Mar 6Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Before it gets too late, and this is on subject, I sent this to <editorial@nytimes.com> when I sent them the intro to Lucien Truscott's piece earlier today. You all might understand :

to: editorial@nytimes.com

Dear Experts,

As a long time paying subscriber, I demand a truthful and unbiased publication of issues that impact our nation, from "The Newspaper of Record".

Your current publication of "news" is a disgrace. The evidence of such is well presented by our esteemed Lucien Trusctt IV in the attached excerpt below. It must be required reading by ALL on your editorial staff. With so many of your subscribers bailing on you, you might reconsider your overt bias.


Ransom W. Rideout Jr.

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Mar 6Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Hopefully the NYT and other news media will reconsider and reduce (or remove entirely!) their obvious bias in their coverage of President Biden, based on what might be the best part of your newsletter tonight:

"Here's the point: When you have voices like CNN, Elliot Kirschner, and Lucian Truscott beating the drum about the bias at the Times, other media outlets will notice and pursue the story. That’s good because it may change the unfair coverage of Biden.

But here’s the real point: This story has legs because of you. You raised your voices, wrote to the Times, posted on social media, and republished and shared this newsletter (and others like Lucian Truscott’s and Simon Rosenberg’s). Keep it up! You are making a difference!"

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Mar 6Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Another great newsletter- thank you, Robert!

Here's what I sent the NYTimes today:

To the Editors at NYTimes: 

You are serving your readers a very biased version of what you've decided is "news", and in the process violating a cardinal rule of Journalism 101: you are not in the business of creating news, you are in the business of reporting it.   

The "poll" you created and then placed on your front page for 3 days is not news; it is something you developed and then magnified as front page news while ignoring both the significant work and leadership President Biden is accomplishing and the deranged ramblings of the insurrectionist GOP candidate. Your ceaseless fixation on Joe Biden's age - which has not in any way affected his ability to be the most productive, bi-partisan, hard-working and effective president in the past century - and your bias towards a criminal and traitor whose personal, business and political corruption is blatantly obvious to anyone looking at the facts, has distorted the "news" you publish, and reduced your once-respected paper to laughingstock among serious, thoughtful and honest people here and abroad.  

Polls are meaningless when they constitute surface framing without context; they are just "spin" which hides the truth, deceives people and manipulates public opinion. You should be better than that - professionally, ethically, and on principle.  

Is there a hidden agenda we don't (yet) know about? Are your professionals incapable of parsing the facts that one candidate represents responsibility, experience, real political skills, authenticity, ethics, principled leadership, justice, compassion, good will, and a commitment to govern fairly for all Americans, while the other represents dishonesty, self-serving corruption, cronyism, ignorance, lies, vengeance, a lust for unrestricted power, and an openly-stated intention to replace democracy with dictatorship?   

You have lost the trust of many of your once-loyal readers like me (since 1966). Take a long, hard look at what you are trading away for a few shiny trinkets of click-bait. 


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I am guessing that the reason Biden performed worse than Obama in Vermont, is that a lot of people who will vote Democrat in the General election voted Republican for Nikki Haley. Biden is the man. If he can't do it, no one can! Save our nation and our planet from the destruction that Treacherous-treasonous-traitor-Trump wreaks on everything and everyone. A vote for T-T-T-T is a vote for Putin and his allies. A vote for T-T-T-T ensures that whatever natural resources we have will be sold to the Saudi's so that he can line T-T-T-T's pockets while the rest of us suffer.

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So A. G. Sulzgerger, who is in his position as publisher of the New York Times solely as a result of his genes, is now doubling down on his imitation of Fox news -- whatever gives me clicks and views -- to salve his wounded ego after being challenged. End of Gray Lady if their subscrbers exercise their "votes" and unsubscribe. With a reduction in income from subscribers, their greater problem is with what they can charge advertisers for lower reach. A citadel crumbling as a result of ego.

