Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert -

Regarding your comment “defending democracy isn’t about entertaining you.”

Respectfully, I believe you should have sent it. It wasn’t snarky. It was appropriately harsh.

The usual (correct) internal action when one has a strong response to another should be to sit on it for 24 hours.... but anyone who is bored by a speech warning about the fundamental threat Trump and his apparatchiks represent to our democracy needs a wakeup shock.

You have permission to be passionate “out loud” as the occasion demands it.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

totally agree, except that i don't think it was harsh. and what a GREAT suggestion -- to actually listen to Trump's speeches before passing judgement on Biden's. After Trump, Biden's voice is music to the ears; his words are balm to the brain & heart.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

... and his light humor, his wry humor, twinkle in the eye, and nuanced voice, stern and louder at times, to make a point… It’s a study in itself, I would imagine. There’ve been various statements on occasion, examining the psychology of DJT, but I am imagining it an interesting read if a professional were to take on examining and analyzing the speaking style of Joe Biden, just for the sake of it. Mr. Hubbell makes regular reference to the compassion component. I won’t try to say more, but I completely agree with this reader and Rob Hubbell, that watching a spate of DJ T video, and then turning to same, video of Joe Biden speaking under a variety of circumstances… Night and day. Joe Biden‘s commitment to unity, to serving all of us Americans, and working for a strong democracy for us in the nation, and as a nation in the world... the two candidates are no way in the same league. The difference is stark, and the choice is clear. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for our democracy to be preserved and strengthened! Hear hear!

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I did not vote for Joe Biden because of his soaring oratory style. I voted for him because he is a decent person who is trying to help the average person make it in the world. He's trying to help the 99% have opportunities to be self sufficient. He's trying to keep the robber baron 1% from stealing the rest of us blind.

Donald Trump is mentally unstable. His only objective at this point is his own survival by any means necessary. Until he and his enablers are ALL charged, tried, and convicted, no one is safe. Here's looking at you, MAGA Mike.

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JennSH. I wish for more Joe Biden's in NC politics. Boring looks darn good right now.

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Yes! “I voted for him because he is a decent person who is trying to help the average person make it in the world.“ Also, his many years of experience give him context and a foundation upon which to base decisions, judgments, and actions… We may not agree with all of them, but I can’t imagine sitting where he sits, bicycling where he’s bicycling, doing what he does. Add to that a campaign trail? Give me a break! I sure would love to run into him someday in an ice cream shop. Imagine that! Such a real guy. Thank you for your fine comment!

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JennSH, you nailed it with the following. I’ve often thought that if the court cases ever bring DJT to the inside of a jail he would fall apart. Listening to him or reading his insanity these days is truly like reading a dystopian novel. The man and his closest allies are collectively deranged, lost in a psychopathic world of their own making. To wit, your observation is on point:

“Donald Trump is mentally unstable. His only objective at this point is his own survival by any means necessary. Until he and his enablers are ALL charged, tried, and convicted, no one is safe. Here's looking at you, MAGA Mike.”

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It's 'wry' humor, autocorrect can be so irritating. And you're right about the President.

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I thought maybe it was whole wheat.

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It was a little grainy either way.

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It's reasons like this that I call it AutoIncorrect.

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Thx! I did not catch that, guilty of overusing Siri, just fixed it.😊 On Substack we have the option to click a LIKE heart, but we need a few other emoticons to show our feelings, including chuckles. Lol.

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Indeed, but given the speed at which Substack responds to requests like that, I'll not hold my breath.

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I’m inclined to think that adding other emoticons would only embellish the circus atmosphere when, in fact, our reality dictates we not lose sight of the horror show knocking at our door.

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A minuscule matter… I’ll just keep adding my lol… Used to mean “little old lady from Pasadena”— just noticed you have your own newsletter. I’ll have to take a look.

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Hopefully people are watching.

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And soul. Thank you!

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Biden’s speech boring? Maybe to a preadolescent. To any adult of near-normal intelligence and education, it was heartfelt and inspiring. And it’s time for us rank-and-file Democrats to be pointing out, every day, that calling Trump deranged is not politics, but reality.

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Agree. And the speech was not boring.

