspective with him and of course, the "Today's Edition" community. I would hope that if done respectfully, this newsletter in part was created for that purpose.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

On Meidas Touch this evening, Michael Cohen had some interesting comments about the nature of the January 6 case, expressing concern that its complexity - the many thousands of hours of depositions and tens of thousands of documents - may prove an impediment to effective prosecution. His thought is that it will be easier to bring charges of mail fraud in the context of that event.

Further, that the relatively "compact" nature of the MAL case makes for an easier case to build.


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Michael Cohen is many things; a former prosecutor he is not. (Nor am I.) But I think Smith need not prosecute very crime committed by Trump during January 6th--just a few salient ones, and the strongest.

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Leaving no stone unturned is something I think lawyers try to do. I, for one, will not be following all the ins and outs of those thousands of hours of depositions and tens of thousands of documents. But I expect those lawyers to do so. Then I expect them to translate it all in a way that can be understood by a jury. Good lawyers can do that. For proof of that, read Robert Hubbell's many Today's Edition newsletters and/or Joyce Vance's Civil Discourse. Just my thoughts.

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It’s a complex case to some degree but the DOJ has been successful prosecuting many of the attackers on January 6th like the Proud Boys so juries can handle the details. Having Mark Meadows as a star witness makes the case a strong one and connects all,the dots.

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I think sometimes the 'background' is important to feel the depth of a situation. Like in journalism it is necessary to get sometimes hundreds of interviews so a pattern of who is talking and who is holding back, how many times has it happened before, is there a pattern, which you can only get through deep research. Only those who want to see that will pursue that.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

A second comment: The Republican phrase of the day is “weaponization of government.” Where were such sanctimonious creatures as Jim Jordan when Bill Clinton was being wrung dry for consensual sex and probably lying about it? That doesn’t begin to compare with what Trump is investigated for, including plotting to overturn an election, misappropriating government secrets and lying about it, and non-consensual sex.

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Yes, hypocrisy doesn't seem like a strong enough word for what the fascist Republicans have been doing. But they've learned to control their cult followers with a very simple plan and a lack of conscience, morality or concern for the survival of our democracy.

The Trump plan for controlling his base to maximize power and grifting potential:

1. Regularly stir up the base with maximum fear and anger, regardless of the truth.

2. Train the base to react violently to a simple set of constantly repeated, often hyperbolic words understandable on about a fourth grade level such as: "alternative facts," "enemy of the people," "fake news," "hoax," "witch-hunt," "I'm a victim," "political correctness," "woke," "radical left," "weaponization of government," "deep state," "grooming our children," "many people are saying" and "believe me."

America needs to deprogram the Trump cult.


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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for another wonderful Today's Edition. This one, in particular, is the one we in this family have long been awaiting. But with regard to the second section in today's newsletter about the Supreme Court I have to disagree.

You said, "One theory (with which I agree), is that Roberts and Kavanaugh understand that their ruling in Dobbs has inflicted a grievous wound on the Court’s legitimacy and they are attempting to limit the damage."

I believe Roberts and Kavanaugh care much more about the wound they may be inflicting on the Republican Party than on any wound to the court. They were political hacks before joining the Court and will remain political hacks forever. I believe that any care they may have for the Court's reputation is only in reference to how the Court's reputation may impact their own personal reputations.

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Well said.

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Agree and to me it’s interesting that Clarence Thomas voted against this case co side ring he has first hand experience with racial gerrymandering

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Intent is everything. If their decisions were not from the heart then they have much less meaning.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Mr. Hubbell, thank you for your voice, your passion, and your consistently spot on analyses. You have helped to save me from a pit of despair over the past several years and for that I will always be grateful. I join you in celebrating the upholding of the rule of law in our nation, knowing full well that the challenges ahead are immense. I’ve no doubt that your voice will continue to help me and innumerable others to face and navigate those challenges.

And, of course, Happy Birthday to your managing editor!

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Thank you, Robert for your reporting and your candor. Among so many difficult lessons brought home to us by events of the last 8 years, one stands out for me: the serious consequences of undiagnosed and untreated mental illness and character pathology. One could write a textbook based on what we've observed on various levels of trumpworld, from former and current government officials right down to the disturbed people propping him up with their contributions and moral support.

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If you recall, hundreds of psychiatrists, psychologists, and many others in the mental health profession, submitted a letter describing rump as a ‘malignant sociopath’ . That is the worst diagnosis one can get (if I am correct). They were, of course, poo pooed. Now look what we have seen. Proof positive.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Rob, thank you for this. Can you, or someone else, explain what I've read about the "Rocket Docket" for federal cases in Florida? Could that rule apply in the cases against Trump and possibly co-conspirators?

Happy Birthday Jill!!

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Good question with a complicated answer. Under the Speedy Trial Act, Trump is entitled be tried in 70 days from the indictment. But the time consumed by pretrial motions and appeals is excluded from that period. Also, if Trump has co-defendants in the same case, delays caused by them could affect Trump. But some federal districts are better at case management than others. The Southern District of Florida is apparently one of those districts. But if Judge Cannon ends up presiding over the case, we can expect her to bend over backward to accommodate Trump's requests for delay.

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Thank you for explaining. Sounds like we may have a long wait, sadly.

I join all the others in wishing Jill a very happy birthday!

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Thank you!

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