Just to clarify: Terry McAuliffe was the Democratic candidate for governor of Virginia running against Youngkin. Ralph Northam (Democrat) was our outgoing governor who could not run for reelection as Virginia rules allow for only one term of service.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Perhaps you did not hear this before you wrote, Robert, but Axios reports that the education “authorities” in Florida have rejected more than 40% of new math texts for violating the state’s standards. The texts were not identified, nor the offending passages, but I’d guess that all those pesky “=“ signs had a lot to do with it. Or perhaps they think that the problem “If Joe has six apples and Peter has nine apples, how many apples do they do have?” depicts a gay relationship. This is what we are up against. Apparently, the State of Florida has adopted the motto of the Republican Party as its own: Ignorant and Proud of It. With opponents like that, it’s our own fault if we do not win in the end.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

You are right to call out all “the sky is falling” reporting. And I was sorely disappointed when I watched Showtime’s “The Circus” last night. It is a show produced by John Heilemann who should know better. He and his two colleagues were discussing midterms and stated the House was already lost. GRRR. One interesting section, however, did discuss the Senate race in PA where there are three Democratic candidates. Unfortunately, the “moderate” candidate, Conor Lamb, is running very negative ads against John Fetterman, the current Lt. Governor, going back 13 years ago and talking about an incident in the black community. Feterman explained what happened and I am not here to take sides except to say we do not need this kind of negativity. If Feterman prevails, you just know these ads will find their way into the general election. ALL Dems must stop the circular firing squad.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Another great re-write by Robert! This time of a headline by a consulting group: "Why Democrats think they are going to lose in November" to "Why 18 Democrats voted for Glen Youngkin." Quite a leap that group made! For shame! Obviously not for truth. So, stay on that soapbox, Mr. Hubbell . . Get a megaphone and perhaps a red pen. Keep us shaking our heads and sometimes even chuckling. And always working hard.

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Those Wisconsin results are encouraging.

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I especially like you closing statement for today, Robert: "Our job is to continue the battle for one generation—and teach the next generation that it must do the same."

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Having just read HRC, and posting this, I am putting it here too,in response to your concluding Thoughts, Robert. Thank you as always!

Excerpt from the foreword (to Howard Zinn's book You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train) by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor:

"For Zinn, this fluidity of political consciousness—people who may be completely passive in one moment but can be moved to act in a different moment—was the key to the emergence of a mass movement. To write off the possibility of change was to essentially write off the possibility of building the kind of movement necessary to change what was wrong in the world. "

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Watching the destruction of journalism is heart breaking. Thank you for continuing to share these types of analysis.

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Todays Edition Newsletter was significant because it validated for me that between the outcome of gerrymandering across the country and the accumulation of consistent negative and regressive Republican antics the Democrats are holding their own. Recent state legislative laws and bans on abortion; gay rights and school curriculums to name a few have shown clearly what Republican controlled legislators and Congress would look like and voters are becoming alarmed. The Democrats need to focus on states like Ohio, Pennsylvania , Wisconsin, Michigan and Arizona where the constituency’s are not overwhelming Republican and with the right messages and candidates can win. The future is not going to be controlled by Texas or Florida if we focused on those states where voters have a more pragmatic view of the role of government and state rights. Remember that the media is focus on the Governor’s of Texas and Florida and their behaviors both of whom are running national campaigns but don’t represent the views of many voters of both parties.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

CORRECTION FROM MY LAST EMAIL, JUST SENT, regarding 4/18 edition. The quality started out sounding best ever and about a quarter way into the recording deteriorated badly and continued sounding bad. It sounds to me like you are varying your speaking distance from the mike. For most of the podcast I think you might have been too close to the mike, which made your voice sound too loud and muddled. I suggest that you playback your recording and you should be able to hear what your listeners hear. Thanks for your good work, Floyd Flanagan

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The audio started out good today but then it sounded as if you got too close to the microphone and put a paper in front of the microphone. It really was pretty awful. This new setup might work if you sit still and don’t move anything during recording, but I think your other setup is probably better. What it seems like in the other setting is that you move around or block your voice somehow with a paper or your hand. Because somehow the last part of a sentence I sometimes gets very soft. It feels to me like maybe the microphone is not in the right place, and maybe needs to be farther away and consistent. Maybe you are moving around or moving the microphone during recording?

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Mr. Hubbell, I play your excellent newsletter through a speaker every morning to listen to it, yet I have struggled to hear you. Today, you stated that you simply spoke into your iPad. FINALLY, I you were loud enough to hear without turning the volume on high (and still not loud enough). It worked, and I am grateful. Thank you.

And thank you for writing this insightful, well researched, and optimistic newsletter. I enjoy it and share it with friends. Most sincerely, Linda B. Parker

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Sound was fine today. A little louder than it usually is with your professional sound equipment. Thanks for the audio version it’s great for aural learners.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The sound quality and volume varied throughout today’s recording. Past recordings the quality is excellent. I do put my volume higher then needed for most things I listen to.

Thank you for your relentless efforts in providing your insides into the news. You have helped me a great deal.

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I, too, often have a problem with the audio volume. I set my computer speaker at 100% and can hear you, Robert, but just adequately. And then I have to remember to set the volume back to what it was.

I have been thinking about the contributions of Russians to world literature, drama, music, and ballet. I wonder if Russians today know how much the world admires and embraces their art.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Good morning everyone, Robert gave me the the go ahead to let you know about a virtual open house I am doing for Students for Justice lead by a political science professor and a data scientist. They are providing college students with paid internship opportunities to learn how to be politically active, organize and increase voting. Robert interviewed them. Amazing org.

Please come to the open house, Monday, May 2nd from 7:30-8:30 EST. You can rsvp to me, Angela Mazur in CT at ajm670engage@gmail.com. You will receive a peace rock in the mail hand painted by my nine year niece and me for coming and supporting our future defenders of democracy. Let us know you came from this forum. I will send you the zoom link a few days prior to the event. An hour is a very short amount of time to invest when democracy is at stake.

Spread the word to others, on Facebook, instagram, Twitter. Thank you and be well.

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