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Yes, dear God, Biden speaking! It’s intelligent and normal conversation he offers.

I am so over the amplified nonsense we have been exposed to these past few years. How dare they indulge them selves in the kind of clowning around that has become the norm for ‘them’.

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How dare they???!!!

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To even have this much discussion of Biden’s speech as.... gives to idea way too much air.

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100% agree the response should have been sent! Geez, so sorry if reality doesn't measure up to latest Survivor show. Yeesh!

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President Biden will never be a fiery orator, but we must always remember that he is a man who has spent his lifetime overcoming a stutter. He speaks from his heart and with compassion and a fierce dedication to protecting our democracy.

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I agree. A person who thinks speeches should always be "entertaining" has become addicted to reality TV or to a world where everything must be seen through the lens of "sexy, glamorous, funny, titillating, exciting, etc." I pity such a shallow thinker. I pity a person who values his or her personal entertainment over truth. This is the fodder of the cult followers. How one of those happened into this space is a puzzle, but one would hope that this individual is at the very least learning SOMETHING here. Even if it is not "entertaining."

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Perhaps we can agree that someone who would even bother to write a letter indicating their boredom with President Biden’s speech does need a wake-up shock, and so I think a “snarky“ response is totally appropriate. I actually wish Robert would have pressed the send button on one of those responses.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

I have taken the liberty of posting a WaPO solicitation of Aaron Blake's new weekly a few minutes ago. If you scroll way down you will find it as well my somewhat heated response. His email is there also if any wish to follow up on their own. The more the better.

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I had so many thoughts as I read through today's Today's Edition. I'll just say this one's a combination of pure gold, silver, platinum, and whatever other mineral you want to throw into the pot!

I will say how much I love your final comment: "Defending democracy isn't about entertaining you." Thankfully, the "silent majority" agrees wholeheartedly!

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Beautifully stated as you reach for terms to describe the stellar quality of today’s essay. There are times when it’s almost as if RH is channeling from a force beyond. Tonight I found myself musing over Mr. Hubbell working in his career and then fast forward to now… Clearly there’s a deep foundation undergirding all he’s doing for his family and all of us now, but it’s still quite phenomenal. Thank you for your description here. Just perfect.

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Yes, indeed, Katherine; we are phenomenally lucky to have him!

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Yes, Robert's final paragraph is so beautifully written and exactly right. I always feel inspired when Robert writes like that!

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Agreed (and good morning!)

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Morning, Ally! So much going on, and we're not even close to electionday!

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Well, given that elections are held every four years, we’ve started the “bell lap” of our “mile run”. Thats the time when you utilize your best strategy; increase pace or hold off and kick hard, or kick hard the whole lap. Whatever best suits your style!

Me? I’ve been lapped already, so I will steadily finish the race, even if I have to push through the next flight.

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It is a marathon--so that fact that you are still running is a victory!

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For sure, Robert. I injected a WaPo solicitation that I also put on Tom's a bit ago and on Heather and Jessica's last week, along with my response. I hope it is worth a read and a followup email to the dimwit Aaron Blake at WaPo. Scroll way down.

You are so on the mark today, as always.

Ally will never give up also.

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I guess my lap is stretched out a bit, having just come off of Virginia's 2023 elections a couple months ago...but I'm right there with you for 2024, Ally!

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Stellar is right. But remember, the silent majority is neither. I just came in so the most relevent comment of mine is way down the line. You might understand my email response to this mindless WaPo "20 years of experiece" idiot. Please give him your mind also.

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Couldn't find your "relevant comment," though I looked hard for it!

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or those of you who want to follow up,I've taken the liberty of asking Robert's friends to follow up on the insipid WaPo weekly.


Aaron Blake By Aaron Blake


Americans are electing their next president. It’s a long road, but we’ve got just the guide to help you to navigate it.

The Campaign Moment is your occasional guide to the key, well, moments on the campaign. Publishing when news warrants, we’ll highlight the major developments that actually matter and then take you deeper, providing analysis, context and answers to the big questions. Sign up here.