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Mar 6·edited Mar 6Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Three random thoughts this morning: (1) thanks to the efforts of my friends in Tennessee, Jan and Marcy for getting Blue Tennessee off the ground, (2) will the insufferable Dean Phillips finally end his campaign, (3) Heather’s Herd has already registered in the Grassroots Directory.

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"The Times has learned nothing from its history of giving Trump an assist in winning the 2016 election by obsessing over a non-story." They actually learned a lot, not much of it worthy of a news organization, but very valuable to a pulp publisher that is only in it for the money. The primary lesson is that controversy sells and if there is no controversy, creating some will sell papers and generate coverage.

On a related topic, Dan Rather, in his Substack post Steady, wrote on this topic yesterday too. The word, as you point out, is spreading.

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Glad to see you call out the NYT. I canceled my subscription in protest of their biased reporting. I hope others will do the same.

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Mar 6Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert:A strong Super Tuesday for Biden

NYT:Democrats bruised Biden-again

Taylor Swift(to 282 mill on Instagram): “I wanted to remind you guys to vote the people who most represent YOU into power,” .“If you haven’t already, make a plan to vote today.”💃

Faux News:🤯🤯🤯🤯

Thanks, Robert for helping to keep me sane!


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Mar 6·edited Mar 6Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

A headline that made me happy this morning in Vermont: "Nikki Haley wins Vermont, the first state to spurn Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary. President Joe Biden easily prevailed in the state’s Democratic primary." NYT should have lead with that article!

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Tomorrow Joe Biden will tell us the State of the Nation. Biden’s message should be simple and clear. Democratic policies have been successful and are supported by a vast majority of the American people. America is stronger today.

Americans are better off now.

The corrupt Trump Supreme Court has taken away rights from Americans that Democrats will restore.

The Republican Party is run by a wannabee dictator who’s a dangerous unfit rapist.

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What's especially maddening about these polls is how all of them purport to be accurate with "margins of error" in low single digits. Nevertheless, different polls asking essentially the same question have wildly different results.

For example, the following are two excerpts from this morning's (March 5) Washington Monthly newsletter:

1). "When the NYT pollsters asked "how would you rate economic conditions today," 51 percent said "poor." Only 26 percent said "excellent" or "good."

2) "For example, in a Wall Street Journal poll released this weekend, 38 percent said the economy was either "excellent" or "good."

---Okay, so is it 26% or 38% who think the economy is excellent/good?


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Some hopeful news from Texas. US Congressman Collin Allred easily won his US Senate Democratic primary without a run off. Pay attention to him.

He won his current position by beating a 20 year Republican congressman in the Dallas area.

He is an attorney who practiced civil rights law. He played football at Baylor and in the NFL. He comes across as calm, smart, likable and humbly sure of himself. If he can beat Ted Cruz, he could be the next Democratic candidate for President. I just sent him the maximum individual contribution amount, the first time I have ever done that. Collin Allred. Pay attention to this fellow.

Eliot Tucker

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I’m not going to invest a lot of energy and time in analyzing the Super Tuesday results and meaning. The reality people will see what they want to see and believe what is convenient for them. What I do know is I am hearing more voices from Republicans who voted for Nikki Haley and will not vote for Trump. I’m not a political analysis but it feels like the support for Trump among Republicans is slowly eroding away and Trump will never be any better than he is right now while Biden has the opportunity to deliver more for the American people. The election will still be close and a fight till the end but we have dedicated believers and workers like you and we need to continue to work and deliver results in November. We are in this together.

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Night before last, the NYT had an article about Biden

that was open to readers

comments. Wow! When I

posted mine and it was

accepted, there were close

to 3 thousand comments

castigating NYT for their

biased coverage of "one of

the best Presidents we've had in 50 years". 😁

Keep writing those letters

and leaving those comments.

Take it to them every step of

the way.

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A couple of days ago I submitted a comment to NYT that was only a critical analysis of how they cover politics. It finished with, “Editors, heal thyselves.” To my surprise, it was published. A straw in the wind, but perhaps things are changing there.

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