Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"the best thing we can do is to be steadfast in the pursuit of our goals." One thing we can be grateful for is that we have, in Joe Biden, a president who has been steadfast in support of democracy and opportunity for all. He does not win on every issue. Had he and we been able to keep the child tax credit, for instance, we would have made an enormous difference regarding the poverty of children. Thank you for encouraging us to keep on our path.

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Thanks Robert, the silence of the GOP is just as criminal as Trumps language. They are all traitors.

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With reference to Trumps fascist rants:

Where is the outrage?

Where is the indignation?

Where is the Republican embarrassment?

Where are the Republicans who have even a tiny sense of history?

Why isn't this blustering bully called out for "hate speech"?

- By every news outlet on the planet.

What has caused this numbness, this indifference?

Is it the "anything goes" popular culture?

Is it something in the water?

How did we get to this "new normal"?

Why aren't decent democracy loving people reacting?

I repeat: Where is the outrage?

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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

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I needed a dose of your what to dos this morning..I’m happy to be signed up for your grassroots leaders program on Nov 30. I’m a proud Seniors Taking Action member who coordinates in North Carolina. I’ve already been in touch with several people who found us through your post on our behalf.

Aside from that I’m in the middle of setting up a meeting with the regional director for the Democratic Party in NC to figure out where and how best to help organize our registrations and GOTV, especially with the growing population of Seniors here all across our State. So many people are energized to help and want practical ways to do it.

Souring on so much of the media on all sides, but don’t know how to pass my weekly quizzes if I don’t at least spend some catch up time.

Thank you for you Robert, and for Heather Cox Richardson who I follow religiously

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Thanks Robert, I'm glad I was told to hook up with you. You are a very valuable resource. There are several rural outreach groups/PACs that would probably be of assistance to Vicky in Franklin County. No Dem Left Behind, off the top of my head. I'll have to go down my ActBlue monthly list for some others.

I do need to get off my butt and not just kick in $$$. I am a CSU retiree with modest pension and SS. I went way over my limit in the 2020, but I can help out with getting some of Heather's books and mail them. Vroman's is down the hill in Pasadena. I'll be available.

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What a generous offer to buy a book for a fellow reader. I would like to suggest that readers also tap into the resources of their public libraries. Aside from borrowing this book the library is an amazing community resource.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

This paragraph is directly copied from Joyce Vance's wonderful substack blog. I'm just tryimg to give a wonderful idea a boost, Robert:

"....consider extending your personal observance of Veterans Day....by making a call this week to Alabama Senator “Coach” Tommy Tuberville’s Washington, D.C., office. Make sure he knows how upset you are that he’s blocking military promotions, which he’s doing because he thinks he’s entitled to dictate what kind of medical care women who serve our country in the military can have access to. When I called earlier this weekend, his voicemail box was full, but you can always leave yourself a reminder to call later in the week. Here’s his office number: 202-224-4124"

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And we can't forget support for Ukraine!

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Thank you ten thousand times for your excellent work.

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Heather Cox Richardson's book "Democracy Awakening" is available as an audio book (on Audible) and is a great read using this medium (I just finished it during my daily 3-mile dog walks). Perhaps, the gift program could be expanded to include this option?

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I appreciate your putting the impending government shutdown at the top of your newsletter today, Robert. I don't think it's getting enough attention. We need to make sure everyone knows who's responsible - the House of Representatives under the hapless leadership of today's RINO Party.

In the first words he spoke in his descent to the Speaker's chair, Mike Johnson pledged to work with Hakeem Jeffries, and work with both sides to deliver results. He started with so much promise, but like his predecessor and his false idol, almost immediately began breaking promises. Kevin McCarthy's demise, in my opinion, wasn't due to his failure to deliver the cuts his party demanded, but his failure to keep his promises. He could have salvaged his speakership by acknowledging that the only way forward was thru bipartisanship, but instead surrendered to Democrats at the 11th hour to get their support for the debt limit increase, and then turned around and attacked them for making him do so.

Mike Johnson's tenure is likely to be defined by what happens this week. I fully expect him to take us to the brink. Whether he pushes us over the edge or pulls back and compromises, and suffers the slings and arrows from his extreme right remains to be seen. I'm not counting on him doing what's best for our country.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I’m reading Heathers book right now . Wouldn’t it be awesome if it was HS or College Mandatory reading ? I would be more than willing to pay for a book for someone who would like one . I’m so glad you recommended Bookshop.org . I have been using it for several years at the request of my son Benjamin. It makes me feel good that I’m supporting small and independent bookstores!

Thanks Robert

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I always attempt to talk positively about President Biden, and his accomplishments.What surprised me as I was at a dinner party Friday night with very very close friends and of course I bought a politics which is in my blood. What shocked me was that all of them felt that Biden was too old too frail etc. and I looked at them as if they were talking about someone from Outer space. I do not see Biden as frail. I do not see him as old I think when he talks he sounds fine when he walks across the stage I think he looks fine. I said what about Trump and his obesity and his health and his rants and they all counteracting it with Trump is energetic. I said yes someone who has a huge ego and has an audience will have energy so I continued to try to present Biden in such a positive way like you always do when your newsletters

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My informal research over the past week indicated that in the initial, main section (top headline down to the advice columns) of the Washington Post (digital edition), there were 28 articles with headlines about Trump and 6 about Biden (five of which were negative). The nearly 5 to 1 disparity in coverage is too obvious to be accidental and most likely reflects deliberate editorial decisions about coverage.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I can't wait to send someone a copy of HCR's book! This is the stuff that makes the world go 'round.

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