I’m Aaron Blake, and I’ve been analyzing politics and campaigns for nearly 20 years – including a dozen at The Post. That experience helps me pick out when we’re truly having a moment, and my goal is to serve those moments up to you.

Here’s what you can expect:

The biggest news, broken down

Analysis of the polls that actually matter and tell us something significant

Historical context and anecdotes that inform and entertain

Links to the coverage that will make you smarter when you want to know even more

I want to hit the sweet spot between the political junkie and someone who’s more casually interested in where things stand in the 2024 race. But I think everyone with any level of interest in who our next president will be should find something for them in this newsletter.

Sign up here to get our newsletter starting Monday, Jan. 8.

My response:

Excuse me sir,

But why has it taken the Post so long to even mention the Fascist rhetoric, let alone the danger to our Constitution posed by Trump's backers and planners? This IS the NEWS, not partisanship.

This is THE number one issue of the 2024 election, because if Trump or a Republican wins, it will be our last election. They have told us clearly. Project 2025. Read it. Operation 47. Read it.

Only Trump loyalists in Civil Service and DOJ. Round us up. If someone says they are a Fascist, believe them. Your collective MSM silence is deafening.

Does this matter to you at all? I, and every loyal citizen of our Nation deserves a clear and honest answer from you and the WaPo management. This is not a horse race. What is at stake is all that matters, and our essential freedom and life itself is at stake, as well as your precious Freedom of the Press.

Do you understand?

This IS the Campaign Moment and the moment is NOW!!!

Ransom W. Rideout Jr.

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Bravo, Ransom!

I just sent a "thanks but no thanks" email to Aaron Blake.

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Yes, you must. His WaPO email is there. I also posted the insipid Ms. Lerer's "On Politics" NYT Snooze letter. No email, but might be the same format. <first.last@nyt.com> perhaps.

Thank you for following up. You might cut and paste the same with your response around also. It all might generate some pressure in numbers. I'm stretched thin trying to move my Mother-in-law from rehab to a care facility and a small shot at a time is all can work in. Tell all you know to follow up on this crap and kick butt. Stay warm in the storm hanging over the East.

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It was WAY down there,and another one of my posts is about NYT.

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We have to be more than angry. We have to lob hard rocks at soft heads. Try to find the NYT "On Politics" too. She needs a swift kick in the, as our dear Ronald Reagan said, "The Keester".

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The editorial in the NYT is in a class of its own. I encourage everyone to write to the NYT at <letters@nytimes.com> and thank them and encourage them to keep on this messaging constantly. This is what I submitted just now:

The Editorial Board deserves a monumental “Thank you!” for its decision to spell out in such overwhelming detail how uniquely dangerous Donald Trump is. There was no misguided nod to both-sides-ism here. This was the full-throated condemnation of Donald Trump that the facts demand. The actions Trump is openly pledging to carry out would create political and social disaster. Therefore, the Editorial Board needs to repeat this unvarnished message regularly, matching Donald Trump’s constant repetition of his lies and provocations to violence. The Editorial Board must also include in future condemnations that the country cannot afford four years of climate inaction. Trump would give the fossil fuel industry a free hand, and totally squander four years that are crucial to accelerate reductions in air pollution and carbon emissions, and create clean energy infrastructure across the nation. The horrendous results of a. complete standstill in climate action that a Trump presidency guarantees, are too horrific to imagine.

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Gary, Thanks for modeling good conduct for all of us!

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The people who need that message are the lumpen who read Murdoch, Hearst and similar papers.

How to get it to them?

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Most of those people you won't reach anyway. But there are many independents and unfortunately also Democrats who are unhappy over issues like migration or Israel/Gaza and who are seriously contemplating to hand the US to trump and his henchmen by sitting the next elections out or throwing their votes away to those narcissist, reckless third party candidates.

Those people can be reached by this editorial which has a very clear message:

"This is a time not to sit out but instead to re-engage. We appeal to Americans to set aside their political differences, grievances and party affiliations and to contemplate — as families, as parishes, as councils and clubs and as individuals — the real magnitude of the choice they will make in November."

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Two days ago I was at a "cocktail" event, and sat with a Republican local office holder who is defending her position against MAGA type republicans/Christian Nationalists, with the help of Democrats. She is quite clear about how these local people are lying and scamming voters in order to completely takeover our county government, and how dangerous that is.

But guess what? She loves Trump and does not see how what he has done is the same thing these people are trying to do here. She completely defends him and parrots the whataboutism and lies about Biden.

There was a fellow Democrat sitting at the table with me, expressing the mantra that "there are extremists on both sides", both equally responsible for the social divisions we are experiencing. When I pointed out that the "extremists" on the left are not proposing or pushing to overthrow our system of constitutional checks and balances and our democratic republic, they BOTH disagreed. They just did not see it. It was one of the most depressing discussions that I have had. I suspect this guy will support a No Labels candidate.

It is so important for us to carefully determine how to get Democrats back voting in 2024 for Biden, who think his age or his stance on the Israeli-Hamas War, or his inability to get done everything he campaigned on are reasons to stay home or vote third party.

The best I can figure is to set up in-person events that are fun and attractive to democrats, and focus on local elections, issues that will be on our ballot (like abortion rights or school board elections), and hope that people will come to the polls regardless and at least defend democracy locally and get people to the polls. Hopefully they will pull the lever for Biden when they get there.

We also need to have a way to change the narrative of those who are using the Israeli-Hamas War to engage in rhetoric that divides Democrats, and ultimately depresses Democratic support for Biden. I support putting pressure on Biden regarding his policies, but it should not get to the level that pushes people to advocate against his re-election. I have not been able to figure out how to do that, but in my opinion, it is really important to keep trying.

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Judy, I don’t think there is any rational way to reach “the bread of the sandwich” which I use do describe the two extreme sides of 100% pro-Israel (can do no wrong) and 100% pro-Hamas (perfectly justified response to Israel’s policies in Gaza). We can have some influence on the meat, cheese, and veggies on that sandwich, but there is no reason/rationality with the bread.

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Great way to frame it! Thank you. I am still going to try, however, now with your perspective.

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Humus and hot seeded mustard might help the bread.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

Let's just hope that "Where's the meat?" still makes a difference.

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Do they know that the Trump family charity stole from kids with cancer and disabled war veterans?

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They just don't care. It's amazing. I have Evangelical friends and to them he can do no wrong.

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Do they have pets?

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Judy, I am afraid what you witnessed is not anecdotal but reflects a very worrisome trend which might tip the scales in the coming elections.

Getting the votes out will be pivotal and, as you rightly state, it is on the local, the grassroots level where the difference will be made.

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I like the person who said the sandwich and bread and contents analysis. But here in Naples, I am using issues that directly affect Dem. voters to get them to the polls in Nov., and hope they vote in the Senate race. The Pres. race is lost here, but the strategy I am doing I am hoping people in swing states utilize.

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I recognize that I am a member of the choir to whom most commenters on this post are preaching. Do I think that ALL of the policies of the Biden administration are just right? No, I do not. HOWEVER, ONLY if Joe Biden is re-elected will there be a snowball's chance in hell of making ANYTHING better. If tRump is returned to office, the country will be only and always about him. No one will be safe!

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That is for sure and our only salvation Jenn.

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"Most of those people you won't reach anyway."

IMHO most of the population doesn't get the Times and play team sports. That's part of the reason they fall for demagogues.

I am a NYT subscriber. NYT has a reported readership of 9.41 million digital-only subscribers and 670,000 print subscribers as of 2023. https://wordsrated.com/newspaper-sales-statistics/

In 2020, there were 257,605,088 eligible voters but only 159,690,457 showed up. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/ We have the potential to swamp the Republicans if Gen Z, now 40 % of the electorate get motivated to vote. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

There is a window of opportunity to pick up support if, say WSJ or Fox readers had this info. WSJ has more readers than NYT. I wonder whether they'd print it if it were offered as an op ed? Or as a paid ad?

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I want to share something that happened yesterday on a newsletter published by Jay Kuo, an attorney who writes from a legal perspective about the Trump trials and other legal aspects of the Supreme Court cases related to Trump, etc. Plus, he writes about other issues, but always from a legal perspective. A deeply conservative man, whose profile reads “I love God America, women, guns, and beer,” came on the site indicating that he wanted some perspective on what to do because he despised Donald Trump so much. He was not aggressive and he definitely was not a troll. He said he was going to have to sit this one out unless Nikki Haley won the primary. I gave him a thoughtful response about voting for Joe Biden under any circumstances, and he engaged with me politely, and then others piled on, and we had a polite, long thread discussing what’s at hand in this election. He apparently wasn’t aware of Project 2025 and Haley‘s commitment to pardon Trump, and a few other things that alarmed him. I literally think we convinced this man to vote for Joe Biden. There is always hope with someone who has not been completely sucked into the cult. There are probably many more people like this, possibly more than we realize, who have lifelong Republican values and conservative ideals, but who find Trump repulsive. By the end of this long thread, this person was even able to admit that Biden did a great job with the economy. I think that some people, like my late father, have been voting Republican for so long that they just can’t push the button for anybody else. But Trump has created an issue for these people because they really do love this country and they see him as a viscerally disgusting human being. These are the people who can be reached.

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Goid Lord! The man hadn’t heard of Project 2025?? Where is he hiding his head? Look, it’s wonderful you engaged in polite dialogue with him. I just hope he and the others heed your suggestions about Biden.

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Marlene, this has to be the most sane conversation I’ve ever had with a former Trump voter who saw the light. There are more of them out there; we have to engage with these people when we find them. It’s like he literally came onto that site, knowing it was all liberals, to get help. I’m not exaggerating.

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My best guess is that this is a man who voted for Trump probably both times; then he witnessed January 6 and everything that has happened since then, and became entirely disgusted with it all. It’s just a hypothesis, but he never mentioned voting for Biden before, and he was talking about doing it this time due to his “extreme disgust” with Donald Trump.

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Janet, you have been one that I've interacted with and admired on several Substacks that gives me hope that there are many others whose clear headed writing will get through to ones who need it. Keep at it and keep us updated. I posted a WaPO solicitation and my response to it a bit ago, as well as on Heather and Jessica Craven's last week, in the hope that others will see the danger in such mindless political comentary and hit back with their own take on it. If you scrool way down you will find it. I don't think I was too harsh, but dead serious. Stay warm up there.

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Thanks Ransom, it’s absolutely freezing here and some of the roads are a sheet of ice. I just got back from a medical procedure and I’m really exhausted so I can’t write much, but I appreciate your response. I know there are people who voted for Trump who are disgusted with him. It probably took the January 6 events, and everything that came afterwards for them to see the light. There are also people who are sucked into the cult and are not reachable. I don’t bother with those people. But this man was different and I’m sure there are more like him. Have a good week. ✌️

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

You too my friend. As Joyce says, we are all in this together.

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My take is that editorial boards in numerous outlets are aware of what the Times is doing, and this may have a marginal but important impact in expressing permission to them to set aside both-sides-ism in their editorials. Some of these other papers have readers who are independent, or who are Democrats who still, surprisingly, do not have a handle on the level of pathology that Trump represents. It may level the playing field somewhat - and every marginal effect is important, given that the group you refer to whose identities are now wrapped up in Trumpism are unlikely to be reached in a way to alter their vote, regardless. I agree with you that getting messaging across the polarization gap is exceedingly difficult. I don't know if you have looked at foxnews.com recently, but it has gone full tabloid - it's pure sensationalism and trolling propaganda - if that is where a person gets what they consider as "news", they aren't really getting any. The Decoding Fox News blog makes this point very well every week. So, no, the NYT editorial won't reach them directly, but remember six degrees of separation - there's always a way.

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During 2020 the DNC bought advertising on Murdoch properties.

I have been writing about this elsewhere, if I were the NYT I would want the most exposure possible:

1. They could, with a little PR make this article become news. "NYT goes full TDS!"

2. They could make it a loss leader and offer it FREE to any paper. Consider that the readers of those local papers are prospective Times subscribers.

3. They can run ads.

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One more thing, David. I just reviewed the current Fox News home page, which changed while I was reviewing it. There are 9 mentions of Trump. None of them are favorable about him. Several of them are repeated twice, so there are not even a full 9. The first one mentions that the Jeffrey Epstein documents mention Trump and Clinton - and it has a photo of Trump with Bill Clinton - putting Trump and Bill Clinton together as Epstein buddies is a not-so-subtle major dis to Trump. No one benefits from being linked to Jeffrey Epstein. The next one is critical of Pelosi for allegedly dodging a question about getting Trump off state ballots, so that headline is really about her. That is near the top, also. All the rest are way down the page and are smaller. The next one is about Letitia James increasing the demand for damages, so the story is more about giving her a hard time. All it does is quote Trump's attorney's spin about James. The next mention is that Trump "could win Iowa but voters' second choice is absolutely critical." That has a photo of DeSantis and Haley, not Trump. If Trump were perfect, why would second place matter, much less be "absolutely critical"? You get the picture. Murdoch is not campaigning for Trump at all, but he is being careful not to be explicit enough to lose readers - he provides plenty of other snarky stuff to keep them angry and resentful. My point is that Fox readers are not getting pushed in the direction of Trump, at least not right now.

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I do and don’t agree with Daniel Solomon’s acid comment(s):

• “Agree”:

Only a minority of potential voters read the Times. Liberals/progressives are apt to overestimate its nationwide influence.

• “Don’t agree:

The minority of Times readers, and Times indirect influence does have extra “pull” because of its oracular reputation. Excerpts from the editorial could move some middle-of-the-road voters.

Referring to people with whom one disagrees as “lumpen” is not designed to win agreement. Remember Hillary Clinton’s alienating “deplorables” remark, which might have cost her the Presidential election.

Biden and “professional” Democratic forces may be able to excerpt parts of Biden’s speech for advertisements. Some of his team have Hollywood and advertising experience; others will sign on. I’d like to see use of the part of Biden’s State of the Union Speech, where he parried with House MAGA Republicans.

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Good point we are critical of them sometimes but we need to also praise them also.

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Thank you for this info - I just wrote them (less eloquently than you, but I made the point).

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Thank you for the NYT link. This is the very first letter to the editor that I’ve written. I just may cry. Here’s to our democracy one step at a time.

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Hi again Gary. As always you take the time to lob a clear one. If you missed mine that I shared on Heather's Letter last week, I put in on Robert's a bit ago and you can scroll down to it. My response to Aaron Blake at WaPo was a bit heated.

Keep the good stuff rockin.

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Yes! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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I had referred people to Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny” just yesterday on another Substack writer’s page. He makes sense about how to approach those who may have different views. Look, Letitia James is going after Trump, Weisselburg, and his two sons very heavily now. Initially she said they all may owe $250 million. Well, today she said she’s seeking $370 million! Guess she has the “goods” on The Don and Company. I love it!

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One wonders who will want to push Trump off his 25th story balcony more, his children who will lose about half a billion of their inheritance because their goofy father committed all kinds of financial crimes then became a public political figure where the crimes would also become public or the Republican establishment after they get hammered in the Senate and House and lose the Presidential election by 400 EC votes. I suspect the line of pushers will be loud and energized.

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Ahem…his kids are hardly examples of exemplary children! But let me be one of the first in line to offer a heave-ho!

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, I smiled when I read about your 60 day toddler-induced illnesses! Many of us have been there.

I, too, sense a change in tone on the part of some media. My DALLAS MORNING NEWS published a silly article yesterday by two local Republican leaders pushing No Labels, under the premise of both Biden and Trump being utter disasters. How stupid a statement is that. My letter:

I agree with Mr. Leppert and Mr. Boston that most voters want younger presidents, but Biden and Trump are not both threats to our nation. A “Valley of Death” scenario under a Biden re-election is absurd--in the last three years the pandemic has receded, US economic recovery is the strongest of G7 countries, the job market strongest in decades, stock market at a record high, and international alliances are recovering from the prior administration’s wrecking ball. Biden has shepherded bipartisan cooperation with the American Rescue Plan, a bipartisan infrastructure bill, a gun-safety bill, and The CHIPS and Science Act.

Yes, voters want a president with fewer years and a strong moral compass. Neither Trump or Biden has the first; Biden has the second. Voters also want a healthy, prosperous nation, led by a president committed to democracy, rule of law, equal rights, and justice for all. Both parties need to develop and offer more ideal candidates, and perhaps third parties will have a role in the future. But 2024 offers a binary choice between two individuals with starkly opposite views of and stated plans for our nation. This is not the year to include a third party solution.

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Thanks, Cathy, for including your excellent letter for other readers to use as a template!

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She's my temple (and so are you Robert)Thanks from Susan!

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Let me just say to Robert: Petri Dish much!? Oh the challenges of toddler-induced Illnesses! I can’t pass the opportunity to opine on this one! I recently got through a week with my grandson with no illness- cue the trumpets!

After I got terribly sick from grandson after each of the previous four visits, this time- prior to my arrival, the big and little kids were taking boatloads of Vit C and Zinc. Yay!

Wow; last year I had the lingering illness from Xmas to September. But the littles are so cute, even while they are sneezing up your nose they are cute. Especially when little man says “…this is my Nana, she is my best friend”! My DIL gives me the face when he says that, I tell her it’s just that I’m fresh meat- he’d get sick of me if I was here laying down the law. Haahhahaha love it.

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Ha! It's great being a grandparent, right?

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Excellent response! Thank you for taking the time to write and send it.

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This is excellent, Cathy. Thanks for sharing.

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You are a great writer! I am inspired!

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

on being bored: my kids would come to me and say, Im bored. and I would say, good. boredom is good. that's where creativity comes from. go make something.

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

But seriously, adults bored by Biden. Hmmmm what do adults think the president is doing? Is he auditioning for SNL or what? He is the leader of the business of the United States of America. When the leader of ATT or Verizon or another huge corporation gives a speech or report, you don’t see them doing freaking jokes and cartwheels. The are imparting important information. Period. I’ll say it for the second time today: they GOP actors have indulged themselves in antics and bad behavior and opened their trap one too many times- Have we become used to that as normal? Plz say no! OK to be fair Obama spoiled us- he was so good at talking to people en mass that it is noticeable when someone else doesn’t ‘have it’. But just the freakin facts are good enough for me. K.I.S.S. Principle please.

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Exactly Kelly. When Robert mentioned that the reader said they were "bored" with Biden's speech, I could only think of their comment as being childish. If they really felt that way, why can't they say that to all of us in the comments?

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This is the danger in adults being bored and expecting excitement. With four independents running, and several world leaders behaving like children, there are little fires that become big fires unless they are recognized.

They plan in private, not in public.

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That is not to say it is childish in sophistication. Planning is just for a different end.

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Love it. My son came to me one weekend “I’m Bored”. I got out the markers and together we made a mom official Certificate of Boredom… still have that in a box somewhere. I should send it to him for his son (whose shares my sons name)!

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Smart mom!

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

So very relieved that you & Jill and your family are on the mend. And many thanks for continuing to publish Today’s Edition through it all! Here, in RI, our family is finally all healthy again.

It is unfathomable to me that anyone could not listen, in earnest, to Biden’s message and not find It honest, clear, passionate and inspiring. Apparently they have been propagandized by msm that Biden is too old & boring. Republican’s can’t say Biden is too old & unfit for the office of the president and then, out of the other side of their mouths, basically criticize him for being in charge of running the DOJ, the Special Counsels office and a mastermind of high crimes & misdemeanors.

And, finally, the President’s speech very strategically, eloquently and brilliantly totally destroys Trump and his supporters.

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Biden's speech made me proud to be a patriotic American. His passion for our democracy made me proud to be a Democrat. Some have said it was his best speech.

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I thought it was his best speech. It hit all the notes; it was factual, informative, empathetic, and honest.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

Both of your answers to the reader, who thought Biden's speech was boring, are excellent. The second answer is brilliant.

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That is the kind of homework that all doubters need to do.

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Want excitement? Wear a Biden shirt grocery shopping.

Seriously, it’s a bit of a rush to put yourself out there even when “nothing” happens. I envision the quiet majority of Biden supporters feeling more at ease. I imagine the Trump supporters stunned that people think differently than they do. Perhaps that reality will sink in if they become SURROUNDED by Biden Shirt Grocery Shoppers.

Those who truly believe the election was stolen from Trump have that story re-enforced by their media choices and by the LACK of visible Biden flags, hats, bumper stickers, etc.

My hope is that my shirt-wearing will spawn some contagious enthusiasm and that my fellow readers will follow suit. Or, follow shirt. 👕

I bought my shirt at Etsy’s Beantown Strong. Google it and join me the next time you need eggs and/or Democracy.

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I envision a t-shirt with just the signature glasses, maybe one of those prints that change color in sunlight.

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I’m thinking about “Vote” or “Vote Blue” with the “O” having aviator shades.

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, you touched on and gave insightful responses to so many important topics today! I hear you and commiserate about the lengthy health struggles that go hand-in-hand with being a caretaker grandparent to preschoolers, especially after 70.

I want to highlight the effective organization, spirit and work being done by Team 6. Although they have many ways to engage, the one that works for me is their texting program. Once you figure out the procedures, it's super-simple to send out about 100 texts (20 min) each day (you usually can't do more than that and I get only 1-2 STOPS per day) to provide motivation and a link for Democrat voter registration. I'm committed to doing this everyday, at least until the election. That's reaching at least 30,000 potential new voters! Multiply that by thousands of volunteers...the impact on our democracy will be huge!

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Field Team 6 is a GREAT organization--and thanks for doing your part by texting!

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The New York Times speaks out of both sides of its mouth. The editorial is strong, but nearly every day there is a photograph of Trump on the homepage of the paper, and very few of Joe Biden. And while i personally find Trump unattractive, his photos are looking more and more Presidential, while the few photos of Joe Biden are not. That is not President Biden's fault -- it is an editorial decision. The photo a few days ago of Biden with Netanyahu was particularly disturbing. If it weren't for the bombing and devastation in Gaza I would still feel hopeful, but I live in a college town, and I can tell you that young people are appalled at the US support for what many see as ethnic cleansing and war crimes in Gaza. Obviously, Trump would be worse, but loss of enthusiasm for Biden because of Israel will translate into people not coming out to help and just staying home on election day.

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“We are the Majority”… I almost blurted this out to my hubs this morning. But:

What happened. I worried that he will become complacent – again. His line is “…we live in Vermont, they always vote blue”.

Why it matters. We are the majority but we can’t forget that if people don’t vote then it won’t matter.

We must impart:

No excuses, no explanations just get out there and vote.

Our country is still at risk.

We can’t rely on everyone else to vote blue.

For those Republicans who are not voting for trump, they have to know that the state level is just as important right now: We have to get the congress out of the control of GOP - they too are responsible for the threats to our country.

Likely outcome. We, the majority, flip to blue., kick trumps butt, take back our country and build back better our democracy.

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And guard against complacency again.

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Well! What to say to start the day?

Trump is giving yet another display?

Shall we engage and join his fray?

Or shall we turn ourselves away?

That is so often the case

When we encounter such disgrace.

It's normal to react with righteous disdain,

But that won't halt his hateful refrain.

"Make America Great Again?"

The words, the slogan from this hateful man?

Biden's speech may have droned on for some,

But his words ring true and he's not alone.

So, take heart and stand for the lasting truth,

Trump may be entertaining, ever uncouth,

But Joe and Kamala have a record that's real,

And that, my friends, is something Trump can't steal.

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Jan 8Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The NYT editorial should be printed on the front page every day (or at least once a week) until Election Day. But unfortunately those who most need to read and hear this message won’t read it and don’t care.

And, the NYT could do more. They omitted any reference to his rejection of climate change. There is nothing in there about his nomination of inexperienced and incompetent judges to the district and circuit courts, and nothing about the possibility that he would get to nominate one or even more Supreme Court Justices. There wasn’t anything specific about abortion and about women being unable to get necessary health care during pregnancy. Nothing specific about LGBTQ+ issues. And he is still talking about repealing and replacing Obamacare!

Speaking of healthcare . . . Glad you and your family are feeling better. There is a lot going around, including Covid. So many people I know have had it in the last few weeks.

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I’m happy that you and your wife are on the mend, Robert. We need your voice of hope and reason!

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